View Full Version : Being an alchohololic .

08-05-2010, 09:58 PM
Like how many times do you have to drink a week to be one? Doctor says it's good to drink a couple brews a day because of the barley .

08-05-2010, 10:01 PM
Lol. This threads going to be an entertainer for sure

08-05-2010, 10:02 PM
Its not how much you drink, its the habits you form when drinking.

IE, skipping on minorly important errands just so you can have a drink

Anytime you start to put emphasis on drinking above other more important "responsible" things in your life, I would consider you an alcoholic in the sense you are forming an addiction.

08-05-2010, 10:02 PM
If you were an alcoholic, I am pretty sure you'd know. If you somethings have thoughts that you may be one, that's not a good sign either. For me, more than times a week drinking, it's how I feel about booze.

For example, couple of weeks ago a good friend got married and we were getting hammered pretty much everyday for a week. Didn't make me think I was an alcoholic by any means. And sometimes I drink once a week sometimes more. What I mean by 'feel' about is do you crave drinking? I don't. I could sit here and go without drinking for months, if I want to. I never sit and think, 'oh my god, I feel like drinking'. IMO when you start having those feelings ALL the time, is when it's a problem. And if you start giving up more important tasks of life, so you could sit and have a drink. Start neglecting your duties/responsibilities etc.

08-05-2010, 10:06 PM
^ yep... i agree. I drink about 2 - 3 times a week. in the summer sometimes MAYBE 4 times. thats if theres a party on saturday, buddy calls me up to go rafting, I feel like going for wings, or its a really nice day outside, and feel like a patio.

08-05-2010, 10:10 PM
Sometimes when you're just sitting there drinking thinking about what to do tomorrow and you think maybe I'll have some more drinks.

08-05-2010, 10:12 PM
According to what the AA website a few years back some of the ones I remember were

- drinking more than 2 drinks 3 times a week (this one might be one or two off, I don't remember it perfectly but I do remember how shocked I was at the low numbers involved)
- drinking alone
- hiding alcohol for consumption
- getting annoyed if people tease you about your drinking
- feeling the need to have a drink when you wake up in the morning (similar to coffee drinkers)
- feeling like you need to cut down
- drinking just because you have nothing else to do
- feeling like you need to drink just to be able to have a good time

There were a few others, but that's what I remember from the list.

08-05-2010, 10:14 PM
I don't think your issue is too big yet, but the fact you are thinking and saying "maybe I'll have more" suggests that you feel you might "deserve" more because you can.

08-05-2010, 11:00 PM
I think if it interferes with any element of your life by creating negativity, and you are repeatedly unwilling or unable to stop - you have the card.

08-05-2010, 11:10 PM
Personally, I don't agree with most of those points Melinda. (I know you are just recalling them, so that's not a personal attack)

In my opinion, an addiction is easily assessed by whether you can stop or not. If you are concerned about your drinking OP, go a month without doing so. If you find you simply cannot take it, you're an alcoholic. If you can do it, then you are probably fine.

08-05-2010, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek
Personally, I don't agree with most of those points Melinda. (I know you are just recalling them, so that's not a personal attack)

In my opinion, an addiction is easily assessed by whether you can stop or not. If you are concerned about your drinking OP, go a month without doing so. If you find you simply cannot take it, you're an alcoholic. If you can do it, then you are probably fine. Agreed. If I were to go by those points, I'd be an alcoholic. Sometimes I just want a beer with my steak, even if I am just by myself.

08-05-2010, 11:14 PM
I don't think you're an alcoholic unless you think it's a need to get smashed every night and like others have said, it starts affecting your daily activities. I use to go drinking 2 to 4 times a week and felt like getting hammered every weekend but it never made me irresponsible as I still made it to work the next day even if it was a 7AM shift. For the past year and half, I've cut down considerably but I do get the craving for a few glasses of alcohol once in awhile. I have rarely ever drank alone. If I go clubbing or to a bar, I feel like it's a must to have a few drinks to have a really good time. I've never considered myself an alcoholic. It really has to impact your lift negatively in order to start calling yourself one.

08-05-2010, 11:18 PM
Being an alcoholic doesn't HAVE to affect your day to day activities. I'd say I was a functional alcoholic a few months ago, got wrecked every night, and got in the office at 8 every single day. Did my job perfectly.

08-05-2010, 11:22 PM
If you want to find out if someone at your work is a chronic alcoholic/always loaded and just capable of fucntioning that way. Toss a pen on the table and have them pick it up. A sober dude will just pluck it from the table, while the functional drunk will place his hand over or near it and drag their hand accross to pick it up.

Don't know who told me that, but it makes sense. It's just one of the ways they've learned to cope with being hammered all the time.

08-05-2010, 11:24 PM
I go across the street for a few beers everyday afterwork (no more than 2-3) as more of a social gathering than anything. However, I must also add that I love to have a beer in the shower every morning - but I don't drink more than 6 beers on a weekend if any at all. I don't consider myself an alcoholic (especially because I hate being drunk) but I definitely enjoy my brew.

Just like everything in life, drugs - alcohol - cigarettes, its all about balance - most importantly as long as it doesn't interfere with your daily life outside of substance abuse. Anybody can fall down the slippery slope of addiction, and may I emphasize anybody. I have seen even the most level-headed friends of mine fall victim to hard-drug abuse and liquor-abuse, which isn't only abusive to yourself and your body, but even MORE abusive to those around you. Its harder to watch a friend go down than yourself IMO.

I've almost slipped down the slope a few times - everything from rushing home from work for a beer at lunch, smoking pot all day everyday even at work, banging rails while at work - I have definitely had some wake-up calls. Life is better on the clean side...not that I don't indulge an all once in a while..

08-05-2010, 11:43 PM
The medical definition of an alcoholic encompasses probably half of the world's population, and probably all of Europe LOL (2 or more drinks a week, I believe). To actually be an alcoholic though it usually affects your daily life, and the only way to feel better is to have a drink. Huge difference between that and someone who gets bombed once a week IMO. We had an alcoholic in our extended family and it was't fun at all. Bottom line though was that there was an enormous difference between how she lived her life and someone who drinks 2-3 times a week for fun. Alcoholics can function surprisingly well, and even drive because their bodies have built up such huge tolerances to it.

08-06-2010, 12:47 AM
The next-morning high-pressure water shits are starting to put me in line. No kidding.

08-06-2010, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by idioteque
The next-morning high-pressure water shits are starting to put me in line. No kidding.

Not to say you aren't, but make sure you are replenishing your H2O everyday. Trust me - after dealing with kidney stones back when I was 20, I take dehydration a bit more seriously these days.

08-06-2010, 01:00 AM
Feed the troll

08-06-2010, 01:14 AM
Originally posted by ClearBluewater
Feed the troll

Who's the troll?

08-06-2010, 02:40 AM
IMO, there are two different types of alcoholism: When you feel the need for alcohol to function properly, and when you're unable to stop drinking.

High amounts of alcohol consumption might lead to alcoholism, but can't be used to measure whether someone's an alcoholic or not.

08-06-2010, 03:22 AM
Originally posted by Speed_69
It really has to impact your lift negatively in order to start calling yourself one.

I disagree. I think this is what alcoholics say to self-justify their drinking. If you had cravings, you felt you HAD to drink, and were getting smashed 2-3 times a week, that isn't good. I'm not saying you WERE necessarily an alcoholic, but that kind of behavior will get you there before you know it.

I smoke, but I'm not addicted because it hasn't affected anything in my life yet? That's bullshit. I AM addicted, and just waiting for the day it DOES affect my life.

No offense, but you're probably also the kind of person who will have alcohol start having a negative effect but then chalk it up to other people having a problem instead of realizing it is you and the booze. Denial is a powerful, and not always a conscious thought.

My best friend just came to the understanding he is an alcoholic. Previous to his epifany, it was never a problem. (Until he's now realized he lost his last two girlfriends because of his drinking. Previous to that, it was all THEIR fault)

And Pollywog... a drink with the morning shower. Normally, I'd say someone saying that would be kidding. But that wasn't a joke was it?

08-06-2010, 06:05 AM
Mmmm ... I'm reading I need to start drinking daily to prevent rheumatoid arthritis... (runs in family - already have elevated rheumatoid factors)

I'm not an alcoholic I'm a drunk - alcoholics go to meetings.

Heh, and I'm well on my way - 12 gallons of brew in the basement fermenting, just bottled another 5 gallons... :D Now where am I getting the raspberries for that raspberry wine?

08-06-2010, 06:16 AM
It's easier to become an alcoholic if you start drinking heavily at a younger age. Drinking alone alot is a sign.
Drinking to hide/mask feelings of anxiety or depression is also a sign but harder to understand from the affected person's perspective.Some people don't really grasp that they are depressed...
If you feel that you NEED to drink to function day to day...talk to someone. If you are alcoholic or headed for alcoholism you can stop now and save yourself much heartache...
Don't be fooled by others who try and justify their positions regarding alcohol.

Reread Kloubek's post a few times...he is bang on!

08-06-2010, 07:29 AM
Does drinking in the shower make me an alcoholic?

08-06-2010, 09:26 AM

08-06-2010, 09:55 AM
I'm not an alcoholic, I'm a geologist.

I have met (usually women) that get all uppity about having a beer one or two nights a week. Personally I like to have a beer when I BBQ or when I eat out at a pub. I actually really enjoy beer. I can't remember the last time I had hard liquor except for a couple of celebratory Jager Bombs every so often.

I do have a friend that I know is an alcoholic. If EVERY time you have one beer it turns into getting hammered, or you need more than a couple of beers while sitting at home alone watching TV you are probably borderline alcoholic. My buddy simply cannot go to a bar without drinking more than one beer. He spends money he doesn't have on drinking and wonders why he can't make his car lease payments or rent.

The bottom line, if you can live your life without thinking about drinking until a situation presents itself or you just spontaneously feel like having a beer every so often you are probably not an alcoholic. If you think about having a drink every day, or even have a morning/afternoon routine that involves any amount of alcohol you might be in trouble. If that routine puts you into an impaired state at any time you might have a serious problem. If you get hammered every other day and can't wait to find people to drink with instead of drinking alone then you definitely have an issue. If you just don't care and want to drink then you are lost to the bottle and need help.

08-06-2010, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by dezmarez

Don't know how accurate that is... I answered yes to 4 of them (drinking cuz i am shy, financial problems (student), self-confidence and another one). This is what it said at the end "if you answered 3 of these questions with a Yes it is a definite sign that your drinking patterns are harmful and possibly considered alcohol dependent or alcoholic.".

And i drink maybe once every 2 weeks... Goes to show that no test can really pinpoint a condition like this

08-06-2010, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by dezmarez

You answered 8 items out of 20 Yes.

Your score is 40%. According to the Office of Health Care Programs, Johns Hopkins University Hospital, developers of this screening quiz, if you answered as few as 3 of these questions with a Yes it is a definite sign that your drinking patterns are harmful and considered alcohol dependent or alcoholic. Since you answered more than 3 questions Yes you should seek an evaluation by a healthcare professional.

...My name is cdnsir, and I am an alcoholic.

08-06-2010, 10:56 AM
Hi cdnsir, thanks for opening up to us...

08-06-2010, 11:15 AM
You answered 20 items out of 20 Yes.

Your score is 100%. According to the Office of Health Care Programs, Johns Hopkins University Hospital, developers of this screening quiz, if you answered as few as 3 of these questions with a Yes it is a definite sign that your drinking patterns are harmful and considered alcohol dependent or alcoholic. Since you answered all of these questions Yes you should definitely seek an evaluation by a healthcare professional as soon as possible.

this thread is stupid, if i thought i was an achololic i would seek for a professional help not some high school drop outs to millionaires for advice to ask to diagnose me of being an acholholic

:facepalm: :facepalm:

08-06-2010, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Pollywog
Who's the troll?

the OP who makes all these super useful threads to cause a shit-storm in beyond... idk if he's trying to get his post counts up or just that bored with life





^from this thread

Originally posted by epp01
I'm a part of the DSM community, and I have to say that Mike Hill is a TERRIBLE part and makes ALL DSM owners look bad because of it, didn't you have your car for sale Mike and nobody would buy it?!

BTW Mike doesn't even work on his own car guys, he makes other people come over and stand there while he watches, then BITCHES when people have to leave and then blames the people for the problems he's having, speaking from 100% truth and experience on this one. And he wonders why nobody will help him with his car anymore.

sounds like a troll to me :dunno: not trying to call out OP, just noticing..

08-06-2010, 01:59 PM
lol i don't think post counts even move when you post in the general section.

I think university is excluded from being an alcoholic. At least in my experience i went from drinking 7 days a week and functioning to the odd beer with a steak when i grew up.

Ask do i drink to drink or drink to get drunk

What kind of doctor recommends a few beer because of barley?

08-06-2010, 02:07 PM
OP I'd be more concerned about your spelling than whether or not you're an ALCOHOLIC! lol

08-06-2010, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by banned3x
You answered 20 items out of 20 Yes.

Your score is 100%. According to the Office of Health Care Programs, Johns Hopkins University Hospital, developers of this screening quiz, if you answered as few as 3 of these questions with a Yes it is a definite sign that your drinking patterns are harmful and considered alcohol dependent or alcoholic. Since you answered all of these questions Yes you should definitely seek an evaluation by a healthcare professional as soon as possible.

this thread is stupid, if i thought i was an achololic i would seek for a professional help not some high school drop outs to millionaires for advice to ask to diagnose me of being an acholholic

:facepalm: :facepalm:

20/20? Whew, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who answered yes to furious drunken masturbation.

08-06-2010, 02:24 PM
I had surgery last year from a dishwashing accident. One of the first things he asks me is about my drinking habits (Sunday morning of a long weekend I'm there). I tell him I had prolly a 12 pack that week (really I had 18 or so, but I wanted to underestimate). He tells me I should cut down... Other studies I read said two beers a day is healthy for you. Who knows...

If you have a drink in the shower every morning though, I'd be worried. I've done that twice in my life (BSD and BSD back in Uni), but it seems so pointless.

This thread is giving me cravings for a beer tonight...

08-06-2010, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by dsr7723
OP I'd be more concerned about your spelling than whether or not you're an ALCOHOLIC! lol Haha, well I wrote that while I was drunk... I know I'm not an alcoholic myself it was just a general question. I can go for a week without drinking then drink
5 days straight. All depends on if there's any partys or anything going down. I really don't like the taste of most alcohol so if I do drink it is to
get drunk, won't just have 1 or 2 beers just to have them.

08-06-2010, 02:37 PM
3 drinks a week is too much per most intelligent doctors.

08-06-2010, 02:39 PM
after today i am going to become an alcoholic. fuck this week

08-06-2010, 02:49 PM
I'm a functioning alcy. Fuck it lol, i'm over it. :dunno:

08-06-2010, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by londoncallingan
3 drinks a week is too much per most intelligent doctors. Mine says it's good to have a couple
day or whatever since it has high barley intake. Once you start drinking more then that, it becomes hard on your liver

08-06-2010, 03:00 PM
AFAIK there is hardly any barley in beer. If you are using that as an excuse to drink more beer you have problems. Yes barley and hops are a source of silicon, which can help with bone density. After that the benefits end. Why don't you just eat barley? There is only about 20 spikes of barley in a bottle.

Drink beer for a treat or to get drunk, don't try and rationalize it with a doctor.

08-06-2010, 03:13 PM
Trying to build my bone density so I gotta drink more :rofl:

08-06-2010, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by cdnsir

20/20? Whew, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who answered yes to furious drunken masturbation.

yeah, i get pretty carried away with that too, my foreskin is starting the crack, bleed, and heal cycle. my penis looks like a baby iguana.

i wouldnt say i have a drinking problem, but i do have the tendancy to crisco up a can of wildcat, and make love to it.

08-06-2010, 03:40 PM
Dr Maxwell and his colleagues also found that non-drinkers were four times more likely to develop RA than people who drank alcohol on more than ten days a month. The risk of developing RA decreased according to the frequency of alcohol consumption. "This finding agrees with the results from previous studies that have shown a decreased susceptibility to developing RA among alcohol drinkers," said Dr Maxwell.

08-06-2010, 04:17 PM
I find this to be a very interesting thread....after reading what qualifies you as an alcoholic I would probably count in almost all of them even though I am not.

- I will drink 15+ drinks every Friday and Saturday almost religiously because I will go to a party or to a club and thats just how it goes

- I will drink 2 - 3 drinks at least 2 - 3 other days of the week. Weather it be at lunch with some friends or after work with some friends.

- It isn't entirely abnormal for me to drink at least one beer every single day of the week

- I sometimes do actually crave liquor, although i dont think its the liquor itself its likely the good times that usually are associated with it that I crave

The distinguishable reasoning of why I still would not consider myself an alcoholic is drinking has never interfered with any of my day to day activities, I work 8:00 - 5:00 every single day sober, i take care of all the other responsibilities in my life. I can stop at any time, I just dont really feel any need to

08-06-2010, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by cgyITguy
I find this to be a very interesting thread....after reading what qualifies you as an alcoholic I would probably count in almost all of them even though I am not.

- I will drink 15+ drinks every Friday and Saturday almost religiously because I will go to a party or to a club and thats just how it goes

- I will drink 2 - 3 drinks at least 2 - 3 other days of the week. Weather it be at lunch with some friends or after work with some friends.

- It isn't entirely abnormal for me to drink at least one beer every single day of the week

- I sometimes do actually crave liquor, although i dont think its the liquor itself its likely the good times that usually are associated with it that I crave

The distinguishable reasoning of why I still would not consider myself an alcoholic is drinking has never interfered with any of my day to day activities, I work 8:00 - 5:00 every single day sober, i take care of all the other responsibilities in my life. I can stop at any time, I just dont really feel any need to The 2nd last point you made is a good one. If you're drinking with a bunch of people and having a good time, then it's fine, if you start drinking in the basement, closet, etc then that's starting to be a problem.

08-06-2010, 04:40 PM
Weekend warrior checking in...TGIF....time to get fucked up


08-06-2010, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by cgyITguy
I find this to be a very interesting thread....after reading what qualifies you as an alcoholic I would probably count in almost all of them even though I am not.

- I will drink 15+ drinks every Friday and Saturday almost religiously because I will go to a party or to a club and thats just how it goes

- I will drink 2 - 3 drinks at least 2 - 3 other days of the week. Weather it be at lunch with some friends or after work with some friends.

- It isn't entirely abnormal for me to drink at least one beer every single day of the week

- I sometimes do actually crave liquor, although i dont think its the liquor itself its likely the good times that usually are associated with it that I crave

The distinguishable reasoning of why I still would not consider myself an alcoholic is drinking has never interfered with any of my day to day activities, I work 8:00 - 5:00 every single day sober, i take care of all the other responsibilities in my life. I can stop at any time, I just dont really feel any need to

Keep it up man.

08-06-2010, 04:51 PM
If you start to get agitated, sweaty, trembles in your hands when you haven't had a drink and it goes away once you do, you're an alky.

08-06-2010, 05:07 PM
Yah i gotta go drink my hangover off asap here, i smell weird too... :barf:

08-06-2010, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by JfuckinC
Yah i gotta go drink my hangover off asap here, i smell weird too... :barf: What's a hangover? Haven't had one of those for over 4 years lol

08-06-2010, 05:33 PM
A lot of people in this thread say they can stop any time, while some of you can, it just seems to me that a lot of you are just "talk". And with this comment I mean not to offend anyone.

I propose a challenge to all those who drink often to try and stop for a month or two and come back here and tell me how it went.

For example to cgyITguy, im just curious to as what will happen if you continue to keep up your religious activity by going to the club and not drinking. Will it be as simple as to say no, or would justifications come up such as "Dude... its a club you are supposed to drink" or "Everyone is basically drinking, so I don't see why I can't".

Also a lot of you talk about alcoholism through uncontrollable urges and cravings for alcohol. I have found much similarities between alcoholics as I have worked with some before, and surprisingly it even isn't the alcohol that is the main problem.

The main problem for these people is something in their life, a void if you must, and they just substitute it with alcohol. Many of these alcoholics go through treatment and quit alcohol entirely, but that void in their life is not really fixed or attended to. In the end, say a couple of months to half a year, they resort back to alcohol to fill in their "void". When they fix this problem of theirs, the alcohol easily vanishes and no use is required by it anymore.

08-06-2010, 05:55 PM
Alcoholics will also find as many people as possible to co-sign their bullshit for them to make it right.

08-06-2010, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by [Yu]
A lot of people in this thread say they can stop any time, while some of you can, it just seems to me that a lot of you are just "talk". And with this comment I mean not to offend anyone.

I propose a challenge to all those who drink often to try and stop for a month or two and come back here and tell me how it went.

For example to cgyITguy, im just curious to as what will happen if you continue to keep up your religious activity by going to the club and not drinking. Will it be as simple as to say no, or would justifications come up such as "Dude... its a club you are supposed to drink" or "Everyone is basically drinking, so I don't see why I can't".

Also a lot of you talk about alcoholism through uncontrollable urges and cravings for alcohol. I have found much similarities between alcoholics as I have worked with some before, and surprisingly it even isn't the alcohol that is the main problem.

The main problem for these people is something in their life, a void if you must, and they just substitute it with alcohol. Many of these alcoholics go through treatment and quit alcohol entirely, but that void in their life is not really fixed or attended to. In the end, say a couple of months to half a year, they resort back to alcohol to fill in their "void". When they fix this problem of theirs, the alcohol easily vanishes and no use is required by it anymore. If you're going to a club, you gotta drink or its gonna be boring :dunno: same with most days of the week, christmas, etc

08-06-2010, 06:25 PM
I drink the same amount everywhere. In Canada I'm an alcoholic, in England I fit right in, in Ireland I'm a fucking pussy.

08-06-2010, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by msommers
I drink the same amount everywhere. In Canada I'm an alcoholic, in England I fit right in, in Ireland I'm a fucking pussy.

werd. ask yourself, what time is it in newfoundland - if you think its too early to drink.

drink up

08-06-2010, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by rage2
Being an alcoholic doesn't HAVE to affect your day to day activities. I'd say I was a functional alcoholic a few months ago, got wrecked every night, and got in the office at 8 every single day. Did my job perfectly.

This... I can still do this today if I wanted too. Not a single person knew, other then my eyes were a bit bloodshot. :dunno:

08-06-2010, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by [Yu]
A lot of people in this thread say they can stop any time, while some of you can, it just seems to me that a lot of you are just "talk". And with this comment I mean not to offend anyone.

I propose a challenge to all those who drink often to try and stop for a month or two and come back here and tell me how it went.

For example to cgyITguy, im just curious to as what will happen if you continue to keep up your religious activity by going to the club and not drinking. Will it be as simple as to say no, or would justifications come up such as "Dude... its a club you are supposed to drink" or "Everyone is basically drinking, so I don't see why I can't".

Also a lot of you talk about alcoholism through uncontrollable urges and cravings for alcohol. I have found much similarities between alcoholics as I have worked with some before, and surprisingly it even isn't the alcohol that is the main problem.

The main problem for these people is something in their life, a void if you must, and they just substitute it with alcohol. Many of these alcoholics go through treatment and quit alcohol entirely, but that void in their life is not really fixed or attended to. In the end, say a couple of months to half a year, they resort back to alcohol to fill in their "void". When they fix this problem of theirs, the alcohol easily vanishes and no use is required by it anymore.

After high school, I drank about 150 shots/week of hard liquor, every week, for the entire summer. By the end of summer, I developed a craving/need for alcohol, where I wouldn't feel awake or focused without alcohol in my system. I had no problems in my life at the time, just having fun after graduating from high school.

I realized that something was wrong, and had no problems stopping for a few months, and cutting down on drinking after (a few beers whenever I went clubbing). So yes, I can stop at any time.

08-06-2010, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Awd-Tsi
If you're going to a club, you gotta drink or its gonna be boring :dunno: same with most days of the week, christmas, etc

See, attitude like that and justification is bad. Yes its club, and yes I would love to drink lots and party with friends as I once did. But after seeing how devastating people got some times, and the issues with getting taxis and what not, I stopped and I often go to hang out with my friends and become the DD.

Ask yourself this when you go to the club, Are you there for your friends? or are you there to have fun where all of your inhibitions are release? or is it a combination of both?

If your answer is the first one, then thats great, but with that, no where does it say you have to drink. Its boring only if you make it boring. To say you have to drink to have fun sounds like alcoholic talk to me if thats the only reason you go.

GAGE: As I said, some people can do it, some people cannot. I applaud you for your accomplishment. Like you said as well, this was something you did after high school because most likely you just recently turned 18 and the excitement of being able to drink legally was probably awesome for you. As you kept drinking heavily, you realized that it just gets boring I guess is my guess.

If you keep doing the same thing over and over again in terms of an activity, people get bored with it. The real alcoholics that drink don't do it just because its fun, often its to fill in something that is missing within them.

All these are just my opinions, and everyones responses are also right, as I do not disagree with them. I just feel that alcoholism/addiction is more of a mental thing opposed to a physical thing.

08-06-2010, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by [Yu]
I just feel that alcoholism/addiction is more of a mental thing opposed to a physical thing.

Agreed. There is nothing that drives me more nuts than people calling alcoholism a "disease". You aren't born with the shit, just keep a straight head and don't be a doofus.

08-06-2010, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by Pollywog

Agreed. There is nothing that drives me more nuts than people calling alcoholism a "disease". You aren't born with the shit, just keep a straight head and don't be a doofus.

you're a Doofus for believing otherwise. spend a few days in a rehab facility and you may change your little peabrain about it.

08-06-2010, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by Pollywog

Agreed. There is nothing that drives me more nuts than people calling alcoholism a "disease". You aren't born with the shit, just keep a straight head and don't be a doofus.
Actually alcoholism is considered genetic by many medical professionals. It doesnt mean you are born that way, just that you have a major pre-disposition to it. Makes sense actually, most of the families I know that have an alcoholic usually always have more than one. I've read that 1 out of every 3 children born to an alcoholic statistically become one themselves.

08-06-2010, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by Schminderjeet

you're a Doofus for believing otherwise. spend a few days in a rehab facility and you may change your little peabrain about it.

Originally posted by Melinda

Actually alcoholism is considered genetic by many medical professionals. It doesnt mean you are born that way, just that you have a major pre-disposition to it. Makes sense actually, most of the families I know that have an alcoholic usually always have more than one. I've read that 1 out of every 3 children born to an alcoholic statistically become one themselves.

Well I am the type to admit when I am wrong, and I actually didn't know it there was a genetic pre-disposition for alcoholism.

Long story short, my grandmothers brother and father both ended themselves via alcoholism, and every time that I go to BC and my grandmother watches me down beer she warns me of my "pre-disposition" to alcoholism and talks about how her brother had no chance because of his disease. Honestly, I suppose at an early age I adopted the mindset that she was using that as a way to justify her brother (and fathers) alcohol issues to help them remain a positive memory in her mind - and coincidentally that also gave me the impression that alcoholism is a mindset, not a disease.

I didn't mean to come off as a pea-brain, and the few of you made me realize today that I have been wrong in my previous assumptions/thoughts. I assure you, I am not usually so thick.

Edit: Melinda, this part did stick out to me~

Originally posted by Melinda

Actually alcoholism is considered genetic by many medical professionals.

Does this mean that it is not a 100% adopted theory in the medical field? (Regardless, I don't revoke anything I said above)

08-06-2010, 09:28 PM
^ It is very genetic. On my dads side of the family its quite apparent towards distant relatives & cousins. On my moms side its *completely* non-existent.

08-06-2010, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by Pollywog
Edit: Melinda, this part did stick out to me~

Does this mean that it is not a 100% adopted theory in the medical field? (Regardless, I don't revoke anything I said above)
No, the jury is still out on a 100% conclusion. I know wiki is not a fantastic source of info on most subjects, but here's the link, and I've copy and pasted the genetic part:


Genetic predisposition testing
Psychiatric geneticists John I. Nurnberger, Jr., and Laura Jean Bierut suggest that alcoholism does not have a single cause—including genetic—but that genes do play an important role "by affecting processes in the body and brain that interact with one another and with an individual's life experiences to produce protection or susceptibility". They also report that fewer than a dozen alcoholism-related genes have been identified, but that more likely await discovery.[92]

At least one genetic test exists for an allele that is correlated to alcoholism and opiate addiction.[93] Human dopamine receptor genes have a detectable variation referred to as the DRD2 TaqI polymorphism. Those who possess the A1 allele (variation) of this polymorphism have a small but significant tendency towards addiction to opiates and endorphin-releasing drugs like alcohol.[94] Although this allele is slightly more common in alcoholics and opiate addicts, it is not by itself an adequate predictor of alcoholism, and some researchers argue that evidence for DRD2 is contradictory.[92]

Somewhere above that is a bit about how certain cultures are also more likely to have higher occurances of alcoholism.

If you just plug 'is alcoholism genetic?' into google, there's lot of info out there, but no, not everyone is 100% of the same opinion as to how much or if there is a correlation.

08-07-2010, 11:18 AM
I think lots of people drink for something to do as well. Like if someone has a huge group of people over to their house, what else would there be to do besides drinking? Not like their going to play snakes n ladders

09-10-2010, 06:32 AM
Wow, this turned out to be a surprisingly civil thread about alcoholism versus social/situational/binge drinking. Personally I drink with food, at parties/clubs and as a function of my job heh. After a particularly spectacular six weeks on the road, I was worried that my binge might be getting out of hand so I didn't drink for a week, which actually turned into two due to lack of awesome parties and missing wing night. Being a former smoker among other things, I can honestly say that I'm not addicted to alcohol.

My friend on the other hand doesn't seem quite so lucky. I've known Bob for over ten years, we worked together for a while and he taught me a lot of what I know. He was living in BC, working and going to school, but wanted to do something different so I got him a job out here in Calgary.

He was recently fired before finishing his three month probation period because of his drinking. From what I hear, he reeked of booze every day and had trouble getting into work on time. Now that he's jobless, his roommate tells me that he's been drunk non-stop since being fired a few weeks ago and only leaves his room for booze/smokes. I've tried talking to him but he is adamant that he is not an alcoholic. He easily polishes off a two-six of Red Label per day, usually with several beers on top of that.

What do I do?

Originally posted by shakalaka
If you were an alcoholic, I am pretty sure you'd know.

Originally posted by Kloubek
My best friend just came to the understanding he is an alcoholic. Previous to his epifany, it was never a problem.

You might "know", but you'd never admit it to anyone, or even yourself. According to research, alcoholics are untreatable while in denial, just like any other addiction.

09-10-2010, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by Grogador
Wow, this turned out to be a surprisingly civil thread about alcoholism versus social/situational/binge drinking. Personally I drink with food, at parties/clubs and as a function of my job heh. After a particularly spectacular six weeks on the road, I was worried that my binge might be getting out of hand so I didn't drink for a week, which actually turned into two due to lack of awesome parties and missing wing night. Being a former smoker among other things, I can honestly say that I'm not addicted to alcohol.

My friend on the other hand doesn't seem quite so lucky. I've known Bob for over ten years, we worked together for a while and he taught me a lot of what I know. He was living in BC, working and going to school, but wanted to do something different so I got him a job out here in Calgary.

He was recently fired before finishing his three month probation period because of his drinking. From what I hear, he reeked of booze every day and had trouble getting into work on time. Now that he's jobless, his roommate tells me that he's been drunk non-stop since being fired a few weeks ago and only leaves his room for booze/smokes. I've tried talking to him but he is adamant that he is not an alcoholic. He easily polishes off a two-six of Red Label per day, usually with several beers on top of that.

What do I do?

You might "know", but you'd never admit it to anyone, or even yourself. According to research, alcoholics are untreatable while in denial, just like any other addiction. if he is that addicted to alcohol that it is affecting his life in a negative way (losing job) then I would try and refer him to aadac or someone who can help him with it better. If he is only drinking in the house by himself then it is even worse, probably depression as well.

09-10-2010, 09:19 PM
if you can still ENJOY a few drinks, and live an otherwise functional life = not an alch

if you drink just to get drunk and do not ENJOY drinking = alch


09-11-2010, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by illtim3d
if you can still ENJOY a few drinks, and live an otherwise functional life = not an alch

if you drink just to get drunk and do not ENJOY drinking = alch

/endofthread If I drink, I drink to get drunk, so such thing as just sippin a couple beers.

09-12-2010, 12:48 AM
Originally posted by Graham_A_M
^ It is very genetic. On my dads side of the family its quite apparent towards distant relatives & cousins. On my moms side its *completely* non-existent.

I wouldn't quite say genetic, but its passed down. It's ways people handle their stress. If your parents constantly drink when they are down, and form problems, your at risk too. Just like smoking.

I'm with awd, I drink to get drunk, no sippy sippy.

Originally posted by Frank Ricard
Fill it up again! Fill it up again! Once it hits your lips, it's so good!

Fuck it though alcoholics go to meetings, I'm a drunk.

09-12-2010, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by Awd-Tsi
If I drink, I drink to get drunk, so such thing as just sippin a couple beers.

Wine is Fine but Liquor's Quicker!!