View Full Version : Transit newsies

09-13-2010, 06:59 AM
So it used to be the one person at train stations handing out the Metro. I thought this was wonderful as it was handy to get a news paper that easy. The only downside to this service is the amount of left over Metros on the trains and busses.

This morning I find them handing out The Metro, Calgary Harald, and the 24hr one (name escapes me).

While there is nothing wrong with what they are doing trying to get their paper out and keeping the people who pay for advertisements happy. But there is gonna be an influx of papers into the garbages and an assload more left on transit.

I'm pretty huge when it comes to recycling so maybe that is why this bothers me so much. I'm usually grabbing a paper a day off a seat that has been crumpled to shit and I know I'm not the only person picking up after people.

09-13-2010, 07:21 AM
buy a prius and give me your 240sx

Cooked Rice
09-13-2010, 07:32 AM
Originally posted by dandia89
buy a prius and give me your 240sx


The OP is picking up after people and helping keep the city clean and you're being a prick about it?

09-13-2010, 08:12 AM

09-13-2010, 10:21 AM
I never take a new one of those papers, I always reuse one I find on the train too and dispose of it in a recycle bin. The amount of those that end up in the trash or on the ground is appalling.

Metro, Metro today, Mehhhtro!

09-13-2010, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by kaput
It wouldn't be so bad if the newspaper recycling bins at all the stations actually got used. People are fucking stupid, that's all there is to it.

Been riding the train a long time. I've NEVER seen a newspaper recycling bin at the downtown stations. Everyone just throws them into the trash. I'd like to find out where these bins are...

09-13-2010, 11:21 AM

09-13-2010, 11:32 AM
Today was the first time I have noticed these bins.. It is the exact same as the trash bin except a different color and says for News papers only. It did not have a different lid though?

09-13-2010, 11:34 AM
There are workers for the metro that go on the trains to collect ones dumped on the train. The herald and sun however do not.