View Full Version : Photography book as a gift

09-27-2010, 10:29 PM
A friends birthday is coming up, and we've been tossing around the idea about getting her a photography book.

I think she has a Canon Xt. when we were talking last she was having a hard time understanding Av, and Tv, pretty sure she's only been using auto mode.

Looking for a book that explains exposure, and aperture priority/shutter priority, easy to understand, good examples.

any ideas on something that fits the bill?

09-27-2010, 10:40 PM
Honestly, the internet is a way better resource than any book will ever be for that sort of thing.

It depends on the way she likes to learn, I guess, but if she's going to be reading anyways it might as well be on the internet where the environment is interactive and the information is endless.

If you really want to get her a book though, something along these lines would probably be OK:


09-27-2010, 11:04 PM
What's your budget?

And is she a big reader? There are a lot of inexpensive beginner classes you could sign her up for (and pay for) as a gift. Nothing crazy, just a fun hands on way to learn the basics. Some of them are only an afternoon on a weekend, some of them are 6 week night courses once a week. It all depends on what you guys want to do for her.

09-28-2010, 01:10 AM
This (http://www.amazon.ca/Scott-Kelbys-Digital-Photography-Volumes/dp/0321678737/ref=sr_1_1?s=gateway&ie=UTF8&qid=1285657674&sr=8-1) is by far the most popular amongst amateur photographers (other than Understanding Exposure).

There's nothing in there that you can't find on the internet (including the books itself lol) but my friends that own it say it's short, succinct, and gives you many cool tips to try which may spark even greater interest.

09-28-2010, 05:54 AM
Youtube+Google = School

09-28-2010, 01:43 PM
The internet isn't really something physical that you can "give" someone, so you're really not answering the question...

I'm thinking that the OP wants to give her a book to get her started in understanding exposure and then she can take it from there, if she wants to do a class or do further reading online.

09-28-2010, 04:14 PM
All we're saying is that if this person actually wants to learn, the internet is a far superior resource than any book will ever be. I know we're not all answering the question, but simply suggesting that perhaps a book on photography isn't the best gift if the goal is to help the recipient learn about photography. The internet is also better than any class you can take on photography basics, in my opinion, because the information is better, it's free, and it can be done at home.

Perhaps a gift certificate to The Camera Store or some sort of cool photo accessory would be a good gift as well. Maybe a tripod or something.

09-29-2010, 08:19 AM
I think a book is a great way to START and get the foundational knowledge. I mean, if someone doesn't understand what shutter ISO and aperture is, there are MANY books that will explain it and illustrate it in a well organized and efficient manner. You can also easily take it with you as a reference when you're out shooting and learning.

But finding information on the internet is always sketchy, because there are always dumbasses that publish incorrect information, and as a beginner, you don't have the knowledge to distinguish between bullshit info and good info.

Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson has always been a popular choice... if you can put up with how much he talks about his wife. But I'm sure there are many many others.

A course would also be a great idea, though it'll cost a lot more than a book.

09-29-2010, 10:11 AM
I got my gf a D3000 along with a "Dummies" book.
They have different versions for specific cameras.

The book goes through every setting and option within the camera itself; explains how your photo would be affected by the settings; explain ISO, exposure, shutter speed etc; and near the end gives you tips on how to add some art to your photos (light trails, B&W etc)

I think it's $35ish regular price at Chapters.