View Full Version : Whats the better way to burn fat?

09-26-2010, 04:45 PM
So I've usually been running @ 6.0 - 7 on the treadmill, but my buddy has told me if I reduce the speed to around 4 and keep a 120 heart rate I will burn more fat..

Should I run longer @ a 120 heart rate or a short time but at a higher heart rate on the treadmill?

09-26-2010, 04:48 PM

09-26-2010, 04:56 PM
HIIT: 20-30 minutes, 90 seconds steady, 30 seconds all out, rinse and repeat. Proven to keep your heart rate up through out the day and thus burn more calories.

And keep your diet in check. :drool:

09-27-2010, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
HIIT: 20-30 minutes, 90 seconds steady, 30 seconds all out, rinse and repeat. Proven to keep your heart rate up through out the day and thus burn more calories.

And keep your diet in check. :drool:

Diet = 90% of fat loss.

09-27-2010, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by CapnCrunch

Diet = 90% of fat loss.

This really. Even changing what you drink alone (no more pop, only drink water) can make a HUGE change.

09-27-2010, 03:43 PM

And don't forget -

Drink water in place of sugary drinks (pop, juice, etc)

Smaller meals, more frequently throughout the day instead of the usual large breakfast/lunch/dinner

Don't eat after 8pm

If you don't follow the above, no amount or type of cardio will make a difference...

09-27-2010, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
HIIT: 20-30 minutes, 90 seconds steady, 30 seconds all out, rinse and repeat. Proven to keep your heart rate up through out the day and thus burn more calories.

And keep your diet in check. :drool:

But don't you think a 1:3 work-to-rest ratio seems a bit too long? I read it's more like a 2:1 work-to-rest so I'm doing 1min hard, then 30sec low right now.

09-27-2010, 04:15 PM
Yes I agree that diet is 90% of the battle but he's asking about low intensity cardio vs high intensity cardio hahaha

cdnsir, I find it's different for everyone so adjust accordingly I guess. :D

09-27-2010, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by you&me
Don't eat after 8pm

I tend to disagree with this. If you're excerising like you should be, eating at certain times doesn't matter.

09-27-2010, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by msommers

I tend to disagree with this. If you're excerising like you should be, eating at certain times doesn't matter.

Yep. That's what I learned too. Too much emphasis on this 6 meals, spread over 3 hours crap. The key is to just eat and replenish your body. Depending on your goal, cutting/bulking/maintaining, what you eat and portion control is key.

09-27-2010, 04:51 PM
I've been doing 1-1.5 hr of cardio every singe day, medium intensity on the elliptical (heart rate around 120-150). I also do about 25min medium-high intensity on a bike. I go to the gym from 8pm-10pm and have a protein shake after so technically I am eating right before bed. It's only been a week and I have noticed a difference already.

Basically my goal is to reduce belly fat and become more "cut". I am 5'10" and 172-174 lbs, down from 182ish so far. I am a little soft but want that to go away.

I eat pretty much only chicken, salmon, eggs, veggies, and grain bread for supper. For lunch I usually have subway or something similar, and don't eat all the bread. For breakfast I usually eat a Cliff protein bar.

I don't drink pop at all, and I don't eat fast food other than the healthier subs. I drink a ton of water throughout the day.

Any suggestions on how I could more quickly or effectively lose fat?

09-27-2010, 05:06 PM
Subs aren't healthy in any way. Unless its a veggie sub. Processed meat is brutal

09-27-2010, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by theken
Subs aren't healthy in any way. Unless its a veggie sub. Processed meat is brutal

I only get roast chicken breast or turkey. I have to buy lunch though, so I figure thats about as good as I can get. I go to Sunterra when I can as well for their sandwiches. Any suggestions of a healthier place to buy lunch from?

09-27-2010, 05:55 PM
I have def lost weight in the last couple months and gained muscle, I will try HIIT but I don't think I can last 30min on a treadmill sprinting and then calming down, maybe if I go to like 8.5 and then cut down to 4 after a minute...

09-27-2010, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
Any suggestions on how I could more quickly or effectively lose fat?
Lift weights.

09-27-2010, 06:18 PM
Mark, Sunterra has a few healthy choices for sure. Their hot meals aren't bad, in addition to the salad bar. The tuna salad from subway I thought was a good choice at one point. Why, I have no idea lol.

It really does help to make your own meals and plan ahead if possible. Buy a shitload of chicken breast when it's on sale and take one out of the freezer each day for sandwiches, over a spinach salad, rice etc.

Today I had a spinach salad with terikyaki chicken from the Co-op downtown with some blueberries and strawberries, throw some olive oil and balsamic vinegar with some pepper and hot sauce..f'in delicious! If I had avocado that would have been mint!

09-27-2010, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by max_boost

Yep. That's what I learned too. Too much emphasis on this 6 meals, spread over 3 hours crap. T

The way I figured it, if eating my normal cal/fat kept me at a steady 195lbs, then just hitting the gym for 1.5 hours a day should lose my weight without having to adjust my food. Seems to be working so far. It took 6 weeks to see some weight come off on the scale, but it's sliding off now.

I tried the HIIT today, but since I was just starting I did 60 sec hard and 60 sec. normal pace. Brutal first 10 minutes, but the rest of the 70 minutes wasn't bad. Thanks for the suggestion.

09-27-2010, 07:02 PM
You did HIIT for 80minutes? :eek: Most people do it for 30minutes max!

Ya you are right. It's calories in, calories out. So everything equal, you eat the same but you burn 500 calories/day on the treadmill, that's 3500 calories a week which equals 1lb. So in a month that's 4lbs, adds up fast.


Or you can do it the "lint" way.

No cardio, no weight lifting, 1000 calories/day intake, high protein, low fat so a lot of seafood. Lose up to 5lbs a week. I was skeptical but it worked for him. :rofl:

09-27-2010, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by msommers
Mark, Sunterra has a few healthy choices for sure. Their hot meals aren't bad, in addition to the salad bar. The tuna salad from subway I thought was a good choice at one point. Why, I have no idea lol.

It really does help to make your own meals and plan ahead if possible. Buy a shitload of chicken breast when it's on sale and take one out of the freezer each day for sandwiches, over a spinach salad, rice etc.

Today I had a spinach salad with terikyaki chicken from the Co-op downtown with some blueberries and strawberries, throw some olive oil and balsamic vinegar with some pepper and hot sauce..f'in delicious! If I had avocado that would have been mint!

Thanks, I will try spend more time at Sunterra than Subway :D . It's a longer walk from the office but that is a good thing these days.

Unfortunately I despise tuna, which is too bad because it seems to be a good healthy choice.

As for making my own lunches, I've never done that in my life haha, I think it would be difficult to start.

Originally posted by A790

Lift weights.

I am, every single day, alternating muscle groups so there is at least a day in between repeat groups.

09-27-2010, 07:57 PM
Yes Diet (huge). As for exercise a trainint told it to me this way. If you have to breathe through your mouth while exercising you are in an aerobic target zone. To burn fat you would have to be at a lower heart target rate...of course this is different depending on age and degree of fitness.


09-27-2010, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
You did HIIT for 80minutes? :eek: Most people do it for 30minutes max!

Well, I wasn't doing it FULL out by the end, but my heart rate was 160-170 during the high, then drop down to 140 on the low.

I'm just used to hitting the cardio for 70minutes, so I did that long like a normal day for me.

09-27-2010, 08:43 PM
That's awesome. I get my cardio when I play soccer, ultimate, ball hockey but I think I need some HIIT. Hills/stairs may be, until the snow falls then will do some fitness classes at Cardel :-).

Go men, GL with achieving your goals!

09-27-2010, 09:13 PM
Eat less, move more.

09-27-2010, 09:50 PM
I was always taught to do 1:1 hiit and increase the time doing it when you're getting used to it. Like I used to do 10 minutes of 30 seconds on 30 seconds off then in a couple weeks ill do 12 minutes of it

09-27-2010, 10:57 PM
eat right, progressively build strength, endurance and recovery for both anerobic and aerobic exercises

Scientifically breakdown your caleroic requirements into the categories required for what you want to achieve into proteins, vegatables, complex carbs and suppliments (vitamins, oils and other aminos)

Remember that 1lb of fat is 3500 calories... can be reduced out of a diet (yet hard to preserve muscles and glycogen stores) alone or combination as recommended with semi to vigorous workouts

You can burn calories pushing weights... its not like your heart doesn't go hard, as well as building muscle density. Mind you that full body movements are best for total fat loss. (squats, clean and jerk, deadlifts)

From an aerobic approach... there is nothing better than running
After the first hellatious 5 minutes, it starts to feel good, and you'll get your rythem

For anerobic high intesnity cardio training... yes you can windsprint intervals, or...
Play some indoor soccer or shinny hockey and play your heart out for that 45 second shift...
I will work so hard, its not uncommon to feel like you're dying (literially or puke)
BUT that is my commitment to the game, and not for any target training.

Its much healthier to build a base up with balance of cardio and weight training...

Cardio is always more important. Its not about how buldgy the vein on your arm is, or your 6pack... but rather how low you can get your blood pressure to (both stolic & diastolic), how quick you can run a 10k and the level of quality of execuition you can perform an activity and then the intervals that you can at the same level.

If you're into sports, plyometics are also a great way to build explosive and reactionary kinesthetics... there is ways to train for anything you want to do.

Keep fit & have fun :D

09-27-2010, 11:35 PM
There isn't much left to add to this thread with the exception of keeping your protein intake in check.
I once underwent a serious cutting phase & layed off the Protein.
I dropped from 227Lbs to152Lbs in 6 monthsd.
My eating habits were Clean (low GI carbs only during the day, small light meals etc)
Sadly I not only lost fat but quiet a bit of muscle mass as well.
I went from Body fitting Large shirts to loose Medium shirts.
long story short....Stay on the protein

09-27-2010, 11:51 PM
Interval training is where its at for losing weight, Just keep a brisk walk going then go all out for as long as you can then back to brisk walk. Repeat.

If u want I can help you out with your diet, I am just finishing my nutrition course at mru and I have lots of pointers.

What kind of training are you doing? You should be on a lifting program that is high intensity with little breaks. You should do the 6x6 program linked at the bottom or a high intensity circuit training program.

Just a few basic things for weight loss
-Stay away from artificial sweeteners at all costs
-Get at least 35g of fiber per day
-Stay clear of processed foods
-Dont bother with any bread unless it is whole grain
-Dont touch anything with trans fat
-Limit Dairy intake
Your total consumption shouldnt exceed this
Carbs 45-65%
Protein 10-35%
Lipids(Fats) 20-30%
Just remember clean fats and carbs are out there and like stated above 90%+ is all in your diet

Water is your only drink of choice period :thumbsup:
Good luck keep us posted


09-28-2010, 12:02 AM
Avg burn 60 cals per km. You can do 2k high intensity, or 8k at low, then another 8k the next day since you're not tired, vs the intense stuff which burns you out for a day.

Not to say intervals etc don't have their place, but unless you're running 40k/week don't bother.

09-28-2010, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by Myz
There isn't much left to add to this thread with the exception of keeping your protein intake in check.
I once underwent a serious cutting phase & layed off the Protein.
I dropped from 227Lbs to152Lbs in 6 monthsd.
My eating habits were Clean (low GI carbs only during the day, small light meals etc)
Sadly I not only lost fat but quiet a bit of muscle mass as well.
I went from Body fitting Large shirts to loose Medium shirts.
long story short....Stay on the protein

ld like to add to this and thats the fact you dont need protein from meats to gain muscle mass you need amino acids. Although animal sources give you the most complete amino acids you can combine veggies and nuts to get the same effect and not put on the fat.

Cutting protein is retarded because you can get it in clean forms and they are needed for 4 main reason
-creating enzymes in your body
-repairing structures made of protein
-structural material(muscle, connective tissue, organs)

Remember your body is 25% protein and it needs to be repaired all the time!

Edit Btw i think there is no way in hell you would not go from a large to a loose medium after dropping 75 pounds in six months and quite honestly that is really crazy you got that much off in that amount of time just by diet. Most people take almost double the time to shred that much weight or even more

09-28-2010, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by Khyron
Avg burn 60 cals per km. You can do 2k high intensity, or 8k at low, then another 8k the next day since you're not tired, vs the intense stuff which burns you out for a day.

Not to say intervals etc don't have their place, but unless you're running 40k/week don't bother.

Your opinion i did interval training 5 days a week and i was fine you just have to build your tolerance.

09-28-2010, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by warcaster

ld like to add to this and thats the fact you dont need protein from meats to gain muscle mass you need amino acids. Although animal sources give you the most complete amino acids you can combine veggies and nuts to get the same effect and not put on the fat.

Cutting protein is retarded because you can get it in clean forms and they are needed for 4 main reason
-creating enzymes in your body
-repairing structures made of protein
-structural material(muscle, connective tissue, organs)

Remember your body is 25% protein and it needs to be repaired all the time!

Edit Btw i think there is no way in hell you would not go from a large to a loose medium after dropping 75 pounds in six months and quite honestly that is really crazy you got that much off in that amount of time just by diet. Most people take almost double the time to shred that much weight or even more

Warcaster knows where its at. Protein is a huge factor. The enzymes in turn help you burn more fat and your body operate efficiently.

Do both cardio and strength training. The more muscle you have the greater your metabolism.

09-28-2010, 08:57 AM
The Basics of Burning Fat

If you're trying to lose weight, knowing how your body uses calories for fuel can make a difference in how you approach your weight loss program. We get our energy from fat, carbs and protein but. Which one our bodies draw from, however, depends on the kind of activity we're doing. Now, most people want to use fat for energy, which makes sense. We figure, the more fat we can use as fuel, the less fat we'll have in our bodies. But, using more fat doesn't automatically lead to losing more fat.

Understanding the best way to burn fat starts with some basic facts about how your body gets its energy:

The body primarily uses fat and carbs for fuel. A small amount of protein is used during exercise, but it's mainly used to repair the muscles after exercise.
The ratio of these fuels will shift depending on the activity you're doing.
For higher intensity exercise, such as fast-paced running, the body will rely more on carbs for fuel than fat. That's because the metabolic pathways available to break down carbs for energy are more efficient than the pathways available for fat breakdown.
For long, slower exercise, fat is used more for energy than carbs.
When it comes to weight loss, it doesn't matter what type of fuel you use. What matters is how many calories you burn as opposed to how many calories you take in.

09-28-2010, 08:58 AM
Warcaster, if you wouldn't mind helping me setup or critique my diet that'd be great.

Also, why limited dairy? I thought taking in 2-3 glasses of milk a day was a good thing. Or do you mean cheeses?

09-28-2010, 09:21 AM
1 lb of muscle burns 6 cals/day, 1 lb of fat burns 2 cals/day. So all things being equal, adding 5 lbs of muscle means you burn 30 more cals/DAY.

09-28-2010, 10:15 AM
Men and Women alike need resistance training.

It's that simple. No 1.5 hours of cardio/day bullshit.

Eat Animals, lots of them. Eat Vegetables.

Forget processed crap. Drink water and green tea till you piss every hour.

So simple it hurts.

Oh and by the way, Milk is for Babies.

09-28-2010, 11:03 AM
Milk is for babies literally, the human race is the only creature on earth that drinks it past being a baby. Not only that we are the only animal to drink the milk of another animal. The reason you get bloated from milk is your body dosnt produce a enzyme to digest cows milk, in turn it goes to your stomach in it's state and feeds the bacteria in your small intestine making you bloated. Pretty much anything your body can't digest is useless and is gonna make you fat. Remember there is always a healthier source for everything.

09-28-2010, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by warcaster
Pretty much anything your body can't digest is useless and is gonna make you fat. Remember there is always a healthier source for everything.

Want to try that again? If you can't digest it, your body can't absorb it. If your body can't absorb it, how's it going to make you fat?

09-28-2010, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by warcaster
Milk is for babies literally, the human race is the only creature on earth that drinks it past being a baby. Not only that we are the only animal to drink the milk of another animal. The reason you get bloated from milk is your body dosnt produce a enzyme to digest cows milk, in turn it goes to your stomach in it's state and feeds the bacteria in your small intestine making you bloated. Pretty much anything your body can't digest is useless and is gonna make you fat. Remember there is always a healthier source for everything.

What is in the cow's milk that the miss enzyme can't metabolise?

09-28-2010, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by lint

Want to try that again? If you can't digest it, your body can't absorb it. If your body can't absorb it, how's it going to make you fat?

Since your body dosnt absorb all of the milk it feeds bacteria in your small intestine which makes you appear bloated, it won't make you gain weight unless you drink alot of milk per day because you are feeding your intestine live bacteria because it is not broken down. Your body dosnt produce a enzyme to break the bonds for milk to prepare it for digestion so although you do get some nutrients you don't fully digest it. Make sense?

09-28-2010, 11:54 AM
Lactose is something a lot of us can't digest. But the casein in milk is still good no? I'm sure we can absorb that stuff.

09-28-2010, 12:04 PM
Drink lactate, more expensive but taste the same? Or go to Co-op and get their lactose free chocolate milk.

that's if you enjoy milk :D

09-28-2010, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by cdnsir
Lactose is something a lot of us can't digest. But the casein in milk is still good no? I'm sure we can absorb that stuff.
Yeah for sure when it comes to milk it's not what we can absorb it's what we can't absorb. Milk has calcium, protein and a few other things, it just that we can't fully digest it so it goes into are intestine as a "live" product. All I was tryin to get across is that u can get all the things milk has to offer from other places that are way better for your gut and body as a whole.

Keep in mind most dairy is high in fat and the thread topic is how to shed pounds

09-28-2010, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by warcaster
All I was tryin to get across is that u can get all the things milk has to offer from other places that are way better for your gut and body as a whole.

Can you list some alternatives please.

09-28-2010, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by warcaster
Since your body dosnt absorb all of the milk it feeds bacteria in your small intestine which makes you appear bloated, it won't make you gain weight unless you drink alot of milk per day because you are feeding your intestine live bacteria because it is not broken down. Your body dosnt produce a enzyme to break the bonds for milk to prepare it for digestion so although you do get some nutrients you don't fully digest it. Make sense?

No it doesn't. Feeling bloated != making you fat
Your statement again:

anything your body can't digest is useless and is gonna make you fat

Your body can't digest fiber, so fiber makes you fat?

09-28-2010, 02:31 PM
Generally with milk the body has a sensitivity (Level of Lactose Intolerance, a type of protein sensitivity) or an all out allergy.

Food sensitivity increases the stress hormone Cortisol, which in turn is the Fight or Flight signal. During this signal the body also produces insulin. The hormone Cortisol will stay elevated longer than insulin and becomes Catabolic (burns muscle).

Not only that, cortisol blunts testosterone production.

So some people choose to drink milk, and that's cool.

I only drink it maybe 3-4 times a YEAR, during a cheat meal or something. Otherwise for the last 5 years I've avoided it.

Try it, I mean you'll have less juicy farts to dutchoven your woman.. But we gotta compromise here.

Your skin might also clear up. Milk loves creating ACNE!

Just food for thought, lots of information about milk is 'hidden' for lack of a better term.

My brother's wife had surgery on her female parts and is now trying to conceive. Her hormones are kind of everywhere so the Doctors outlined a diet Strategy for her.

ALL dairy except eggs is gone. Shit while I'm on the subject I'd tell everyone to quit Gluten too.

09-28-2010, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by lint

No it doesn't. Feeling bloated != making you fat
Your statement again:

Your body can't digest fiber, so fiber makes you fat?

Haha yeah sorry man I was typing on my iPhone, couldn't see everything I typed. You should see some of the slides of people who drink too much milk there intestines are swollen 4-5 times the size looks so nasty.
All I'm saying is that if u want to lose weight avoid milk.

I get some examples of replacements when I got my pc in front of me

10-08-2010, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by max_boost

No cardio, no weight lifting, 1000 calories/day intake, high protein, low fat so a lot of seafood. Lose up to 5lbs a week. I was skeptical but it worked for him. :rofl:

I did something like that, but I lifted, 1200 to 1500, and lost I think it was 20 pounds over CHRISTMAS!

LOW carb, Atkins style
Strength went way up
I could literally see .75 pounds drop every single day. Makes it so much easier to stay on a diet when you see daily measurable results.

10-08-2010, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by msommers

Can you list some alternatives please.
Almond Milk?

10-08-2010, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by Darkane

Try it, I mean you'll have less juicy farts to dutchoven your woman.. But we gotta compromise here.

Your skin might also clear up. Milk loves creating ACNE!

Just food for thought, lots of information about milk is 'hidden' for lack of a better term.

My brother's wife had surgery on her female parts and is now trying to conceive. Her hormones are kind of everywhere so the Doctors outlined a diet Strategy for her.

ALL dairy except eggs is gone. Shit while I'm on the subject I'd tell everyone to quit Gluten too.

Thats first part made me:rofl:

If I recall correctly no reference here so people will probably shit on me for this. Over 70% of the world has some sort of dairy sensitivity. Whether allergy or intolerance there has been tons of ill effects. Mostly good marketing is why so many people consume it. Casein itself has been shown to induce an inflammatory response.

I have been gluten and dairy free for 14 years this December. Upon elimination, no more aasthma, IBS, mood swings, chronic fatigue syndrome or fibro. The second I have something like that the symptoms come back.

My personal belief is you shouldn't take extreme steps like eliminating gluten unless their is some noticeable effect surrounding its consumption

10-08-2010, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by Toma

I did something like that, but I lifted, 1200 to 1500, and lost I think it was 20 pounds over CHRISTMAS!

LOW carb, Atkins style
Strength went way up
I could literally see .75 pounds drop every single day. Makes it so much easier to stay on a diet when you see daily measurable results.

Yep. My calorie intake was probably around 1500 and I still ate carbs but just during breakfast.

My bench and press went up 25lbs :D