View Full Version : Anyone get random dizziness??

10-19-2010, 03:50 PM
Ever since 4 years, when I moved to Calgary, I been getting random dizzy spells, I just get dizzy and feel like fainting for 3-4 seconds...then I'm normal, does it maybe 2-3 times a day for a couple weeks then I won't get it for 6 months- a year........well it's been happening again and on sunday I got super dizzy and then I been lightheaded until this morning when I finally made it down to the walk-in clinic, and of course, Murphy's Law, it stops when I'm sitting there waiting to see the doctor. They run EKG tests and blood work and they tell me they can tell I'm super athletic and can't find anything, they are going to make me put on a 24 hour heart monitor to see if at any time during the day my heart beat is irregular...

anyone else experience this...they also said it might be inner ear problems?!

I haven't touched drugs including weed (only ever really gotten stoned once in my life) since I was 20 (I just turned 30) and even back then it was only Ecstacy use (1-2 caps per weekend) for 1-2 years.... and I drink occasionally.

Oh and one more thing...it NEVER happens when I'm doing something physical like playing sports or when my blood is pumping....and eating a lot of sodium seemed to help which made me think it was just a low blood pressure problem but they said my pressure was fine and also recently it's been happening even though I've kept up a high sodium diet.

10-19-2010, 03:55 PM
You went to the doctor and now you're looking for a second opinion on a car forum?

If you have questions, ask your doctor.

10-19-2010, 03:57 PM
Try drinking a case of Red bull and doing prints on a treadmill, it should solve the problem.

10-19-2010, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by Modelexis
You went to the doctor and now you're looking for a second opinion on a car forum?

If you have questions, ask your doctor.

Lol, no, I'm not looking for a second medical opinion...just wondering if anyone else experienced this or if I'm just nuts.

10-19-2010, 04:02 PM
You know whats weird is I just started feeling dizzy a few days ago too. Sounds very similar, never happens when I play sports which is 3 days a week. Kind of worries me when I'm driving because I feel like I'm swerving. It just doesn't seem bad enough for concern... weird.

10-19-2010, 04:04 PM
^ my friend and her friend felt this way this morning too......

I've heard of people getting migraines after moving to Calgary and also when Chinooks come....I don't know if this could be causing it too?

10-19-2010, 04:04 PM
Maybe it has something to do with the Calgary weather? The pressures and temperatures change radically here quite often. I have heard of people getting headaches (sinus problems), toothaches, joint problems, etc. and they seem to be related to the weather (ie a chinook comes in and they get headaches and such)

10-19-2010, 04:06 PM
Oh, also some things seem to set it off more, like staring at a computer or newspaper or even the busy-patterned carpet at work....

10-19-2010, 04:08 PM
there's a visine for that

10-19-2010, 05:15 PM
Isn't that called vertigo? I have a friend that gets it, but she doesn't live here. She gets dizzy spells and gets very nauseated, to the point of not being able to eat.

Getting dizzy is normal if you have been sitting or kneeling down for a while, since the blood pools in your legs, then when you stand up you feel lightheaded.

I don't think there is really any treatment for it...

10-19-2010, 05:16 PM
I use to have a problem with getting really bad tunnel vision when I sat up and felt like I wanted to faint. I had honestly thought it was nothing for years then I brought it up with a friend and they said that it wasn't normal.

Went into the doctor and I did the same deal. He got me to sit down and took my BP and said when I sit down then get up my BP drops by quite a few points and to just monitor it and if it is a problem to come back in, otherwise it isn't a problem.

10-19-2010, 05:23 PM
Have you ever done Acid or LSD, you can get flashbacks:


Flashbacks and HPPD
See also: Flashback (psychological phenomenon)
"Flashbacks" are a reported psychological phenomenon in which an individual experiences an episode of some of LSD's subjective effects long after the drug has worn off, usually in the days after typical doses. In some rarer cases, flashbacks have lasted longer, but are generally short-lived and mild compared to the actual LSD "trip". Flashbacks can incorporate both positive and negative aspects of LSD trips, and are typically elicited by triggers such as alcohol or cannabis use, stress, or sleepiness. Flashbacks have proven difficult to study and are no longer officially recognized as a psychiatric syndrome. However, colloquial usage of the term persists and usually refers to any drug-free experience reminiscent of psychedelic drug effects, with the typical connotation that the episodes are of short duration.

No definitive explanation is currently available for these experiences. Any attempt at explanation must reflect several observations: first, over 70 percent of LSD users claim never to have "flashed back"; second, the phenomenon does appear linked with LSD use, though a causal connection has not been established; and third, a higher proportion of psychiatric patients report flashbacks than other users.[68] Several studies have tried to determine how likely a user of LSD, not suffering from known psychiatric conditions, is to experience flashbacks. The larger studies include Blumenfeld's in 1971[69] and Naditch and Fenwick's in 1977,[70] which arrived at figures of 20% and 28%, respectively.

Although flashbacks themselves are not recognized as a medical syndrome, there is a recognized syndrome called Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD) in which LSD-like visual changes are not temporary and brief, as they are in flash-backs, but instead are persistent, and cause clinically significant impairment or distress. The syndrome is a DSM-IV diagnosis. Several scientific journal articles have described the disorder.[71]

HPPD differs from flashbacks in that it is persistent and apparently entirely visual (although mood and anxiety disorders are sometimes diagnosed in the same individuals). A recent review suggests that HPPD (as defined in the DSM-IV) is rare and affects only a distinctly vulnerable subpopulation of users.[72] However, it is possible that the prevalence of HPPD is underestimated because most of the diagnoses are applied to people who are willing to admit to their health care practitioner that they have previously used psychotropics, and presumably many people are reluctant to admit this.[73]

There is no consensus regarding the nature and causes of HPPD (or flashbacks). A study of 44 HPPD subjects who had previously ingested LSD showed EEG abnormalities.[74] Given that some symptoms have environmental triggers, it may represent a failure to adjust visual processing to changing environmental conditions. There are no explanations for why only some individuals develop HPPD. Explanations in terms of LSD physically remaining in the body for months or years after consumption have been discounted by experimental evidence.[68] Some say HPPD is a manifestation of post-traumatic stress disorder, not related to the direct action of LSD on brain chemistry, and varies according to the susceptibility of the individual to the disorder. Many emotionally intense experiences can lead to flashbacks when a person is reminded acutely of the original experience. However, not all published case reports of HPPD appear to describe an anxious hyper-vigilant state reminiscent of post-traumatic stress disorder. Instead, some cases appear to involve only visual symptoms.[68]

10-19-2010, 05:25 PM
Inner ear infection?
Agitated inner ear brought on by TMJ?

Low blood sugar?
Low Iron levels?

Lack of sleep?

Not a doctor, just some guesses.

10-19-2010, 05:30 PM
I get it if I sit in a hot tub for too long. Even worse if you jump in the snow then go in the hot tub and repeat

10-19-2010, 05:42 PM

YOUR PREGNANT!!!!!!:eek:

10-19-2010, 05:57 PM
Get Your eyes checked.if you don't wear glasses, maybe you need them

10-19-2010, 09:42 PM
Nope, they checked my eyes at emerg today...BUT I have noticed that my eyes get tired more easily than usual these days......I think I'm gonna try either going for a run in the mornings to the get blood pumping or even just taking ashower to wake my body up.....I usually sleep 12-6:30- every night and nap 4-5-ish in the afternoon, maybe the way I sleep and wake up is putting my body into this groggy state for most the day as grogginess seems to always precede the dizziness....I just got back from a floor hockey game and I am WIDE awake and alert!

10-19-2010, 10:07 PM
I get them random dizziness from time to time. I went to a doctor about it 3-4 years ago and couldnt find anything wrong wit me. A coworker of mine advised me that it can be my sugar was low so I started eating 5 meals a day (almonds and an apple between my meals) and my dizziness was gone. Maybe try having a better diet. work out for me.

10-19-2010, 10:51 PM


10-19-2010, 10:58 PM
I used to get same.... not sure from the same things (monitor) but I found taking multi's made a difference (or coincidentally).

10-19-2010, 11:15 PM
I agree with the diet comment. I am trying to cut out ant ingediants that I have numbers in them or that I can not pronounce and I have not been light headed in a few months. However at times I have suffered from anxiety which for me has been brought on by stress. If that is the same for you, maybe try a B complex vitamin which helps reduce stress levels (it does for me anyways). Good luck and keep us posted on your results!

Edit: it is possible to have a migraine headache without have the pain of the headache but still suffer from the other symptoms.

10-19-2010, 11:32 PM
Something I just thought of, however likely not the answer, could be related to dehydration headaches.

Do you find yourself drinking a lot of caffeinated beverages/pop/juice and not much water throughout the day?

10-20-2010, 01:57 PM

10-20-2010, 02:01 PM
I used to get dizzy a lot as well, I had both low blood pressure, and vitamin deficiencies.

Do you take multi-vitamins at all? I suggest it if you don't, helped me a lot.

10-20-2010, 03:09 PM
Vitamin D my friend.

lack of vitamin D is a key ingredient to vertigo.

and being in Calgary getting healthy exposure to the sun is next to impossible.

10-20-2010, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by jazzyb
Vitamin D my friend.

lack of vitamin D is a key ingredient to vertigo.

and being in Calgary getting healthy exposure to the sun is next to impossible.

^this, and also maybe some vitamin B12 maybe

10-20-2010, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by jazzyb

and being in Calgary getting healthy exposure to the sun is next to impossible.

Yeah, it's pretty cloudy here most of the time. Hard to get that 15 minutes of sunshine you need a day :nut:

10-20-2010, 03:42 PM
i get this as well, for me it's vertigo, caused by "ear crystals" basically a crystallized particle in your ear fluid, from what i understand it's supposed to be segrigated in a separate part of the ear where it cant float around and bounce off your balance sensory things, it's these crystals bouncing off the that cause the dizzyness.

I don't know all the technicalities of it, that's just what i know from what my doc has told me, and my research... i was told i could probably go to a specialist and they could probably do something as far as breaking up the crystals, maybe by ultrasound waves or something, but i usually procrastinate long enough that it goes away for another 6 months-year.

the first time i got it it was so bad i literally got out of bed, and fell on my ass because i was so dizzy, unbalanced, and disoriented, i couldn't even walk tot he bathroom myself, it felt like being totally wasted. i went to the hospital, waited in the waiting room of emerg for about 14 hours, only for the asshat doc to say" there's nothing we can do, it'll subside within the next 3 weeks) i'm like "are you fucking kidding me? i cant survive with this shit for 3 weeks" i couldn't even move my eyes without the world spinning, luckily it only lasted 3-4 days, and hasn't been even close to that severe with the re occurances I've had since.

10-20-2010, 10:05 PM
I get this sometimes but it only seems to last for about 15 minutes at a time? I always figured it was just because I drink a lot of caffeine ><

10-20-2010, 10:06 PM
^ wow, that last post really scares me lol....

Yea, I don't take multivitamins nor do I eat a lot of vegies...will have to change that....

Calgary always seems to be sunny compared to Vancouver so it can't be that, I lived in Van from when I was 7 to 25 and I never had this before...

One thing I have found though is that everytime it's happed I have been really groggy or sleepy....so I'm gonna start doing cardio in the mornings and take a hot shower just to start my day off with my blood pumping and I leave my house wide awake and alert!......also I'm gonna sleep like a normal person and get 8 hours....I've had a bad habit since high school of napping 2 hours in the early evenings and these days I just wake up super groggy and my eyes are all screwy if I have to go out at night...time to change that...

10-21-2010, 05:27 AM
I been like that for years! Practically as far back as I can remember!!

10-21-2010, 09:49 PM