View Full Version : ATTN: UofC students, Anyone know how to do power cleans?

10-25-2010, 08:48 PM
Or any variant of cleans. I'd like to learn the technique. Everyone I ask at the gym doesn't know how to do cleans.

PM me.

10-25-2010, 08:53 PM
message liquid boi. He has many posts in this forum section.

He also lifts at UofC. Not sure if he has time to show you as he always trains with a team, but you can see if he can offer tips.

10-25-2010, 10:06 PM
Check youtube or any bb site.

10-25-2010, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by adidas
Check youtube or any bb site.

I don't know man, form is very important. Deadlifts and Squats are pretty hard to get pat down already, now we are talking power cleans.

Best if you find someone that knows how to do them.

10-25-2010, 10:33 PM
start here, watch the series

another way to think about it

if you are serious, Peak Power has intro to Oly lifting

you can check out Starting Strength. I'm not a fan of how rip teaches the clean though.

10-25-2010, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by [Yu]

I don't know man, form is very important. Deadlifts and Squats are pretty hard to get pat down already, now we are talking power cleans.

Best if you find someone that knows how to do them.

Exactly. I've seen videos, but it's hard to translate that into proper form at the gym. Not like I'm gonna take a laptop the gym and try it that way.

Little Dragon
10-26-2010, 12:07 AM
I can teach you it. But I can't do very much weight right now as I screwed up my wrist.

Perhaps my football friend can show you, he is an expert.

Let me know.

10-26-2010, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by [Yu]

I don't know man, form is very important. Deadlifts and Squats are pretty hard to get pat down already, now we are talking power cleans.

Best if you find someone that knows how to do them.

Although i do agree with you, proper form is something u get from experience. If you know what exercise u are performing and how to properly isolate it, u will be good. If you dont know how to do this than its a smart idea to get someone to show u in person.

Originally posted by Ferio_vti

Exactly. I've seen videos, but it's hard to translate that into proper form at the gym. Not like I'm gonna take a laptop the gym and try it that way.

Read above response.

10-26-2010, 03:42 PM

10-26-2010, 04:30 PM
^^ and you think finding someone randomly on Beyond is going to get the OP better results?

going through the sources I posted will most likely get you to a better spot than trying to find a random schmo who thinks they know what they're doing.

Peak Power would be the best bet for instruction. There is also a weightlifting club that runs out of the same facility at SAIT (Tork Weightlifting)

grab a video camera and do some self analysis to start

10-26-2010, 09:02 PM
I'd agree. Peak power is where it's at. Although they're kinda expensive...if you really want to be serious, it's the place to be for OLY.

10-26-2010, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by J-hop

I wouldn't say I entirely agree with you, knowing how to properly do an exercise is very far removed from actually being able to perform it. I see lots of guys at the U who look like they should know what they are doing however have horrible form and don't know it. Even watching yourself in the mirror won't help because you can't get a full 360 few at once to know if your form is bad, you have to guess.

you need someone that knows what they are doing standing beside you slapping your wrist every time your form breaks, that is the only way you will truly learn to do an exercise properly, which is essential with lifts, which is what the OP wants

I will agree with you to an extent.

Ive never had anyone teach me how to properly lift. It was all through videos and trial and error. I still learn something new everyday and how to improve on certain exercises. Lifting weight properly is common sense. If you are doing cable tricep push downs, and ur starting up from ur head and just pushing the weight back and forth from ur head to ur knees, than u probably shouldnt be in the gym at all. Weight lifting is a mind thing.

10-26-2010, 10:21 PM

10-27-2010, 12:01 AM
^It's cause he's kinda a gymnast. I've met him. Although he kinda looks like a tool...when I saw him he was doing pullups on the legup station, and doing some variant of legups on the pullup station.

He could just go downstairs to the real gymnastics area and do rings. But there's tonnes of random people like this at UC so I guess it's just normal. He seemed like a nice guy...he just has awkward workouts...