View Full Version : Ombud blasts government's treatment of veterans

08-17-2010, 08:02 PM

08-17-2010, 08:09 PM
Meh, they're a drain on society who have stopped contributing. Plus, if they'd been responsible during their working lives they wouldn't need to rely on government handouts...right guys?.....guys? :banghead:

08-17-2010, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by Nusc

The Conservatives Party don't care even care about veterans.

If u listen to any of his interviews, he said the problem isn't Conservative or Liberal, it's the government. The problem started way befor conservatives was in power.

And he round up everyone when he got served with no renewal? I'm sure there is bit of hidden agenda there.

08-17-2010, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by Freeskier
Meh, they're a drain on society who have stopped contributing. Plus, if they'd been responsible during their working lives they wouldn't need to rely on government handouts...right guys?.....guys? :banghead:

I know ur joking but it concerned more with veterans with disabilities than fully functional ones.

08-18-2010, 12:10 AM
Nusc doesn't have the mental capacity to realize that the governmental administration in place is still littered with people who took their jobs during the liberal stranglehold.

Nusc isn't quite sure about anything, but he'll just run with it.

Nusc smells his fingers after he wipes his ass.

Nusc shits when he farts

Nusc looks at his butthole in the mirror

Nusc has a "taste" of it, when he's finished.
Nusc, you'll be my bro forever bro.

Edit: :love:

08-18-2010, 08:16 AM
Still, Veterans Affairs Minister Jean-Pierre Blackburn said that Stogran's anger may lay in the fact that his contract is not being renewed.

This is my belief too... the guy is just pissy that his cushy government job is coming to an end... so might as well go out with a bang.

08-18-2010, 02:39 PM
Meh, the govt stance and advice seems to be "When it doubt pull the trigger" in 2010.

So if your commanding officer happens to be in the way of your gunsight, thats just too bad. The military is finally catching on that the current legislative arm of govt cares very little for the militant arm of the govt. "Expendable" is a pretty harsh term, but it is the mentality that is going around.

Bush bent over for the militant arm, Obama is squeezing the military. It does change with respective parties and the power struggles between the respective arms of govt.

08-19-2010, 08:31 PM

Minister's response is that its good to get a new face every three years...fairly weak if you ask me.

08-20-2010, 06:36 PM
Every new thing i read about this seems to make the government look worse and worse for this decision


Canada's top soldier, Gen. Walter Natynczyk, says concerns raised by the veterans ombudsman are "absolutely correct issues" and the controversial New Veterans Charter "doesn't work for everyone."

"He has certainly voiced with clarity what the issues are," said Natynczyk, who held the news conference with his Dutch counterpart, Gen. Peter Van Uhm, who has been on an official visit to Canada.

08-21-2010, 01:29 PM
Canadas got a screwy military system.

In the US, the president is without question - Commander in Chief, which means that hes above the generals in terms of rank.

In Canada, the military arm does not really answer so readily to the ministers - especially the legislative ministers. His/her primary duty is actually to the crown, which probably means the judicial arm or maybe even the Queen herself.