View Full Version : Bell Mobility Monthly Bill: $5,780.00!!!!

09-19-2010, 08:05 PM
Checked my Bell cellphone bill online today, $5,780.00!! Apparently back in August some activation happened without my authorization, and a 647 area code number got hooked up to my account. Since then, it's been making international and long distance calls every 3 minutes, nearly every day of the billing period....can anyone say "retarted"? Wonder if this has happened to anyone else.....:nut:

09-19-2010, 08:12 PM
Wait, what happened??

09-19-2010, 08:16 PM
They can't really do an activation without your ID's. It is possible to that with rogers though.

Someone must have stolen your ID then

09-19-2010, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by arian_ma
Wait, what happened??

Aug16: random activation happens on my account without my knowledge.
Aug16-Sept9: random long distance and international calls are billed to the assigned 647-519-xxxx number, every 3 minutes of every day during the billing period
Sept18: I look online at the bill and discover the mess....


09-19-2010, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by 403ep3
They can't really do an activation without your ID's. It is possible to that with rogers though.

Someone must have stolen your ID then

Sounds like that's what happened...will find out first thing tomorrow

09-19-2010, 08:33 PM
wow that sucks, hopefully you don't have a hard time getting this solved with Bell

09-19-2010, 08:36 PM

09-19-2010, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by t_soarer

Sounds like that's what happened...will find out first thing tomorrow

If that is true, notify all the credit bureaus that your ID has been comprimised

09-19-2010, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by dj_rice

If that is true, notify all the credit bureaus that your ID has been comprimised

Looks like online account was broken into (bell.ca account) and then a number was linked up. Only bell account ID got jacked, no other personal info jeopardized I don't think...will be confirming that too

09-19-2010, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by in*10*se

09-19-2010, 10:12 PM
Not necessarily. I was working one day when all of a sudden my phone had no service. couldn't figure out why so I had to drive to a payphone and phone my provider.
"Well, its because you switched your phone, Mr so-and-so"
"HUH?? No I didn't..."
"yes you signed for a new plan and phone at 2:30 pm at the downtown Bell store"
"Uhh...NO, that was not me..."
It take over a day to get it all sorted out. Turns out some dimwit cel salesguy just accidentally pulled up MY number when a customer was changing his hardware. Did it to MY account instead. So it could be something like this for the OP.

09-19-2010, 10:14 PM
^^Doubtful... Call LD every 3 seconds

09-19-2010, 10:17 PM
How the hell is the GST 1.90 and the HST is like 550?

09-19-2010, 10:24 PM
Wow, word of advice, Call and ask for retention and don't give up until you get at least 6 months free MINIMUM. Thats BS.

Also, if said person activated the phone online they would only send the device to your registered address. 9 times out of 10 this originates from a stolen Credit card + forged ID. I suggest you take the necessary precautions and ask which location the phone was activated from. I would even call the store talk to the manager and ask them to pull the paperwork to see what cards were given. If they used your SIN card + DL then you might have a bit of a problem.

Working for Bell I saw this happen a few times with different carriers. A few people got seriously fucked over. ALSO get a credit check done and see if there are any other phones activated with other carriers.

Don't take this lightly, do it and do it quickly.

09-19-2010, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by colsankey
How the hell is the GST 1.90 and the HST is like 550?

Because it's Bell?

And how does 1.90 + 502.90 = 509.35?

Pretty absurd they didn't put a hold on the account/phone with the abnormal billing.

09-19-2010, 11:49 PM
ROFL yup bell is pretty shitty for their billing i can give you that...i hear my sister raging every month about how her bill is so fucked, and wow can i say your bill is cheap? 38.00? fuck, you probably been with them since like day one.

09-20-2010, 12:23 AM
Word. I've had tons of billing issues with bill, some of them resolved quickly, some of them have taken so long. Plenty of policies that don't help the customers or the employees that want to help.

If it ever becomes convenient, I'd leave them and their joke of a billing system in a flash.

09-20-2010, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by colsankey
How the hell is the GST 1.90 and the HST is like 550?

HST has GST blended in the rate. GST would be for charges made in zones without HST.

Originally posted by BlackArcher101

Because it's Bell?

And how does 1.90 + 502.90 = 509.35?

Most likely taxes other than GST and HST. Such as 911 access fees or some shit.

rob the knob
09-20-2010, 08:32 AM
for so much amount of long distance, this happen:
it is foreign immigrant and sell phone usuage to friends. for example, will sit a convenience store run by same race of friends. friends and family and members of immigrant community come to use phone. thief charge a few dollars for set amount of use time on phone.

and thief may also call 1-900 typical phone service for which he has interest. so he collect money by charging to your telephone number.

09-20-2010, 10:09 AM
Spoke with fraud department today, they have already been on it since the bill date. Told me not to worry about the additional line that was hooked up. Set some stringent settings for online activity through bell.ca, confirmations, etc.

Will be doing the credit checks to make sure nothing else got hooked up in the process.....not sure how they would get access to my ID in the first place....usually pretty secure with all my info.

So far so good....thanks for the input everyone

09-20-2010, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by t_soarer
....can anyone say "retarted"?