View Full Version : Disabling iPhone data usage

08-10-2010, 09:22 PM
I am leaving for Germany and Sardinia soon and would like to bring my 3Gs for various apps I have that do not require an internet connection, and to play games with on the plane and such.

Can someone please tell me a way to configure the iPhone such that absolutely no data or roaming charges are incurred? I thought about just leaving it in airplane mode but I would like to use wifi hotspots (I assume I can do so for free?) while in Europe. I'm not sure if airplane mode keeps wifi open or not.

Basically I want everything disabled except wifi on the iPhone, and have there be no chance of incurring roaming charges of any kind, be it data, voice, or text.

My phone is on Fido, not unlocked, and is running OS 4, if any of that matters.


08-10-2010, 09:24 PM
Go to settings. Turn off data roaming. Done.

08-10-2010, 09:26 PM
I have an iphone 4 but I assume it'd be the same way for 3Gs


Turn off push notifications if you have it
Turn off location services
under mail, turn off fetch new data

That should do it.

08-10-2010, 09:28 PM
Awesome thanks guys....it's easier than I thought.

Are there any charges for simply being connected to foreign networks? Data would be off, but would I still have the ability to receive texts/calls, etc? I don't want that. Thanks.

08-10-2010, 09:36 PM
You just have to turn off data roaming. Don't turn off push notifications, push email, location service, etc. because they still work when you're connected to wifi!

When you turn off roaming, all data services will fail until you have wifi.

Be careful with texting. It's expensive on foreign networks while roaming in Europe, even just receiving, which you have no control over. You'll get a free text that'll explain the rates to you once you connect to the network.

08-10-2010, 11:06 PM
You can also call Fido/Rogers to disable ALL data transfer to your phone as well, as added protection - worked like a charm for me.

08-11-2010, 12:15 AM
Perfect, thanks guys. I think I am good to go.

08-11-2010, 08:20 AM
I think they already explained the whole data charges issues.. but I must say be really carefull texting and calling it can get really pricey with foreign networks

08-11-2010, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by 3drian
I think they already explained the whole data charges issues.. but I must say be really carefull texting and calling it can get really pricey with foreign networks

I will be doing none of that at all unless it's some sort of emergency. If I can easily disable those features, I would like to.

08-11-2010, 09:37 AM
You can get 25 text roaming for 5 bucks. Incoming text is free.

08-11-2010, 09:56 AM
Your phone by default has data roaming off.

Just use it like normal. There is nothing for you to do.

I was in Europe at the beginning of July. No charges on my bill.

08-11-2010, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by lilmira
You can get 25 text roaming for 5 bucks. Incoming text is free.
That's the International Text Message package, so you can send messages to ppl in other countries while you're at home.

When you travel and are roaming on a foreign network, believe me, you'll get charged for incoming texts too.

08-11-2010, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by rage2

That's the International Text Message package, so you can send messages to ppl in other countries while you're at home.

When you travel and are roaming on a foreign network, believe me, you'll get charged for incoming texts too.


Are you sure? I got the US one when I went there recently. I didn't pay for the incoming text. 5 bucks was all I paid since I didn't go over.

08-11-2010, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by rage2

That's the International Text Message package, so you can send messages to ppl in other countries while you're at home.

When you travel and are roaming on a foreign network, believe me, you'll get charged for incoming texts too.

No. haha.

Fido has packages to use txt while abroad. Incoming is always free.

The outgoing package is $25 for 75 texts in Europe. They have another package just for the US.

08-11-2010, 11:13 AM
Ahh I guess I was wrong. My bad!

I think I got charged when I went to Germany and received about 100 text messages from server alerts without a roaming plan.

08-11-2010, 11:21 AM
If you need to text while abroad, and will likely have wifi, get Textfree app. It gives you a new local number for texts, so friends can text you local. Been using it since I got my 3GS and it works like a charm. Even if you are on airplane mode, but jump into a hotspot, you can check and send msgs for free.

*might have US numbers only*

Edit: If you want to make calls, check out iCall. Free calls voip styles. Lags slightly, 5 minute limit and have to listen to 10sec ad before the call...but its a free call.


I use both these apps for Canadian contacts, since at&t charges alot for Canadian service.

08-11-2010, 11:39 AM
Why don't you just take your SIM card out?

08-11-2010, 11:57 AM
in safari type www.unlockit.co.nz

continue>disable data (fakeapn)

which what i gather is disabling your access point name IP to invalid, meaning it won't talk to the carrier/provider.

anyways i've used it since i reformated my phone and it's worked perfectly, i forgot how i did it when i first got the phone but this is by far the most efficient out of the 2 from what i remember

09-17-2010, 04:09 PM
I was hoping to bring my iphone to mexico for the flight and wifi use now and then while I'm there. After the reading the above, leaving data roaming off will prevent me from incurring data charges but texts and incoming calls could still be an issue? I always though that even if your phone connected to a foreign network you paid some kind of roaming charges, regardless of whether or not you made any calls?

A few places online suggest leaving the phone in airplane mode and then turning wifi on (apparently wifi can be manually turned on even when the phone is in airplane mode?) Has anyone gone this route when they travel with their phone?

09-17-2010, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by BrknFngrs
I was hoping to bring my iphone to mexico for the flight and wifi use now and then while I'm there. After the reading the above, leaving data roaming off will prevent me from incurring data charges but texts and incoming calls could still be an issue? I always though that even if your phone connected to a foreign network you paid some kind of roaming charges, regardless of whether or not you made any calls?

A few places online suggest leaving the phone in airplane mode and then turning wifi on (apparently wifi can be manually turned on even when the phone is in airplane mode?) Has anyone gone this route when they travel with their phone?

I left my phone on the entire time I was gone but in airplane mode and as far as I know I haven't incurred any charges. What I did notice though is that in airplane mode with data sending/receiving turned off, you get 2-3 weeks battery life out of a single charge on the iPhone haha.

09-17-2010, 09:40 PM
Airplane mode!! I did this when I went to Punta Cana, and recently Orlando. You can turn your WIFI on and just use that when needed.

09-17-2010, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by Donmega
Airplane mode!! I did this when I went to Punta Cana, and recently Orlando. You can turn your WIFI on and just use that when needed.

Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt

I left my phone on the entire time I was gone but in airplane mode and as far as I know I haven't incurred any charges. What I did notice though is that in airplane mode with data sending/receiving turned off, you get 2-3 weeks battery life out of a single charge on the iPhone haha.

Thanks for the confirmation guys definitely going this route; the extra battery life will be a nice perk too.

09-18-2010, 09:29 AM
Can anyone confirm whether or not you will incur costs to use Facetime internationally? I understand that it uses wifi so in theory you shouldn't be charged but there is a lot of chatter online about Facetime first dialling out through the cellular network to establish the connection, then switching to wifi.

09-18-2010, 11:08 AM
Google. "Does facetime use minutes"

09-18-2010, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by codetrap
Google. "Does facetime use minutes"

Thanks for the valuable input. When I googled before posting I found out that it connects first over the cell network then immediately changes over to wifi; hence why I was wondering if charges will rack up from using FaceTime.

09-18-2010, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by BrknFngrs

Thanks for the valuable input. When I googled before posting I found out that it connects first over the cell network then immediately changes over to wifi; hence why I was wondering if charges will rack up from using FaceTime.

Really? Then you failed utterly at reading comprehension, and or google skills. I'm not trying to be a total dick here, but the first 10 links say..

"The FaceTime call is over Wi-Fi so does not use carrier minutes."

Then next 3 say..
"“The voice call ends as soon as the FaceTime call connects. The FaceTime call is over Wi-Fi so does not use carrier minutes.”

Then, the link after that says that the iPod Touch 4G is facetime enabled. And it doesn't have minutes.

Ok, so maybe I'm being a bit of a dick. But really?

09-19-2010, 08:12 AM
I hear ya, I guess I was mainly looking for some first hand experience since I'm paranoid about international charges but yes I understand that the links suggest that it should be fine and in theory it should use only the wifi signal since the iPod touches can do FaceTime as well.

09-19-2010, 09:32 AM
Whatever, just rack up a serious data bill, then when you get it, call the local media and whine, then your provider will drop it like crazy.

This method appears to have worked in the past.

09-19-2010, 11:02 AM
as mentioned before, if you really want to be absolutely sure you wont be charged, take out your SIM card. You can use wifi when available but no texts/calls. Keep your SIM with you in case of emergencies, but don't have it in the phone.

Also, there are a lot of wifi connections that appear free in Europe, but most of them will require a log-in with a mobile carrier once you try and access it; but there are still some free wifi spots around.

11-07-2012, 04:49 PM
Can someone help me?

I turned off cellular AND data roaming on my ipad and my iphone when I went travelling to the USA, and just received my bill from Rogers indicating I used over $400 of data roaming only on my ipad, even though I turned off both?

I'm having to fight with Rogers now because they are refusing to lower my bill, I'm assuming because they do not believe me... but has anyone else had this issue?