View Full Version : Dealing with a Lien

07-07-2010, 05:37 AM
I bought a car over the weekend, it came from a private lot. I did a CarProof and nothing came up negative about the vehicle, the Lien report wouldn't come in for a few days but doing the impulsive thing I decided to buy it anyway, I know I fucked up, feel free to call me stupid.

What I need to know is, whats the dealio here? It is a Criminal Offence for a registered dealer to sell a car with a lien if I am correct? Where do I start on figuring this out? I am suspecting it is a lien for collateral and that this is just a simple issue.

I just need to know where to start here, I don't want to call the bank and have the repo men at my door the next day and I don't want this to turn out a scam and alert the con and have him disappear.

I'll give some more information on the dealers etc etc depending on how this situation works out.

Here is the information from the CarProof.


I blanked out personal information of the debtor, because I want to make sure the severity of the situation before I let this become a personal thing.

And yes I got the Bill of Sale signed with a big ol' this car is guaranteed free of lien(s) and any encumbrance, signed by the dealer, me and a friend.

07-07-2010, 08:55 AM
Go back to the dealer and have them contact the lien holder to discharge the lien on the vehicle. If they checked off on the BOS that it is free of liens and it is not, it is their responsibility to deal with it, as it's misrepresentation.

Likely, it will just be an oversight. Often, bank loans are paid out upon the sale/trade of a vehicle and the lien isn't discharged. If this is the case, it'll be super simple to have done.

07-07-2010, 08:57 AM
To give you an example, I purchased a used SUV for my wife a couple weeks ago, and the seller searched and found a lien from BMO against it.

As he purchased the vehicle at auction (it came from Shaganappi GM), he found it unusual that there would be a lien, so upon calling BMO, they determined it was not a legitimate lien and had it discharged right away. Problem solved.

07-07-2010, 06:49 PM
Yah that is what I figure is the current situation, thank you, I'll be calling around tomorrow morning and hopefully have this resolved.

07-07-2010, 07:14 PM
Don't worry too much right now. A lot of times, the bank will be slow to discharge a lien. I've had it happen to me, but a quick call to the bank clears it all up.

If that doesn't work, then you might have to see what the dealer/AMVIC can do. The problem is that the buyer has the onus to investigate the title, but the rules might be different for a dealership.

07-07-2010, 07:53 PM
Yah I decided I would just cut straight to the chase and call the Bank, they can't know where I live without me telling them directly anyway.

The banker said it is likely a mistake and to send the Lien information I got from him by fax and he would investigate the situation and release the lien if it is there and still on by mistake.

07-08-2010, 09:53 AM
I called 1st Calgary and they removed the Lien, the loan from the previous owner was paid just never removed by the bank. :clap: