View Full Version : AutoCAD guys

07-13-2010, 09:13 AM
Is there way to have the length of what im drawing be displayed near the crosshairs, other than dynamic input? DI makes everything super chopper on autocad 2011, and i dont need all the extra shit/hate how what commands i type in show up by the cross hairs instead of the text bar.


07-15-2010, 09:41 PM
OK I just checked this in 2009 so hopefully it's the same in 2011.

Down in the bottom left corner of the screen, there should be some live data displayed as you stretch out a line. The default for this is "absolute," which is really useless information.

If you start making a line (ie click the first endpoint) and then go down to that live data and right click it, you can change it to "relative" data. This will show the same info as the dynamic data that travels with the crosshairs. Then you can turn off DYN to get rid of the annoying BS when you're making a shape.

Let me know if these instrux aren't clear.

07-15-2010, 10:50 PM
Makes sense, i'll give it a try in the morning thanks.

07-16-2010, 09:08 AM
Alright, i see what you mean with the Coords bottom left..
I figured out in a 2D drawing if polar is toggled on, it has the info i want (just length) but in my 3D Cadworx drawings polar doesn't bring that information up with the crosshairs. Pretty lame. I fucked with the UCS and it doesn't make a diff. :dunno:

Thanks though man!

07-16-2010, 09:13 AM
Haha, k i figured out, if you disable "dimension input where possible" you don't get the shit that makes it choppy. but your commands still get typed in beside the cursor. i hate that.. so then all you have to do is disable that tooo!!
I dont know why i didn't just check the dynamic input settings. i guess i've just never really used it :D