View Full Version : "What can you do to stop racism?" acknowledging your white privilege.

11-09-2010, 08:06 PM
A controversial part of the Racism Free Edmonton website has been removed.

When the website launched on Friday, under the "What can you do to stop racism?" category - acknowledging your white privilege was the main focus on the page.


:facepalm: I guess it was not a good way to stop it?

City of Edmonton tax payers $$ at work.

11-09-2010, 08:27 PM
For someone saying that they are damn racist. I have never met a person who hires that honestly would hire a white person over a minority at any point(unless the other can't speak english), they hire the person who is best suited for the job. This is my honest opinion for every company I have come across in Calgary. I can see in the southern US it may be hard but Canada really cannot compare to the US in racism.

11-09-2010, 08:31 PM
Hahahah, are they sure they are not hacked? :rofl:

If not, the editor should be fired.

11-09-2010, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by Type_S1
I have never met a person who hires that honestly would hire a white person over a minority at any point

I have met many

11-09-2010, 09:09 PM

11-09-2010, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by Type_S1
For someone saying that they are damn racist. I have never met a person who hires that honestly would hire a white person over a minority at any point(unless the other can't speak english), they hire the person who is best suited for the job. This is my honest opinion for every company I have come across in Calgary. I can see in the southern US it may be hard but Canada really cannot compare to the US in racism.
Canada is definitely better than the US but from what I've seen in Calgary, it still happens here. Don't you ever notice how some companies don't have a single visible minority on their large work force? Now I'm not saying that every company should or that this is a bad thing but when you've dealt with a company like this for a long time and you see newly hired people every once in a while and they are all sorta "the same kind" of people as the supervisor then you know something is up.
One of my previous companies I worked with was just like this but they are rare and too me not a big deal. Its more like subtle racism.

11-09-2010, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by black13

Its more like subtle racism.

Its more like a dirka dirka that was in charge of hiring would probably do the exact same thing if he/she was in a position to do so.


11-09-2010, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by kvg


11-09-2010, 09:37 PM

“White privilege refers to all the benefits we get just for being white. Most of us are aware of how racism hurts others, but we’re not aware of how it benefits us,” the site reads.

It then paraphrases Dr. Peggy McIntosh, associate director of the Wellesley Collage Center for Research on Women, a U.S. college, and her 1989 paper “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.”

I'm sure everyone has read Dr. Peggy's 1989 paper... :nut: :banghead:

White Privilege (http://www.edmontonsun.com/news/edmonton/2010/11/07/16019641.html)

11-09-2010, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

Its more like a dirka dirka that was in charge of hiring would probably do the exact same thing if he/she was in a position to do so.


lol wow and my posts are out of line...

11-09-2010, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

Its more like a dirka dirka that was in charge of hiring would probably do the exact same thing if he/she was in a position to do so.


This is exactly true.
But in companies that look for the best employee's you will see everyone there. No matter which race it is if your the best at the position the company will hire you. I notice racist hiring in a lot of labor jobs and jobs that don't require many skills using your brain.

The thing is that every brown person is racist to white people...and they only hire other brown people and their millions of cousins.

The racist white rednecks only hire white people etc etc etc.
Really IMO it all works out so whatever right? :dunno:

The fact is that their is more white people in positions of power at companies and this is why people I think call racism...but in reality those individuals are best suited for the job. All the braniacs that came here from other countries unfortunately usually don't get the degree's or certifications here so cannot do the job they are good at and get labor jobs. In the future this will obviously change from generations being educated in Canada like our current mayor.

11-09-2010, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

Its more like a dirka dirka that was in charge of hiring would probably do the exact same thing if he/she was in a position to do so.


:rofl: now why am I not surprised your from Red Deer?

and yes its true but I never said it doesn't work the other way around (albeit even more rarely I think) but I was saying that in general these things do happen here.

11-09-2010, 10:04 PM
Coming from a non white person that experienced racism in the extreme forms of Apartheid down to subtle forms of not qualifying for a job cos it was advertised specifically for a person of a different race, I'd say I can easily identify with those complaining of racism.
Since my arrival in Canada I can safely say this country is far from being an "in your face" racist kinda country.
One thing however is, CERTAIN canadians definitely DO have a subtle form of racism in them & i'm sure they don't even realise it.
Racism (imo) doesn't only refer to violent acts towards other races or harsh words or even job refusal.
To me, racism is even identifiable by the look a person gives you.
(some of you may laugh but its my opinion).
I guess you could think i'm crazy but other non white colleagues of mine noticed this as well so I doubt we'r all crazy:confused:

I'd probably be flamed for this but i certainly noticed it more in the northern region of Canada....Maybe it cos the locals feel we'r stealing jobs from them-I don't know.

This post isn't to offend anybody & surely isn't up to start a debate.
Its just my personal opinion/thoughts on racism in Canada vs other countries

11-09-2010, 10:26 PM
I'm a little racist, and politicist. Rob Anders sucks monkey gonads *see* :rofl:

But I'm ageist too, and animalist. Cats suck, dogs rock. Young people are all clueless.

And forumist. You people on here are a bunch of fickle mush heads!

If any of you priveledged white people don't have any kids and want to adopt me - I wouldn't say no though... Inherit me to your 160 free acres - and I will try my hardest to grow lots of marijuana on it ;)

11-09-2010, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by ZenOps
I'm a little racist, and politicist. Rob Anders sucks monkey gonads *see* :rofl:

But I'm ageist too, and animalist. Cats suck, dogs rock. Young people are all clueless.

And forumist. You people on here are a bunch of fickle mush heads!

If any of you priveledged white people don't have any kids and want to adopt me - I wouldn't say no though... Inherit me to your 160 free acres - and I will try my hardest to grow lots of marijuana on it ;)

And the truth comes out.... :rofl: :rofl:

11-09-2010, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by Scuderia

lol wow and my posts are out of line...

I was highlighting my point. It doesn't matter if your asian, black, white, east indian, you simply feel more comfortable around people of your own race. I like how this is portrayed to be something BAD.

Am I racist? I guess so. But you don't see me calling out their countries and their people to stop being racist to me, do you now?

11-09-2010, 11:29 PM
I'm a white guy from Vancouver, I know racists come in all colors. The thing is racism is more of a defense mechanism. It's rare people let it dictate their actions toward harming others in Canada.

11-09-2010, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

I was highlighting my point. It doesn't matter if your asian, black, white, east indian, you simply feel more comfortable around people of your own race. I like how this is portrayed to be something BAD.

Am I racist? I guess so. But you don't see me calling out their countries and their people to stop being racist to me, do you now?

What a shitty job of back-peddling. I didn't disagree with anything you said. I actually 100% agree, every race is racist, and brown/asian/black people do EXACTLY what white people do in certain situations. That has nothing to do with what I highlighted, because last time I checked, DIRKA DIRKA wasn't a fuckin race or culture.

11-09-2010, 11:55 PM
No race, culture, or religion has the market cornered for racism.

11-10-2010, 12:16 AM
Playing the race card is such BS. In Canada if anything with the Employment Equity Act AKA our own version of the American Affirmative Action(Were when faced with two employees of mostly equal credentials you will be forced to hire by default any minority based on the fact they are a minority. Same thing with University admissions where grades for minorities are lower than for Caucasians.).

If anything we have reverse discrimination. As a white male everything is stacked against you. Scholarships, hiring and admissions to University. When was the last time you saw a programs about how we need more men in the fields of Nursing, Education, Social Sciences etc...?

11-10-2010, 03:05 AM
Originally posted by turbotrip

I have met many To be fair, I've seen a lot of business' that haven't hired any white people. :dunno:

Originally posted by Myz

Since my arrival in Canada I can safely say this country is far from being an "in your face" racist kinda country.
One thing however is, CERTAIN canadians definitely DO have a subtle form of racism in them & i'm sure they don't even realise it.
Racism (imo) doesn't only refer to violent acts towards other races or harsh words or even job refusal.
To me, racism is even identifiable by the look a person gives you.
(some of you may laugh but its my opinion).
I guess you could think i'm crazy but other non white colleagues of mine noticed this as well so I doubt we'r all crazy:confused:

I'd probably be flamed for this but i certainly noticed it more in the northern region of Canada....Maybe it cos the locals feel we'r stealing jobs from them-I don't know.

I don't think anything you've said is offensive at all, and it blows that you've been looked at funny for being whatever you are.

My issue with the racism activism that goes on in Canada, is that a lot of the people who complain about it, only seem to complain when their own race on the receiving end of it.

Tackling racism shouldn't be seen as a loophole to advancing and promoting your own race/culture, it should be a preventative measure that stops people from being excluded from things based on their race and culture.

I think people pull away from supporting anti-racism because they believe that it will afford better opportunities to minorities, while their own life is mediocre or difficult. It's logical, especially with things like affirmative action. No one likes to go without, and if they feel like they're working especially hard or harder than anyone else, why would they want to make it easier for anyone based purely on their minority status? Obviously it's not a fully informed position, but it's understandable.

I think people are entitled to hate whoever they want to hate; it's their own blood pressure, but active exclusion outside of their personal life shouldn't be tolerated. That goes for white, brown, native, asian, and blacks.

11-10-2010, 03:41 AM
Cab companies have racist hiring practices

11-10-2010, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

I was highlighting my point.

It doesn't matter if your asian, black, white, east indian, you simply feel more comfortable around people of your own race.

I like how this is portrayed to be something BAD.

Am I racist? I guess so. But you don't see me calling out their countries and their people to stop being racist to me, do you now?

In my personal life I actually feel better around people who are kind, selfless, honest, understanding, non-judgemental, inclusive, and general all around good people...
In my professional life I feel better being around people who are the same as I just described above, as well as being good at thier job and willing to grow and learn...

Race does not place into my comfort level one bit...

Yes racism happens to all different walks of people, but just because someone else has racist attitudes does not mean I have to have them back because it is not a tit for tat game...

11-10-2010, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by black13

:rofl: now why am I not surprised your from Red Deer?

Why are you not surprised his what is from Red Deer?

I'm a grammar rascist, bitch.


11-10-2010, 09:23 AM

It appears to be sponsored and supported by the city of Edmonton and other high profile organizations.

I find it disturbing that what was removed. May or may or may not have been the original mandate of this campaign as it was on the home page.

This appears to be tax payer funded? Both School boards are listed and the University of Alberta.

This was copied and pasted from the city of Edmonton web site.

Racism Free Edmonton

Racism Free Edmonton is a collaborative group of Edmonton organizations that have come together to build a racism free, inclusive community that respects cultural diversity.

The Partners:

•Aboriginal Commission on Human Rights and Justice
•Alberta Human Rights Commission
•Alliance Jeunesse-Famille de l’Alberta society
•Centre for Race and Culture
•Citizenship & Immigration Canada
•City of Edmonton - Diversity and Inclusion
•Edmonton Catholic Schools
•Edmonton City Council
•Edmonton Homeless Commission
•Edmonton Police Service
•Edmonton Public Schools
•Grant MacEwan University
•John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights
•Norquest College
•University of Alberta

11-10-2010, 09:32 AM
So by removing it, are they implying there are no perks to being white? Hmm, perhaps I should ignore everything I see in everyday life and get on the equality bandwagon.

11-10-2010, 10:38 AM
Was there not a government job posting that made the news a while back because they specifically said that the job was only available to people that were recognized as Native? And the government did not apologize in the least saying “that’s our hiring practice”. No, THAT’S discrimination. Maybe this site should mention that as wrong too. I find it very troubling that this site is obviously aimed at people of European descent only. I’m all for anti-racism awareness campaigns but its inherently racist to aim it at one group of people as opposed to another.

11-10-2010, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

Why are you not surprised his what is from Red Deer?

I'm a grammar rascist, bitch.


Thank god you're not a spelling racist.

11-10-2010, 11:19 AM
A little bit of affirmative action is ok in my book.

I mean come on, you white peeps had a good milennia of pillaging to get to where you are. In Canada white privelegde is not as visibly blatant, because there were hardly any blacks that were allowed into Canada in the first place. As always, out of sight - out of mind. US was much more multicultural in that sense, including the Spanish latino conquerors (who are retaking California at incredible speed) Yo Qeiro Taco Bell!

10 years worth of equalization, where you have to hire a not white guy seems like tiny compensation.

I put Germans in the penalty box for instigating WWII, and a fine on white peeps in general with a small penalty of requiring hiring of everyone for a generation or two as adequate compensation for being shut out for so long. I put Tibetans in the penalty box for one generation for being such whiners that China actually put them to work growing food so that 1 billion less people would starve, and creating a useable economy.

11-10-2010, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by SJW

Thank god you're not a spelling racist.

:rofl: I was about to say...

11-10-2010, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by frizzlefry
Was there not a government job posting that made the news a while back because they specifically said that the job was only available to people that were recognized as Native? And the government did not apologize in the least saying “that’s our hiring practice”. No, THAT’S discrimination. Maybe this site should mention that as wrong too. I find it very troubling that this site is obviously aimed at people of European descent only. I’m all for anti-racism awareness campaigns but its inherently racist to aim it at one group of people as opposed to another.

Racism is fine as long as it is towards white folk didn't you get the memo?

11-10-2010, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by ZenOps
A little bit of affirmative action is ok in my book.

I mean come on, you white peeps had a good milennia of pillaging to get to where you are. In Canada white privelegde is not as visibly blatant, because there were hardly any blacks that were allowed into Canada in the first place. As always, out of sight - out of mind. US was much more multicultural in that sense, including the Spanish latino conquerors (who are retaking California at incredible speed) Yo Qeiro Taco Bell!

10 years worth of equalization, where you have to hire a not white guy seems like tiny compensation.

Affirmative action does nothing but keep racism alive. I'm a white male, 32 and have not done any pillaging as far as I recall. Punishing me for nothing I have done is only going to make me annoyed at those who got a job over me because my Scottish ancestors (did not) enslave black people and (did not) "pillage". I know because my family tree has been documented going way back and the only violence in our past was fighting the English. So even if you could punish one for sins of their ancestors, I don't qualify. Grouping me in with all the other "whites" who’s great great, great, great, geat grandpa sold an infected blanket to a Native is also racist. Just leave it be and things, in Canada anyways, tend to turn themselves around and people stop thinking about race the less its brought up. Nenshi's race/religion never even occurred to me until the news media talked about it after he was elected.

11-10-2010, 12:27 PM
Yeah, break me off a piece of that white privilege. I break ass for what I've got. I see other races with more than what I have who may or may not work as hard as I do. I don't believe I've been afforded any privileges in this country for being white.

So, whoever wants me to acknowledge something that does not exist in my life, I'd like you to acknowledge your (probably) oriental privilege: Math.

11-10-2010, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by frizzlefry

Affirmative action does nothing but keep racism alive. I'm a white male, 32 and have not done any pillaging as far as I recall. Punishing me for nothing I have done is only going to make me annoyed at those who got a job over me because my Scottish ancestors (did not) enslave black people and (did not) "pillage". I know because my family tree has been documented going way back and the only violence in our past was fighting the English. So even if you could punish one for sins of their ancestors, I don't qualify. Grouping me in with all the other "whites" who’s great great, great, great, geat grandpa sold an infected blanket to a Native is also racist. Just leave it be and things, in Canada anyways, tend to turn themselves around and people stop thinking about race the less its brought up. Nenshi's race/religion never even occurred to me until the news media talked about it after he was elected.

Sins of the father. You cannot deny that you somehow got to where you are because of your parentage.

I cannot deny, that I am speaking English today (and not German or Chinese or Japanese) - most likely because the US dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan. If that never happened - I probably would even be in Canada.

This is why I like monarchies, they are responsible for each previous generations mistakes and accomplishments. Monarchies are multi generational, like a 100-year bond - which no individual in his right mind would ever buy (because you could never collect before you could actually use it)

Currently we have a system - where people feel that they can do whatever they want for four years (govt) or get into massive amounts of debt only to declare bankruptcy, pay 3 cents on every dollar and then basically live exactly the same way they did before seven years later (individual)

BTW: China is just being agressively competitive by keeping their dollar low, the US is cheating by printing up money. Damn US cheats, lol.

11-10-2010, 12:52 PM
where can i find me this white priviledge? i wasn't elidgible to be hired by most governments because i was a white male...

i've done hiring - funny during the boom when criteria hit the breathing threshhold - i don't recall one 'minority' applying... all those coming from the temp agencies were white... yup that was our choice of course... :dunno:

so, i can't have a cushy government job, 90% of those scolarships are geared to non white males - at least they were when i was trying to figure out how to get into sait (and those that weren't were purely academic score based - useless to me)... i come from a low income background... so where's this priviledge? i'm getting tired of having to earn everything - its about time i had something handed to me dont you think?

11-10-2010, 12:58 PM
Thats just it. No entitlement.

This current generation of white males gets no free ride.

98% of Warren Buffets wealth will not go to his kids.

Jobs have never been assured for *anyone* its not a new concept to anyone else, why do white peeps have such a problem with it?

Sorry, you had 20 or so generations to build up something to hand down if you really wanted to. Don't blame the black man, blame your father for not having the foresight to save 2% of it for you.

I feel for the UK kids though, their parents are handing down 50 year mortages onto their kids. (and a legacy of a $100 tank of gasoline) And the US shadow of "We landed on the moon, danced around, played golf and came back, and your generation sucks cause you can't even afford go up 250 miles anymore." Oh, and heres a bill for $44,000 (at 18% interest) on your head that you have to pay back for the moon landing...

11-10-2010, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by ZenOps

Sins of the father. You cannot deny that you somehow got to where you are because of your parentage.

I cannot deny, that I am speaking English today (and not German or Chinese or Japanese) - most likely because the US dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan. If that never happened - I probably would even be in Canada.

This is why I like monarchies, they are responsible for each previous generations mistakes and accomplishments. Monarchies are multi generational, like a 100-year bond - which no individual in his right mind would ever buy (because you could never collect before you could actually use it)

The US dropped those bombs for two reasons. To save American lives by not having to invade (thats the offical line) and to give Russia a big middle finger. The war was pretty much over at the point the bombs were dropped. The bombs were a not so subtle warning to russia. Plain and simple.

I'm with you on the Monarchy though.

11-10-2010, 01:30 PM
Wow, you agree with me :) It doesn't happen often.

As for sins of the father I will expand. Some white fathers - used to only pee on black people. There was a very selfish generation before the X generation that not only decided to pee on black people, but pee on futures of their own children as well.

Its partially what made the X-generation so disillusioned about the world. You younger peeps are now growing up in the shadow of a very disillusioned (and depressing as hell) group of parents.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_X < which is actually wrong, technically we would be the 13th generation, and you young peeps 14.

11-10-2010, 01:41 PM
It's funny, they all think whitey bros out for each other. I've never seen a less unified race. :rofl:

Zenops, my dad peed on no one, especially black people. I'll ask him though.

11-10-2010, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by CUG
It's funny, they all think whitey bros out for each other. I've never seen a less unified race. :rofl:


If there's a white union I sure as hell never got my invite. :dunno:

11-10-2010, 02:18 PM
Sins of my fathers? Which sins would those be? I've got about 10 generations of military service going up both sides of my family tree...

Befitting of November 10th I guess - Both grandfathers served in WW2, One RAF one RCAF. One in Lancasters, one in a Lysander (Grandpa never spoke of what he did during the war, all he'd say was he flew Lysanders; infer what you will - they only had 2 uses, ferrying dignitaries and night visits to occupied france). One Grandmother was a US WAC - on a ferry crew. One was a RAF radio direction finder.

3/4 of my great grandfathers didn't survive the great war - one is buried at Vimy Ridge. 2 are buried somewhere on the western front, One survived - sort of - lived a few years in a vets hospital - mustard gas.

The way I see it my family has served it's Monarchy, has served to better humanity for at least 218 years. My predecessors sacrificed themselves (voluntarily - not one needed to be drafted/conscripted from what records we have). So that we can enjoy the freedom we have today - and this is my 'privledge'? I don't have a plantation, military / government service doesn't exactly build huge wealth for the future generations... But somehow I'm privileged - because my forefathers served to allow you the freedoms you enjoy today to insult them?

11-10-2010, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by AndyL
Sins of my fathers? Which sins would those be? I've got about 10 generations of military service going up both sides of my family tree...

Befitting of November 10th I guess - Both grandfathers served in WW2, One RAF one RCAF. One in Lancasters, one in a Lysander (Grandpa never spoke of what he did during the war, all he'd say was he flew Lysanders; infer what you will - they only had 2 uses, ferrying dignitaries and night visits to occupied france). One Grandmother was a US WAC - on a ferry crew. One was a RAF radio direction finder.

3/4 of my great grandfathers didn't survive the great war - one is buried at Vimy Ridge. 2 are buried somewhere on the western front, One survived - sort of - lived a few years in a vets hospital - mustard gas.

The way I see it my family has served it's Monarchy, has served to better humanity for at least 218 years. My predecessors sacrificed themselves (voluntarily - not one needed to be drafted/conscripted from what records we have). So that we can enjoy the freedom we have today - and this is my 'privledge'? I don't have a plantation, military / government service doesn't exactly build huge wealth for the future generations... But somehow I'm privileged - because my forefathers served to allow you the freedoms you enjoy today to insult them?

:clap: :clap: :clap:

I also have generations of military service in my family. My great Great Grandfather was the conductor for the first passenger train used in Canada.

Not one slave ever owned by my family. So that whole "you owe us because of what your ancestors did." doesn't really fly with me.

Heck if anything we should get some serious tax breaks. They owe us!! :poosie:

11-10-2010, 02:59 PM
Its all a matter of perspective.

The war of 1812 was the war for Freedom in the US. Canada (British) against the US as free citizens.

We fought against freedom back then, if you ask anyone in the US. We as Canadians - tend to think that we fought off the US trying to impose "freedom" and "democracy" on us. IMO, we still aren't anywhere near a democracy at least (I don't see a proposition 19 that I can vote no or yes on in Canada)

The US was trying to "liberate" Canada from the Brits "Saddam Elizabeth II". Unsucessfully I might add.

There also goes the idea that how could Hitler have actually been a pure white supremacist, and still yet form a binding alliance with the Japanese?

Not that I would defend Hitler or Rob Anders, but it is interesting...

BTW: Rob Anders! (Just because this is a thread on racism it would be wrong not to mention him.)

11-10-2010, 03:26 PM
I was born in Poland, I should get some reparation payments from Germany, Russia, Austria, and whoever else invaded my country!

I think not...

11-10-2010, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by ZenOps
BTW: Rob Anders! (Just because this is a thread on racism it would be wrong not to mention him.)

I know you're not stupid but dear god are you an idiot sometimes. :rofl:

I appreciate the self-deprecating humour though and I have to admit, you occassionally spark some interesting reads....

11-10-2010, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by SJW

Thank god you're not a spelling racist.

:rofl: Bastard!

11-10-2010, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by calgary403

:clap: :clap: :clap:

I also have generations of military service in my family. My great Great Grandfather was the conductor for the first passenger train used in Canada.

Not one slave ever owned by my family. So that whole &quot;you owe us because of what your ancestors did.&quot; doesn't really fly with me.

Heck if anything we should get some serious tax breaks. They owe us!! :poosie:

Well for God's sake don't make anyone who arrived in Canada feeling like an entitled fucking parasite feel any less Canadian for it.

Your roots don't matter because we don't marry national identity with the foundation of the country and the actual people who made Canada what it is, which in a large way includes the Chinese.

You and AndyL, :thumbsup: My Grandad did Juneau and was involved in the Canadian liberation of Belgium. My great granddad started a family dairy on the klondike gold he found, though you'd never know it because the "estates" of the family is a lot of <2000' bungalows and equipment/vehicles that definitely don't owe anyone a penny.

This country was allowed to turn into a whiny cesspool of over-tolerant ass-juice which seeps from the holes of spinelessness because of people like our ancestors who made this country a free one. Those are the only "sins of the father".

Why must rooted Canadians forgo a national identity in order to accommodate people who won't let go of theirs, but demand the benefits that Canada has to offer?

11-10-2010, 05:07 PM
Chinese outlook: "Defender" "Patriot" "Freedom fighter" is synonymous with "Street Thug" A necessary military that you must bribe in order to stay "Protected". Not the most respectable job, and definitely not worthy of high praise.

Euro outlook: ??? But definitely not the above. Somehow people tend to think the country owes them something + retirement if they take up a gun and start shooting other people in other countries?

You know, some mercs do it just for the pillaging, some do it legitamately just because they feel its the right thing to do, they don't even have to be paid.

Would a cop in Calgary, actually care about the citizenry enough to be paid minimum wage to "protect and serve". I don't think so. Realism sets in once again, its more often than not bribery for military protection.

I wonder if Nenshi would agree when he talks to the police chief.

IE: Its like when I'm out with my other Chinese fart buddys and Palin comes on the news and says that her kids are all decorated military types. We sort of shrug our shoulders and wonder if that is supposed to be a good thing? No doctors? No CEO industrialists? Pshhh....

11-11-2010, 09:38 AM
Every race is racist. Period.

11-11-2010, 04:30 PM
Kinda off topic but related....does it really piss anyone else off that christmas can't be called fucking christmas anymore to be appropriate to other damn cultures?

Fuck if you come to Canada you deal with our past-times.

11-11-2010, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by Type_S1
Kinda off topic but related....does it really piss anyone else off that christmas can't be called fucking christmas anymore to be appropriate to other damn cultures?

Fuck if you come to Canada you deal with our past-times. That's like 5 years ago brah. People call it Christmas no matter what now, and I agree, f*ck the hell off.

11-11-2010, 04:50 PM
I think everyone should start procreating with other races...LOL...eventually there won't be a pure bread anywhere.:rofl:

11-11-2010, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe
I think everyone should start procreating with other races...LOL...eventually there won't be a pure bread anywhere.:rofl:


11-11-2010, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe
I think everyone should start procreating with other races...LOL...eventually there won't be a pure bread anywhere.:rofl:
Thats what I did! I have brown hair and my wife has red.:rofl:

11-11-2010, 05:26 PM
Goobacks FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-12-2010, 11:06 AM
I disagree that "race card" is BS.
Racism is very real especially to non whites and once again, it's not about getting a job or not. It's simple stuff like dirty belittling looks. As far as affirmative action goes, trust me you guys can't have had it as bad as Indians back in SA.during apartheid, we were non whites,therefore discriminated against.with the new regime, they practice affirmative action where we'r considered not "true blacks" & therefore get discriminated against once again.

11-12-2010, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by AndyL
Sins of my fathers? Which sins would those be? I've got about 10 generations of military service going up both sides of my family tree...

Befitting of November 10th I guess - Both grandfathers served in WW2, One RAF one RCAF. One in Lancasters, one in a Lysander (Grandpa never spoke of what he did during the war, all he'd say was he flew Lysanders; infer what you will - they only had 2 uses, ferrying dignitaries and night visits to occupied france). One Grandmother was a US WAC - on a ferry crew. One was a RAF radio direction finder.

3/4 of my great grandfathers didn't survive the great war - one is buried at Vimy Ridge. 2 are buried somewhere on the western front, One survived - sort of - lived a few years in a vets hospital - mustard gas.

The way I see it my family has served it's Monarchy, has served to better humanity for at least 218 years. My predecessors sacrificed themselves (voluntarily - not one needed to be drafted/conscripted from what records we have). So that we can enjoy the freedom we have today - and this is my 'privledge'? I don't have a plantation, military / government service doesn't exactly build huge wealth for the future generations... But somehow I'm privileged - because my forefathers served to allow you the freedoms you enjoy today to insult them?

:clap: :clap: