View Full Version : Cop/Radar question

07-16-2010, 07:05 AM
Hey, do all cruisers have radar/laser in their cars or just the specific units tasked for traffic duties?

07-16-2010, 09:03 AM
Only some do, however a police officer does not need to get you on rader to give you a ticket for speeding, I believe that an experianced officers observation passes in court.
Also a cop told me that Calgary Police dont have moving radar in their cars. Only stationary radar.

R.C.M.P. however, DO have moving rader, which means if they can clock you while they are passing you on the highway.

07-16-2010, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by CMOPEEL
Only some do, however a police officer does not need to get you on rader to give you a ticket for speeding, I believe that an experianced officers observation passes in court.
Also a cop told me that Calgary Police dont have moving radar in their cars. Only stationary radar.

R.C.M.P. however, DO have moving rader, which means if they can clock you while they are passing you on the highway.

Theres some traffic units with moving radar. Not many units have it, but some do. My V1 has picked them up a few times, showing sometimes 2 signals when passing them with someone pulled over, and them moving using instant on, on moving vehicles. Usually see them on crowchild and deerfoot.

07-16-2010, 05:16 PM
Yeah, I don't buy the "no moving radar in CPS units" line from the officer. Thanks for the other info otherwise. Cheers

07-16-2010, 05:48 PM
I actually got pulled over in Banff by an RCMP traveling in the opposite direction. He pulled a U-Turn in the valley that separates the opposing lanes and nailed me with a nice ticket.

I am sure that a radar detector would have saved my ass.

As for the CPS, I have seen them pull vehicles over for speeding past them, but whether it was just through experienced visual estimation, or a "moving radar" in the car, I cannot say. Probably the former in these cases.

07-16-2010, 11:01 PM
I have heard that general patrol vehicles don't have fixed radar units, but can sign out handheld devices for the day if the officer feels like it. I would imagine the traffic units (44xx) all have fixed radar.

07-16-2010, 11:07 PM
Yes, they have both forward and rearward facing radar in the 'dedicated' traffic vehicles, so they can catch you whether you are in front or behind. :)

07-16-2010, 11:58 PM
Do you guys know if CPS utilizes the Ku band?

07-17-2010, 06:45 AM
Whoa, how the heck do they monitor all that information.

07-17-2010, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by jackdaniels
Do you guys know if CPS utilizes the Ku band?

No. Theres another thread with talks about this. Ku band isn't approved, but X-band is here in can/us. Thats how ghetto it is. Believe the UK and maybe some other EU countries use it, but maybe just for cameras.

07-17-2010, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by calgarydub
I actually got pulled over in Banff by an RCMP traveling in the opposite direction. He pulled a U-Turn in the valley that separates the opposing lanes and nailed me with a nice ticket.

My Passport flash a K band warning 5 sec before I saw a RCMP coming on opposite lane. Saved my ass. Would have been a ticket.

Photo radar register as Ka on my detector. I have yet to see any law enforcement register as X yet. And as everyone know, CPS stationary units are laser.

07-17-2010, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by ryder_23

No. Theres another thread with talks about this. Ku band isn't approved, but X-band is here in can/us. Thats how ghetto it is. Believe the UK and maybe some other EU countries use it, but maybe just for cameras.

Right on... I have seen the Ka and X band light up and CPS is right there. K band.... I was thinking about just disabling it as 99% of the warnings are garbage. Laser has only appeared once on mine.

07-17-2010, 10:55 AM
You want to keep K band, as much of a pain all the faults are, the mobile RCMP cruisers use K band for highway use, if you disable it, you leave yourself exposed. It's easy to ignore in the city as there will be buildings nearby that will set the K band off, just ignore and continue on. But when your on an open stretch on the highway or climbing a hill with no buildings around and you get the warning, you will be happy you left the option on. Took a while for me to realize this but in the last 2 weeks I've been hit 3 times with K band.

X band you can disable in Alberta, useless as a tit.

Ka band you always want on, you will never get a false (well i haven't had a Ka fault as of yet, maybe others have?) and they are always the CPS/RCMP units.

Ku is Europe, you can disable it.

Laser on your radar detector is useless, just disable it to prevent the sun or GM taillights from pissing you off. If you are recieving laser tickets, you need a laser jammer.

07-17-2010, 07:35 PM
^ lidar detectors are NOT 100% useless.

I've had my ass saved once because of it. A vehicle in front of me got tagged once on the highway and my lidar detector was able to pick it up....which promptly slowed me down.