View Full Version : pointless destruction

12-31-2003, 03:10 AM
so im driving back home tonight after picking a coffee from tims, I come up to a green light and i see a white celica sitting in the center lane 4 people are standing outside of it, I turn into the right lane slow right down so not to hit any of em as i pass them one of the bastards grabs my power antenna and folds the damn thing over. i just put a new one on in the spring.(180CND used)
I didn't stop, there were 3 of them plus the driver, thinking back on it, if something like this happens again im going to slam my car into theres.

god this makes me so F*&&ing mad.

People with that kind of respect should be shot, what the hell makes em this way?

12-31-2003, 03:15 AM
Originally posted by xerxes799
thinking back on it, if something like this happens again im going to slam my car into theres.
lol, be glad u didnt think of this at the time cuz you would be way more pissed if u blew off ur whole front end, but none the less little shits like that deserve to get a serious beating.
y were they stopped in the middle of the road neways?

12-31-2003, 03:31 AM
don't know if you've been to thunder bay, But we have this huge curling rock outside fort william gardens, I think they were playing king of the hill on it. they were just finishing up as i drove by.

Originally posted by M_Power

lol, be glad u didnt think of this at the time cuz you would be way more pissed if u blew off ur whole front end, but none the less little shits like that deserve to get a serious beating.
y were they stopped in the middle of the road neways?

bah ive already smoked my front end.

and i was talking in reverse, last year a 94+ integra ran into me, he totaled his front end, all i had to do was buy that molding on my bumper, with leads me to believe the rear on a 93 teg is much stronger then the front of a celica

12-31-2003, 11:05 AM
should have gone around picked up a rock , and drive by rock throwing lol :D j/j

you should have goten the plate so you can call the cops on them :rofl:

12-31-2003, 12:14 PM
a little vigilante action never hurt anyone!!!

12-31-2003, 01:59 PM
get a bat, black out your plates, drive by and VOILA!! Knee-less fuckfaces unite!!!

12-31-2003, 02:05 PM
:( you should call police .. and get the plate # from the celica ..

12-31-2003, 02:22 PM
I would have definatly gone back and told them whats up.

12-31-2003, 04:04 PM
and they probly would promptly kick your fat ass(not sayin' your fat or anything, don't know you)

12-31-2003, 04:11 PM
That's ridiculous buddy, sorry to hear that. I keep a 4cell MagLite in my car for just such occassion... Cops don't look twice at it and it's a great ugly stick... Turns whoever it touches into something a LOT less attractive!!!:nut:

12-31-2003, 04:44 PM
I have a friend who was driving along down a residential street. He's not really a person in control of his anger, which is bad news for the assholes that threw rocks at his car. So he pulls his G23C and puts two hydrashoks into the guys car door. Some lessons are harder than others I guess, they're lucky that he wasn't feeling murderous. Goes to show that you just don't know what's up, so it's best to just keep to yourself and mind your business.

12-31-2003, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by banmenow!!!
a little vigilante action never hurt anyone!!!

damn right!! the cops wouldnt do much to help out on that one so vigilante justice is definately the way to go.