View Full Version : SFU Open Studies

07-17-2010, 10:59 PM
Does SFU have a equivalent program like Open Studies we have here?

I know its too late to apply for Fall & Winter 2010...
But i know for UofC i can take Open studies (part time - 3 courses)

So 3 courses for Fall, 3 for Winter

Does SFU (Computer Science which for them falls under Applied Science * Computing Science i believe*) have anything like that?
If so, maybe i could go there and do the courses instead of UofC?
And also how is their programs? I doubt it would matter much to me whether its good or bad... as long as they let me in

Another question was, I read somewhere deep within their applications that you can apply for Spring / Summer seperately... I've looked and haven't found forms / applications or anything... i thought maybe I'm missing something

I only know about the UofC process of getting in, for open studies its just a form... (though i have admission already)

Not sure how SFU does it or BC universities

Thanks in advance