View Full Version : General guide insurance prices

07-15-2010, 07:58 AM
Hi...I am hoping to move to Canada in the next year or so and have no idea about living costs, car insurance included.

I was wondering if people can give a ball park figure for type of car?

I am in the UK, 47yo and pay $550 CAD for a BMW 535D.

Any similar guestimates would be welcome. Location in Canada doesn't matter as I just need an idea.


Masked Bandit
07-15-2010, 09:12 AM
Assuming you have all the right papers with you, you will probably end up between $800 - $1000 for a similar vehicle.

The good news is that UK driving experience will count on par with Canadian. MAKE SURE you get "claims history letters" from your insurance providers going back at least six years, ten if possible. If memory serves me correctly, driving infractions (speeding tickets & such) are posted on the back of your driver's license? Make sure you bring that with you as well.


07-15-2010, 02:18 PM
Thanks Masked Bandit...It is good that the UK driving experience counts and good tip about getting the claims history letters - I presume you are talking about the 'no claims discount' which increments by one year, for every year in which there is no claim?