View Full Version : Rich Muslim vows to pay all French burka fines

07-19-2010, 02:33 PM

On the eve of tomorrow's Bastille Day celebrations, there is more revolution in the air in France and this time the ringleader is a flamboyant Muslim businessman called Rachid Nekkaz. The 38-year-old property developer is incensed that France has moved one step closer to banning the burka, with women caught wearing the full veil in public liable to a €150 fine and anyone convicted of forcing a woman to cover up facing a fine of up to €30,000 and a year in prison.

The first stage in passing the controversial law was today approved in the National Assembly with members of the Lower House voting overwhelmingly – 335 votes for to one against – to introduce the ban. If the French senators in the Upper House ratify the proposal in September, it will become law by the spring of 2011.

Nekkaz (above), along with the majority of France's five million Muslims, is furious at what he sees as a persecution of his religion, pointing out that fewer than 2,000 French Muslims actually wear the full veil.

He has begun a campaign to fight the law and he's pledged one million euros of his own money to pay the fines of any Muslim convicted. Speaking outside the National Assembly, Nekkaz said: "One million sounds a lot, but to protect one's liberty it's not much, and I hope that others in this country who hold the constitution dear and want to protect our fundamental liberty will join me in fighting this law."

The debonair Nekkaz, a shining example of an integrated, modern French Muslim (he was born in France to Algerian parents), has set up a campaign group called 'Hands off my Constitution', and plans to raise the €1m by selling some of the properties he owns in the Parisian suburbs.

In front of the cameras he wrote a personal cheque for the seven-figure sum before describing the proposed law as 'Anti-Constitutional' and demanding that President Sarkozy shelves the idea.

That seems unlikely. Not only has Sarkozy described the full veil as degrading to women, but it's an issue that has the overwhelming support of his UMP party. Justice Minister Michele Alliot-Marie said last week that wearing the veil "amounted to being cut off from society and rejecting the very spirit of the French republic that is founded on a desire to live together''.

And the likes of Nekkaz haven't been helped in fighting the law by the muddled approach of the opposition Socialist Party. They would like to see a ban restricted to state institutions. But that notion was ridiculed by Alliot-Marie, who said it would be "legally incoherent" and impossible to enforce. "How could we convince the French people that freedom, equality and respect for the dignity of women begins in the train station but stops at the exit?''

The Socialists abstained in today's vote in the Lower House and have said they will adopt a similar stance in September's Senate vote, in which case it seems certain the law will be written into the French Constitution. But the country's police force is bracing itself for a backlash. Security was increased at the National Assembly ahead of today's vote and there are fears of street riots if the bill is passed.

Read more: http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/65806,news-comment,news-politics,rich-muslim-vows-to-pay-all-french-burka-fines#ixzz0uA8ETeX4

what a tool, let them all get fined, and destroy his pocketbook.
Here's what Islamic extremists are saying about this rich Muslim:

07-19-2010, 02:38 PM
What was the reasoning behind banning them from wearing it in the first place?

07-19-2010, 02:44 PM
What an idiot... if i were there i would throw a burka on just to get a fine so i could help rape his pocket book.

07-19-2010, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by beyond_ban
What an idiot... if i were there i would throw a burka on just to get a fine so i could help rape his pocket book.

lawl me too, i'd get fined 5 times a day


07-19-2010, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by Integra10
What was the reasoning behind banning them from wearing it in the first place?

I think most of Europe is trying to ban them.
Think Italy was one of the first EU countries to establish a policy saying any religious garments that make proper identification impossible are subject to a 2000 euro fine

07-19-2010, 02:46 PM
if everyone wears a hijab then it wont be cool anymore

07-19-2010, 02:48 PM
wow this is gonna start a terrorist movement against France

07-19-2010, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by Phenix
wow this is gonna start a terrorist movement against France


Maybe next Bastille day?

07-19-2010, 02:52 PM
just look at some of these posts


"its a bit difficult, for sisters who have juhaal parents or parents and husbands who want to stay in france. I dont think they would usually go out much anyway, and if they do they can just avoid the main town centres, doubt a police man would see them alot, and if they do ,I doubt that they would fine them, maybe just warn them, or say nothing.
If they dont tear the veil from the face (authubillah) but just fine then it could still be arguable whether they are allowed to still reside in that country, for those whose opinion was they can reside in a kuffar country in the first place (this will only aid the latters opinion). We have to remmember that sisters trick using a surgical/medical face mask saying it is for medical purposes, maybe "lying" is allowed in this case as this is a nation in war against Islam and Muslims and is the greater good.
This cant just fall on 1 or 2 rich brothers as the fines maybe many some sisters may pay their own fines Allahuallam, but everyone else should help too, in that country and out especially in europe were we should support one another.
This is actually a good prcedence for any time a person is finable for following Islamic principles. We will just have to see how many peaople are fined in the next few eeks.


07-19-2010, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by Phenix
wow this is gonna start a terrorist movement against France


Muslims in france be crazy for long time.

07-19-2010, 03:33 PM
good for him :thumbsup:

07-19-2010, 05:49 PM
Next time you're in France, stay away from any vehicles that happen to make making a ticking noise.

07-19-2010, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by LadyLuck

I think most of Europe is trying to ban them.
Think Italy was one of the first EU countries to establish a policy saying any religious garments that make proper identification impossible are subject to a 2000 euro fine Good on them :thumbsup:

07-19-2010, 07:29 PM
if these people feel repressed because they can't wear burkas in France, then they should fucking leave. if you're going to live in France, then you should respect French culture and law. if you don't like it, go back to afghanistan.

07-19-2010, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by nonlinear
if these people feel repressed because they can't wear burkas in France, then they should fucking leave. if you're going to live in France, then you should respect French culture and law. if you don't like it, go back to afghanistan. You have a myriad of different political alignments. Whats your take on gun control?

07-19-2010, 09:27 PM
I wonder if one of the CPS guys on here would comment:

As I undestand it, the criminal code says it is a general offence to wear a disguise. Is there law about this for particular places such as banks etc?

Would a burka-burka mohhamed jihad get up qualify as a disguise?

If not, what a great way to commit robbery, just dress up as a muslim woman.

07-19-2010, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by CUG
You have a myriad of different political alignments. Whats your take on gun control?

that's because i think for myself, man.

07-19-2010, 09:36 PM
crazy talk in thread

07-19-2010, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by nonlinear
if these people feel repressed because they can't wear burkas in France, then they should fucking leave. if you're going to live in France, then you should respect French culture and law. if you don't like it, go back to afghanistan.

I think hell just froze over and pigs are flying. I agree with nonlinear........:dunno: :dunno:

I wouldn't expect to be able to move to Afghanistan with my girlfriend and have her walk around in shorts and a tank top.

07-19-2010, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by nonlinear

that's because i think for myself, man.

Intresting stance on gun control.

07-19-2010, 10:31 PM

07-19-2010, 10:59 PM
Didn't know that the Fashion Police can issue tickets? :dunno:

07-20-2010, 02:57 AM
Originally posted by Godfuader
Didn't know that the Fashion Police can issue tickets? :dunno:

Just had a weird thought...

The police in France issuing tickets to muslim women who are wearing the hijab is analogous to the religious police in Iran running around and ticketing women for NOT wearing the hijab.

In their effort to stop the extreme muslims they have become just as bad as the extreme muslims themselves.

This is sad.:facepalm:

07-20-2010, 04:11 AM
Originally posted by broken_legs

Just had a weird thought...

The police in France issuing tickets to muslim women who are wearing the hijab is analogous to the religious police in Iran running around and ticketing women for NOT wearing the hijab.

In their effort to stop the extreme muslims they have become just as bad as the extreme muslims themselves.

This is sad.:facepalm:
True. Hypocrisy at its best.

07-20-2010, 07:53 AM
I am all for Freedom of and from religion, but targeting muslims by banning the burka is akin to banning crosses on necklaces, and ruling out 'Christmas' as a holiday - Will there be fines for gaudy Nativity scenes set up on front lawns in December?

There are places where a burka should not be worn, i.e in a bank, and a person of authority should be able to ask for it to be removed at reasonable request.

An outright fine for wearing a Muslim article of clothing is ridiculous, backwards and oppressive.

07-20-2010, 07:59 AM
The problem lies in the perception. The Niqab/Hijab are strictly cultural, non-religious. The Froggies claim that it is oppression on women. I think its a personal thing. Why do these women wear it: to shield themselves from the environment (sun, wind), keep naughty men from looking at their sexy cheeks, are scared that the religious police will snipe them?

The perception lies in that the French want to take a stand against the Evil Mozlem Empire, with an excuse of exposing incognito citizens. The other side claim that its a personal choice, and the gov't is oppressing them now.

Its a tie for Fail.

07-20-2010, 09:48 AM
Despite what some of you are saying, the burqa, the nijab, and other complete body/face converings are NOT religious requirements at all.

Look at Syria. They have recently made a similar ban in universities. SYRIA.

The burqa and niqab are forms of submission to the females Husband, father, brothers, etc. Arguing this is simply not understanding the cultural reasons for it. Women are seen as property, and apart of this is not being seen by other males. LOL @ the "protection from the sun" comment. How is a big black heavy garbage bag going to do anything other than make you bake in the sun?

France was founded on strong secular ideals. If you want to live in France, going against those ideals is simply going against the beliefs of the Republic and you should have no reason to want to live there.

I hope this rich dude gets fined to the point of bankrupcy.

07-20-2010, 10:02 AM
Such Hypocracy.

People living in a secular state, especially one as secular as France should not be offended if they have to forego some of the outwardly obvious religious practices.

The same people incensed about the burka being banned in France should be the same people championing the wearing of short-shorts and tank tops in Afganistan and Iran. but do you see them doing that!? No. What you see is the most obvious double standards in the world that no one in the media seems to mention!

Many muslims are becoming more and more extreme in their practices, moreso than their parents. As has been mentioned, the Burka is not even a required religious garment. It is a way for jealous men to protect their property (i.e. their women) and a potential security threat.

Good on France for supporting thier values.

Also, to those saying they should also ban crosses and the like...If these crosses concelaed 99% of one's body and directly demeaned one's life, then they should ban those too. But seriously, you're comparing wearing a necklace to the Burka? Get your head out of the sand.

07-20-2010, 10:52 AM
Just found this video:


07-20-2010, 11:03 AM

07-20-2010, 11:42 AM
This is quite the step to be taking. I am against concealing your identity for obvious reasons. but it is ironic how she says in that video that they are not slaves to men. Then why do they wear the coverings?
I think religion is blown out of proportion as a "right". It's a belief, and therefore should be subject to law.
I contend that if I wore a ski mask into a bank, I'd be arrested. Regardless of what is right or wrong, there are exceptions being made for no good reason.
Geez, you can't even wield an umbrella now, but covering your face is ok?

07-20-2010, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by freshprince1
Such Hypocracy.

People living in a secular state, especially one as secular as France should not be offended if they have to forego some of the outwardly obvious religious practices.

The same people incensed about the burka being banned in France should be the same people championing the wearing of short-shorts and tank tops in Afganistan and Iran. but do you see them doing that!? No. What you see is the most obvious double standards in the world that no one in the media seems to mention!

Many muslims are becoming more and more extreme in their practices, moreso than their parents. As has been mentioned, the Burka is not even a required religious garment. It is a way for jealous men to protect their property (i.e. their women) and a potential security threat.

Good on France for supporting thier values.

Also, to those saying they should also ban crosses and the like...If these crosses concelaed 99% of one's body and directly demeaned one's life, then they should ban those too. But seriously, you're comparing wearing a necklace to the Burka? Get your head out of the sand.

beautifully spoken. Point well made. QFT.

07-20-2010, 01:30 PM
outlawing a garment that is worn strictly by someone of a specific religion is oppressive. Would you support outlawing the wearing of a yarmulke or turban? These are garments worn by followers of a specific religion.

I can understand what the French are trying to do, but the execution isn't there.

And before it's said, I am not Islamic; I think all religions are pretty stupid, however, they are deeply personal, and I don't think the government can mandate what can and cannot be practiced so long as it doesn't not interfere with the freedoms or others.

If they are going to ban the burka, ban all other religious garments too.

07-20-2010, 01:40 PM
I'll also say, men who force their wives/daughters to cover up SHOULD be fined and punished if need be - back to ones values impeding the freedoms of another...

07-20-2010, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by broken_legs


Muslims be crazy for long time.


07-20-2010, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak
first and foremost people have the right to wear whatever they want

No, apparently they don't.

07-20-2010, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by dawerks
So, not a good idea to fuck with the French.
Sorry I think you'll find that history will disagree with you repeatedly. :rofl: :rofl:

07-20-2010, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by core_upt
outlawing a garment that is worn strictly by someone of a specific religion is oppressive. Would you support outlawing the wearing of a yarmulke or turban? These are garments worn by followers of a specific religion.

If they are going to ban the burka, ban all other religious garments too.

Its a well known fact that the burka isn't a religios requirement. Its a cultural form of slavery that is practiced in some Islamic societies by radicals. Read my comment about Syria banning the niqab in it's universities (will the Islamophobia never end?).

If you can somehow explain how the turban or yarmulke, or the crucifix (lulz) is an oppressive garment forced to be worn by certain members of these cultures, or a security concern please enlighten us.

Originally posted by core_upt
I'll also say, men who force their wives/daughters to cover up SHOULD be fined and punished if need be - back to ones values impeding the freedoms of another...

Good news: this is actually supposed to be something that are doing in France as well. If someone is found to force their wives or daughters etc. to wear the slave rags, they can be denied their citizenship. I believe this happened to the polygamist halal butcher that was living off of the welfare benefits of his 5 wives only recently.

07-20-2010, 03:18 PM

:rofl: owned

07-20-2010, 03:27 PM

07-20-2010, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by Seanith

Its a well known fact that the burka isn't a religios requirement. Its a cultural form of slavery that is practiced in some Islamic societies by radicals. Read my comment about Syria banning the niqab in it's universities (will the Islamophobia never end?).

If you can somehow explain how the turban or yarmulke, or the crucifix (lulz) is an oppressive garment forced to be worn by certain members of these cultures, or a security concern please enlighten us.

Actually... looking more into your points, just b/c a Muslim man forces a woman to cover up with a Burka, it doesn't make the Burka a muslim garment. I suppose if, as a prude Christian rightwinger, if I was to force my wife to cover her face as to not take the devil's gaze from my heathen neighbour, her coverings could be called a burka as well.

I think the French intentions are good, damn good, but the law should not be made to target the 'Burka', so to speak, but rather 'facial coverings in a public space' or something of a like. Though if the ninja's rose up, there'd be some serious shit going down!

07-20-2010, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by core_upt

Actually... looking more into your points, just b/c a Muslim man forces a woman to cover up with a Burka, it doesn't make the Burka a muslim garment. I suppose if, as a prude Christian rightwinger, if I was to force my wife to cover her face as to not take the devil's gaze from my heathen neighbour, her coverings could be called a burka as well.

I think the French intentions are good, damn good, but the law should not be made to target the 'Burka', so to speak, but rather 'facial coverings in a public space' or something of a like. Though if the ninja's rose up, there'd be some serious shit going down!

Dont worry, the jews will deal with the ninjas...


07-20-2010, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by core_upt

I think the French intentions are good, damn good, but the law should not be made to target the 'Burka', so to speak, but rather 'facial coverings in a public space' or something of a like. Though if the ninja's rose up, there'd be some serious shit going down!

Actually I think thats what its phrased as (or maybe i'm mistaking it with the ban in Belgium). It's just colloquially refered to as the "Burqa ban" because everyone knows what its all about :)

07-21-2010, 09:48 AM
While France is active in preventing the Evil Mozlem Empire from taking over, USA is supporting these rag-head terrorizers :guns:
