View Full Version : Losers who leave their pets locked in their cars on a hot day

07-08-2010, 09:57 AM
I've lost count over how many times I've seen a car or truck in a mall parking lot with at least 1 dog in it and the windows only rolled down 1 inch.

It happened again yesterday at southcentre. I went to security and by the time they got out there the car had gone.

What do you guys do when you see something like this? I was thinking of printing some business card size notes and leaving them on the windshield telling them that next time they'll come back to a broken window, but chances are they'll throw it away and keep doing what they're doing.

07-08-2010, 10:00 AM
I would just call animal services or the authorities and have them come so they can break the windows of the car. Most likely even if you leave them a note, it won't affect them or deter them from doing it next time.

07-08-2010, 10:02 AM
i dont undrstand the people at south center. i saw a dog panting his ass off in a rav 4 2 weeks ago when i went. I stood there , called, and waited for the proper authorities to come and let them deal with it. Dog was fine but drank SO much water after.

fnuny u mention it though


i did not enjoy reading that today.

07-08-2010, 10:03 AM
smash the window and u get a free puppy!

07-08-2010, 10:05 AM
Does animal services have the authority to use someone's license plate to follow up and take action?

Police won't show up for something like this, right?

07-08-2010, 10:08 AM
I dunno, I do the same thing once in awhile. I wouldn't leave my dog for more than a 1/2 hour, and wouldn't do it if it were 30+ out, that's for sure, but there's nothing wrong with leaving him for a few minutes while running into the store.

Who's to say the situation wasn't the same for your spot yesterday?

edit: I should add though, that my cars fully tinted, and I have a windshield reflector on hot days though.

07-08-2010, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by T-Dubbs
smash the window and u get a free puppy!


2 for the price of 1!

1) Puppy saver hero badge
2) New puppy!

07-08-2010, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by TimG

It happened again yesterday at southcentre. I went to security and by the time they got out there the car had gone.

I think someone was spending quality time with their dog, and needed to stop in to grab something quickly at the mall, and then they left. You said yourself they were gone by the time you told on them.

I leave the dog in the car anytime I need to run inside somewhere quickly. It's not a big deal. If you came out 2 hours later, then yeah that sucks. But it doesn't sound like the case. Besides, I bet that dog was a lot happier going for a car ride then staying at home by itself.

07-08-2010, 10:33 AM
I know it sounds hard to believe, but I'm pretty sure that the public has a right to smash out the window in order to save the dog in distress if the owner is being negligent.

Just food for thought...

07-08-2010, 10:35 AM
so it's ok to do it if it's only for a few minutes.. until someone does it for a few hours and the dog dies, and then people start screaming "why didn't anybody do anything??"

For all I know, that car could have been there for several hours already. The engine didn't seem warm to me, so the car had to have been there for a while.

07-08-2010, 10:37 AM
this is no worse than morons who leave their dogs in thier backyard in the rain or in the cold with no food.

How about we treat the idiot owners like this and see how they feel.

07-08-2010, 10:41 AM
You guys are tools. Smashing windows to save a dog. I'm a dog lover but they are still considered personal property. It would be like breaking into someones car. Not to mention the shattering glass might hurt the dog more than being in the heat for 10 minutes.

Another thing to keep in mind as mentioned, you dont know how long the dog has been in there. I never leave my dog long in my car, but I do take him with me a lot. When I leave him alone, its only for a few minutes so I leave the windows only cracked or else everyone that walks by will pet him because he sticks his head out the window if he can.

A hero like some of you would assume he's in distress but in reality I've gone to buy some cold water for both of us returning from a park or something.

07-08-2010, 10:50 AM
Hrmmm I thought I could find it on YouTube but aparantly not.. a few years back the RSPCA (in Australia) ran an advertising campaign explaining how the interior of a car can get to 85 degree's in under 15 minutes on a 35+ day. Which is enough to cook a dogs/cats/babies brain and kill it.

I'm sure you can call in animal control and they can level charges. Leaving a pet (or child) to cook to death in a car is just as criminal as starvation or beating.

07-08-2010, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by 5hift
You guys are tools. Smashing windows to save a dog. I'm a dog lover but they are still considered personal property. It would be like breaking into someones car. Not to mention the shattering glass might hurt the dog more than being in the heat for 10 minutes.

Another thing to keep in mind as mentioned, you dont know how long the dog has been in there. I never leave my dog long in my car, but I do take him with me a lot. When I leave him alone, its only for a few minutes so I leave the windows only cracked or else everyone that walks by will pet him because he sticks his head out the window if he can.

A hero like some of you would assume he's in distress but in reality I've gone to buy some cold water for both of us returning from a park or something.

I'm actually not a dog lover but I sort of disagree.
While they are your property, they are also your responsibility.

I don't really pay attention to dogs locked in hot cars, but I don't think there is anything wrong with saving the dog.

Yes, it is property damage and if you break the window you would be responsible to fix the window, but if the dog is really in trouble you have to make that decision.
So while it is property damage and you would be responsible to fix the damage, you have to decide if there is not enough time to wait for a tow truck to unlock the car.

It's not 'right' to damage someones property whether there is a suffering dog inside or not, but I cannot blame someone for doing it, and I would never tell them not to, but you have to repair the damages.

-This has nothing to do with the current laws, courts etc, this is just what I believe is the most correct approach to dealing with tough decisions like this.
It's all personal opinion but I think it is pretty logical and consistent.

07-08-2010, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by TimG
I've lost count over how many times I've seen a car or truck in a mall parking lot with at least 1 dog in it and the windows only rolled down 1 inch.

It happened again yesterday at southcentre. I went to security and by the time they got out there the car had gone.

What do you guys do when you see something like this? I was thinking of printing some business card size notes and leaving them on the windshield telling them that next time they'll come back to a broken window, but chances are they'll throw it away and keep doing what they're doing.

never mind the dogs, there are people leaving their kids...........

besides lots of dog owners put their pet before people and even their old children!!

07-08-2010, 11:19 AM
If we could bring our dogs into the mall, problem solved. Too bad there are so many poorly trained dogs in this city that this will never be a reality.

07-08-2010, 11:20 AM
I leave my dog in the car all the time. No longer than 30 min tho. I also always have all 4 windows open at least halfway (just enough for the dumbass not to jump out haha) and the sunroof wide open. If its especially hot, i even leave a bowl of water in there. I keep a foldable one in the trunk along with some water at all times.

He loves it! I always come out and hes loungin on the seat. He just loves car rides in general so i take him everywhere. But i love my dog, he isnt a tool, or property. He is my buddy so i wont subject him to anything that i wouldnt be ok with being subjected too.

That being said, i see it happen all the time. Windows up in the blistering heat. These people dont give a fuck. I weant as far once as to pour water through a 1" cracked window to give a shepard some water because he was panting like fuck. The pour guy wouldnt stop drinking. I hope the water was nice to sit in for the owner, fucking tool.

07-08-2010, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by TimG
I've lost count over how many times I've seen a car or truck in a mall parking lot with at least 1 dog in it and the windows only rolled down 1 inch.

It happened again yesterday at southcentre. I went to security and by the time they got out there the car had gone.

What do you guys do when you see something like this? I was thinking of printing some business card size notes and leaving them on the windshield telling them that next time they'll come back to a broken window, but chances are they'll throw it away and keep doing what they're doing.

how do you know how long the dog has been in the car for?
i do this all the time, go grab a movie, bring my dog with me, run into blockbuster and leave him in the car for 5 minutes with the window down...
maybe if you saw the dog in there before you went shopping, then came back out after you had finished shopping then you could think about putting your note on the car, or smashing someones window...

Originally posted by copynpaste
this is no worse than morons who leave their dogs in thier backyard in the rain or in the cold with no food.

How about we treat the idiot owners like this and see how they feel.

some dogs are outside dogs... obviously no food is a huge deal,
but alot of dogs have thick coats, and can handle the cold just fine...
but i get what you're saying

07-08-2010, 11:59 AM
We have done it.
But only when we have line of sight on the car from inside.

If you have autostart you can see the car is running by looking at the headlights. and you can restart the car to keep the AC on from inside.

I have also done it at South center with the car off .. but there is a level of sheltered parking on one side of the building.

07-08-2010, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by copynpaste
this is no worse than morons who leave their dogs in thier backyard in the rain or in the cold with no food.

Who would want an inside dog? They're inbred to the point of being useless, unless you want it as an accessory.

There's too many variables to say whether leaving a dog in the car is ok or a criminal act. Anyone one starving a dog is sick though.

07-08-2010, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by copynpaste
this is no worse than morons who leave their dogs in thier backyard in the rain or in the cold with no food.

How about we treat the idiot owners like this and see how they feel.

:rofl: really?

You think they built their own houses before they were domesticated?

07-08-2010, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by JfuckinC

:rofl: really?

You think they built their own houses before they were domesticated?

No but they also didn't have the majority of survival traits bred out for human preferred traits.

07-08-2010, 02:24 PM
So leaving your dog in a hot car for 5-10 minutes is acceptable? What about 10-15 minutes? 20 minutes? 30 minutes? At what point does it become unacceptable?

07-08-2010, 02:38 PM
If a person is neglectful enough to leave their own dog in a car for an unacceptable amount of time, you can safely assume that is not the only place the dog gets neglected.

Yeah be a hero, smash the window and give him water. Then 2 hrs later he`s taken home and tied outside in the backyard in the sun for the whole day without water again.

07-08-2010, 03:02 PM
It is very very easy to say you will only leave you dog out there for 10 minutes, then something happens and you are held up another 4, 5, 7, 8 minutes and you return to a dog in distress with heat stroke. It really does not take much, especially with a coated breed.

Although people think heat stroke is not serious I have seen dogs not recover from it. We are lucky as we don't generally get a lot of 30+ days here but just the sun is enough to heat up a car considerably.

I guess an simple question to ask yourself which should help you determine if it is okay or not-Would you leave your baby in the car for X amount of time in X degrees of weather? Probably not... so the pet probably shouldn't be left either.

07-08-2010, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by JfuckinC

:rofl: really?

You think they built their own houses before they were domesticated?

haha :werd:

Originally posted by 5hift

No but they also didn't have the majority of survival traits bred out for human preferred traits.

my girl friends dog still is able to catch birds/mice etc on walks at the off leash park, so i think she still has survival traits

if only the dogs could talk! they would settle this debate real quick

07-08-2010, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by dezmarez

if only the dogs could talk! they would settle this debate real quick


07-08-2010, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by dezmarez
if only the dogs could talk! they would settle this debate real quick

The debate would not exist. If dogs were smart enough to talk, I'm pretty sure they'd be smart enough to open the freakin door.

07-08-2010, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek

The debate would not exist. If dogs were smart enough to talk, I'm pretty sure they'd be smart enough to open the freakin door.

My dog can open my power windows. Does that count?

07-08-2010, 06:09 PM
i will only leave my dog in the car when i run into a 7/11 or such store, never to anywhere else.

EVEN then I do not like doing it.

07-08-2010, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by 5hift
You guys are tools. Smashing windows to save a dog. I'm a dog lover but they are still considered personal property. It would be like breaking into someones car. Not to mention the shattering glass might hurt the dog more than being in the heat for 10 minutes.

Another thing to keep in mind as mentioned, you dont know how long the dog has been in there. I never leave my dog long in my car, but I do take him with me a lot. When I leave him alone, its only for a few minutes so I leave the windows only cracked or else everyone that walks by will pet him because he sticks his head out the window if he can.

A hero like some of you would assume he's in distress but in reality I've gone to buy some cold water for both of us returning from a park or something.


I would never leave my dog in my car for more than 5 mins in 30 degrees but if I saw someone smashing my window to get my dog out while I ran into a store quickly, you'd get your face smashed too. Unless you see a dog in distress, not just panting because that's how dog actually keep themselves cool, then make a call. You have no right to break the law and intervene. Get a life.

07-08-2010, 09:42 PM
My girlfriend works in administration at Sunridge Mall and she's responsible for calling security if someone leaves their dog in the car. She has to deal with it 2-3 times a week and last week they had the fire department pry open 2 different cars to get the dogs out.

Most of your body cooling is done through perspiration and dogs don't have sweat glands....they don't perspire. Imagine how much hotter you'd be in those situations if your only means of cooling yourself was to open your mouth and hang out your tongue. They get overheated much faster than humans.

07-08-2010, 10:34 PM
Yeah dogs suffer from heat stroke really fast. Actually they DO perspire... through their paws. It's pretty neat but obviously even a human wouldn't be able to cool themselves down in a hot car.

Personally, I just don't bring my dog out if I am not bringing them to the park or if I am shuttling them somewhere. End of story. I am unsure why people don't just leave their pets at home. Fido is perfectly happy by himself at home. It's absolutely stupid to bring your dog out in this kind of weather and leave them in your car for ANY amount of time. Someone mentioned 30 mins? Oh yeah that's responsible. Fuck, you try sitting in your for car 30 mins in 25-30 degree weather. Even with the windows "half down" :facepalm:

07-09-2010, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by clem24
Yeah dogs suffer from heat stroke really fast. Actually they DO perspire... through their paws. It's pretty neat but obviously even a human wouldn't be able to cool themselves down in a hot car.

Personally, I just don't bring my dog out if I am not bringing them to the park or if I am shuttling them somewhere. End of story. I am unsure why people don't just leave their pets at home. Fido is perfectly happy by himself at home. It's absolutely stupid to bring your dog out in this kind of weather and leave them in your car for ANY amount of time. Someone mentioned 30 mins? Oh yeah that's responsible. Fuck, you try sitting in your for car 30 mins in 25-30 degree weather. Even with the windows "half down" :facepalm:

So then its inhumaine for me to leave my dog outside because he wants to be outside then? It was +33C yesturday. He was running around the yard playing with himself and lounging in the sun. I must be a huge asshole too then?

For the record as well. I did sit in a vehicle for 30min, hell even sometimes hours on end with the windows "half down". When your pipelining and you cant have the truck running because it will start a grass fire because at 35C+ the tall grass burns quick. And your waiting for the hoe operator to finish digging so most of the times you had the windows all the way up. It sucks after a few hours, yes.

I take care of my pet, better than most i am sure. I know what my dog doesnt like because i know my dog. Not once, has he ever show any signs of discomfort or signs of heat stroke.

I dont judge you for not wanting your pootle to sit in your car. Perhaps you hate your girlfriends dog, or dont look at it like a member of the family. So you have no right to judge. It is no different to sitting outside at that point.

07-09-2010, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by spike98

So then its inhumaine for me to leave my dog outside because he wants to be outside then? It was +33C yesturday. He was running around the yard playing with himself and lounging in the sun. I must be a huge asshole too then?

You're comparing sitting outside to sitting in a car with a window cracked? Really? I'm not saying you don't take care of your dog, but you really cannot compare sitting outside on a hot day, to siting inside your car with a window cracked. The car gets considerably hotter.

Personally I wouldn't break someones window to save a dog because you don't know how long he's been in there. I wouldn't want to break a window just to find out the owners been in there for 5 minutes. I'd call the police and let them deal with it.

07-09-2010, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by jsn

You're comparing sitting outside to sitting in a car with a window cracked? Really? I'm not saying you don't take care of your dog, but you really cannot compare sitting outside on a hot day, to siting inside your car with a window cracked. The car gets considerably hotter.

Personally I wouldn't break someones window to save a dog because you don't know how long he's been in there. I wouldn't want to break a window just to find out the owners been in there for 5 minutes. I'd call the police and let them deal with it.

Never once did i say that i only cracked the windows. They (they being all 4) are open halfway or more and the sun roof is WIDE open.

At that point it pretty much the same as sitting outside. If not better in some cases as you have shade.

I have some thermometers sitting around, ill do an experiment this weekend. Windows up, windows crack, then how i leave my dog. I bet i know what the outcome will be.

07-09-2010, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by spike98
My dog can open my power windows. Does that count? So this would mean that you'd be leaving your keys in the ignition in the on or accessory position then? Hope you have good theft insurance then.

07-09-2010, 12:34 PM
People that leave their dogs in their car while they're doing something for an extended period of time are almost always dumb, lazy, and/or just can't organize their day. Is it that hard to at least tie it to something in the shade?

My uncle had a toy Pomeranian that was left in a hot car when it was 1 years old or so. I know they're naturally disposed to barking a lot at nothing, but I seriously think leaving in the car turned it into a yapping retard of a dog.

07-09-2010, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by speedog
So this would mean that you'd be leaving your keys in the ignition in the on or accessory position then? Hope you have good theft insurance then.

Wow it must be asumption friday today. He does it while i am driving. Which is why the child lock is activated.

07-11-2010, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by spike98

Wow it must be asumption friday today. He does it while i am driving. Which is why the child lock is activated.

You're a fucking hypocrite. You completely made a stupid assumption about my post. You know EXACTLY what I meant. I said I had a problem with people leaving a dog in their car. Reading > you. A car, with windows half open, and the sunroof open, is STILL HOTTER than being outside, especially if there's no wind coming in. The car is still basically a greenhouse. :facepalm:

07-11-2010, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by clem24

You're a fucking hypocrite. You completely made a stupid assumption about my post. You know EXACTLY what I meant. I said I had a problem with people leaving a dog in their car. Reading > you. A car, with windows half open, and the sunroof open, is STILL HOTTER than being outside, especially if there's no wind coming in. The car is still basically a greenhouse. :facepalm:

You must have been sleeping in grade 4 science class when they described how a greenhouse actually works. So ill give a link:


Now on to some interesting information for you. Despite not giving a fuck what you think about how i raise my dog, i did an interesting experiment today for my own info.

I figure because you obviously don't have a full understanding about life (or the English language) ill let you in on the results.

I placed 3 thermometers at various places today. One in direct sunlight, one in the shade, and one in the back seat of my car. I took measurements with the windows up and with them half way down.

The results are as follows:

Direct Sunlight 26C
In shade 24C
In Car (windows up) 32C
In Car (windows down) 25C

I am honestly quite shocked that it got as hot as it did with the windows rolled up.

I am however not shocked that it was damn near the same temperature in the car with the windows down half way. I sat back in the back seat and i was actually quite nice. Had some shade back there. Could have napped really but i had things to do.

So in closing. I will continue to care for my dog in the same means i was before. Despite you having a problem with "people that leave their dog in there car".

Oh and for future use.....
