View Full Version : Beat Making Program

11-02-2010, 11:24 PM

Can anyone recommend a good beat making program. One that's user friendly, easy to use and a good price for what you're getting.


11-03-2010, 01:03 AM
Fruity loops is an okay program. Played with it back in the day. Fl Studios (http://flstudio.image-line.com/)

11-03-2010, 01:49 AM
If you want a professional program that is the digital equivalent of thousands of dollars worth of hardware, use REASON. You can make entire songs with just this program. However, its incredibally difficult if you dont know what youre doing.

11-03-2010, 02:53 AM
Technoish and easy to use, IMO a toy - Fruity loops

Easier to use and cost effective Music creation (what fruity loops wishes it could be) - Sequel

Extremely Powerful composition (it is software that replaces dozens of hardware items, from samplers to EQ's) - Reason

For Recording, easier to use, no beat making - Ntrack

Industry Standard for recording and composition - Cubase/Pro Tools

Post Production - Nuendo (nothing else should be used IMO)

I own a production company and we use Reason, Cubase, Pro tools and Nuendo. Reason is used for beat composition and sampling when on site or away from the studio. Cubase used in the studio 100%. Nuendo used for ALL post production. Pro tools is used by one individual because he is comfortable with it. A new version of Pro Tools is coming out shortly so expect that to become standard.

Both Reason and Cubase are not user friendly to learn in the slightest and cost an arm and a leg. Nuendo additionally is one of the most unbelievable programs I have ever used but took me several months to learn.
