View Full Version : Getting the runaround from our dealership

08-26-2010, 09:38 AM
Hi guys,
I have a quick question for my first post.
Last year we bought our first new car, from a Mazda dealership here in Ottawa.

Last week my wife received a bill from the MTO for tolls from express roads in around Toronto. Since these were for a different license plate (3 digits away, ended with a 4 rather than a 7 on our plate), we called the MTO, thinking it was a simple mistake. They said that plate was registered to us, and the plate on our car wasn't. They suggest we call the dealership. Unfortunately we've now been trying to get an answer/outcome from the dealership for most of a week now. The manager has been pretty unhelpful. My wife (the car is in her name) called him this morning, and he pretty much dismissed her saying he was off yesterday (even though when we talked to him two days ago he said he'd have his finance manager contact us). He said he'd call back today, but I'm doubtful.

I guess my question is: what should we do? I realise we shouldn't even be driving the car when the plates aren't registered to us. Any suggestions? Money is tight, so would prefer not to bring a lawyer into it, if it can be avoided. Contact the Mazda head office?

08-26-2010, 09:42 AM
I dont get it? Didn't you go to the registry and get a plate for your own vehicle, and the nplace it on said vehicle? Or? how does that get mixed up? you think the dealer swapped your plate for another?

08-26-2010, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by JfuckinC
I dont get it? Didn't you go to the registry and get a plate for your own vehicle, and the nplace it on said vehicle? Or? how does that get mixed up? you think the dealer swapped your plate for another?
Dealers go through registries to get plates for customers to save them a trip. Probably delivered 2 cars on the same day, got 2 plates, and accidently swapped it.

08-26-2010, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by rage2

Dealers go through registries to get plates for customers to save them a trip. Probably delivered 2 cars on the same day, got 2 plates, and accidently swapped it.

ahh, i wasn't aware they could do that.. OP you need to go down to the dealership asap and sort that out, forget phoning them.

08-26-2010, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by rage2

Dealers go through registries to get plates for customers to save them a trip. Probably delivered 2 cars on the same day, got 2 plates, and accidently swapped it.

unless you buy said car from tower chrysler... they they say "whoops we forgot why dont you just run down there and get it?" ....oh and i had to pay for it too...

08-26-2010, 09:53 AM
Same thing happened to my GF, cops pulled her over and fined her for illegal use of plate. Dealership was OK about it, they paid the fine but it was still a pain in the ass with all the running around.
You need to get to the registries and tell them what's going on before you wind up with photo radar tickets to pay.

08-26-2010, 10:32 AM
A thought: if we went to the police, and explained the situation to them (dealership screwup, obviously we're not driving the car until this is resolved, this other poor guy is driving around oblivious) Would they contact him to let him know? Or would they just fine him?

08-26-2010, 10:46 AM
Wouldn't you guys have a registration slip that has a plate number and name on it? Take that and the wrong plate and sort it out at the police station.

08-26-2010, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by bobbarrett
A thought: if we went to the police, and explained the situation to them (dealership screwup, obviously we're not driving the car until this is resolved, this other poor guy is driving around oblivious) Would they contact him to let him know? Or would they just fine him?

I think it's fairly obvious in this day and age; the cops would instantly mail him a couple fines, and ticket you on the spot for trying to tell them how to do their job. :rofl:

08-26-2010, 10:53 AM
The dealership is at fault plain and simple!
contact the ontario version of AMVIC