View Full Version : Traffic ticket error, need advice

08-17-2010, 01:24 PM
So heres my situation, I got my first traffic ticket back in July and I went to the first appearance center to see if they could lower it but they didn't.
Afterwards, I requested to fight it at court and the guy in the first appearance center told me the crown will set a date and would call me to let me know.

I've been waiting for their phone call for few weeks now and still no calls. Today I've receive 2 letters from them.
One of the letters state that I have accumulated demerits points, the second letter states that I am convicted and I have failed to pay the fine(+ late fee) on time.:banghead:
This is indeed their error as I did appear at the justice.
So does anyone have any suggestions as what I could do now?

08-17-2010, 01:29 PM
What proof do you have that states that "the crown will set a date and would call"?

08-17-2010, 01:42 PM
I can see this scenario playing out entirely in your favour.

...or not.

08-17-2010, 01:48 PM
I don't but I saw the guy in the first appearance center stamp my ticket and wrote things on it which could be evidence :dunno:

08-17-2010, 02:01 PM
Well, maybe he meant for you to wait and the crown would call you to the next kiosk, and instead you thought call you on your phone and you left instead. Where would he get your phone number?

Everytime I go to the justice to fight my tickets it plays out like this.

Stand in first line, greet first dude and say you want to fight it (or plead guilty and pay right there). He takes all your info, finds the police officers copy of the tickets from the drawers and says wait to be called to the justice window.

You find a place to wait in the seating area

Justice calls you up, goes over it with you, see if you can lessen the charges, or you can set a date with a judge, sometimes even get in right away to see the judge.

Then go upstairs to courtroom and do more waiting.

Maybe I misunderstood what you wrote, but the justice will tell you the date and time to show up if you choose to fight it.

08-17-2010, 02:35 PM
Thank you for your detailed reply.
I am guessing the justice is the guy I talked to in the first appearance center. I told him I'm fighting it and he did not set up a date but instead he told me "the crown will call me" but according to your description he really mean't as in the crown will call my name. If he had told me to take a seat outside to wait for my name I wouldn't have left thinking the crown will give me a phone call :facepalm:

Scat E46
08-17-2010, 02:40 PM
They do not call you. It gets set up before you leave. You will be given a piece of paper with the pertinent details. They are booking into July of 2011 for court dates, this was as of last week.