View Full Version : mudflap regs question

06-29-2010, 01:10 AM
:dunno: Google's just not giving me answers...

Got the flatdeck done - except for the mudflaps; Wondering if there's a minimum/maximum distance between the rear wheels and the mudflaps? Wondering if I could put em behind my exhaust or all the way back to the rear bumper. Preferably without getting hassled by CPS/BC RCMP :)

(if you're wondering - I got em to go LOW - would like to avoid driving over them when offroading)

All I can really find is that they're required to cover to the C/L of the axle, and some silly bumper height stuff thats in the same section...

06-29-2010, 06:57 AM
I've never heard of a regulation about how far from the wheels they have to be.
However, some people put a chain on them so they can't be dragged under your tires when reversing.

06-29-2010, 11:05 AM
Yeah, going to use wire rope actually for that purpose, but sh*t still happens :)

Think I'm going to mount em roughly where the old bumper was - see enough trucks hauling 5th wheels etc with a skirt back there, figure it should be good enough? it's about 30" behind axle centerline - spent a good hour reading throught the traffic act, and it's bloody confusing, hell they can't even seem to decide whether they're mudguards, mudflaps, skirts, etc...

06-29-2010, 10:41 PM
We run them about 24" behind the rear tires on our flatdeck, even behind the exhaust. There is no specific regulation IIRC, except that it just has to have a set. I think the minimum length on commercial applications is 18" long. But I've never seen anyone ever measure.

People hauling 5th wheels have the skirt to protect their trailer. Its not required.

06-29-2010, 11:47 PM
Got'r done - but going to have to make something to keep them from flapping like mad... On the highway coming back with the camper tonight - saw them flapping in the breeze pretty good...

06-29-2010, 11:57 PM
Theres rods you can get that hold the mudflaps in place at speed. I just call them mud-flap hangers, not sure what they are accually called. They are just rod shaped like a U (only squared)

Anything flat and relatively stationary works too. I've seen guys run flat bar behind them, or angle.

06-30-2010, 07:43 AM
Mud flaps are required on all trucks. They have to come down to the centre of the axle, and must be the width of the tire.