View Full Version : iTunes/iPhone experts

09-18-2010, 11:35 AM
Any experts on here? I'm fairly comfortable with iTunes...but a little stumped with the iPhone and syncing. I just picked up my first iPhone and currently loading it up with content. Music, pictures, ebooks etc. But a couple of questions, specifically with 1 phone/multiple iTunes (2 computers) and also questions as to multiple phones (soon to be 3; wife's, mine and son's) and one copy of iTunes.

1st problem:

I loaded up my phone from my Home computer's iTunes. music, contact list, apps etc. Then I hooked the phone up to my laptop (a different iTunes) and loaded up some pics from that computer and added it to my phone. No problem. I then downloaded a couple of ebooks, and put THOSE onto the laptop iTunes...but when I went to sync those onto the phone, a popup appeared asking "this phone is synced with another itunes...do you want to now sync it with THIS library?" to which I said yes...but it then deleted all my phones music, that I had synced from the other itunes. When I hook it back up to my desktop's itunes, will I again lose the pictures and books that I just synced with the laptop itunes?? (Hope thats as clear as mud)

09-18-2010, 11:37 AM
afaik you can only sync to 1 itunes/computer. so yes, you will keep losing the other itunes content on your iphone when you sync with the opposite itunes.

09-18-2010, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by takkyu
afaik you can only sync to 1 itunes/computer. so yes, you will keep losing the other itunes content on your iphone when you sync with the opposite itunes.

Okay...that's kinda what I thought, and it makes sense..BUT, I was able to sync a bunch of pics from the new itunes (laptop) onto my phone without deleting anything. Then when I tried to do the same thing with the ebooks that I had just downloaded..that's when it wouldn't let me do anything until I agreed to "now sync it with THIS new library"...whereas it didn't ask me that when I did the photos. (Both instances, I had "unchecked" all the other content for syncing...music, apps etc)

09-18-2010, 11:50 AM
This works:

1 iTunes -> 1 Phone
1 iTunes -> 2+ Phones, iPad, etc

You cannot have
2 iTunes -> 1 Phone

If all the phones have the same iTunes account, you can share all media with all those phones.

For instance, I bought an application through the app store. I have that app on my iPhone, my wife's iPhone and our iPad. I only paid for it once because all my devices are running the same account.

09-18-2010, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by benyl

You cannot have
2 iTunes -> 1 Phone

Why was I able to load up a bunch of photos from the 2nd iTunes/computer onto my phone without any problem then?

09-18-2010, 11:56 AM
It might work for pictures (I don't really upload them), but it won't work for apps, music or videos.

It is annoying. I ended up with a centralized iTunes server and just put all my media in one place and use 1 iTunes.

Photos go on the files system and don't have DRM issues. I am guessing that is why. I could be wrong though.

09-18-2010, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by benyl
It might work for pictures (I don't really upload them), but it won't work for apps, music or videos.

It is annoying. I ended up with a centralized iTunes server and just put all my media in one place and use 1 iTunes.

Photos go on the files system and don't have DRM issues. I am guessing that is why. I could be wrong though.

Ahh..yeah that makes sense. Not a big deal. I'll just have to stick with the one main iTunes. Can transfer any content from the laptop over to the desktop.

Thanks for the info.

09-18-2010, 03:12 PM
Theres a program that can rip your files from your iphone onto your computer, so if you wanted to not only move your files around but use more than one itunes to sync you could do that.

I can't remember the name though.

Thats what i used to do because i lost 16gbs of music and I was pissed.

So if theres something I want on my phone from another computer, I dump all my files, my contacts etc and then resync and grab Kinda a hassle, but thats the way Itunes is and will always be. (JUNK)

09-19-2010, 04:14 AM
itunes is the devil

09-19-2010, 11:13 AM
Okay...I've solved that problem.

Next question is strictly iphone. Trying to set up my email.

I'm with Shaw. When I first set up the email, I entered "shawmail" as the POP/SMTP mail server, both incoming and outgoing.
It worked no problem, but only when I was connected via wifi to my network. The second I was on cel coverage the email wouldn't work.

So I re-configured the account and put the proper server name in there; "shawmail.cg.shawcable.net". I turned all the servers "on"...but it still won't work. I keep getting the error:

The mail server "shawmail.cg.shawcable.net" is not responding. Verify that you have entered the correct account info in Mail settings.

As soon as I'm connected wifi....it works again.

09-20-2010, 03:13 PM
Shaw doesn't allow access to their mail servers unless you are connected to their network. Which is why it only works when you are at home.