View Full Version : House break-in / suspicious person alert-Mount Pleasant-Black Honda CR-V JKE-86[7|1]

08-12-2010, 04:04 AM
Just another heads up (bloody fucking hell, why do I have to keep posting these?!) for people living in the Mount Pleasant area.

At 3:25AM this morning my wife woke me, asking me if I remembered to lock the front door because she thought she heard it open. I hopped up, took a quick look around and found nothing. I stopped to take a piss on the way back to bed, and before returning to bed I noticed a black Honda CR-V (~approx 1997) parked in the middle of the road, running, with a bit of a squealing belt. As I stood there wondering why he would be doing this I noticed a guy SPRINTING back to it from my neighbors house.
My neighbor is 90+ years old and his kids only visit every couple of weeks, and definitely not at 3AM.
He gets in the car and takes off down the street, only to stop 2-3 houses later and get out, then sprint up to the front door to try another house. At this point it sinks in, this guy is checking people's front doors looking for an unlocked house.

I called 911 and reported what I knew, a ~6' tall guy who can sprint QUICKLY of medium build was driving a late 90's CR-V or Rav-4 and trying people's front doors. I get a kind of mixed response from the police and they say they will send somebody o ut. At this point I realized my description was pretty useless and my neighborhood gets big quickly (its all a grid) so I thought "they'll never find him from the information I gave... I can do better and help them find him for sure". I went outside to check on my neighbor's house to make sure that this guy didn't gain entry and I noticed the same car parked about 3 blocks down the road, in the middle of the road, lights on engine running, just as I saw him sprint by and get back in and I decided to lay chase.

I hopped in my car and chased him down, once i got within 1-2 blocks I pulled to the side of the road, turned my lights off and put the hand brake on 1 click to turn off the DRL's. I pulled out my handsfree set and called 911 back to update them with his current position. As I followed him we hit a construction area and because he had to turn around I got close enough to give them his plate

JKE-867 (or was it 861... I gave them the right one, and it is one of these two, this time of day makes my memory a bit fuzzy) and I could confirm it was a black CR-V.

I followed him for another minute giving police updated details on this guy but the cops didn't seem to even remotely care, insisted they had already dispatched a car (which now, over 11 minutes later I hadn't seen) and they basically hung up on me. Thanks a lot CPS, thanks a lot.

After realizing that they no longer cared about having enough information to catch this guy I hung up, came home and I am now posting this.

Sorry if it is ramble-y or doesn't make sense. It is 4AM, I was just recently woken up on short sleep and just had to chase down a guy who was trying to break into people's houses because the CPS was fucking useless :banghead:

Seeing how pissed off I was, my wife just called the cops to get a case number for this. If anybody in this area (Tuxedo, Mount Pleasant, Capitol Hill or nearby) had their house broken into or entered during the night, please reference this case number: 4836

08-12-2010, 04:14 AM
What if he is delivering the paper?

08-12-2010, 04:24 AM
Originally posted by EvolizePhoto
What if he is delivering the paper?

That would make perfect sense. OP I hope you didn't just screw someone over for delivering paper...

08-12-2010, 04:58 AM
1) we don't get the paper, and neither does my neighbor
2) he tried to bang open my front door, stuff in my bedroom rattled he hit it so hard
3) the very first thing I did was look all around for any delivery
4) at every other house he approached empty handed
Good enough?

08-12-2010, 05:06 AM
Originally posted by Zero102
1) we don't get the paper, and neither does my neighbor
2) he tried to bang open my front door, stuff in my bedroom rattled he hit it so hard
3) the very first thing I did was look all around for any delivery
4) at every other house he approached empty handed
Good enough? well maybe he wanted to make sure you knew you were getting your paper on time.

08-12-2010, 05:10 AM
Originally posted by EvolizePhoto
well maybe he wanted to make sure you knew you were getting your paper on time.

Now that's a nice paper delivery guy! :thumbsup: Just trying to help people out.

08-12-2010, 05:12 AM
Originally posted by Unknown303

Now that's a nice paper delivery guy! :thumbsup: Just trying to help people out. Yeah! He even gave the neighbor a free paper too! Good way to get new subscribers.

08-12-2010, 05:17 AM
You live in the city,
This shouldn't be new to you.

08-12-2010, 07:08 AM
Originally posted by Koleslaw
You live in the city,
This shouldn't be new to you.

dude, you drive an AMC. no one cares about what you have to say.

08-12-2010, 07:13 AM
wanna buy it?

Supa Dexta
08-12-2010, 07:17 AM
I think in this type of situation you have to tell the cops you are going to grab the guy, or beat the shit out of him, chase him with a knife.. etc.. They'll show up a lot sooner.

08-12-2010, 07:22 AM
it does happen all the time though, kids walk up and down my block all the time trying to open every car door and crackheads try to open up random houses
thats why you lock your shit.

08-12-2010, 09:15 AM
I would have called 911 back again until I got a hold of an operator that wasn't playing fucking Gem Drop on the computer.

Keep us updated if you do find out that any of your neighbors were robbed. Unfortunately, this could possibly be another :facepalm: for the CPS.

08-12-2010, 09:39 AM
I thank you OP for doing this. It's people like you that help prevent/stop shit like this from happening. I sure as shit couldn't even fathom what would happen if i had left my front door unlocked and woke up to find this scumbag in my house. It could go both ways...either really good or really bad.

Again thanks :thumbsup:

:thumbsdow to CPS

08-12-2010, 09:44 AM
If you want the cops to take you seriously, you have to say "IN PROGRESS" when you make the call.

08-12-2010, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by Koleslaw
You live in the city,
This shouldn't be new to you.

Did I say it was new to me? Yes, crime happens in the city, we all get it and your smart ass remarks don't help in any way. What you missed here is that I am taking measures to actively prevent my property from being burglarized as well as to protect my neighbors. I am taking measures to assist the CPS in locating the people committing these crimes and to bring them to justice. Further to this, people who commit these types of crimes now typically escalate their criminal activity later. Catching them now leads to a reduction in crime later.

I think the only part of this that really surprised me was that he would even try our front door given that we have the light on in the baby's room, a lamp on in our bedroom and the air conditioner running.

My frustration lies in the response of our 911 service and calgary police. Over 90 minutes after the attempted break-and-enters there still had not been a single cop car that went by, add to this the fact that the operator did everything but hang up on me when I tried to provide updated information to help catch the person, and that every time I called back I got the same guy.

From my house to where I finally broke off following him was approximately 9 blocks. So, in an area where everything is laid out as a grid, 9 blocks from the center gives a grid 18 blocks x 18 blocks (or 324 1-block streets + alley ways) that he could be in within a span of about 10 minutes. It would take longer to search the ever-expanding square than it would take him to get away. IMO providing the CPS with updated location information should have guaranteed that they catch the person, but no, due to the apathy of our emergency response system this guy got away.

Although I may not have said "IN PROGRESS" I continually updated the 911 operator when he would try to force his way into another house, I think it was very evident that the person was still attempting to enter the homes of sleeping people.

08-12-2010, 11:02 AM
a noisy burglar that bangs on people's door to rob them :dunno:
whatever happened to stealth?

08-12-2010, 11:12 AM
CPS has been desperately trying to increase its presence in this city by increased recruitment efforts and the new District buildings. But its still not enough, You are lucky if you only had to wait 90 minutes

Worse happened to this couple and they had to wait 5 hours

They won't give a shit about an attempted B&E. Shit that is legit happening is more important.
your ranting on the internet and failed attempt at vigilantism doesn't help anything ether.
Locking your doors helps.

08-12-2010, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by Zero102

Did I say it was new to me? Yes, crime happens in the city, we all get it and your smart ass remarks don't help in any way. What you missed here is that I am taking measures to actively prevent my property from being burglarized as well as to protect my neighbors. I am taking measures to assist the CPS in locating the people committing these crimes and to bring them to justice. Further to this, people who commit these types of crimes now typically escalate their criminal activity later. Catching them now leads to a reduction in crime later.

I think the only part of this that really surprised me was that he would even try our front door given that we have the light on in the baby's room, a lamp on in our bedroom and the air conditioner running.

My frustration lies in the response of our 911 service and calgary police. Over 90 minutes after the attempted break-and-enters there still had not been a single cop car that went by, add to this the fact that the operator did everything but hang up on me when I tried to provide updated information to help catch the person, and that every time I called back I got the same guy.

From my house to where I finally broke off following him was approximately 9 blocks. So, in an area where everything is laid out as a grid, 9 blocks from the center gives a grid 18 blocks x 18 blocks (or 324 1-block streets + alley ways) that he could be in within a span of about 10 minutes. It would take longer to search the ever-expanding square than it would take him to get away. IMO providing the CPS with updated location information should have guaranteed that they catch the person, but no, due to the apathy of our emergency response system this guy got away.

Although I may not have said "IN PROGRESS" I continually updated the 911 operator when he would try to force his way into another house, I think it was very evident that the person was still attempting to enter the homes of sleeping people.

Good job man, I would've done the same. I expect the police to do their job, and it makes me mad that they didn't show up.

Please file a complaint on them.

"How do you make a complaint?

Telephone the Professional Standards Section at 403-206-5904, fax to 403-265-9870"


08-12-2010, 11:17 AM
Funny - I couldn't sleep a couple of nights ago, and went out at 4:00am to have a smoke. A woman was doing the same thing, but I figured she really WAS delivering a paper. (Though I couldn't see anything in her hands, but it was dark)

I too first thought she was maybe doing something uncool, but I'm pretty sure that was what was going down in my case.

If this person was actually knocking on doors (which seems like an odd thing for them to do - why would you do that if you're trying to break in?) then something else is up for sure.

08-12-2010, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by Koleslaw
CPS has been desperately trying to increase its presence in this city by increased recruitment efforts and the new District buildings. But its still not enough, You are lucky if you only had to wait 90 minutes

Worse happened to this couple and they had to wait 5 hours

They won't give a shit about an attempted B&E. Shit that is legit happening is more important.
your ranting on the internet and failed attempt at vigilantism doesn't help anything ether.
Locking your doors helps.

I didn't have to wait 90 minutes, I said after 90 minutes still nobody had gone by, they didn't respond at all. If this guy had succeeded in gaining entry into somebody's house they would have been robbed long before the CPS arrived (who knows, maybe he DID succeed somewhere I didn't see)

If nobody brings attention to the repeated shortfalls of our police service during legitimate situations (which it is, despite your feelings to the contrary) then nothing will be done. I don't know why you feel the need to repeatedly mention that people should lock their doors, MY DOORS WERE LOCKED and evidently so were the doors of the other people or he would have gained entry while I was trying to bring the CPS to the scene.

I have a steel front door so I was lucky, no damage was done, but for people with wooden doors or no deadbolts it is likely they will have some damage from his attempted entry.

You are right, this attempt at vigilantism failed, why did it fail? BECAUSE THE CPS WOULD NOT RESPOND. It did not fail through my actions, if they had simply attended the scene this person would be caught and future crimes would not be committed by this individual. Now, because of their lack of response, he will carry on doing this, or something even worse later.

08-12-2010, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by Kloubek
Funny - I couldn't sleep a couple of nights ago, and went out at 4:00am to have a smoke. A woman was doing the same thing, but I figured she really WAS delivering a paper. (Though I couldn't see anything in her hands, but it was dark)

I too first thought she was maybe doing something uncool, but I'm pretty sure that was what was going down in my case.

If this person was actually knocking on doors (which seems like an odd thing for them to do - why would you do that if you're trying to break in?) then something else is up for sure.

I posted in the middle of the night and it really is less than clear, my bad. He wasn't knocking on doors, he was trying the handle then slamming his body into the door in an attempt to force it open. I don't think he was trying to alert the people who were in the houses to his actions, but rather was trying to gain entry into an unoccupied house, or a house where he could grab things and escape before the people inside woke up / reacted.

Cody D
08-12-2010, 01:57 PM
Good for you for trying to do the right thing, I wonder if you had asked to talk to a supervisor with the police if you would have gotten a better result?

I am lucky enough to have a couple RCMP as neighbours, it wouldn't take much to get help in my area.

08-12-2010, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by Zero102

I posted in the middle of the night and it really is less than clear, my bad. He wasn't knocking on doors, he was trying the handle then slamming his body into the door in an attempt to force it open. I don't think he was trying to alert the people who were in the houses to his actions, but rather was trying to gain entry into an unoccupied house, or a house where he could grab things and escape before the people inside woke up / reacted.

Don't listen to what ignorant people say. You did good! :clap: :clap:

For future reference if you want the CPS to respond right away tell them you have a weapon and are prepared to defend yourself. They will be there so fast it will make your head spin.

08-12-2010, 05:15 PM

08-12-2010, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by Cody D
Good for you for trying to do the right thing, I wonder if you had asked to talk to a supervisor with the police if you would have gotten a better result?

I am lucky enough to have a couple RCMP as neighbours, it wouldn't take much to get help in my area. yea wtf why is everyone giving him shit? I know half the people in this thread grew up in compton but we don't have to encourage burglars. A good neighborhood watch does more than the CPS ever will to discourage petty theft and vandalism.

08-12-2010, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by calgary403

Don't listen to what ignorant people say. You did good! :clap: :clap:

For future reference if you want the CPS to respond right away tell them you have a weapon and are prepared to defend yourself. They will be there so fast it will make your head spin.


Just say the culprit has something that resembles a fire arm in his hand and they would've been there right away. Afterward all you have to say is it was dark and it looked like a gun or umbrella.

08-12-2010, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by luxor


Just say the culprit has something that resembles a fire arm in his hand and they would've been there right away. Afterward all you have to say is it was dark and it looked like a gun or umbrella.

I was just messing around with EvolizePhoto. After all it was the middle of the night and I was bored. I'm glad there are still people who go out of their way to report trouble. It is pretty sad that the police don't seem to respond in any decent manner for this kind of call. But next time you can always like above say you thought it looked like he had a gun and they will probably bring the whole police force down there.

08-13-2010, 01:45 PM
Wow, if he was slamming his body into the door and not caring about waking them up it's kind of scary to think what he would do to the people if they confront him.

08-13-2010, 01:52 PM
This exact thing happened in Oakridge last night at around the same time. Same car too. Someone got the plate and called it in to the Police. Good on yeah.

08-13-2010, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by darkone00
This exact thing happened in Oakridge last night at around the same time. Same car too. Someone got the plate and called it in to the Police. Good on yeah. somebody should give him my address in temple so he can come try opening my door.

08-13-2010, 02:56 PM
Hopefully the guy wasn't up to no good.

The guy that delivers papers to my house actually drives an SUV, and he usually steps out of his car and THROWS it at the front door, often hitting it and causing a bang. Most annoying thing ever lol. I actually live sorta close to Mount Pleasant so maybe it is the same guy? I don't remember what color his CRV is though...

08-13-2010, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by darkone00
This exact thing happened in Oakridge last night at around the same time. Same car too. Someone got the plate and called it in to the Police. Good on yeah.

Originally posted by Impreza
Hopefully the guy wasn't up to no good.

The guy that delivers papers to my house actually drives an SUV, and he usually steps out of his car and THROWS it at the front door, often hitting it and causing a bang. Most annoying thing ever lol. I actually live sorta close to Mount Pleasant so maybe it is the same guy? I don't remember what color his CRV is though...

Like I said above, his hands were EMPTY when exiting his vehicle and there were no papers or other deliveries left behind. I also highly doubt that the guy would exit his vehicle, try the door handle and slam himself into the door when he is delivering a newspaper. Add this to the confirmation above and this should FINALLY dispel the idea that this was a paper guy.

I cannot make this any clearer, he was not delivering any newspapers.

For darkone, did you witness this, and if so, what was the outcome (as I can only assume you called the police immediately)?? If they had come out when I called this could have been avoided.

08-13-2010, 03:12 PM
Does anybody here work at a registry? If so, can you confirm the home address of the owner of the vehicle? On the off chance that this fucktard is dumb enough to use his own vehicle perhaps a visit to his house is in order?

Alternatively, perhaps we could update the owner of the stolen vehicle about it's current use and whereabouts since we all know the police will never do anything.

08-13-2010, 03:49 PM
I dont know how many times more it needs to be said:


08-13-2010, 07:39 PM
Good on ya OP for being so diligent.

Next time just do what a few people have said, either tell the operator you think he has a gun or say you are grabbing your bat/knife/whatever and getting him yourself. If you do the later, just hang up right after, the cops will be there so fast it will be insane (mind you, they will most likely want to arrest you and not the crook).

08-13-2010, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by revelations
I dont know how many times more it needs to be said:


And you know this how?

How do you know that it wasn't some lazy cop who took his sweet ass time to show up to the scene, or made a quick round nearby and called back and said he didn't find anything?

What makes you so sure that CPS isn't involved in any of this? You DON'T know. I'm assuming both parties are at fault until OP files a complaint and someone calls him back to tell him what really happened.

08-13-2010, 07:45 PM
Was probably a guy running a home security business, trying to get some new customers. Look for pamphlet or knock on the door in the next few days.

08-13-2010, 07:48 PM

08-13-2010, 08:01 PM
Call it in as a tax evasion in progress, you will have every level of government there in minutes..

08-13-2010, 08:15 PM
Wow.... sounds like some guy high as fuck looking for quick shit to pawn for his next hit of sweet columbian nectar.

I know that Police don't like being bothered with this kind of stuff, but really this is terrible.

Basically you might as well just give the theif your shit he's gonna take it anyways and there fuck all you can do to stop him. If you lay a finger on him you are going to have Police all over your ass for assault.

I like the call in the US where the dude is on the phone with the cops and somebody is breaking into his neighbours house. So he goes over and blasts them... and its perfectly legal.

Gets tired of waiting for the cops because they are taking too long.


08-13-2010, 08:37 PM
Beyond: Cares more about the Newspaper.

But really, ever consider going to the news about this? I'm sure the sun would write up a report on this.

Cody D
08-13-2010, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by sillysod
I like the call in the US where the dude is on the phone with the cops and somebody is breaking into his neighbours house. So he goes over and blasts them... and its perfectly legal.

Gets tired of waiting for the cops because they are taking too long.

http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/4940/2939362913.jpg (http://img43.imageshack.us/i/2939362913.jpg/)

08-14-2010, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by derpderp
Beyond: Cares more about the Newspaper.

But really, ever consider going to the news about this? I'm sure the sun would write up a report on this.

Yeah, my wife called/emailed a couple of places including some mayoral candidates. No response whatsoever :thumbsdow

We have finally managed to identify the officer responsible for this call and are trying to get a hold of him (apparently he is away until monday) to find out more, but I think we already know what we will hear.

For the guy who posted about it happening again in Oakridge, seriously, post more details. This guy is putting people's stuff and possibly their lives at risk, share what you know.

Also, I am serious, if anybody has any means to get his home address from his license plate it would be really appreciated.

08-14-2010, 03:40 PM
Good job Zero102, you are a kind of guy that I respect, actually attempting to at least do something. Other people in this thread are just know it alls and if something actually happened to them would probably shit their pants.
I would of tried to ask him wtf he thought he was doing in so so neighbourhood.

Theres been a lot of theft in my area outside the city recently and I will have no problem attempting to get involved if I see crap going on.
If I ever meet you Ill buy you a pint or 2. :clap: