View Full Version : Wikileaks releases 90,000 classified military documents

07-26-2010, 07:11 PM
The huge cache of classified papers - posted by Wikileaks as the Afghan War Diary - is one of the biggest leaks in US history.

Wikileaks describes the documents as battlefield and intelligence reports compiled by a variety of military units during the period 2004-09.


National security threat vs. Military transparency.

Discuss :thumbsup:

07-26-2010, 07:39 PM
Sure, perhaps you should start off with your position, rather than just copying and pasting half of a byline from the BBC.

07-26-2010, 07:46 PM
Alright, I think the military should be held accountable for it's actions and therefore support the release of classified documents unless they put soldiers in direct harm through the information they leak.

07-26-2010, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by Freeskier
...unless they put soldiers in direct harm through the information they leak.

So would you suggest that these 90,000 classified documents are not likely place our troops in harms way? Amongst these 90,000 documents would it not be plausible that tactical information might be gathered and used by the enemy and insurgents? By whose terms shall we deem these documents a valid concern or threat to our troops safety - yours, mine, the rest of the uneducated, ill-informed population? Do you really believe that enemy forces are not at this very moment data-mining the 90,000 documents looking for trends or other salient information to steer their strategies and tactics?

07-26-2010, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by G-Suede

So would you suggest that these 90,000 classified documents are not likely place our troops in harms way? Amongst these 90,000 documents would it not be plausible that tactical information might be gathered and used by the enemy and insurgents? By whose terms shall we deem these documents a valid concern or threat to our troops safety - yours, mine, the rest of the uneducated, ill-informed population? Do you really believe that enemy forces are not at this very moment data-mining the 90,000 documents looking for trends or other salient information to steer their strategies and tactics?

Game. Set. Match.

My thoughts exactly.

07-26-2010, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by G-Suede

So would you suggest that these 90,000 classified documents are not likely place our troops in harms way? Amongst these 90,000 documents would it not be plausible that tactical information might be gathered and used by the enemy and insurgents? By whose terms shall we deem these documents a valid concern or threat to our troops safety - yours, mine, the rest of the uneducated, ill-informed population? Do you really believe that enemy forces are not at this very moment data-mining the 90,000 documents looking for trends or other salient information to steer their strategies and tactics?

Well I don't mean some insurgent doing his homework and plowing through 90,000 pages in the hopes of finding some useful information, I mean directly gives away military information about current troop movements, locations etc.
I just don't believe the military should operate behind closed doors, and be judged by military investigations. I feel that their actions should be held accountable to the Canadian public who they defend and represent overseas. Keep in mind I do sometimes disagree with raking a soldier over the coals about a split second decision in a war zone. But an example from the cbc that from these files it was found that 4 Canadian soldiers killed in 2006 were killed by friendly fire from the Yanks, not by insurgents after all. And now the military is denying it, but the information given out by them differs from the leaked reports. I feel the canadian public, and families of the soldiers involved deserve the truth

07-26-2010, 09:10 PM
Can't have your cake and eat it too.

07-26-2010, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by G-Suede

So would you suggest that these 90,000 classified documents are not likely place our troops in harms way? Amongst these 90,000 documents would it not be plausible that tactical information might be gathered and used by the enemy and insurgents? By whose terms shall we deem these documents a valid concern or threat to our troops safety - yours, mine, the rest of the uneducated, ill-informed population? Do you really believe that enemy forces are not at this very moment data-mining the 90,000 documents looking for trends or other salient information to steer their strategies and tactics?

Some relevant exerpts from CBC:

4 Canadians killed by "enemy" fire were actually killed by US soldiers.

Canadian military denies validity of wiki leaked docs and Canadians were actually killed by "enemy" fire.

So there you go. The documents are obviously not credible so there nothing to worry about.

07-26-2010, 10:39 PM
It's the troops themselves who are supplying the documents to be leaked is it not? I assume they weighed the consequences, not only of the potential increased risk to soldiers, but of being caught leaking documents and it was worth it to them.

07-26-2010, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by mx73someday
It's the troops themselves who are supplying the documents to be leaked is it not? I assume they weighed the consequences, not only of the potential increased risk to soldiers, but of being caught leaking documents and it was worth it to them.


07-26-2010, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by G-Suede


Let's save the facepalms until you and I have both read all 90,000 documents, ok? ;)

Just curious, would you still facepalm if somewhere in there there was a document calling into question the entire reason why we are at war in Afghanistan?

For instance, intelligence that osamma is on a beach in the caribean? Or maybe some damnin document about how they aren't even looking for osamma?

Someone thought it was important. Theres a reason we went to war. Maybe theres something in there that would change your mind?

07-27-2010, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by G-Suede


What's this for? I'm asking if it's the soldiers who are leaking the documents? How else would they be leaked?

07-27-2010, 08:10 AM
I thought the wikileaks guy was wanted? What ever happened to that?

07-27-2010, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by mx73someday

What's this for? I'm asking if it's the soldiers who are leaking the documents? How else would they be leaked?

That is not at all what you said.

07-27-2010, 10:12 AM
Doesn't really say much, and I'm not gonna go and read 90,000 documents looking lol, but apparantly some of the leaked reports do deal with tracking Bin Laden.

07-27-2010, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by Freeskier
Doesn't really say much, and I'm not gonna go and read 90,000 documents looking lol, but apparantly some of the leaked reports do deal with tracking Bin Laden.

Another file reports he died in a hospital in june 2007, unreliable source though.


07-27-2010, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by broken_legs

Some relevant exerpts from CBC:

4 Canadians killed by "enemy" fire were actually killed by US soldiers.

Canadian military denies validity of wiki leaked docs and Canadians were actually killed by "enemy" fire.

So there you go. The documents are obviously not credible so there nothing to worry about.
Its like when an older sibling gives you a black eye. In mutual interest of not getting into trouble by the parents, you claim that the neighborhood bully did it.

07-27-2010, 11:38 AM
I still think that the US has no real interest in getting Bin Laden. They know exactly where he is (protected by the Pakistani ISI agency

1 - Pakistan has nukes, they don't want to piss them off
2 - If BL is killed, in the publics eyes, they have no more reason to be fighting over there

ISI is holding him in this game of chess and Pakistan is by far the dirtiest player in the game.