View Full Version : Hitchhikers

08-18-2010, 01:35 PM
Just wondering if anyone ever picks up hitchhikers? Driving to BC this weekend I saw several walking on the highway, last April I saw one in the middle of Rogers Pass, bad weather, no buildings or services for miles and miles.

Do these people get picked up? Do they just keep walking to their destination or the next town??

adam c
08-18-2010, 01:39 PM
never, probably because i have my gf and 1 yo daughter in the car with me

my dad did once that i remember when a boy and his father had their car break down on the highway

08-18-2010, 01:43 PM
If they where a STD free hot girl, then yes.

08-18-2010, 01:54 PM
^^ Yeah, because everyone carries explicit medical records on themselves as proof.

Basically, if it is a hot girl who looks like she'll take it up the poop shoot, you double bag it, do the deed, then send her on her way.

Seriously, I have picked up a three hitchhikers. One just got out of jail and stole a sandwich at a gas station while I filled up. Another was some stinky tree hugger with a big bongo drum. I thought he might have weed, so I gave it a shot. The third ended up being a prostitute who got dropped off in the middle of nowhere by her John.

I regretted all three cases. Now, I tend not to even entertain the idea anymore unless it looks like someone is not WANTING to hitchhike, but is in distress. (Ie: broken-down car)

08-18-2010, 01:56 PM



Oh, which word to use?

"Are" would've been the best choice, methinks.

08-18-2010, 02:00 PM
i see them at least once or twice every 2 weeks mostly during summer/spring on the way to work at CYBW just at the valley ridge merge to highway 1 , most of them native and looking to get back to the reserve on the way (morley?). but tons of caucasians too i guess (but always the hippy dreadlocks kind of white ppl), all with signs that either say BANFF or VANCOUVER. I find some of them to be absolutely retarded tho, standing in the middle of highway 1, the MIDDLE of it expecting someone to pull over on the L/H shoulder of the highway, wtf

No one ever picks them up from what i've seen in 2 years and i've seen the CPS pull up to them and tell them to GTFO as there is a sign that used to say picking up hitchikers is an offense or something. but someone has to pick them up tho unless they start walking all the way out west :nut:

the only person i saw who got picked up was a woman and her toddler who's car probably broke down just behind her and was walking in this heavy heavy wind west bound with her little daughter ( i was going east into the city) and a truck stopped to help her, idk if she got in tho.

08-18-2010, 02:10 PM
I pick up people from time to time if I'm bored.

The last person I picked up was a girl and she turned out being a long time family friend. Quite amusing..

08-18-2010, 02:12 PM
I have never picked up a hitchhiker and likely never will...the idea of a complete stranger sitting next to me while im driving just freaks me out.

I did think about it last month on my drive back from Croatia to Germany, we stopped off to get some gas in Austria and saw about 20-30 hitchhikers with numbers on each one of them looking for rides. I think they were in some kind of a race from country to country. While I was at the pump one of them came up to me and was about to ask for a ride when she noticed my back seat was filled with luggage lol.

08-18-2010, 02:14 PM
I hitchhiked lots in Aus, people picked me up, were super nice, gave me free shit...but it's a diff story in Canada.

08-18-2010, 02:14 PM
I've picked up a few. Drove one guy to Red Deer and one to Vancouver. No issues with either trip.
Wife doesn't like it, so I don't do it when she's in the car, which is most of the time lately.

08-18-2010, 02:14 PM
I used to hitchhike all the time when I was younger, living in New Brunswick, and have even picked up the odd person here and there way back when... but I wouldn't anymore, too many crazy fuckers out there.

08-18-2010, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by arian_ma
I hitchhiked lots in Aus, people picked me up, were super nice, gave me free shit...but it's a diff story in Canada.

Very different story... the majority of people you pick up in AUS are lovin' hippies than psychos.

08-18-2010, 02:16 PM
Yea, unless they have medical records, Big boobs, and have a sign saying

"I put out"

It aint happening.

08-18-2010, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by Jlude
I used to hitchhike all the time when I was younger, living in New Brunswick, and have even picked up the odd person here and there way back when... but I wouldn't anymore, too many crazy fuckers out there.

That basically sums up lots of the locals in NB. Crazy fuckers. Never seen a hitchhiker though.

08-18-2010, 03:01 PM
I saw a hitchhiker today and thought... hmm if i wasn't getting off on the next exit I would have picked her up.

If I was travelling a big distance I would pick one up but I am usually just around the city or maybe airdrie.

Drove a few boarders from Sunshine to Banff.

08-18-2010, 03:08 PM
I picked up three chicks in bikinis when i was in Penticton recently.. that was... fun :poosie:

master hec0
08-18-2010, 03:15 PM
iv picked up 2. off the deerfoot no issues

08-18-2010, 06:38 PM
Man, don't you guys listen to The Doors?

08-18-2010, 08:03 PM
See, what you do is slow down like your gonna pick em up. Wait til they walk (jog) all the way to your car and when they're about six feet from your back bumper you take off. :rofl:

08-18-2010, 10:05 PM
It's very seldom that one receives a random act of kindness, so when I see someone on the side of the road giving me the "thumbs up," I give them one right back. :) :love:

08-18-2010, 10:28 PM
I log a lot of highway mileage for my job from time to time, and it does get boring but boredom alone isn't enough to motivate me to pick up a complete stranger.

08-18-2010, 11:06 PM
Im afriad to but have have always wanted to

08-18-2010, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by Cos
Im afriad to but have have always wanted to

haha this made me laugh..

I'v picked up a couple a guys back when I was 17 landed my buddy and I a summer job roofing.

D'z Nutz
08-19-2010, 12:17 AM


08-19-2010, 05:20 AM
Originally posted by Zigo
If they where a STD free hot girl, then yes.

Her boyfriend is probably hiding in the ditch.

08-19-2010, 07:30 AM
I used to live in Coaldale and work in Lethbridge (10 minute drive). You would sometimes see guys walking on the highway to/from work in the industrial park. I never picked anyone up in the mornings but I've given quite a few guys a ride home on hot days.


08-19-2010, 07:44 AM
I felt bad for one guy, he was walking with his dog in Rogers Pass and it was snowing (was end of April) however I was in a small car with my dog, alone, and female so I did not pick him up.

I did not see any broken down cars anywhere but often wonder if he got a ride. I guess maybe a lot of truckers pick people up?

There were signs all over some parts of BC about it being illegal to hitch hike and to pick them up.

Lilac Wine
08-19-2010, 03:23 PM
I know someone who hitch hiked across Canada this summer. I think it took him awhile, and he had to camp out a lot, but he did make it. He blogged about it and lots of people bought him food, let him stay at their places, etc. I was very amazed reading it that people would do that.
I don't think I would pick up a hitch hiker. There are the stories you hear about that just ruin it for everyone. Same as being the hitch hiker - wouldn't want to do it.

08-19-2010, 03:45 PM
I've picked up a few hitch hikers and never for any longer then an hour or so drive as well. All went smooth except for one, where the dude was trying to tell me where to go drop him off in town (I told him I would drop him off at the town exit and that was good enough) after he knew I was dropping him off at town, not in. That conversation ended quick. So all in all, pretty good experiences with hitch hikers.

I have never hitch hiked before and don't know that I would either..

08-19-2010, 03:53 PM
Picked up a a couple of times. First one was uneventful, second one was a hippie bum with weed in Banff, I didn't want to but my friend said it would be hilarious.

Guy passed out in the back seat within 5 minutes, and when we got to Calgary, we tried kicking him out at the Mustard Seed, he got all pissy, like we were buds and going to hang out or something. It took a police cruiser driving around the corner for him to bolt out the door, right quick, lol.

He forgot his hat, and a week later when I parked downtown, I got back to my car, and there was a note on my windshield "Where's my fucking hat?", and a bunch of cigarette butts on my hood.

08-19-2010, 04:09 PM
Picked one up around red deer. Driving really early in the morning on no sleep from calgary to edmonton. By the time i was nearing red deer I was in danger of falling asleep but had to keep going so on a random thought I picked up a guy to keep my ass awake. Needless to say it worked.

He was a bum, smelled like crap all he talked about was drugs. He asked me to drop him at a certain place in edmonton when I pulled into the first gas station and then proceeded to ask for a few bucks I told him to GTFO.

Thanks to that guy likely never do it again.

08-19-2010, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by Lilac Wine
I know someone who hitch hiked across Canada this summer. I think it took him awhile, and he had to camp out a lot, but he did make it. He blogged about it and lots of people bought him food, let him stay at their places, etc. I was very amazed reading it that people would do that.
I don't think I would pick up a hitch hiker. There are the stories you hear about that just ruin it for everyone. Same as being the hitch hiker - wouldn't want to do it.

There was a really cool documentary on CBC a few years back about one of the reporters hitch hiking from Toronto to Vancouver with camera gear to document the whole thing.

He had the most trouble in Toronto and in Calgary..everywhere else he got rides very easily. Truckers, guys driving out to Alberta for work etc..but he made a big deal about how hard it was to get rides in Toronto and Calgary more than anything else.

I use to hitch hike to high school back in the day (when I missed the bus, which was quite often), usually got rides fairly easily but I've never picked one up and wouldn't do it again unless I was desperate.

I also know a guy that did it from B.C to Ontario and the 2nd or 3rd ride he got in B.C ended up driving him right to his parents house back in Ontario :)

08-19-2010, 04:14 PM
I also used to pick up the odd hitcher...met some really cool people actually. On a trip to Kamloops, picked up a couple guys in Banff hitching across Canada. They had some interesting stories. I asked where they were staying in Kamloops and they said they had nowhere to stay and couldn't afford a hotel...their plan was to sleep in the bush by the road and resume their hitchhiking at first light. The weather was horrible and I felt bad for them. Probably against my better judgment, but I offered them one of the beds in my hotel in Kamloops. I kept my wallet 'n shit close to me at all times, just in case. They were so grateful to have a warm bed to sleep in and slept like babies. Bought them breakfast at McDonald's the next morning and dropped them off on the highway heading west.

One of the fellows had a gimped arm...he was in some kind of farming accident which pulled all the muscle out of his arm. There was little chance they were criminals and it felt good to help them out. Hope they got to where they were going eventually.

Now the car is full of wife and kids...so no more pickups :)

08-19-2010, 04:30 PM
I'd never pick one up down here...I'd be too afraid I'd be killed with an axe or something

"If ya give this man a ride sweet memory will die. Killer on the road"

08-19-2010, 04:42 PM
When I drive through banff or Jasper I'll pick the odd hitcher but once we are outta the park, they are outta my car.

08-19-2010, 04:45 PM
I never pick them up because they all look like drunks, occasionally I see someone who looks semi normal but my cars usually full if im out of the city anyway.

08-20-2010, 09:49 AM
I have a few friends that hitchhike, and rarely have a hard time getting picked up. They're all girls or look like hippies, so they don't look especially threatening.
My room mate hitchhiked from Winnipeg to NB earlier this summer.

I've picked up a few, most were cool but picked up one guy near Kelowna who "had gotten dropped off in the country by the police after he tried to beat them up"...

My rule of thumb is not to pick up anyone who's hitchhiking without a bag.

Rat Fink
08-21-2010, 11:31 PM

08-21-2010, 11:43 PM
I picked up a guy once. He was just outside Okotoks, in a leg cast, arm cast and had a cain. Figured he was a safe bet.

The only reason I picked him up was to re-pay karma.

I hitchiked from Calgary to Revelstoke (trying to make it to Quesnel) when I was 15 with a buddy.

We had quite a few people pick us up along the way. (and some gave us money) Last lady that picked us up and drove us to Revelstoke ended up calling the cops on us. I got busted and my buddy jumped out of a hotel window to get away lol

First guys that picked us up on highway 1 robbed us of everything we had and left us at a road side turn off in the mountians :rofl:

True story

08-21-2010, 11:47 PM
In newfoundland we would hitch all the time. One of us girls would stand on the side of the road, and everyone else would hide in the ditch. As soon as a car stopped and the door was opened, evreyone else would climb out of the ditch.

Do you know you can fit 9-10 people in a Chevette?

08-22-2010, 01:01 AM
ive picked up a few. never any crackhead looking ones tho, and never had any problems. just normal people that needed rides

08-22-2010, 01:10 AM
Originally posted by baygirl
In newfoundland we would hitch all the time. One of us girls would stand on the side of the road, and everyone else would hide in the ditch. As soon as a car stopped and the door was opened, evreyone else would climb out of the ditch.

Do you know you can fit 9-10 people in a Chevette?

What would you give the drivers who picked you up?

08-22-2010, 11:47 AM
Back in like 2002 my brother and I went camping with friends in White Swan. He stayed there after we left so that he could do some back country by himself. He ended up hitchhiking all the way back to Calgary, and got a ride super quick apparently, by some German couple who were living in YYC. I thought it was pretty crazy, since he had the world's bushiest hippy/garcia beard at the time, and pretty much looked like a bum with really expensive gear. I was pretty impressed, actually.

The Germans even invited him over for dinner the next weekend. :rofl:

08-22-2010, 12:24 PM
I have hitchhiked from Sylvan to Red Deer and back a few times when I was young. And honestly half the time it was Europeans who would pick you up. Probably not a coincidence.

One of the coolest stories was one of the last times I hitchhiked. I was standing at the intersection that is on the top of 50th street where the turnoff to 11 is and buddy in a grey Porsche pulls up and tells me to hop in. He asked me how fast I think we could get to Red Deer. That was fun. I was too young to appreciate the car and don't remember much about it besides going 200km/h and being scared shitless lol.

08-22-2010, 12:50 PM
When i was about 6 and we lived in Sundre, my dad picked up a hitchhiker on our way home just west of Sundre. The guy was working out in the area and didn't have a ride back into town.

Now Sundre at that time was a big logging town. He says he's got a bunch of gear with him, so my dad goes to open the trunk and the dude comes up with a chainsaw :eek:

I've never picked up a hitchhiker and I doubt I ever will with that memory.

08-22-2010, 12:59 PM
I've picked up a few, always singles though, never picked up more than one person.

Originally posted by hampstor
Now Sundre at that time was a big logging town. He says he's got a bunch of gear with him, so my dad goes to open the trunk and the dude comes up with a chainsaw :eek:

I picked up a logger on the way back from tofino one time and he had a couple saws and an axe. I was driving a friend at the time as well and he was freaking out lol.

My brother just finished a 4 month backpacking trip around the states and the majority of his travelling was hitching. He said he met some incredible people, a couple of weirdos though.