View Full Version : Making a trip down south, Requesting Recommendation's

08-16-2010, 10:58 PM
Hey Calgary people. My friend is visiting from the states with his girlfriend and unfortunately they aren't coming to my neck of the woods in Edmonton. So in turn we're gathering up IN Calgary except none of us live there, so we really don't know anything good to do.

I think we're going to go checkout this hookah bar:


We're really not looking for "exclusive" Alberta clubs (if these such things even exist in our province), but something that would be moderately busy with a good crowd on a Friday night.

Any events or activities happening on Friday August 20th would be also good to checkout. We're really not planning to party and go crazy but as the drinks come in I'm sure the adventure will thicken :nut: ...

So any helpful advice for a foreigner to your city would be much appreciated. For the record, i don't watch much hockey, I'll always boo the flames. But the Oilers suck horribly.

Thanks again.