View Full Version : Do I need to go to a detailer or a bodyshop?

08-07-2010, 12:06 PM
So my wife "brushed" the front bumper of our Benz against another car in a parking lot a while back. There isn't any damage to either car other than a bit of paint getting rubbed into our bumper. Now do I need to take my car an autobody shop or can I just go to a detailer and see if they can polish it off? I was looking to get the car detailed anyways.

Since my bumper is 3M'd I might just have to get that peeled off and pay for some new 3M.

And yes my wife was a good girl and got a hold of the owner of the other car and exchanged info.


08-07-2010, 12:42 PM
pics of the damage

08-07-2010, 12:47 PM
well detailer can fix those problem

08-07-2010, 01:01 PM
If you just scuffed the 3m, you can polish it ever so carefully and finish it with some plastic protector/sealant type product.

Even if it doesn't work, the 3m saved your paint so if it's not that bad looking, I would just wait until it actually needs replacement (i.e. it peeling off, it getting too badly marred from rocks, discoloring, etc.)

08-07-2010, 03:39 PM
Asian/female/Benz driver. Ya, that was bound to happen haha jokes buddy.

Give Renee inline6turbo and she can help you out with the detailing and 3m stuff.

08-07-2010, 04:21 PM
if its on the 3m, it didnt hit your paint, just replace the 3m, the liklihood of removing the scuffs from the 3m is slim to none really...

08-07-2010, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
Asian/female/Benz driver. Ya, that was bound to happen haha jokes buddy.

Give Renee inline6turbo and she can help you out with the detailing and 3m stuff.

I'm surprised it took until the 4th post for someone to comment on the asian female benz driver hahaha....

I figured I would need to get the 3M replaced. Renee does that? I'll throw her a PM

08-07-2010, 05:43 PM
I agree - just replace the 3M - if it's light light damage you could try polishing it out, but clear bra really isn't meant to be polished with anything abrassive, lest you start effecting it's UV properties.

08-08-2010, 03:17 AM
For any scratches, detailers can polish it through and make it look brand new. I'm a detailer myself, but I do not have the right tools anymore to polish. If you're looking for any other kind of detailing, let me know and I will do it for cheap.

08-08-2010, 04:59 AM
Originally posted by shybabii
For any scratches, detailers can polish it through and make it look brand new. I'm a detailer myself, but I do not have the right tools anymore to polish. If you're looking for any other kind of detailing, let me know and I will do it for cheap.
:eek: Not to be a hater, but that isn't true. Sure the limits can be pushed of how deep scratches can be removed. A good rule of thumb is that if your nail catches over a scratch that it can't be removed. This isn't as true as it used to be now that we have ultrafine micro-abrasives, but it still holds fairly true. Polishing "through" it might not be the best idea...

As for the OP, you could consider finding some terry towel, and running to Canadian Tire and picking up either Meguiar's ScratchX 2.0 or Deep Crystal Step 1. For paint transfer DC1 tends to be a bit more effective, but ScratchX might help if you have other scratches. If it is only ontop of the 3M, you should be in pretty good shape.

08-08-2010, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by sneek

:eek: Not to be a hater, but that isn't true. Sure the limits can be pushed of how deep scratches can be removed. A good rule of thumb is that if your nail catches over a scratch that it can't be removed. This isn't as true as it used to be now that we have ultrafine micro-abrasives, but it still holds fairly true. Polishing "through" it might not be the best idea...

As for the OP, you could consider finding some terry towel, and running to Canadian Tire and picking up either Meguiar's ScratchX 2.0 or Deep Crystal Step 1. For paint transfer DC1 tends to be a bit more effective, but ScratchX might help if you have other scratches. If it is only ontop of the 3M, you should be in pretty good shape.

Its not even scratched. When I run my hand over the area its completely smooth. I just get Renee to try to polish it quickly and if it doesn't work I'll just replace it.

On a side note, I'm not overly impressed with the 3m. I've had it for a year and a half and its like permayellow already.

08-08-2010, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by B18C

Its not even scratched. When I run my hand over the area its completely smooth. I just get Renee to try to polish it quickly and if it doesn't work I'll just replace it.

On a side note, I'm not overly impressed with the 3m. I've had it for a year and a half and its like permayellow already.

You need to apply this stuff to it after every couple car washes.

Plexus Plastic Cleaner. Can buy it at Blackfoot Motorsports in the SE. http://www.plexusplasticcleaner.com/plexus.html