View Full Version : Need suggestion on how to fix hot tub...

09-08-2010, 12:05 AM
So my friend has a hot tub that just needs a small fix but it's hard as all hell to access because it's in a gazebo. He's been told all he needs to do is flip the hot tub on it's side but he tried with a few (five guys) to do this and they couldn't. Apparently the thing is heavier than it looks.

So all I need from beyond is serious suggestions on how to get this thing lifted onto it's side so the guy who will fix it will be able to access it and fix it.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated and I know beyond can come through on this for me as beyond has come up with way much more random things than this for me and other members in the past.

Also if someone on here is willing an able to fix it or can have a look at it, my friend and his sister who he shares a house with are definitely willing to pay if it will result in a fixed hot tub.

Let's heat the suggestions and ideas on how to either get this thing lifted onto it's side to give access to said repair man or even someone willing to come have a look at it.

Let's hear it beyond..

09-08-2010, 12:17 AM
How about a scissor jack? A few of those bigger ones from SUVs should give you enough leverage and balance. Just shim with 2 by 4s as you lift it to stabilize it.

This is assuming there is an edge to lift the hot tub by.

09-08-2010, 12:46 AM
tap a angle into it, enough to get a couple auto jacks underneath it and lift it up from there?

09-08-2010, 12:55 AM
umm does the gazebo have a doorway? if so turn it so the "access" is accessible from the doorway of the gazebo. i would assume taking down a panel if there is no doorway would be out of the question? lifting a 1500lb hot tub seems like way too much work when there is easier solutions.

09-08-2010, 03:42 AM
well the gazebo is fully closed in but i think turning it would not be the best way to go about this since space is pretty limited...

Any other suggestions on how to move this thing up a big to give a repair man access. He called a couple places and was given the run around...I.E. if I can access under the hot tub i can fix it but then when it comes to giving access they say they don't know...But he called a plumber, should he have called someone else that could better deal with this issue? I believe his sister said that it was just a burst pipe from leaving water in it during winter a couple years ago.

Come on beyond help a fellow member get some hot tub time with my bud's sis haha.

09-08-2010, 06:56 AM
^^ Pic's of the sis? :poosie:

If it's possible, either take down a panel or cut one to get in where you need to do the repairs. Unless the tub is recessed into the ground, removing it just doesn't sound right.

09-08-2010, 07:23 AM
Can you take one wall out of the gazebo? That might be the easiest solution.

09-08-2010, 08:09 AM
5 guys should easily be able to lift a hot tub.

Check that fasteners, electrical or plumbing is not holding it down

09-08-2010, 08:18 AM
I was tempted to say empty the hot tub first. :poosie:

I have lifted a coupld tubs in the last couple years with less than 5 guys- so this shouldnt be a problem. Im not sure how much water a tub can hold in the pipes and lines but could this be adding weight? Is there a drain on the bottom to completly empty everything? :dunno:

09-08-2010, 08:43 AM
Pics of the gazebo and hot tub? Hard to visualize the problem...

09-08-2010, 09:19 AM
Chain fall off the roof structure? Likely have to add a lift point or two.
Genie SLC14 (about 50$/day at rogers rentall)
Engine hoist

09-08-2010, 09:48 AM
