View Full Version : 5 get hands amputated for theft!

07-22-2010, 02:37 PM
We should bring this law to Canada....

TEHRAN - Five convicted thieves have each had a hand amputated in the northern town of Hamedan, the news agency ILNA reported on Thursday.

Local prosecutor general Ahmad Bighlari said the men had been found guilty of repeat offences. Their names were not disclosed but he said they were all aged "a little over 25."

Under Iran's Shariah-based Islamic law, amputation is the penalty for crimes such as repeated thefts. With poverty on the rise, the number of amputations in the Islamic republic has also been increasing.

Read more: http://www.calgaryherald.com/health/Five+amputated+theft+Iran+News+agency/3310309/story.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter#ixzz0uRgn6t9D

Link (http://www.calgaryherald.com/health/Five+amputated+theft+Iran+News+agency/3310309/story.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter)

07-22-2010, 02:46 PM
Im curious if its done as a medical procedure or if its done with a big ass knife.

07-22-2010, 02:48 PM

07-22-2010, 02:50 PM
or a saw...

07-22-2010, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by LadyLuck
We should bring this law to Canada....

Sure why don't we bring Sharia law as well? I am fine with public stonings for adultery and needing 4 witnesses to prove rape.

07-22-2010, 02:51 PM
Hate to see what they do for rape.

07-22-2010, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by kamakurakid
Hate to see what they do for rape.

The death penalty is used for many offenses and is the only punishment for rape, murder and child molestation, with many hangings taking place in public

source (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_in_Iran)

EK 2.0
07-22-2010, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by mazdavirgin

Sure why don't we bring Sharia law as well? I am fine with public stonings for adultery and needing 4 witnesses to prove rape.

Being Muslim...NO, I do not agree with shariah law in all of its forms. But some of the laws are money.

The adultery, and requiring 4 male witnesses to clear a woman is utter bullshit...but, slicing the hands of off 25 year old thieves...I am allllll for that...

07-22-2010, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by EK 2.0

Being Muslim...NO, I do not agree with shariah law in all of its forms. But some of the laws are money.

The adultery, and requiring 4 male witnesses to clear a woman is utter bullshit...but, slicing the hands of off 25 year old thieves...I am allllll for that...

how are you able to pick and choose with the laws of the Muslim religion and call yourself Muslim? Aren't you either all in, or not at all a Muslim? I don't mean this rudely, I'm just curious.

07-22-2010, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by EK 2.0

Being Muslim...NO, I do not agree with shariah law in all of its forms. But some of the laws are money.

The adultery, and requiring 4 male witnesses to clear a woman is utter bullshit...but, slicing the hands of off 25 year old thieves...I am allllll for that...

First the dudes broke as a joke, living in shitty conditions, then his familly gets hungry but he can't find a job to feed them, then he gets his hand cut off.

That is pretty fucked.

07-22-2010, 03:16 PM
You can be a muslim and not a general dumbass. How the F is any rape victim EVER going to be able to show 4 male witnesses for a rape? It is logically impossible.

07-22-2010, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by arian_ma
You can be a muslim and not a general dumbass. How the F is any rape victim EVER going to be able to show 4 male witnesses for a rape? It is logically impossible.

Depends on the rape...

07-22-2010, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by jazzyb

First the dudes broke as a joke, living in shitty conditions, then his familly gets hungry but he can't find a job to feed them, then he gets his hand cut off.

That is pretty fucked.

Bullshit. Cite your source as to dudes crime? There was nothing in the news article about the men. For all you know they could be high class jewel thieves stealing from museums.

07-22-2010, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by e36bmw///
the were all over 25 so they should have known better

as for bringing it to Canada? why don't you just move to China.

Fuck that. We've all done stupid things

Really? Stupid things like what?
Last year some assclown stole my car, I would have chopped his head off...not just his hands! :devil:

07-22-2010, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by EK 2.0

Being Muslim...NO, I do not agree with shariah law in all of its forms. But some of the laws are money.

The adultery, and requiring 4 male witnesses to clear a woman is utter bullshit...but, slicing the hands of off 25 year old thieves...I am allllll for that...

It is adultery that requires 4 witnesses. This is to prevent accusation of an innocent person who is being pulled into a mess just because of culture/ politics.

A woman can prove herself as a victim if the accused confesses which in many cases is highly likely because physical/ psychological torture during interrogation is allowed to a certain degree. Even after all that if accused doesn't confess then 4 witnesses are required. Even if today you look at most of the rape/ sexual assault cases in North America, you'll see that a witness statement is highly credible. So in Sharia, witnesses are required if all else fails, not before everything else. And for anyone who are laughing at the idea of accused confessing to rape... Yes, try any dedicated cops in South East Asia they'll make you confess to about any and everything.

In most Muslim countries, girls who have been raped would be killed which is insanely pathetic. Why this happens? this isn't exactly oppression of women but the way society bends for money. Usually those who commit serious offenses have more than enough money to bribe about any official (cops, courts, media) and get out of all the trouble.

I like the idea of hands being cut off, I love it but you also have to look at the social responsibility.
"He has not affirmed faith in me (i.e. he is not a true follower) who eats to his satisfaction and sleeps comfortably at night while his neighbor goes hungry"

EK 2.0 as far as modernization of Islam goes..."sigh"


07-22-2010, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by ragu

It is adultery that requires 4 witnesses. This is to prevent accusation of an innocent person who is being pulled into a mess just because of culture/ politics.

A woman can prove herself as a victim if the accused confesses which in many cases is highly likely because physical/ psychological torture during interrogation is allowed to a certain degree. Even after all that if accused doesn't confess then 4 witnesses are required. Even if today you look at most of the rape/ sexual assault cases in North America, you'll see that a witness statement is highly credible. So in Sharia, witnesses are required if all else fails, not before everything else. And for anyone who are laughing at the idea of accused confessing to rape... Yes, try any dedicated cops in South East Asia they'll make you confess to about any and everything.

In most Muslim countries, girls who have been raped would be killed which is insanely pathetic. Why this happens? this isn't exactly oppression of women but the way society bends for money. Usually those who commit serious offenses have more than enough money to bribe about any official (cops, courts, media) and get out of all the trouble.

I like the idea of hands being cut off, I love it but you also have to look at the social responsibility.
"He has not affirmed faith in me (i.e. he is not a true follower) who eats to his satisfaction and sleeps comfortably at night while his neighbor goes hungry"

very well said

EK 2.0
07-22-2010, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by 911fever

how are you able to pick and choose with the laws of the Muslim religion and call yourself Muslim? Aren't you either all in, or not at all a Muslim? I don't mean this rudely, I'm just curious.

It's not about picking and choosing. The fundamentalists that impose Shariah Law in the countries that follow it, they need to make for more of a distinction between religion and state. The laws imposed in the article that Ladyluck posted are not laws that a MUSLIM has to abide by. Anyone living in that state regardless of religion, or colour of skin must abide by them. They are not Muslim Laws, they are laws of the land.

Originally posted by jazzyb

First the dudes broke as a joke, living in shitty conditions, then his familly gets hungry but he can't find a job to feed them, then he gets his hand cut off.

That is pretty fucked.

Stealing is stealing...regardless of circumstance. Why are there not more people stealing here with our current economic state then??

Originally posted by ragu

It is adultery that requires 4 witnesses. This is to prevent accusation of an innocent person who is being pulled into a mess just because of culture/ politics.

EK 2.0 as far as modernization of Islam goes..."sigh"


Apologies, you are correct it is adultery not rape...I stand corrected...I was just blasting out a response and not fully thinking.

And it's not about the modernization of Islam...is the countries that need to join us in this century...

Supa Dexta
07-23-2010, 05:15 AM

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

07-23-2010, 05:30 AM
Can we start doing "amputation" on child molesters please? Amputation of the head from the body preferably. We'll throw murderers and rapists in there too.

In all seriousness, we need to stiffen up in this day and age. Its getting rediculous, we are to the point where we treat our criminals as gold, and thats not right. I am a firm believer that once you commit a serious crime such as the ones noted above, you forfeit your right to live as a member of our society, or make any choices for our society (voting in jail...seriously?) We all know our punishment system is a joke, lets start doing something about it. I dont know if i agree 100% about sharia law, but hey, something has to work right? Ive always said that if we bring in caning, it will work quite well. Look at other countries that use it.....pretty low crime rates if you ask me.

take it at face value, its my .02

07-23-2010, 07:09 AM
Originally posted by EK 2.0

It's not about picking and choosing. The fundamentalists that impose Shariah Law in the countries that follow it, they need to make for more of a distinction between religion and state. The laws imposed in the article that Ladyluck posted are not laws that a MUSLIM has to abide by. Anyone living in that state regardless of religion, or colour of skin must abide by them. They are not Muslim Laws, they are laws of the land.

I don't buy this argument one bit. They're called "fundamentalists" for a reason, they follow the Koran and all the original teachings the way Mohammed would of wanted it. Koran in one hand, sword in the other. Kill anyone who doesn't want to convert. You may be a so called "moderate" Muslim, but that just makes you a fake Muslim. You're right...there is no separation of religion and state, that's because the state IS the religion, and the religion IS the state, you CAN'T separate them. That's the nature of Islam, it rules your fucking life.

07-23-2010, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by Canucks3322

I don't buy this argument one bit. They're called "fundamentalists" for a reason, they follow the Koran and all the original teachings the way Mohammed would of wanted it. Koran in one hand, sword in the other. Kill anyone who doesn't want to convert. You may be a so called "moderate" Muslim, but that just makes you a fake Muslim. You're right...there is no separation of religion and state, that's because the state IS the religion, and the religion IS the state, you CAN'T separate them. That's the nature of Islam, it rules your fucking life.

In terms of the history of the world, it wasn't too long ago that the same could be said about Catholicism and the Church State in Europe.
Now days, most Catholics are 'moderate' by fundamental standards.... very few go as far as no eating meat on Fridays, daily rosary, weekly confession, etc. Hell, most 'Catholics' probably aren't even practicing, or if they are, only show up at Church on Easter and Xmas.
Being a moderate Muslim doesn't make you a fake one, if anything, it makes you a reasonable one.

07-23-2010, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by ragu

I like the idea of hands being cut off, I love it but you also have to look at the social responsibility.
"He has not affirmed faith in me (i.e. he is not a true follower) who eats to his satisfaction and sleeps comfortably at night while his neighbor goes hungry"

EK 2.0 as far as modernization of Islam goes..."sigh"


Ever download a torrent?

07-23-2010, 11:15 AM
Ok the other day I pulled into road king, this was at 430pm I had to drop off some money for my lawyer. Now as I was going threw the doors I heard behind me some on pull up pn a bike and put the breaks on hard. This was a pedal bike, I turned around noticed a guy start to pick cig butts out of the garbage. I was in there for about 2 mins. I come back to my car notice pieces of my sunroof on my seat and missing cash money from my side pocket. Also a nasty cig butt on my seat, imma make a bait car with my friends and wait for this fucker then I'm going to smash him. Thieves should be beat . Fin!

07-23-2010, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by Canucks3322

I don't buy this argument one bit. They're called "fundamentalists" for a reason, they follow the Koran and all the original teachings the way Mohammed would of wanted it.
Nope, today religion sells. No one really follows it, its just a word that gets tossed around for people to fill their pockets while ruining lives.

Originally posted by Canucks3322
Koran in one hand, sword in the other. Kill anyone who doesn't want to convert.
Really? Proove?

Originally posted by alloroc

Ever download a torrent?
Streaming video FTW :D

07-23-2010, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by core_upt

In terms of the history of the world, it wasn't too long ago that the same could be said about Catholicism and the Church State in Europe.
Now days, most Catholics are 'moderate' by fundamental standards.... very few go as far as no eating meat on Fridays, daily rosary, weekly confession, etc. Hell, most 'Catholics' probably aren't even practicing, or if they are, only show up at Church on Easter and Xmas.


07-23-2010, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by 911fever

how are you able to pick and choose with the laws of the Muslim religion and call yourself Muslim? Aren't you either all in, or not at all a Muslim? I don't mean this rudely, I'm just curious.
isnt this with every religion + we live in canada and we have that right

07-23-2010, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by core_upt

In terms of the history of the world, it wasn't too long ago that the same could be said about Catholicism and the Church State in Europe.
Now days, most Catholics are 'moderate' by fundamental standards.... very few go as far as no eating meat on Fridays, daily rosary, weekly confession, etc. Hell, most 'Catholics' probably aren't even practicing, or if they are, only show up at Church on Easter and Xmas.
Being a moderate Muslim doesn't make you a fake one, if anything, it makes you a reasonable one.

No meat on Fridays is only during Lent and even if you do it is not considered a sin. Where as a Muslim eating Pork anytime as long as death is not imminent is a sin.

There is no requirement for daily rosary in a Catholic's life. Muslims are required a daily prayer as it states in the five pillars of Islam. It is called the Salah.

Weekly confession is not required nor is it a sin if you do not do it. Muslims are required to do the Hajj. Once again it is in their Five Pillars of Islam. To not do it is a sin.

So therefore you can be a moderate Catholic. Most things are not REQUIRED by religious law. But you can not be a practicing moderate Muslim as their religious laws are very strict. If you are a moderate Muslim than you are not a practicing one.

I don't know why everyone always compares Catholicism to Islam. They are very different religions.

And as Canucks3322 stated Muhammad was a conqueror. People conquering lands and using Catholicism as an excuse and people following a religion where your prophet did conquer and stated it was ok are two very different things.Nowhere in the Catholic religion does it state it's ok to conquer people's lands.

07-23-2010, 02:44 PM
The problem here is that most people against this sort of thing are acting like it's happening to 12 year olds that steal a pack of bubble gum.

We're talking about career criminals. Where 'rehabilitation' and 'hard time' have obviously not worked, nor are they ever going to work.

Anyone who believes that a person who has spent 20+ years committing crimes with any sort of regularity, can be 'rehabilitated' or 'taught a lesson with a week in the klink', well... those people are greatly mistaken. And those seem to be the people running the show around these parts.

Let the hand chopping begin.

Hard to pull a trigger or jimmy a door lock with two stumps.

07-23-2010, 09:00 PM
^ sorry, but it takes a special kind of barbarian animal to be able to chop off another person's hands for being a thief..................I'd have no problem chopping up someone who harmed someone I loved or my children but to do it to someone who's crime is stealing property?...wow, are you people simply degenerates or you never evolved in the first place? The year is 2010. There is simply no place for this, not in the civilized world anyways.

07-23-2010, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by Canucks3322
^ sorry, but it takes a special kind of barbarian animal to be able to chop off another person's hands for being a thief..................I'd have no problem chopping up someone who harmed someone I loved or my children but to do it to someone who's crime is stealing property?...wow, are you people simply degenerates or you never evolved in the first place? The year is 2010. There is simply no place for this, not in the civilized world anyways.

Fine, lets be less barbaric. Permenant handcuffs.

07-24-2010, 05:18 AM
I think it is funny that everyone is callling for TOUGHER sentencing and the crime rate has been in decline for the past 17 years...

07-24-2010, 06:48 AM
How about the authorities get to take out your car engine if you go over the speed limit? Or how about *gasp* installing a chip in the car to monitor and limit speeds 24/7 to make sure you never speed again.


Its a wee bit extreme to be cutting off body parts (human and not just cars ) But then again, Rob would say its normal as would most muslims.

Rob Anders, Sharia man.

07-24-2010, 10:25 AM
It's not so much the actual punishment, it's more the deterrent aspect of it. Let me throw this out there. There is a guy in calgary that i was reading about yesterday that has 52 property related convictions in the last 5 years. That's stealing cars, break and enters, thefts etc. 52 convictions, not charges. And believe me, he's not even close to being the worst in the city. At what point do we start realizing that when he promises to be good and abide by his conditions, that he just might not. 52 times he has been 'punished'! Obviously what we're doing isn't working. How many people need to be made his victims before we decide it's enough? They may not be physically hurt, but how many cars has he stolen from single moms who only have one way to get their kids to school and they wake up to an empty driveway? Are you telling me that makes them less of a victim? Sure they are still alive and not physically hurt, but how much stress does it add to their life? Just throwing it out there.

07-24-2010, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by JustGo
It's not so much the actual punishment, it's more the deterrent aspect of it. Let me throw this out there. There is a guy in calgary that i was reading about yesterday that has 52 property related convictions in the last 5 years. That's stealing cars, break and enters, thefts etc. 52 convictions, not charges. And believe me, he's not even close to being the worst in the city. At what point do we start realizing that when he promises to be good and abide by his conditions, that he just might not. 52 times he has been 'punished'! Obviously what we're doing isn't working. How many people need to be made his victims before we decide it's enough? They may not be physically hurt, but how many cars has he stolen from single moms who only have one way to get their kids to school and they wake up to an empty driveway? Are you telling me that makes them less of a victim? Sure they are still alive and not physically hurt, but how much stress does it add to their life? Just throwing it out there.

I would think if you had 52 criminal convictions for anything they would put you away permanently. But as for cutting off limbs that is not the answer. I do not think a Government should have the authority to amputate body parts for punishment. You think a person like this if they take off a hand he won't get a prosthetic limb and just keep doing it?

07-24-2010, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by Canucks3322
^ sorry, but it takes a special kind of barbarian animal to be able to chop off another person's hands for being a thief..................I'd have no problem chopping up someone who harmed someone I loved or my children but to do it to someone who's crime is stealing property?...wow, are you people simply degenerates or you never evolved in the first place? The year is 2010. There is simply no place for this, not in the civilized world anyways.

Aww.. poor muffin. And when that property is your daughters medication? Or perhaps your car was stolen and now you have no way to take your wife to the hospital with chest pains?

You acquire property through money. You acquire money through working for it. Working is the action of trading the time of your life for money, in order to acquire property. Therefore, someone is stealing a chunk of your life from you every time they steal your property, because you're going to have to use even more of your finite lifespan to replace said property.

So, in short, go fuck yourself calling me a degenerate barbarian.

07-24-2010, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by DRKM
I think it is funny that everyone is callling for TOUGHER sentencing and the crime rate has been in decline for the past 17 years...

"Nearly 2.2 million crimes were reported to police in 2009, approximately 43,000 fewer than the year before. Violent crimes, ranging from harassing phone calls to homicide, accounted for about one in five crimes. "

And your point is? 2.2Million crimes is still 2.2 Million too many.

07-24-2010, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by ragu

Streaming video FTW :D

better cut your hand off then.

07-24-2010, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by alloroc

better cut your hand off then.

Looks like they got a five finger discount...

07-24-2010, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by Integra10

I would think if you had 52 criminal convictions for anything they would put you away permanently. But as for cutting off limbs that is not the answer. I do not think a Government should have the authority to amputate body parts for punishment. You think a person like this if they take off a hand he won't get a prosthetic limb and just keep doing it?

keep choppin off the limbs until he gets the point....I'm kiddin :D :devil:

07-24-2010, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Integra10

I would think if you had 52 criminal convictions for anything they would put you away permanently. But as for cutting off limbs that is not the answer. I do not think a Government should have the authority to amputate body parts for punishment. You think a person like this if they take off a hand he won't get a prosthetic limb and just keep doing it?

I don't necessarily think that amputation is a perfect solution either, but it sure is better than what we have now.

Of course, you're going to have bleeding heart idiots that will say 'if you cut off his hand, how is he going to get a job!?!?'

Like these guys are actively job hunting now. They don't work. They won't work. They lie to everyone. Their families, friends, the police, and (surprise, surprise) the courts. They live to steal from people to supply their habits. Their job is to make other people their victims.

I actually think chopping off a hand is too lenient. I say start with the head, and if they are still committing crimes, then go for the hands. :D