View Full Version : Signs of grow-op\shady activity

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09-21-2010, 06:33 PM
Curious what you would consider signs of a grow op or shady activity as far as a home in your neighborhood?

Perhaps I am reading into this too much, but I find my new "neighbors" odd. I say that in quotes because I have yet to see the people and it has been two months.

The house was sold and all though I believe taken possession of, sat empty for quite a few weeks. Someone did come and installed a very powerful double motion/light activated flood light on the back of the house well before anyone moved in. This light came on every night, all night while no-one was there.

All the blinds and window coverings on the main floor and one of the two bedrooms are ALWAYS closed, occasionally, like twice, I have seen a human shaped figure behind them. As well, they leave almost every single light on inside the house blazing all hours of the night.

In two months I have not seen these people outside, no BBQ or cooking outside, no use of the deck, haven't seen them mow the lawn, do gardening etc... and I am home various hours of the day.

I understand some people like their privacy, however I am just comparing them to all the other neighbors that live around us (and them) and I find it odd. No I have not gone back to look at the electrical meter.

09-21-2010, 06:36 PM

09-21-2010, 06:38 PM
What you've mentioned is indicative. Also looks for condensation on their windows, especially the basement ones.

09-21-2010, 06:50 PM
I make tips whenever I see that happen, usually I see odd things like A/C running 24/7, even when its cold, moisture, odd times to use the hose to wash out tubs etc.

Doesnt hurt to make a tip, that way if something more suspicious pops up, the police have more cause to search.

09-21-2010, 07:43 PM
One time I remembering seeing my pervious neighbour open his front and I saw tint foil covered walls and very bright light but I never found out what they were upto.

09-21-2010, 07:51 PM
Why do you feel the need to concern yourself with how your neighbor spends his time within the privacy of his own house?

Even if it is a grow-op, they have done nothing to harm you or pose any threat to you.
If I knew my next door neighbor was bringing home prostitutes or gambling illegally or any other non violent crime, if it didn't pose any direct threat to me I wouldn't bother making their life miserable.

Maybe they are selling pot and saving to get into a university or some other schooling.
Not the most honorable choice, but maybe it's the best shot they have to achieving a better life for themselves.

What would happen if your tip sent this person to jail to be raped etc and next year the law is changed and pot becomes legal and now you have ruined this person's life because of a whim decision of some old man in a suit that tells police officers what to do.

What if they're sick and this is their only access to medicinal pot? are you going to feel good about having that person sent to jail?

09-21-2010, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by Modelexis
Why do you feel the need to concern yourself with how your neighbor spends his time within the privacy of his own house?

Even if it is a grow-op, they have done nothing to harm you or pose any threat to you.
If I knew my next door neighbor was bringing home prostitutes or gambling illegally or any other non violent crime, if it didn't pose any direct threat to me I wouldn't bother making their life miserable.

Maybe they are selling pot and saving to get into a university or some other schooling.
Not the most honorable choice, but maybe it's the best shot they have to achieving a better life for themselves.

What would happen if your tip sent this person to jail to be raped etc and next year the law is changed and pot becomes legal and now you have ruined this person's life because of a whim decision of some old man in a suit that tells police officers what to do.

What if they're sick and this is their only access to medicinal pot? are you going to feel good about having that person sent to jail?

LOL, far out, man :thumbsup: Your straw man smells a little skunky...

09-21-2010, 08:04 PM
^^ Just realized what section this is in, maybe inappropriate response to a thread in this section.

I don't think I've created a straw man although, the OP said he never sees them and this would mean to me that they have not affected his life in any way.

09-21-2010, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by Modelexis
Why do you feel the need to concern yourself with how your neighbor spends his time within the privacy of his own house?

Even if it is a grow-op, they have done nothing to harm you or pose any threat to you.
If I knew my next door neighbor was bringing home prostitutes or gambling illegally or any other non violent crime, if it didn't pose any direct threat to me I wouldn't bother making their life miserable.

Maybe they are selling pot and saving to get into a university or some other schooling.
Not the most honorable choice, but maybe it's the best shot they have to achieving a better life for themselves.

What would happen if your tip sent this person to jail to be raped etc and next year the law is changed and pot becomes legal and now you have ruined this person's life because of a whim decision of some old man in a suit that tells police officers what to do.

What if they're sick and this is their only access to medicinal pot? are you going to feel good about having that person sent to jail?

must be the neighbor LOL :rofl:

You do realize although his intentions may possibly(I say this very very loosely) be positive. You cannot overlook the fact that producing drugs only drives and motivates others to commit more dangerous and perhaps violent crimes.

It does not matter if he wants to go to college, drugs drive crime PERIOD.

your running a lot of "what if's"; in this case if there is nothing to hide than there should be no problem correct?

what if what if!?

09-21-2010, 08:07 PM
If its not stopped before long the house will eventually be condemned and wreck the property value of neighboring houses.

Also, its illegal. That's reason enough.

09-21-2010, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by Scope951
drugs drive crime PERIOD.

Alcohol production and underground sales used to drive crime in the 20's, why doesn't it drive crime anymore?

Also, its illegal. That's reason enough.
Would you call the police on your neighbor for making wine in his basement if it was illegal to make your own wine?

09-21-2010, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Modelexis

Alcohol production and underground sales used to drive crime in the 20's, why doesn't it drive crime anymore?

LOLOL yeah during prohibition of course it drove crime, it was illegal then.

Considering how many piss cheap alcoholic beverages you can buy now I don't believe there really is a need for it. (excluding specialty products, speaking more main stream liquors)

Originally posted by Modelexis

Would you call the police on your neighbor for making wine in his basement if it was illegal to make your own wine?

You honestly cannot compare wine making to a grow op.
You missed the part where you bring your own common sense into this. If you believe that making wine is equally as dangerous or more dangerous than a grow op well.....

09-21-2010, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Modelexis

Alcohol production and underground sales used to drive crime in the 20's, why doesn't it drive crime anymore?

Would you call the police on your neighbor for making wine in his basement if it was illegal to make your own wine?

i dont want to live next to a grow op, its trashy , pls go you joe rogan fanboy

09-21-2010, 08:25 PM
a gray hatchback will pull up, and a guy will load it up with a few garbage bags.:bigpimp:

09-21-2010, 08:27 PM
I'm not quite sure how you have managed to equate gambling and bringing home prostitutes to a grow op?

Also it would not be my tip that sent them to jail, it would be their (possibly) illegal activities that would get them sent to prison.

Maybe they are selling pot simply to profit or to fund gang activities or buy weapons? Maybe maybe maybe...

09-21-2010, 08:39 PM
Ummm please provide the address or approximate area of these evil doers I may need to take some evidence.

09-21-2010, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by Modelexis
Why do you feel the need to concern yourself with how your neighbor spends his time within the privacy of his own house?

Even if it is a grow-op, they have done nothing to harm you or pose any threat to you.
If I knew my next door neighbor was bringing home prostitutes or gambling illegally or any other non violent crime, if it didn't pose any direct threat to me I wouldn't bother making their life miserable.

Maybe they are selling pot and saving to get into a university or some other schooling.
Not the most honorable choice, but maybe it's the best shot they have to achieving a better life for themselves.

What would happen if your tip sent this person to jail to be raped etc and next year the law is changed and pot becomes legal and now you have ruined this person's life because of a whim decision of some old man in a suit that tells police officers what to do.

What if they're sick and this is their only access to medicinal pot? are you going to feel good about having that person sent to jail?

Worst analogy ever. When I was a kid I grew up poor as fuck. I did tonnes of bad things with good intentions in the back of my head but every time I got away with something it lead me onto doing even more bad shit.

09-21-2010, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by Scope951
LOLOL yeah during prohibition of course it drove crime, it was illegal then.

I rest my case.

09-21-2010, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by Modelexis
Even if it is a grow-op, they have done nothing to harm you or pose any threat to you. Tell that to the people who lost their homes in Citadel. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/calgary/story/2010/02/24/calgary-citadel-fire-charges-grow-op.html

As someone else pointed out above, the house will eventually become condemned and it does lower property values for everyone else in the neighbourhood. Doesn't matter to renters, but home owners who aren't slumlords will understand.

09-21-2010, 08:42 PM
until they have a direct effect on your life, mind your own business

it could just be old people who never leave the house/ cook outside/ cut the lawn and are scared of the dark (lights on all night).

you could always ring the doorbell and see for yourself

09-21-2010, 08:46 PM
believe it or not, there ARE pros to having a grow next door!!!

- neighbour wont care what you do since they are almost never home (have lots of parties)
- you could dump lawn clippings in their back yard
- you could build a new fence and they probably wont care
- if you went through their curbside garbage, you might find some shake (not sure if you want to really smoke that)
- extra heat from the grow may make contribute to "local warming" in the winter

09-21-2010, 08:56 PM
Just report the behavior to the police and let them sort it out. If someone is doing something illegal they should expect the worst.

09-21-2010, 09:40 PM
FEW Things you can check.

Moisture (Wet) in the sidings, windows, etc
Roof especially in the winter, if every single roof top on your street have snow on top and this house doesn't...almost 100% is a grow op due to the heat and moisture inside melting all the snow on the top.

Lawn - is the grass dry and died? or weeds growing on it instead of grass? this is another sign.

Hope this helps!

09-21-2010, 09:59 PM
knock on their door and see if they're selling. If they are PM me thanks

09-21-2010, 10:05 PM
The lights on all night is what they do for a few months before setting up, that way if they're not by-passing the meter and stealing power the electricity bill won't spike so high all of a sudden. This winter, (as previously mentioned) see if you can see the roof from a distance, if it's bare when the neighbors are covered you likely have a grow op. You'll likely smell it, and that huge floodlight in the back probably hums a bit, right? That's to mask the humming of the ballast(s) which can be heard all the way outside in the dead of night when it's quiet.

And contrary to some posts, this is not a live-and-let live situation. Grow ops are against the law and drag in all sorts of crime and reprobates, like buddy in Citadel who burned down 5 houses last year cuz he didn't wanna call 911 when his op caught fire. Take notes, call it in, get that shit shut down if it is indeed an op.

09-21-2010, 10:08 PM
edit fuckin tabs too close together sorry

09-21-2010, 10:18 PM
I had neighbors kind of like that, turned out the lady who lived there was a stewardess (explained rarely seeing anyone and random people occasionally coming to take care of her animals and plants and stuff).


09-21-2010, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by coal_troll

And contrary to some posts, this is not a live-and-let live situation. Grow ops are against the law and drag in all sorts of crime and reprobates, like buddy in Citadel who burned down 5 houses last year cuz he didn't wanna call 911 when his op caught fire. Take notes, call it in, get that shit shut down if it is indeed an op.

Wasn't that like... at the start of august??
I smelt it hard in the NW =/

09-21-2010, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by J-D
I had neighbors kind of like that, turned out the lady who lived there was a stewardess (explained rarely seeing anyone and random people occasionally coming to take care of her animals and plants and stuff).


I ended up getting a call from Police a few months back because someone had tipped that my neighbor was running a grow op. I had to explain to him (though the phone call still seemed extremely fishy, and I don't know how he got my cell number) that my neighbor's husband passed away a few years ago, and his wife is a super frail lady who, from what her friends have told me, wasn't doing a terribly good job taking care of herself and the house (apparently it was like a scene out of Hoarders).

Originally posted by cream

Wasn't that like... at the start of august??
I smelt it hard in the NW =/

I think that happened around Christmas. Pretty messed up and unfortunate, if you ask me.

Originally posted by Modelexis

Maybe they are selling pot and saving to get into a university or some other schooling.
Not the most honorable choice, but maybe it's the best shot they have to achieving a better life for themselves.

What would happen if your tip sent this person to jail to be raped etc and next year the law is changed and pot becomes legal and now you have ruined this person's life because of a whim decision of some old man in a suit that tells police officers what to do.

What if they're sick and this is their only access to medicinal pot? are you going to feel good about having that person sent to jail?


1) If that person is smart enough to run a grow op to pay for his schooling, then he should be smart enough to know the risks that come with it. The inherent dangers in being associated in the drug trade, the potential for tipping off your neighbors, and this minor technicality that it's against the law.

2) If he got raped in prison, then that's a shame. But goes with the territory when you break the law. Pot, at the time, was illegal. Therefore he broke the law, and he went to jail. If murder was suddenly legalized, would you expect every convicted murderer to be exonerated? How about rape? If rape was legalized, would you feel bad that a man's life was ruined last year because he raped a young woman in an alleyway?

3) If that person was sick and needed medicinal marijuana, there are much easier, cheaper, and legal ways of getting it. If you start your own grow op to grow your own medicinal marijuana for your own use, you are dumb as fuck for spending that much money and taking that much risk.

09-21-2010, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by illtim3d
until they have a direct effect on your life, mind your own business

Can you PM me your address please? I need a new place to dry and cut up some coke, the house next to you seems like a great place. Maybe the one next to modelexis as well.

09-22-2010, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by Modelexis
Why do you feel the need to concern yourself with how your neighbor spends his time within the privacy of his own house?

Even if it is a grow-op, they have done nothing to harm you or pose any threat to you.
If I knew my next door neighbor was bringing home prostitutes or gambling illegally or any other non violent crime, if it didn't pose any direct threat to me I wouldn't bother making their life miserable.

Maybe they are selling pot and saving to get into a university or some other schooling.
Not the most honorable choice, but maybe it's the best shot they have to achieving a better life for themselves.

What would happen if your tip sent this person to jail to be raped etc and next year the law is changed and pot becomes legal and now you have ruined this person's life because of a whim decision of some old man in a suit that tells police officers what to do.

What if they're sick and this is their only access to medicinal pot? are you going to feel good about having that person sent to jail?

I think you're right. bignerd needs to stop being a peeping tom and mind his own business.

He's probably that guy that calls the cops right at 11pm when his neighbours have people over and claims it's too loud. Or the guy who spends his entire sunday breaking ice infront of his house and hurling it onto the street.

It's non of your business man and you should just keep your nose out of it. If it's not violent or hurting anyone then get a life bro. But, if you're that much of a self righteous douche to call him in, atleast get some real evidence. Maybe the guy works up north and when he's in town he usually stays with his old lady.

All of this 'drugs breed crime', 'pot leads to blow' is just bullshit and it's terrible justification to potentially fuck up someones life.

09-22-2010, 12:33 AM
Not really a peeping tom... these people live right behind me and their backyard backs onto my backyard. When I let my dog out at night, look out my window, do yardwork you notice little things. A bunch of little things add up to bigger things. Besides, nothing to peep at, as I said all the blinds are closed all the time.

Yes the yard/grass is full of weeds, I don't think it has been mowed or watered since they moved in (2 months). Since they live behind me if it snows I can see their rooftop and any melting issues.

Not sure if the light on the back of the house hummed or not-it came on at dark, which would attract moths, which would trigger the motion sensor and trip it into some ultra-bright turbo mode for a minute, then back to ever so slightly dimmer, then brighter etc... etc... as I said these people live right behind me. It is a heavy duty double flood light. Said light shines into our master bedroom and lights up the surrounding 8 or so homes and yards, as no one lived there for the first month(no one to ask to turn it down) and the light was on every night my husband went over and "adjusted" it. No one seems to notice it does not come on anymore, I am assuming because nobody lives there...

Not that it matters but as I am chilling in the kitchen typing this every single light in that house is on again, same time, all the time, all night.

We mind our own business and don't ever have to call in complaints because we have some awesome neighbors.

We have lived in our house for 8 years, bought it new. These people have lived here 2 months, damn straight if they are running a grow op I am going to have a problem with it-and the least of my worries would be potentially fucking up their lives-if they are innocent, no problem. I find it hard to believe ANYONE would be okay having a grow op set up shop next to their home. I am sure you are okay with it because it is next to my home and not yours?

I haven't called anyone or reported anything, I was just curious what others would consider "odd" behaviour and what signs of a grow op are. If I feel the need to take things further I will.

09-22-2010, 12:44 AM
If u guys have doubt with your neighbours doing grow -op , just leave them alone because only the buyer will report them.:D

09-22-2010, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by bignerd
A bunch of little things add up to bigger things. Besides, nothing to peep at, as I said all the blinds are closed all the time

or maybe little things, lead to nothing.....cause they are nothing

leave the guy alone. If you want to be left alone, buy an acreage.

if you were my neighbour id probably sniper you from my upstairs bonus room cause all you did all day was stare through the gap of your hunter douglas faux wood blinds.

get a life

09-22-2010, 01:09 AM
Drugs fuel this economy. Drug Dealers make stupid amounts of money and buy ridiculously priced things which the government then collects mad taxes on and helps the economy grow.
If you want this recession to dip lower then fine, go ahead and report your neighbour. :thumbsdow

09-22-2010, 01:09 AM
Originally posted by SI_futbol
if you were my neighbour id probably sniper you from my upstairs bonus room cause all you did all day was stare through the gap of your hunter douglas faux wood blinds.
Ok, disagreeing with someone is one thing. But was that really necessary?

09-22-2010, 01:15 AM
you should probably mind your own business

09-22-2010, 01:24 AM
Originally posted by Stealth22

Ok, disagreeing with someone is one thing. But was that really necessary?
obviously joking

09-22-2010, 01:43 AM
Originally posted by Stealth22

Ok, disagreeing with someone is one thing. But was that really necessary?

yes... its beyond common

09-22-2010, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by SI_futbol

if you were my neighbour id probably sniper you from my upstairs bonus room cause all you did all day was stare through the gap of your hunter douglas faux wood blinds.

get a life

lol :rofl:

09-22-2010, 01:53 AM
Why do you worry about having a grow op next door? Just less of a distance to travel/ maybe get a neighbor discount

09-22-2010, 02:02 AM
Originally posted by Awd-Tsi
Why do you worry about having a grow op next door? Just less of a distance to travel/ maybe get a neighbor discount
Well.. Some people don't want to live in a neighborhood where there is a grow-op next door. It's that simple lol.

A lot of people probably don't care. I find a lot of times people in neighborhoods don't even interact with one another anymore so chances are most people don't care.

09-22-2010, 02:28 AM
ya like how do you know he doesnt work up on the rigs or so? he keeps his blilnds closed because he is never home and doesnt want people to notice this and break in, hence the lights, to make it look like people are home. mind your damn business

09-22-2010, 03:43 AM
Mold would be the major defacto outside his house.

But there is just to many things to consider to be paranoid about a neighbour having his blinds closed.

09-22-2010, 07:18 AM
Posters in this thread that are calling out the OP for expressing his concerns are just keyboard warriers. Fact is that almost all homeowners that want to live in a friendly neighborhood do not want a grow-op nearby. Illegal activity will bring with it less than desirable people - people who will most often not contribute to the betterment of the community. Personally, I want neighbors that I can get to know, that my kids can feel safe talking to and interacting with, that can ask me for a favour or that I can return a favour to. Neighbors that will play shinny at the local outdoor rink or that will come to the summer block party. Neighbors who can safely send their kids out for treats on Halloween or who will be at home to give out those same treats.

Unoccupied homes do not contribute to a community's well being - a good, thriving community has neighbors that know each other and neighbors that are involved in their community. OP, your concerns are more than valid and maybe you should attend your next community meeting to express your concerns as often a CPS community liaison officer is in attendance at these meetings and if they are not, than just sharing your concerns at these meetings can often start the ball rolling if there are indeed some illegal activities happening within a certain residence within your community.

09-22-2010, 07:49 AM
Originally posted by guessboi
FEW Things you can check.

Moisture (Wet) in the sidings, windows, etc
Roof especially in the winter, if every single roof top on your street have snow on top and this house doesn't...almost 100% is a grow op due to the heat and moisture inside melting all the snow on the top.

Lawn - is the grass dry and died? or weeds growing on it instead of grass? this is another sign.

Hope this helps!

Oh man, my neighbour gets a little moisture on his windows on cold days...
He also never has any snow on his roof in the winter... (rubber shingles)
He also has weeds on his lawn, blinds always closed, and lights on when he goes away for business...

Lol... c'mon

Bignerd... have you ever tried introducing yourself when you do see the people (unless they never there)?

09-22-2010, 09:29 AM
If your neighbor is really growing and you happen to see him, you should let him know that you "know" something's up and for a price you can keep your mouth shut =)

09-22-2010, 09:40 AM
It has to be grown somewhere, may as well be right beside you.

09-22-2010, 10:18 AM
I understand that having a grow op next door is not the most desirable thing, but I also hate that feeling of being a rat when telling on people for anything. This is a tough situation for sure.

Just a point though; drugs do not fuel violence. There are no gang wars going on over Aspirin or Tylenol. The illegality of drugs causes violence, so if you ask me, all of this BS is the fault of the people who think that MJ is for the rapist pedophile son of the devil.

09-22-2010, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by arian_ma
I understand that having a grow op next door is not the most desirable thing, but I also hate that feeling of being a rat when telling on people for anything. This is a tough situation for sure.

Just a point though; drugs do not fuel violence. There are no gang wars going on over Aspirin or Tylenol. The illegality of drugs causes violence, so if you ask me, all of this BS is the fault of the people who think that MJ is for the rapist pedophile son of the devil.

i'd feel like rat if i was a stand up citizen also.

for fucks sake to many people on this board are "thugged out".

IT IS NOT COOL TO HAVE A GROW-OP IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD, especially if you own your property.

So i'm guessing the people who are ok with grow-ops DO NOT OWN but rent their property. Because if it was your money or neighborhoods rep in trouble i'm very sure you would care.

09-22-2010, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by illtim3d
until they have a direct effect on your life, mind your own business

Yeah. Because that is a great idea. And when something goes wrong with that house because they've illegally tied into power grid and it burns down, taking a number of other houses with it? Or all the nice little children running around in a neighborhood where criminals have an interest.

Totally good idea. Yeah. Mind your own business. Don't be concerned about what's going on in your neighborhood at all!

Housefires caused by grow op (http://www.cbc.ca/canada/calgary/story/2010/02/24/calgary-citadel-fire-charges-grow-op.html)

There's an excellent reason why our neighborhood crime rate is NIL. It's because we all know each other. We all get together, and we all talk. If we see something suspicious, we act on it. If there's something that needs to be rectified, then we deal with it. Case in point, my garage door was left open because my daughter got a-hold of one of the controllers. My neighbor being the good guy that he is, came and told us before someone could help themselves to everything in it. I've closed my neighbors garage countless times because his kids always leave it open while playing. We all tell each other when we're going away so we know to watch for any "white moving van's" emptying the house. We met all the little kids parents, so we know who is who's kid when something happens.

That's pretty much the definition of community, is'nt it?

09-22-2010, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by bignerd
This light came on every night, all night while no-one was there.

All the blinds and window coverings on the main floor and one of the two bedrooms are ALWAYS closed, occasionally, like twice, I have seen a human shaped figure behind them.

Yup, you've got a poltergeist next door.

But in all seriousness, having a grow-op is NOT a positive thing to have. It's like a germ, it'll only spread and get worse.

09-22-2010, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by codetrap

Yeah. Because that is a great idea. And when something goes wrong with that house because they've illegally tied into power grid and it burns down, taking a number of other houses with it? Or all the nice little children running around in a neighborhood where criminals have an interest.

Totally good idea. Yeah. Mind your own business. Don't be concerned about what's going on in your neighborhood at all!

Housefires caused by grow op (http://www.cbc.ca/canada/calgary/story/2010/02/24/calgary-citadel-fire-charges-grow-op.html)

at least in the end you'll get the renovation you always wanted

09-22-2010, 11:16 AM
According to the ten crack commandments, a grow house should bring relatively no shady characters into your neighborhood.

"Number five: never sell no crack where you rest at
I don't care if they want a ounce, tell em bounce"

09-22-2010, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by SI_futbol
at least in the end you'll get the renovation you always wanted

Yeah. Because there's no danger to my wife, or my daughter, or my dog when there's a housefire.

I suspect you're just trying to be facetious, and if so don't take this the wrong way, but don't be dumb. Can you honestly imagine what it must be like to lose everything you own? Not only just the stuff, but all the memories? Photos? Irreplaceable stuff like my daughters growing stick that we measure her height against to see how fast she's growing? Or the watch my wife bought me as a wedding gift if I don't happen to be wearing it? Or perhaps my dog if it happens when we're out? My poor Gracie dying horribly by fire? Does that honestly sound like something that's good for a laugh?

I know it's all stuff ('cept the dog), but if I was one of those homeowners in citadel, and I saw that grow op guy walking across the street, I'd run him down in a heartbeat. Then get out and piss on his face and let him drown in my urine.

"Sorry officer, I sneezed and lost control of the car. That urine all over his face? I dunno, he must have pissed himself when we hit him."

09-22-2010, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by codetrap

Yeah. Because there's no danger to my wife, or my daughter, or my dog when there's a housefire.

I suspect you're just trying to be facetious, and if so don't take this the wrong way, but don't be dumb. Can you honestly imagine what it must be like to lose everything you own? Not only just the stuff, but all the memories? Photos? Irreplaceable stuff like my daughters growing stick that we measure her height against to see how fast she's growing? Or the watch my wife bought me as a wedding gift if I don't happen to be wearing it? Or perhaps my dog if it happens when we're out? My poor Gracie dying horribly by fire? Does that honestly sound like something that's good for a laugh?

I know it's all stuff ('cept the dog), but if I was one of those homeowners in citadel, and I saw that grow op guy walking across the street, I'd run him down in a heartbeat. Then get out and piss on his face and let him drown in my urine.

"Sorry officer, I sneezed and lost control of the car. That urine all over his face? I dunno, he must have pissed himself when we hit him."

lol... It would suck to be one of these concerned neighbours... You can watch a persons activities and hypothesize just about anything from it...

Codetrap - what if someone suspected you of having a grow op for whatever reason?

Cops come in on a tip > dog barks / gets dealt with as it may pose a threat > they find nothing > sucks for you, your dog, your wife + kid that witnessed everything > any damages you may have incurred aren't covered.... your child may be taken as its not in a safe environment until an investigation is done - where they say > the product must have been moved and you are fucked anyways... All because your concerned neighbour saw "people" in and out all the time - your windows have condensation etc...

Its a shitty deal all round - If you act on your suspicion, you may ruin someone and if you don't, gangs and housefires run rampant

09-22-2010, 11:40 AM

09-22-2010, 11:41 AM
It's not like they bust in your house guns blazing without doing some investigating first...

Edit: Post aimed at gretz

09-22-2010, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by arian_ma
It's not like they bust in your house guns blazing without doing some investigating first...

Edit: Post aimed at gretz

This is true... however it has happened...

like I said before - you can hypothesize anything about someone/something you don't know

Sugarphreak - If you saw someone walking around your house and checking in your windows, what would you do?
you - "Hey, WTF are you doing"
concerned neighbour "you are new, I havn't seen you around a lot / havn't noticed you outside much - just making sure you aren't a grow op... "

09-22-2010, 11:55 AM

09-22-2010, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

Ask them what they are doing... if they replied "seeing if you are home" and had a welcome card and a banana loaf I probably wouldn't think much of it.

I agree that Grow-ops are bad M-kay...

but c'mon man - If someone knocked on your door, you didn't answer, so they went into your backyard and started looking in your windows - you wouldn't think much of it?

09-22-2010, 12:07 PM

09-22-2010, 01:08 PM
Not sure how much of problem this is in Calgary, but in BC "grow rips" were a big issue for cultivators.
Many invested in dogs, security systems, booby traps etc. to keep their grow out of the hands of others.

There were many instances of home invasions that occurred to uninvolved people by mistake - because they were living next door to a grow.

09-22-2010, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

If you are suspicious in the first place, odds are they not around anyway.

Say if they are and they just don't answer the door; so they see you walking around the house, they come out to confront you and you have a welcome card and this apparent home made banana loaf... your excuse is fool proof.

But even take the worst case senario, they freak the fuck out and attack you like a mad man for trespassing. No court is going to side with them when they realize you live next door and you had a welcome card and gift for them. Your madman neighbour would end up with a string of assult charges.

On top of all of this you can check windows and the power meter by glancing without looking sketchy.

The reasoning behind it for me is I wouldn't want to call the cops and start a feud with them if I wasn't positive of my suspicions.

Thats the thing - you don't know them, know if they are home, know if they are potentially dangerous...

The part about having a stranger "taking a peek" in your windows / in your backyard wouldn't go over well with most regardless if the "peeper" had a loaf of bread in his hand...

worse case scenario - they are home and it is a grow op... not sure its worth putting yourself at risk...

I'd wait until you at least come into contact with the new neighbours before calling cps... or W.H.Y. - I don't know if I would recommend tresspassing and secretive window glancing just yet...

When you do notice activity, knock on the door and introduce yourself > if no-one answers, I suppose act on your judgement from there...

09-22-2010, 01:23 PM

09-22-2010, 01:52 PM
Interesting that everyone keeps using that one house fire in Citadel as their argument. Someone correct me if i'm wrong, but the reason that one spread to other ones was because of the insane snow that day, and the responders couldn't get there as fast as they normally do. Sure the guy was a fucktard for not calling 911 right away, but I don't think it would have saved the neighbouring houses. The media likes to skew stories to make them more interesting, so of course they portray the root cause of this as the guy failing to call police, when it was in fact the ridiculous snow that day. Anyone remember this? Same day of the fire.

I don't have a number or anything, but I'm sure there are at least 100 grow ops going on at any given time in the city... Do you think they all go up in flames? As shitty as that whole ordeal was, it would have likely had a similar outcome regardless of how the fire started.

All that being said, I'm not defending grow ops at all (they clearly have a higher chance of catching fire), just pointing something out. My opinion on this? I'd mind my own business. If it isn't blatantly obvious, don't automatically assume it's a grow op. Keep doing what you're doing and if indeed it is a grow op, one day you (or another neighbour) will see or smell something suspicious worth a call to the police, but for now, keep to yourself.

09-22-2010, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by gretz

Bignerd... have you ever tried introducing yourself when you do see the people (unless they never there)?

We did go over there quite a few times to talk to them about turning down the light on their deck however no one was home or answered the door. At this point I don't know if anyone is living in the home or not, I have never seen them and I don't think they have stepped foot in the backyard since they moved in.

09-22-2010, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by sabad66
Interesting that everyone keeps using that one house fire in Citadel as their argument. Someone correct me if i'm wrong, but the reason that one spread to other ones was because of the insane snow that day, and the responders couldn't get there as fast as they normally do. Sure the guy was a fucktard for not calling 911 right away, but I don't think it would have saved the neighbouring houses. The media likes to skew stories to make them more interesting, so of course they portray the root cause of this as the guy failing to call police, when it was in fact the ridiculous snow that day. Anyone remember this? Same day of the fire.

I don't have a number or anything, but I'm sure there are at least 100 grow ops going on at any given time in the city... Do you think they all go up in flames? As shitty as that whole ordeal was, it would have likely had a similar outcome regardless of how the fire started.

All that being said, I'm not defending grow ops at all (they clearly have a higher chance of catching fire), just pointing something out. My opinion on this? I'd mind my own business. If it isn't blatantly obvious, don't automatically assume it's a grow op. Keep doing what you're doing and if indeed it is a grow op, one day you (or another neighbour) will see or smell something suspicious worth a call to the police, but for now, keep to yourself.

Well my inlaws house was the last on to burn in Citadel and I will agree that "The media likes to skew stories to make them more interesting" but in fact the thing the media skewed in this story was blaming the snow/ road conditions for the devastation. My inlaws stood outside for 20 minutes watching the firemen soak their house but the fire was just too big and hot for them to control.

Actually if you have to blame something from nature, it would be the wind. Talking to the fire fighters the flames wrapped around the house and came in through the back windows. Essentially their house burned from the inside out.

So ya, 5 houses were lost and maybe 2 of them partially because of weather but we can't control nature, we do have some control in what happens in our neighborhoods.

09-22-2010, 02:25 PM
I cant believe the amount of wrong info in this thread.

Bignerd ... What you are describing sounds like a grow op, except it would make more sense to paint the inside windows black so light wouldn't shine outside as much.. Since you have been pretty patient so far, just wait until it snows and then you will know for sure.

If it is a grow op, when it snows a decent amount, walk by the house. There will be a ring of melted snow surrounding the house from escaping heat, that is much more prominent than a typical house in winter.

If you do think it is a grow op, and you own you`re house, I would then report it.

-First off, no way its university students, that's laughable. The funds to get a mortgage on a house, not to mention to set up a full scale grow op would be way beyond their means. Plus most uni students dont have connects to buyers picking up lbs in the hundreds.

-I cant believe the retarded comments about the perks of a nearby connect either. The weed being grown in a indoor grow op goes through so many locations before you get it. That weed would need to be dried out for a while and washed somewhere else first before being smoked.

-It would be stupid to think if most grow ops have huge mold problems, that even a small amount of mold spores would not be floating around outside the house. On top of that most grow ops use commercial chemicals used by farms right beside you're house. Not to mention how many houses are targeted in drug rips. Finally the already mentioned fire hazard that is always there from low quality electricians doing major electrical work.

09-22-2010, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by sabad66

I don't have a number or anything, but I'm sure there are at least 100 grow ops going on at any given time in the city... Do you think they all go up in flames? As shitty as that whole ordeal was, it would have likely had a similar outcome regardless of how the fire started.

All that being said, I'm not defending grow ops at all (they clearly have a higher chance of catching fire), just pointing something out. My opinion on this? I'd mind my own business. If it isn't blatantly obvious, don't automatically assume it's a grow op. Keep doing what you're doing and if indeed it is a grow op, one day you (or another neighbour) will see or smell something suspicious worth a call to the police, but for now, keep to yourself.

Well.. that's you. Me personally? I'd keep an eye on the house, and see if I could introduce myself to the neighbors. If after watching it for a week or 2 and I didn't get a chance to meet anyone, then I'd be contacting the police.

I do think the housefires in citadel could probably have been prevented had the neighbors been more on top of the situation. Pretty hard to hide a grow op in calgary when you have the neighbors coming over for a beer upstairs.

As for your comment Gretz, I agree that it would suck if my dog/family got dealt with, but after talking to our neighbor who works for child services, I'm pretty confident that the cops wouldn't just come in gun's blazing. I'm pretty sure they have to have reasonable grounds for breaking into the home, and the investigation into getting those grounds would reveal that I'm just a normal guy.

Bignerd, I'd say simply call it in. The cops aren't going to point at your house and say "Hey, those guys called us because they think you're up to no good." They'll quietly investigate and then deal with it. If you're truly concerned about privacy. Go to an internet cafe and report it via crimestoppers.


09-22-2010, 04:22 PM
One fly over with HAWCS will tell if its an operating grow op.

09-22-2010, 04:36 PM
If these people have so much problems with heat and moisture, why don't they just install an A/C system and not worry about helicopters staring at their roofs?

09-22-2010, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by Modelexis

I rest my case.

what?! you proved nothing except for how eligible you are to be a perfect NE home owner.

I was not aware that an illegal drug was not associated to crime in anyway:dunno: :nut:

Never thought there was such a grey area about having a GROW OP next door and being ok with it.

09-22-2010, 05:13 PM
true there. I dont know about you but for me and my family? no chance I'd report it, cause dont forget these guys or gals I guess dont play by any rules and at the very least there is a possiblity of a bad situation for you and your family if they were to find out it was you that reported it. Again its not to scare you but at the very least its something to consider.

09-22-2010, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by Scope951

...ad hominem attack...

I was not aware that an illegal drug was not associated to crime in anyway:dunno: :nut:

Never thought there was such a grey area about having a GROW OP next door and being ok with it.

Prohibition proved that criminalizing something opens up the criminal market for said item, and the moment it is legal and or regulated the criminals either disappear, or they are forced into some other area of crime for profit.

When you take away all the possible ways for criminals to profit it's a lot harder to make it as a criminal.

Alcohol and dope can only be associated with crime if they are made illegal.
If caffeine is made illegal, and if you are caught growing coffee beans you are put in jail, you will associate criminals with coffee drinkers.

Do you see why it's crazy to create whim based laws that have no moral justification?

btw, alcohol caffeine and dope, only the first two will result in death if you overdose.

If I could buy a gram of MJ at a store for the same or cheaper than I could grow, with none of the effort, why would I waste my time setting up a massive costly operation in my basement and risk mold in my house and or burning down the entire street?

09-22-2010, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by Modelexis

Prohibition proved that criminalizing something opens up the criminal market for said item, and the moment it is legal and or regulated the criminals either disappear, or they are forced into some other area of crime for profit.

When you take away all the possible ways for criminals to profit it's a lot harder to make it as a criminal.

Alcohol and dope can only be associated with crime if they are made illegal.
If caffeine is made illegal, and if you are caught growing coffee beans you are put in jail, you will associate criminals with coffee drinkers.

Stop deflecting. The issue in this thread is not the legality of marijuana and illicit drugs, it is the suspicion of a grow op in a neighboring house.

No one cares if you think it should be legalized. In this case, at this moment, drug grow ops are illegal, therefore any suspicion should be reported.

Originally posted by Modelexis

If I could buy a gram of MJ at a store for the same or cheaper than I could grow, with none of the effort, why would I waste my time setting up a massive costly operation in my basement and risk mold in my house and or burning down the entire street?

You answered your own question. If you (by you, I mean a random person) are running your own grow op for your own personal use, then you are risking (and investing) a lot more than you would gain.

09-22-2010, 07:46 PM

So if caffeine was illegal you would say:

No one cares if you think it should be legalized. In this case, at this moment, coffee bean growing is illegal, therefore any suspicion should be reported.

I understand the issue brought up was not the legality of the substance, but my point is that if you jump over the legality validity and dive right into how to act in response to violations you are missing the point entirely.

If they never took another look at the alcohol prohibition laws of the 20's you would likely have a neighbor that produces alcohol, IN ADDITION to the ones that may or may not grow plants.

So my point is we have to look at our history and learn from it.

What was more effective, chasing down all the alcohol smugglers, and the gun fights, or was it re-addressing the legality of the substance?

09-22-2010, 07:54 PM
nvm LOL.

09-22-2010, 07:56 PM
What would be better would be if they were running a prostitution ring next door....Ask for freebies and you'll be hush :)

09-22-2010, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by Modelexis

So if caffeine was illegal you would say:

I understand the issue brought up was not the legality of the substance, but my point is that if you jump over the legality validity and dive right into how to act in response to violations you are missing the point entirely.

If they never took another look at the alcohol prohibition laws of the 20's you would likely have a neighbor that produces alcohol, IN ADDITION to the ones that may or may not grow plants.

So my point is we have to look at our history and learn from it.

What was more effective, chasing down all the alcohol smugglers, and the gun fights, or was it re-addressing the legality of the substance?


You are fucking retarded. We're not talking about the legal or moral justification of Marijuana being illegal, the fact is, it's illegal. Right now. Doesn't matter if it should be legalized or not. There are risks associated with starting a grow op. Fire being one of them, another being shady people coming around. Sure weed might not bring around all the thugs around, but it'll still bring around unsavory types of people that the OP might not want around their children. And property values are affected, why should the OP be punished if she wants to sell her house because she "minded her own business". I dunno about you, but I sure as hell wouldn't want to lose a significant amount of money just because I didn't want to be a rat.

Just because alcohol used to be illegal and now is legal has nothing to do with this situation. This isn't an argument about the legality of it. And yes, if coffee growers started killing people, then yes, they should be reported! And yes, I know a pot dealer who was shot to death too. Nobody wants to see any violence in their neighborhood.

09-22-2010, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by Modelexis

So if caffeine was illegal you would say:

I understand the issue brought up was not the legality of the substance, but my point is that if you jump over the legality validity and dive right into how to act in response to violations you are missing the point entirely.

If they never took another look at the alcohol prohibition laws of the 20's you would likely have a neighbor that produces alcohol, IN ADDITION to the ones that may or may not grow plants.

So my point is we have to look at our history and learn from it.

What was more effective, chasing down all the alcohol smugglers, and the gun fights, or was it re-addressing the legality of the substance?

Originally posted by slinkie

i dont want to live next to a grow op, its trashy , pls go you joe rogan fanboy

09-22-2010, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by arian_ma
If these people have so much problems with heat and moisture, why don't they just install an A/C system and not worry about helicopters staring at their roofs?

they have big ones in the rooms. that still doesnt get rid of the massive amount of energy that the lights create. the bulbs are artificial sun.. try and cool that off.

09-22-2010, 10:10 PM
A lot of anger coming from the opposition in this thread.

For the record, I'm not a rogan fan boy :D

09-22-2010, 10:26 PM
i just laugh for those people who spent so much time for planting marijuana in their basement and the next u know they were busted .

09-22-2010, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by CHICHARITZHI
i just laugh for those people who spent so much time for planting marijuana in their basement and the next u know they were busted .

And they just laugh "for" you when you go to their crack house asking for a dimebag with that retarded slur of noises you call English.

09-23-2010, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by Modelexis

So if caffeine was illegal you would say:

I understand the issue brought up was not the legality of the substance, but my point is that if you jump over the legality validity and dive right into how to act in response to violations you are missing the point entirely.

If they never took another look at the alcohol prohibition laws of the 20's you would likely have a neighbor that produces alcohol, IN ADDITION to the ones that may or may not grow plants.

So my point is we have to look at our history and learn from it.

What was more effective, chasing down all the alcohol smugglers, and the gun fights, or was it re-addressing the legality of the substance?

At some point, I'll stop wasting my time with your argument because it's completely irrelevant to the OP's initial post, but I haven't gotten there yet so I'll keep feeding the fire.

Your argument, again, circles back to whether the rationale for the legalization of marijuana should be enforced on a grow op. Unfortunately, that has nothing to do with the OP. The fact of the matter is, at this very instance, the growing of, distribution, sale, and use of marijuana is illegal. Thus any action involving marijuana is illegal. If the OP's neighboring house is in fact an illegal grow op, then the law is being broken and should be enforced to the letter. Whether you, or I, or anyone else for that matter thinks marijuana should be legalized is completely irrelevant to this matter.

Hypothetically speaking, if growing coffee beans were illegal, and my neighbor's house belonged to a guy like this:
Then it's my responsibility as a law-abiding citizen to report it to the authorities.

09-23-2010, 12:56 AM
in order to obtain a search warrent for the house you need reasonable grounds to make an arrest, if the cps went into the house and found nothing. they must just have just wasted tax payers money.

just saying

09-23-2010, 01:02 AM
Originally posted by sexualbanana

Then it's my responsibility as a law-abiding citizen to report it to the authorities.

If I can't get coffee beans anymore because of you, that will be the end of you :rofl:

09-23-2010, 01:35 AM
People really like to get into peoples business now.
Neighbors are all watching each other to rat each other out.

Either way, I think your gonna need more evidence then that before you start calling anything a grow op.
I dont suggest sneaking around there and being a hero tho hahahah.

09-23-2010, 04:01 AM
Originally posted by sexualbanana

The fact of the matter is, at this very instance, the growing of, distribution, sale, and use of marijuana is illegal. Thus any action involving marijuana is illegal. If the OP's neighboring house is in fact an illegal grow op, then the law is being broken and should be enforced to the letter. Whether you, or I, or anyone else for that matter thinks marijuana should be legalized is completely irrelevant to this matter.

Hypothetically speaking, if growing coffee beans were illegal, and my neighbor's house belonged to a guy like this:

Then it's my responsibility as a law-abiding citizen to report it to the authorities.


09-23-2010, 06:05 AM
Originally posted by Accord_tunerx
in order to obtain a search warrent for the house you need reasonable grounds to make an arrest, if the cps went into the house and found nothing. they must just have just wasted tax payers money.

just saying Good one. Kind of like saying "Why bother wasting the effort when you just might fail anyways." Sure glad I don't apply that adage at our store or in my life.

09-23-2010, 07:14 AM
Originally posted by 4lti
People really like to get into peoples business now.
Neighbors are all watching each other to rat each other out.

Either way, I think your gonna need more evidence then that before you start calling anything a grow op.
I dont suggest sneaking around there and being a hero tho hahahah.

Criminals lose in the end. It's really that simple. Take the biggest, baddest gangster of any race or creed, and stare into his eyes... I mean stare deep down. You will see fear. Because they know they are at war with society and they can't win. I bust my ass, pay my taxes, and damn rights I will "snitch" on any illegal activity going on in my neighborhood.

09-23-2010, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by Modelexis
Why do you feel the need to concern yourself with how your neighbor spends his time within the privacy of his own house?

Even if it is a grow-op, they have done nothing to harm you or pose any threat to you.
If I knew my next door neighbor was bringing home prostitutes or gambling illegally or any other non violent crime, if it didn't pose any direct threat to me I wouldn't bother making their life miserable.

Maybe they are selling pot and saving to get into a university or some other schooling.
Not the most honorable choice, but maybe it's the best shot they have to achieving a better life for themselves.

What would happen if your tip sent this person to jail to be raped etc and next year the law is changed and pot becomes legal and now you have ruined this person's life because of a whim decision of some old man in a suit that tells police officers what to do.

What if they're sick and this is their only access to medicinal pot? are you going to feel good about having that person sent to jail?

There was a shooting that happen not too long ago where a few males forced themselves into a house, if I recall correctly, someone must of heard the noise and called in cps, cps came, the two male fled, and later found the house to be a grow op of some sort.

now I have a daugter, wife and a 2nd child on the way, dont tell me I wont scare shit less for a second it can be dangerous living next door?

So what if they are smoking pot for medical reasons, I think the potential and safety for my family comes first. Obviously I dont go calling the cops just because I think I noticed something unusual, I'll need a bit more facts before jumping to conclusions, let the court decide what they are doing is ok or not. I'll do what ever it takes to protect my family,

yes I will feel bad if it somehow ruin the life of a person because of a bad call, but I will kill myself knowing if something could be done and I decided to ignore it which lead to harm to my family. Now that I will never be able to live with.

and the part about being legal the next year is BS, so if one day its legal to kill someone, and I see someone getting shot next door, I should just keep my mouth shut because its none of my business, who knows it could be legal next year...

and I disagree with people selling pot to save for education, right intention, wrong action. If they know its illegal to do it and yet do it, that tells you alot about their character, doing what ever it takes to achieve their goal even if its against the law. I would question this type of person who could put my family at risk thru school (if they are a teacher), business or even a friend.

Also, this aint 3rd world country where growing ops is the only way to suvive. You have a choice, and there are plenty of ways to earn a living. You must not understand how blessed we are living in canada.

09-23-2010, 08:16 AM
Originally posted by Accord_tunerx
in order to obtain a search warrent for the house you need reasonable grounds to make an arrest, if the cps went into the house and found nothing. they must just have just wasted tax payers money.

just saying

oh so lets remove all the cps off the street because we are wasting tax payer's money on a daily basis.

wrong!, they are put there on the presumption that there will be crime and emergecy situation.

I wont be surprise a lot of report are false and cps finds nothing, but every now and then you bust one and its huge. Thats when it hits the news wire,

also, the more people who is sensitive to this subject, the less people will be willing to take a chance to pull off a grow op. because the chance of being busted is high.

I think calgary needs to wake up and realize this, before more criminal or gang members comes to calgary knowing how safey and friendly we are is the last thing we want them to believe.

09-23-2010, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by Modelexis

So if caffeine was illegal you would say:

I understand the issue brought up was not the legality of the substance, but my point is that if you jump over the legality validity and dive right into how to act in response to violations you are missing the point entirely.

If they never took another look at the alcohol prohibition laws of the 20's you would likely have a neighbor that produces alcohol, IN ADDITION to the ones that may or may not grow plants.

So my point is we have to look at our history and learn from it.

What was more effective, chasing down all the alcohol smugglers, and the gun fights, or was it re-addressing the legality of the substance?

So in order for OP to negate the risk to his/her home and family they should work to change the laws? Instead of taking action to deal with the (potential) dangerous situation next door they should ignore it until the need for grow houses is removed?

Look, I agree with you about drug legislation. It is wasteful and creates far more problems than the drugs themselves do. If pot were legal there would be no need for a grow house next door to OP. Getting on board with the legalization movement does not deal with the problem for this individual though. While working toward better drug laws is a good and noble cause(imo), it does nothing to rectify the undesirable situation created here.

As a homeowner and father my first priority is the safety of my family and my community. Lobbying for reform of drug laws would come in somewhere after that. I want pot legalized so that nobody has any reason to put up a grow house next to me. Should someone do that in the mean time, I'm going to do what I can to get rid of it rather than sit on my ass and wait for legalization to convince them to leave. Your heart is in the right place but your argument is asinine and does not apply to the situation as it is now.

09-23-2010, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by SilverRex
so if one day its legal to kill someone, and I see someone getting shot next door, I should just keep my mouth shut because its none of my business, who knows it could be legal next year...

I cannot debate with you if you think murder and growing plants are in the same category.

09-23-2010, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by Modelexis

I cannot debate with you if you think murder and growing plants are in the same category.

no one said its wrong to grow a fucking apple tree.


I'll answer for you: REAL DUMB

09-23-2010, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by Modelexis

I cannot debate with you if you think murder and growing plants are in the same category.

Murder and growing marijuana plants are both illegal, and if either were legalized this week it doesn't exonerate past incidents, nor should a potential legalization effect the current enforcement of the law.

09-23-2010, 09:55 AM
I can absolutely empathize with the people that have kids and want a safe neighborhood and to be safe from crime and weapons and aggressive people.
I totally get that.
I also cannot blame someone for reporting a threat, a horticulturalist is not a threat.
If you see guns, threat, if you witness violence, threat.

While in the moment these threats would be valid reasons to report and have a stop put to, if you don't understand that by outlawing this substance you are providing this criminal lifestyle and you make it easy for criminals to make money selling these substances.

If you don't understand the cause you will endlessly be fighting the result blindly with no end in sight.

I can totally sympathize, silverrex, with your strong desire to protect your family, absolutely logical thing to do in the moment, but you need to find out first why this is happening and ways of preventing this in the future.

By reporting grow ops, this is like doing an hour of cardio a day to bring your weight down instead of looking at your diet of 4 mcdonalds cheese burgers per day to find out why your weight keeps rising.

edit: jazzyb - that is an impressive amount of ad hominem attacks, you really have a talent.

09-23-2010, 10:41 AM
^No, you're just fucking retarded!

So we should all wait until guns are fired before we're allowed to call the cops??? Bullets can go through walls, the last thing anybody wants is their kid to get killed. And yes, "horticulturist" are a threat because time and time again, grow ops do lead to violence. How many news stories are there where grow ops have been busted and guns are found in the house? If they're so peaceful, what is with the guns then? Or all the stories where violence have occurred because of the grow ops, like the story mentioned above?

And yes, even if the OP is onboard with legalized weed (which I am), that doesn't change anything. Laws take time to pass, it's not like if the OP tries and lobbies for the legalization of weed, it won't happen overnight. So what is she supposed to do then, sit around idly and just hope nothing happens?

What do YOU suggest the OP do about this situation right now, that would prevent her family from possibly being in a situation where they could be harmed in the near future?