View Full Version : Advice on cutting

11-23-2010, 11:52 PM
I know there aren't many bodybuilders here but there are some people that are very knowledgeable in this subject and I think can help me a lot.

Basically I am looking for some advice on what workout program/diet routine I should be doing in order to cut.

First I'll start with a little bit of history, so you guys have more of an idea about where I am coming from and stuff. Ok so currently I weigh about 210 lbs and I am 6'1". Back in February I weighed about 190lbs or so and even though I had a little fat on me at the time, I decided that I wanted to bulk up to gain more muscle. So basically from February to roughly end of June I concentrated on bulking up. I went up to about 220lbs in that much time and I was basically lifting as heavy as I could with 6-8 reps and taking weight gainers and stuff. So naturally I gained some fat on what I already had in the process.

Since July till pretty much now I couldn't really work out that regularly as I had major exams going on, so I guess my weight dropped to 210 lbs (current) since I wasn't eating as much anymore either and I have some fat on my gut and chest region. But now I am starting to hit the gym regularly again, although I like my size and everything, I am totally unhappy with the amount of fat I have.

So my goal now is to cut as much as I possibly can and if possible get rid 95% of fat I have right now. I am personally not too keen on gaining anymore muscle now or getting bigger, since once I cut down all the way and lose all the fat, I would look fairly big anyway. So basically what I am looking for is some advice as to what I should do in order to cut down my weight. Ideally I would want to be say 185lbs roughly without losing any or much of muscle that I have already. I looking for workout routines that are specifically designed to cut and lose body fat plus potential diets that I should be following and such.

Also in terms of supplements, should I be taking anything? I was on bodybuilding.com and came across this stack called Advanced Fat Loss. http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/wgtcombo.htm#afl
It's been done by the website people so I am guessing it's a good one? But I have no clue when it comes to supplements, so I wouldn't know.

Thanks a lot for your guy's time in advance.

11-24-2010, 12:08 AM
Save urself from supplements, if you really want something that works than look up a EC stack on google. I will say that ive never tried it, nor will i ever but a lot of ppl gave it praise.

As far as diet, calculate how many calories u should be taking in to maintain ur body weight, out of that take 500-1000 calories off for weight loss. Since you are looking to keep the same mass i suggest a high protein diet, with low to mid fat intake and low carb intake.

If you could cope with hunger than it will only do ur body good. Try and "get that feeling" when ur really hungry and ur stomach feels like its eating itself, this has played a key role in my cutting. Also vinegar does the body good as well

Other than that for training i suggest keeping the reps at the same amount and u could bump up to one more set. Cardio would be ur friend, moderate to intense for 30 min should be enough.

11-24-2010, 12:14 AM
ive done the ECA stack, and i find it has benefits and drawbacks, you sweat jsut by breathing when your on the stack, but you also have to be VERY VERY fucking careful when it comes to cardio, id have a "resting" heartrate of like 180bpm+ with the stack, and itll just skyrocket from there when on cardio, id get light headed real quick

11-24-2010, 12:23 AM
Adidas - Did you follow a particular work out program and diet routine or just roughly followed what you pretty much told me? I find it a lot easier if I have a certain program to follow and I know what I am doing. That way I can just get to the gym follow my program. I have been doing 30 mins of cardio before my weight training, but I've only started going back to the gym after the long break yesterday. Similarly if I have a prescribed diet plan in front of me I find it a lot easier to stick to them.

I have no problems coping with hunger at all. I can go all day without eating if I wanted to. But I always heard that it was detrimental for your body to do that as it enters starvation mode and stores the fat.

Btw, where would you get ECA stacks in Calgary from anyway?

11-24-2010, 12:54 AM
You can lose fat fast and forever without waking up at 5am to run on an empty stomach, without exercising 6x/week, without feeling hungry all the time or cutting your favorite foods forever and without expensive supplements.

You only need 3 things to lose fat: strength training, healthy nutrition & cardio. This post will give you a simple, efficient fat loss plan so you can get your body fat to dream numbers while still have a life & eat normally.

1. Get Stronger. Strength training increases cardiovascular fitness, strengthens joints & bones, builds muscle, improves flexibility, … And it also helps fat loss.

* Maintain Muscle. More strength is more muscle. Strength training builds muscle and prevents muscle loss so you don’t get skinny + fat.
* Burn Fat. Strength training prevents your metabolic rate from going down when dieting. This means more fat loss.
* Stick to Diet. Exercising positively influences your eating habits. You’ll stick to your diet better if you do strength training, losing more fat.

You’ll get best results doing a free weight routine of compound exercises like Squats & Deadlifts. Check StrongLifts 5×5: it only takes 3x45mins/week.

2. Eat Healthy. Eat whole, unprocessed foods 90% of the time. Whole foods come as close as possible to their natural state: without added sugars, fats, sauces, … Buy raw foods and cook them yourself.

* Protein. Necessary to build & maintain muscle so you don’t get skinny + fat. Protein also satiates and has the highest thermic effect. Eat a whole protein source with each meal: beef, poultry, fish, dairy, whey, etc
* Veggies & Fruits. Fill your stomach, but usually low in calorie. Also high in fiber, water, vitamins & minerals. Eat veggies & fruits with each meal: spinach, broccoli, kale, asparagus, apples, oranges, etc.
* Healthy Fats. Fat doesn’t make you fat, bad nutrition & lack of exercise do. Healthy fats help fat loss: they satiate and slow down digestion. Eat healthy fats with each meal: fish oil, olive oil, mixed nuts.
* Water. Thirst can make you think you’re hungry. Avoid soda, alcohol and fruit juice. Drink 2 cups water with each meal and sip water during your workout. Green tea and water with squeezed lemon are OK too.

3. Eat Grains Post Workout Only. Grains like pasta or rice are very caloric dense: 100g blank pasta has over 350kcal while 100g broccoli has only 35kcal. Limit your intake of grains to post workout only to automatically reduce your caloric intake.

* Eat Less Starches. Eat proteins, veggies, fruits & healthy fats with each meal. Carbs from veggies & fruits are OK, this isn’t a zero carb fat loss diet. Don’t eat starchy carbs except post workout.
* No Workout = No Carbs. If you do strength training 3x per week, you can eat starchy carbs 3x per week post workout. Eat proteins, veggies, fruits & healthy fats with all other meals.
* Eat Whole Carbs Only. Whole carbs promote fat loss and take longer to digest. Avoid white carbs. Eat whole carbs only: brown rice, whole grain pasta, whole grain bread, oats, quinoa, …

4. Eat More. Frequent meals prevent hunger by keeping your blood sugar stable. Frequent smaller meals also decrease your stomach size over time, which means you’ll feel full sooner. Eat every 3 hours.

* Eat Breakfast. Build the habit of eating breakfast and try one of these breakfast recipes. Cook your food for the day while making breakfast.
* Eat Post Workout. The only meal where you can have carbs to replenish energy stores. Whole meal of protein & carbs or post workout shake.
* Eat Every 3 hours. 6 smaller meals per day instead of 3 large ones. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, pre-bed and 2 snacks.

5. Add Cardio. Excess cardio burns muscle instead of fat, causing the skinny + fat look. Never do cardio only. Add cardio to speed up the fat loss you get from strength training & healthy nutrition.

* Moderate Intensity. 60-70% of your max heart rate. Breathing heavier than at rest, not gasping. Your goal is fat loss, not exhaustion.
* 3x45mins. Start with 15mins cardio post strength training 3x per week. Build up to 3x45mins per week by adding 1min each workout.
* Elliptical Trainer. Aka the crosstrainer. There are many cardio machines you can choose from, but this one remains my favorite.

Fat Loss Strategies. Now that you know what to do, you need to make it as easy as possible to apply the above fat loss tips. Follow the next 8 strategies, even if they sound counter-intuitive to you.

* Buy Healthy Foods Only. Enough for your whole week so you can stick to your fat loss plan. Don’t buy junk food – avoid temptations.
* Prepare Food in Advance. Cook your food for the day on waking up or when you get back from work. This takes about 1 hour.
* Make Double Portions. Speeds up preparation. Prepare 12oz chicken and eat half at lunch and half at dinner.
* Eat The Same Every Day. Removing choice kills cravings and makes you see food for what it is: fuel for your body. Switch it up every 3 weeks.
* Eat at Fixed Times. Don’t wait until you’re hungry or feel like eating. Eat every 3 hours. Build consistency.
* Take Food with You. Take food to work, to school, to the movies, etc. This ensures you’re eating foods that will make you lose fat.
* Eat Before Going Out. Avoid ending up eating junk food because you’re hungry. Eat before you leave home and take food with you.
* Eat Junk Food 10% of The Time. You can eat 4 junk meals/week if you eat 6x/day. This actually helps fat loss. Eat out so you can’t overdo it.
* Track Progress for Motivation. Pictures, body fat, measurements and strength gains. Aim for 2-3% fat loss/month (use a fat caliper).

Example Fat Loss Diets. To lose fat: proteins, veggies, fruits and healthy fats with each meal. Carbs post workout only. Example fat loss diet:

* Breakfast: eggs with tomato & bell peppers, orange, green tea
* Snack: cottage cheese with apple
* Lunch: chicken, bok choy, tomato, chicory, olive oil
* Snack: mixed nuts
* Post workout: ground round, brown rice, mixed veggies, banana
* Dinner: chicken, spinach, baby carrots, pear
* Pre-bed snack: cottage cheese, berries, ground flax seeds, fish oil

Don’t waste your time counting calories: you won’t get fat eating unprocessed foods. Just eat your stomach full and prepare your own food so you have total control over the ingredients. Aim for 2-3% fat loss per month.

11-24-2010, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by shakalaka
Adidas - Did you follow a particular work out program and diet routine or just roughly followed what you pretty much told me? I find it a lot easier if I have a certain program to follow and I know what I am doing. That way I can just get to the gym follow my program. I have been doing 30 mins of cardio before my weight training, but I've only started going back to the gym after the long break yesterday. Similarly if I have a prescribed diet plan in front of me I find it a lot easier to stick to them.

I have no problems coping with hunger at all. I can go all day without eating if I wanted to. But I always heard that it was detrimental for your body to do that as it enters starvation mode and stores the fat.

Btw, where would you get ECA stacks in Calgary from anyway?


I would not use ECA stack right away - if ever.

The article by Maxboost is KEY.

Proteins, VEGETABLES (The more Cruciferous the better - Google), and Fats.

Carbs don't have much place during a cut, unless they are PRE/DURING, OR POST workout only.

Remember that you need to focus on diet before Cardio. IT is the most Important aspect of FAT LOSS.

Now training is the most important aspect of MUSCLE RETENTION.

You have to lift heavier. Heavier than you ever have.

Your Performance Lifts (Bench, Military, Squats, Deads) Should all be in the 3-5 Rep range now. You have to give your body a reason to hold onto muscle. We're programmed to dump muscle for survival, not fat.

I would start something very simple to see how you react. Like this:

Morning - 5 eggs, 5 egg whites
Snack - 45G protein from Whey isolate, 1 tbsp Peanut butter
Lunch - 5-6Oz lean meat, with 1oz Almonds or walnuts
Pre-Workout - 1 cup oats, 1 scoop whey (30g or so)
DURING workout - 1 scoop Whey with water.
Post workout (60min after workout) Fatty meat like Steak 6-8oz, Salmon, or pork. Unlimited veggies drenched in 2 tbsp Olive oil.
Bedtime Snack - 5 eggs.

Try that and I swear to GOD, you'll change your body composition.

Remember - No more Dairy, Limited carbs, NO BOOZE.

If you're losing more than 2lbs a week, add 1/2-1cup of oats in with breakfast.

If you're losing LESS than 1lb/week, add in 2 sessions of cardio. Low intensity walking for 30min.

This diet is meant to be the controlled variable. No adjustments. The Cardio would be brought up to further help with calories.

The way this is set up, no muscle will be burned - and Strength will be increased. At least for a while.


11-24-2010, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by shakalaka
Adidas - Did you follow a particular work out program and diet routine or just roughly followed what you pretty much told me? I find it a lot easier if I have a certain program to follow and I know what I am doing. That way I can just get to the gym follow my program. I have been doing 30 mins of cardio before my weight training, but I've only started going back to the gym after the long break yesterday. Similarly if I have a prescribed diet plan in front of me I find it a lot easier to stick to them.

I have no problems coping with hunger at all. I can go all day without eating if I wanted to. But I always heard that it was detrimental for your body to do that as it enters starvation mode and stores the fat.

Btw, where would you get ECA stacks in Calgary from anyway?

Ive been working out for a bit so i knew what worked with me personally and what didnt. My routine changes every 12 weeks as my body gets used to it really quick and i stop seeing results. But ur best bet is to look online and try it out in the gym. Everyone always says do this for 12-15 reps do this for 6-8 lift 80% now do 40% then, like stated i just did what i thought was best and what worked for me. We are all different so see what is best for u.

As far as ur diet, if it tastes like paper and its keeping u full for an hour or 2 than ur on the right track. Eliminate sauces, salt, dressings, etc. Try an eat everything in its natural state as possible. Look up my name i posted my diet in a thread a couple of months ago, but it was pretty straight forward stuff. Fruit, Meat, veggies, and water are ur friends.

For EC stack, Ephedrine is found in pill for and is actually for cases of asthma, caffeine u can get anywhere.

Not sure where to get it locally as ive never looked for ephedrine but i think ive seen it at popeyes. There are online retailers that u can get it from that are in canada.

Research EC stack extensively before taking it, and see if its something u want to do.

11-25-2010, 12:49 AM
Here's what you need to know about an EC stack:

Start out slow an pay attention. It's unlikely, but some people don't respond well to it.
If you go that route, cutting calories won't be an issue since your appetite will be easily controlled after the first week or so.

Ephedrine at Popeys is $~12/bottle (50 pills). Online it's $4.

11-25-2010, 02:09 AM
Originally posted by max_boost

Thanks for the article Max, appreciate it. Hardest part I reckon for me is going to be the diet. Not that I have cravings for junk food or anything, but just organizing it in the way that is needed is going to be hard enough. And sadly it's the most important part as well.

Originally posted by Darkane


I would not use ECA stack right away - if ever.

The article by Maxboost is KEY.

Proteins, VEGETABLES (The more Cruciferous the better - Google), and Fats.

Carbs don't have much place during a cut, unless they are PRE/DURING, OR POST workout only.

Remember that you need to focus on diet before Cardio. IT is the most Important aspect of FAT LOSS.

Now training is the most important aspect of MUSCLE RETENTION.

You have to lift heavier. Heavier than you ever have.

Your Performance Lifts (Bench, Military, Squats, Deads) Should all be in the 3-5 Rep range now. You have to give your body a reason to hold onto muscle. We're programmed to dump muscle for survival, not fat.

I would start something very simple to see how you react. Like this:

Morning - 5 eggs, 5 egg whites
Snack - 45G protein from Whey isolate, 1 tbsp Peanut butter
Lunch - 5-6Oz lean meat, with 1oz Almonds or walnuts
Pre-Workout - 1 cup oats, 1 scoop whey (30g or so)
DURING workout - 1 scoop Whey with water.
Post workout (60min after workout) Fatty meat like Steak 6-8oz, Salmon, or pork. Unlimited veggies drenched in 2 tbsp Olive oil.
Bedtime Snack - 5 eggs.

Try that and I swear to GOD, you'll change your body composition.

Remember - No more Dairy, Limited carbs, NO BOOZE.

If you're losing more than 2lbs a week, add 1/2-1cup of oats in with breakfast.

If you're losing LESS than 1lb/week, add in 2 sessions of cardio. Low intensity walking for 30min.

This diet is meant to be the controlled variable. No adjustments. The Cardio would be brought up to further help with calories.

The way this is set up, no muscle will be burned - and Strength will be increased. At least for a while.


Thanks for all the effort you put in the post, appreciate it.
You say go as heavy as I can and only aim for 3-5 reps? That is sort of what I was doing before when I was concentrating on bulking up though. Like I would aim for 6-8 reps and would lift as heavy as I could. I was under the impression that for cutting you need to do higher reps (12-15) with relatively lighter weights?

Do you happen to have any fixed work out plans that I should be following? Like how many days should I be working out in a week, what exercises should I be doing, how many sets/reps, how much cardio etc. The article Max mentioned talks about something called Stronglifts 5X5, is that a good routine to stick to?

For diet you say 5 eggs, 5 egg whites for breakfast. I don't think I can eat that much in one sitting to be honest. How would you cook these anyway? Also you mention no Dairy? I was under the impression that it is good for you, usually I have a couple of glasses of either 2% or 1% milk everyday.

As far as protein is concerned, I am assuming you mean protein shakes? What kind is the best one out there? That has least amount of carbs/fats and most amount of Protein?

Ok so I think that's all the questions for now. Sorry to bombard you with so many but I just want to know exactly what I am doing when I start this, so that I can stick to it.

Originally posted by adidas

Ive been working out for a bit so i knew what worked with me personally and what didnt. My routine changes every 12 weeks as my body gets used to it really quick and i stop seeing results. But ur best bet is to look online and try it out in the gym. Everyone always says do this for 12-15 reps do this for 6-8 lift 80% now do 40% then, like stated i just did what i thought was best and what worked for me. We are all different so see what is best for u.

As far as ur diet, if it tastes like paper and its keeping u full for an hour or 2 than ur on the right track. Eliminate sauces, salt, dressings, etc. Try an eat everything in its natural state as possible. Look up my name i posted my diet in a thread a couple of months ago, but it was pretty straight forward stuff. Fruit, Meat, veggies, and water are ur friends.

For EC stack, Ephedrine is found in pill for and is actually for cases of asthma, caffeine u can get anywhere.

Not sure where to get it locally as ive never looked for ephedrine but i think ive seen it at popeyes. There are online retailers that u can get it from that are in canada.

Research EC stack extensively before taking it, and see if its something u want to do.

Thanks once again. As far as the ECA stack and stuff is concerned, I think I am going to steer away from any supplements as of right now atleast and just try to do this the all natural way.

11-25-2010, 02:11 AM
Originally posted by TKRIS
Here's what you need to know about an EC stack:

Start out slow an pay attention. It's unlikely, but some people don't respond well to it.
If you go that route, cutting calories won't be an issue since your appetite will be easily controlled after the first week or so.

Ephedrine at Popeys is $~12/bottle (50 pills). Online it's $4.

Thanks for the link, I'll read it for informational purposes but I think I'll stay away from it. I suppose it would give an additional boost to the fat loss process and make it happen faster but I don't want such supplements to have any side effects.

11-25-2010, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by shakalaka

Thanks for the article Max, appreciate it. Hardest part I reckon for me is going to be the diet. Not that I have cravings for junk food or anything, but just organizing it in the way that is needed is going to be hard enough. And sadly it's the most important part as well.

Thanks for all the effort you put in the post, appreciate it.
You say go as heavy as I can and only aim for 3-5 reps? That is sort of what I was doing before when I was concentrating on bulking up though. Like I would aim for 6-8 reps and would lift as heavy as I could. I was under the impression that for cutting you need to do higher reps (12-15) with relatively lighter weights?

Do you happen to have any fixed work out plans that I should be following? Like how many days should I be working out in a week, what exercises should I be doing, how many sets/reps, how much cardio etc. The article Max mentioned talks about something called Stronglifts 5X5, is that a good routine to stick to?

For diet you say 5 eggs, 5 egg whites for breakfast. I don't think I can eat that much in one sitting to be honest. How would you cook these anyway? Also you mention no Dairy? I was under the impression that it is good for you, usually I have a couple of glasses of either 2% or 1% milk everyday.

As far as protein is concerned, I am assuming you mean protein shakes? What kind is the best one out there? That has least amount of carbs/fats and most amount of Protein?

Ok so I think that's all the questions for now. Sorry to bombard you with so many but I just want to know exactly what I am doing when I start this, so that I can stick to it.

Thanks once again. As far as the ECA stack and stuff is concerned, I think I am going to steer away from any supplements as of right now atleast and just try to do this the all natural way.

Do you know how to squat or deadlift? Those two lifts are the most important lifts you can do. Works your body as a whole and develops awesome strength and a proportionate build to your body.

Muscle burns fat and calories. Muscle is strength. Low reps, high weights, 5X5 is an excellent program.

Protein as in meat, not shakes.

11-25-2010, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by shakalaka

Thanks for all the effort you put in the post, appreciate it.
You say go as heavy as I can and only aim for 3-5 reps? That is sort of what I was doing before when I was concentrating on bulking up though. Like I would aim for 6-8 reps and would lift as heavy as I could. I was under the impression that for cutting you need to do higher reps (12-15) with relatively lighter weights?

Yes. Well put it this way - Use the rep range that put on all the muscle to begin with. THAT range will keep all the muscle in place while dieting. I didn't put up a routine or number of days because I wasn't sure of your Schedule etc. Better yet, post up how you were training. Days, split, and exercises.

Do you happen to have any fixed work out plans that I should be following? Like how many days should I be working out in a week, what exercises should I be doing, how many sets/reps, how much cardio etc. The article Max mentioned talks about something called Stronglifts 5X5, is that a good routine to stick to?

Stronglifts 5x5 is a good one. It starts low weight but adding 5 pounds a session or week will ramp up the weight quick.

For diet you say 5 eggs, 5 egg whites for breakfast. I don't think I can eat that much in one sitting to be honest. How would you cook these anyway? Also you mention no Dairy? I was under the impression that it is good for you, usually I have a couple of glasses of either 2% or 1% milk everyday.

Scrambled usually. It's actually not that much food to be honest. Remember there is no toast, no additional liquid, no sides. You can buy liquid egg whites in 500ml cartons at superstore for about 2 bucks. 1/3 of those is 5 whites. So we're talking like 166ml of extra white, basically nothing lol.

As far as protein is concerned, I am assuming you mean protein shakes? What kind is the best one out there? That has least amount of carbs/fats and most amount of Protein?

Yes. When I type 45g of protein, or 30g from whey etc means Shakes. Any Whey ISOLATE will do, and there are some isolates that are 0 fat, 0 carb. They are a bit pricier. I order all mine online from Trueprotein.com, but I'm sure Popeyes would have a good one. Ask for the one with the least fat and carbs.

Ok so I think that's all the questions for now. Sorry to bombard you with so many but I just want to know exactly what I am doing when I start this, so that I can stick to it.

No problem what so ever. But post up your routine so we can see whats going on there.

EDIT: Your question about Milk: (it also has 14g of lactose carbs per 250ml. Those sugars have no place in a cutting diet)

Sure it looks good on paper, but quite frankly MOST people have issues digesting it even if they don't know it.

For example common milk issues: Farts, bloating, Zits, dry skin, etc. It can even get to the point of hormonal shifts.

There are a couple studies that show milk is estrogenic (read - bad for males) and since we're sensitive to milk we release Cortisol which is our stress hormone. Cortisol blunts testosterone, eats muscle, and affects sleep - just to name a few issues.

11-25-2010, 10:33 AM
Darkane, I have been reading allot of your posts as well - they are really well constructed. Thanks!

11-25-2010, 10:58 AM
Eggs I typically make hard boiled the night before or scrambled in the morning. For scrambled, I put a lot of olive oil (extra virgin), mix up hot sauce and pepper with it and you're good to go. Plus it tastes great.

Darkane's posts are always really informative and spot on. Good for an all info no bullshit answer :thumbsup:

11-25-2010, 11:52 AM

11-25-2010, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by J-hop

instead of doing a ton of cardio which may cause you to lose some of your muscle you've worked so hard to build, do stuff like rowing, I've found 20mins of rowing before weight training has helped me cut down a lot.

Always kept myself fed and did a 15 minute bike ride before lifting it leaned me out a lot, that is with a mild strict diet as well (I like booze, pizza)

11-25-2010, 02:10 PM
To keep it really damn simple. Nothing wrong with Darkane's post but they are almost too scientific sometimes haha

But it's strictly calories man.

Calories in, calories out.

3500 calories = 1 lb.

So if you eat 500 calories less per day, you lose 1 lb in a week. Combine that with another 500 calories burned from cardio, that's 1000 calories per day so 2lbs per week. You don't need any supplements other than a multi-vitamin and fish oil.

Eat foods that are HIGH in protein.

Lift weights to preserve your muscles, don't want the skinny/fat result from too much cardio.

As usual, refer to stronglifts.com

11-25-2010, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by Darkane

EDIT: Your question about Milk: (it also has 14g of lactose carbs per 250ml. Those sugars have no place in a cutting diet)

Sure it looks good on paper, but quite frankly MOST people have issues digesting it even if they don't know it.

For example common milk issues: Farts, bloating, Zits, dry skin, etc. It can even get to the point of hormonal shifts.

There are a couple studies that show milk is estrogenic (read - bad for males) and since we're sensitive to milk we release Cortisol which is our stress hormone. Cortisol blunts testosterone, eats muscle, and affects sleep - just to name a few issues.

As far as my routine is concerned, what I used to do was roughly like this.

Monday - Chest
Tuesday - Biceps
Wednesday - Triceps
Thursday - Back
Friday - Shoulders
Sat/Sun - Usually off

It may not have been exactly like that, it's been about 4 months since I did that so I am not 100%. But it was deff. one body part a day sort of thing and I used to lift as heavy as I could, aiming for 6-8 reps. I never bothered with cardio since that was the time when I was bulking. As for right now I don't really have a routine as I only started going back this week. So far I've only been doing 30 minutes of treadmill and then about half hour of weights. Just doing random arms/chest exercises. Which is also why i kinda am looking for a directions in terms of some kind of weight routine to follow.

As far as the diet is concerned I think i am going to try to do what you mentioned, it seems fairly straight forward and relatively easy to follow. When I mean a workout routine I guess I mean something that mentions what exercises I should be doing on what days, with the number of sets and reps etc. Perhaps there is a routine that is more oriented towards cutting rather than maintaining or bulking?

11-25-2010, 02:48 PM
All the stuff here is great, but next time dont even bother bulking because more fat does not equal more muscle!

From experience cutting is way crappier then having good eating habits while training, while weight training and you will see the same strength gains as long as your body gets more nutrients.

Whatever you do dont take supplements to cut, it may come off easy but if you dont change your diet the fat will be back around a month after you finish your supplements.

Finally always do cardio even if its just a walk for warm up, your muscles will be warmed up and ready to lift. your weight has nothing to do with gaining strength. One of my class mates is 145 skinny as hell and he can squat 225 ass to the ground and bench 90 pound dumbbells.

11-25-2010, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
To keep it really damn simple. Nothing wrong with Darkane's post but they are almost too scientific sometimes haha

But it's strictly calories man.

Calories in, calories out.

3500 calories = 1 lb.

So if you eat 500 calories less per day, you lose 1 lb in a week. Combine that with another 500 calories burned from cardio, that's 1000 calories per day so 2lbs per week. You don't need any supplements other than a multi-vitamin and fish oil.

Eat foods that are HIGH in protein.

Lift weights to preserve your muscles, don't want the skinny/fat result from too much cardio.

As usual, refer to stronglifts.com

Sounds good. Right now since it's only the first week back, I've been doing 30 minutes of treadmill burns roughly about 330 calories and then half hour or so of weight training. It's the first week so I am taking it easy and letting my body get back into the groove so to speak.

I never used to do squats and deadlifts at first but when I was concentrating on bulking up, I started incorporated them into their designated workout days. My deadlifts were WAY stronger than my squats.

11-25-2010, 02:54 PM
5X5 is a routine you can follow for cutting (calorie deficit), maintaining or bulking (calorie surplus).

You'll lift 3x/week. You'll be stronger and you'll be doing a real workout. Not your 6 day isolation routine that commercial gyms sell you on.

But with 5X5 you have to familiarize yourself with the exercises, it's all barbell movements.

11-25-2010, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
To keep it really damn simple. Nothing wrong with Darkane's post but they are almost too scientific sometimes haha

Yeah I know lol. That's why I usually say listen to Max_Boosts post.

But if one or two people pick something up from my posts, it's well worth it :)

11-25-2010, 06:12 PM
Thank you very much for all these posts. I've been curiously browsing all the random info you guys post up, and this is by far the most concise and complete.

I'm currently 6'1, 198lbs. I would like to be 205-210lbs and much more lean. Would you guys recommend cutting first (ideally keeping the same weight if I follow the advice here), then working out with a proper diet, or bulking up and then cutting?

I have an endomorphic body and put muscle on pretty easily, if that makes any sort of difference.

11-25-2010, 06:29 PM
^Focus on cutting weight first. Challenge yourself to achieve one goal at a time. That success adds to your motivation and you won't slip up when you go into a bulking phase. Don't bulk if you're already bulky. (people will call you a potatoe)

Skipping steps in workouts never works;)

11-25-2010, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by Idratherbsidewayz
Thank you very much for all these posts. I've been curiously browsing all the random info you guys post up, and this is by far the most concise and complete.

I'm currently 6'1, 198lbs. I would like to be 205-210lbs and much more lean. Would you guys recommend cutting first (ideally keeping the same weight if I follow the advice here), then working out with a proper diet, or bulking up and then cutting?

I have an endomorphic body and put muscle on pretty easily, if that makes any sort of difference.

Follow stronglifts 5X5.

Eat, lift, get bigger, get stronger and then cut after.

11-25-2010, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by max_boost

Follow stronglifts 5X5.

Eat, lift, get bigger, get stronger and then cut after.

God damn man u sound like u get commission from stronglifts everytime u mention their name.

Relax. Live. Take a multi and lift heavy brah.

11-25-2010, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by adidas

God damn man u sound like u get commission from stronglifts everytime u mention their name.

Relax. Live. Take a multi and lift heavy brah.

Because it works. :rofl:

11-25-2010, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by max_boost

Because it works. :rofl:

So does a ton of other crap, stronglifts aint the only solution to getting bigger/stronger.

Make a thread about it(i think u already have) and praise about it there, we dont need to hear it every 2nd post.

u mad im stylin on you?

11-25-2010, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by adidas

So does a ton of other crap, stronglifts aint the only solution to getting bigger/stronger.

Make a thread about it(i think u already have) and praise about it there, we dont need to hear it every 2nd post.

u mad im stylin on you?

Please post your solution to getting bigger/stronger :dunno:

lol mad? mad at what exactly? :rofl:

11-25-2010, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by max_boost

Please post your solution to getting bigger/stronger :dunno:

lol mad? mad at what exactly? :rofl:

lulz solution?!

Post before and after pics, then lets get to talking.

you irate?

11-25-2010, 08:37 PM
Nothing to be irate about.

I have no pics as my goals aren't body building oriented, I'm focused primarily on getting stronger. :thumbsup:

11-25-2010, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
Nothing to be irate about.

I have no pics as my goals aren't body building oriented, I'm focused primarily on getting stronger. :thumbsup:

So if thats the case, i envision u at around 200+lbs with around 18% bf, capable of tossing tractor trailer tires like its nothing.


11-25-2010, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by adidas

lulz solution?!

Post before and after pics, then lets get to talking.

you irate?

since you're calling him out, shouldn't you go first?

11-25-2010, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by adidas

So if thats the case, i envision u at around 200+lbs with around 18% bf, capable of tossing tractor trailer tires like its nothing.


Well since you asked.

5'5 I'm 155lbs. Not sure body fat %.

Current lift numbers.

205X5 squat
205X5 deadlift
145X5 bench press
115X2 shoulder press

Going to keep at it and hopefully get stronger. :thumbsup:

11-25-2010, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by max_boost

Well since you asked.

5'5 I'm 155lbs. Not sure body fat %.

Current lift numbers.

205X5 squat
205X5 deadlift
145X5 bench press
115X2 shoulder press

Going to keep at it and hopefully get stronger. :thumbsup:

Impressive numbers from a small dude...Keep it up! :thumbsup:

11-25-2010, 09:15 PM
lol this thread took a diff turn.

Anyway so this stronglifts 5X5 routine. Apparently according to the consensus seems like the way to go for me to achieve my cutting goals, yea? What exactly is it? How does it work? Somewhere I can read up on it, so I know exactly what to do starting next Monday? That is one I want to begin a particular workout regimen.

Plus I have no idea how much cardio exactly I should be doing and if to do it after/before weights etc...pretty much would like to know everything I need to know to be able to start a specific plan from Monday onwards.

11-25-2010, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by shakalaka
lol this thread took a diff turn.

Anyway so this stronglifts 5X5 routine. Apparently according to the consensus seems like the way to go for me to achieve my cutting goals, yea? What exactly is it? How does it work? Somewhere I can read up on it, so I know exactly what to do starting next Monday? That is one I want to begin a particular workout regimen.

Plus I have no idea how much cardio exactly I should be doing and if to do it after/before weights etc...pretty much would like to know everything I need to know to be able to start a specific plan from Monday onwards.


11-25-2010, 09:32 PM
shakalaka, just so you know, I'm not saying 5X5 is the end all and be all.

I'm just sharing with you what I know. You asked for a comprehensive workout and diet program to help you in your goals so I just posted this program for your reference. I truly believe it's a solid program that most, if not all can benefit from, especially those who aren't into barbell workouts (which is why I'm spamming it constantly hahaha).

You do not have to go with it if you don't want to.

Good luck in your goals. :thumbsup:

11-25-2010, 09:36 PM
I understand that and I really appreciate you helping out here. I am reading up on it from the link you posted now and to be honest, it does sound tempting.

I know the first line says the program will make you gain muscle and strength while losing weight. Is that what you experienced by following the program? To be completely honest I really don't want to be any bigger than what I am right now. I would just like to lose all the extra fat that I have, and get really toned, while maintaining more or less the same size I am at right now. Is this the program for that, would you say?

11-25-2010, 09:41 PM
if you REALLY, REALLY want to learn about how to cut, go over to Lyle McDonald's forum www.bodyrecomposition.com

11-25-2010, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by shakalaka
I understand that and I really appreciate you helping out here. I am reading up on it from the link you posted now and to be honest, it does sound tempting.

I know the first line says the program will make you gain muscle and strength while losing weight. Is that what you experienced by following the program? To be completely honest I really don't want to be any bigger than what I am right now. I would just like to lose all the extra fat that I have, and get really toned, while maintaining more or less the same size I am at right now. Is this the program for that, would you say?

I was a different case. I was a skinny 140lb guy lol so 155lb is more ideal for me lol

As for you being worried about getting bigger, you can't if you don't eat. You are going to be cutting calories so you can't gain any weight.

11-25-2010, 10:11 PM
Unless you have good genetics, you need a comprehensive cardiovascular program along with high intensity weight lifting. SuperSets are good and remeber to rep to failure. If you are looking to get ripped, you literally need to rip your muscles and feel the burn.

Like others have said, diet and supplementation are equally as important. Cut your soft drink intake. I have personally noticed it is the difference between your abs showing and them just being there.

When you do get lean, you will find it is way easier to to bulk up and gain clean weight compared to when you were chunky.

11-25-2010, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by Goodfella
Unless you have good genetics, you need a comprehensive cardiovascular program along with high intensity weight lifting. SuperSets are good and remeber to rep to failure. If you are looking to get ripped, you literally need to rip your muscles and feel the burn.

Like others have said, diet and supplementation are equally as important. Cut your soft drink intake. I have personally noticed it is the difference between your abs showing and them just being there.

When you do get lean, you will find it is way easier to to bulk up and gain clean weight compared to when you were chunky.


1. you don't NEED good genetics, you NEED calorie restriction
2. you don't NEED cardio. it's easier to create a caloric deficit by eating less
3. you rarely if ever want to "rep to failure", repping to failure causes CNS burnout
4. "feeling the burn" means absolutely fuck all
5. diet >>>>>> supplementation
6. you never diet away fat cells, once you have them you have them for life, so it's always EASIER to gain fat after weight loss, hence the yo-yo effect

11-26-2010, 12:37 AM
^Lint ^ if this has so much fail written all over it please explain to me why it has yielded myself and other results?

Its also funny how you mention cns failure but im sure the op does not plan to train 7 days a week like a pro bodybuilder.

In my cutting phase i repped to failure, and with glutamine
supplementation and ample rest I had speedy recovery.

11-26-2010, 01:19 AM
^ please explain how:
bad genetics
+ calorie restriction ~1100 cals/day
+ heavy work sets never to failure
+ no "feeling the burn" bullshit
+ ZERO cardio
+ only supplementing with fish oil and multivitamin
+ EC

yielded me 25lbs of fat loss over 7 weeks, with ZERO LBM loss?

not to mention everyone else who has followed Lyle McDonald's Rapid Fatloss Diet with similar or BETTER results?

11-26-2010, 01:39 AM
here's a great article I posted in another thread that you must have missed while you were repping out and feeling the buuuuuurn!


check out #2 and #3

11-26-2010, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by max_boost

As for you being worried about getting bigger, you can't if you don't eat. You are going to be cutting calories so you can't gain any weight.

This is so true, I started 5x5 with the full intention of getting bigger. But nope! Because I'm not eating enough, week after week, I ended up "cutting" by accident...

11-30-2010, 11:02 PM
So I started the Stronglifts 5X5 today. I started with just the bars as the program suggested. I had to for Squats since I never did them before and wanted to get the form right and get used to it before I started racking up weights. But I did just the bar even for the Bench Press. Even though when I was concentrating on bulking I was benching just over 200lbs. I figured it's just best that I start the program as they wrote it in order to get the most benefit out of it.

So now next workout will be day after tomorrow and I will be adding 2.5lbs to each exercise. Question about the two additional exercises like Push-ups and reverse cruches. Do you guys do them as well? I did the push-ups 12X3, but didn't do the reverse crunches. Then in the end I used the cross-trainer for 10 minutes. I found Inverted Rows the hardest I think, in trying to get my chest to touch the bar when I pull myself up.

In terms of diet, in the morning I had 5 scrambled eggs (regular) with green pepper/onions in it. Then I had a bowl of tomato soup, then 1 1/2 scoop of protein. After that I went to the gym around 5.30 and came back to have a scoop of protein again. Had a plate of noodles with whole bunch of veggies in it and one hot dog wiener without bread or anything. After I ate the wiener I read the back of the packet and it had freaking 11g of protein, 3g of carb and 21g of FAT!!! I didn't eat the second one then.

Still have to go shopping for chicken breasts, egg whites, turkey breasts, fish etc. I guess I won't be including wiener as part of eating anymore.

11-30-2010, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by shakalaka
So I started the Stronglifts 5X5 today. I started with just the bars as the program suggested. I had to for Squats since I never did them before and wanted to get the form right and get used to it before I started racking up weights. But I did just the bar even for the Bench Press. Even though when I was concentrating on bulking I was benching just over 200lbs. I figured it's just best that I start the program as they wrote it in order to get the most benefit out of it.

So now next workout will be day after tomorrow and I will be adding 2.5lbs to each exercise. Question about the two additional exercises like Push-ups and reverse cruches. Do you guys do them as well? I did the push-ups 12X3, but didn't do the reverse crunches. Then in the end I used the cross-trainer for 10 minutes. I found Inverted Rows the hardest I think, in trying to get my chest to touch the bar when I pull myself up.

In terms of diet, in the morning I had 5 scrambled eggs (regular) with green pepper/onions in it. Then I had a bowl of tomato soup, then 1 1/2 scoop of protein. After that I went to the gym around 5.30 and came back to have a scoop of protein again. Had a plate of noodles with whole bunch of veggies in it and one hot dog wiener without bread or anything. After I ate the wiener I read the back of the packet and it had freaking 11g of protein, 3g of carb and 21g of FAT!!! I didn't eat the second one then.

Still have to go shopping for chicken breasts, egg whites, turkey breasts, fish etc. I guess I won't be including wiener as part of eating anymore.

Good start. Work at the diet, and within a week or so it'll be like second nature.

If you like Wieners (LOL), go buy Lean turkey Smokies. They're like 25g protein and 10 g fat. BBQ or Foreman grill and it's gold. Have two of those for your Post workout meal with a shitload if veg.

11-30-2010, 11:19 PM
Thanks for the tip Darkane. That could be done, I don't necessarily like them, but I thought it would be good since it was a meat product. Was I wrong with the amount of fat it had. lol

I need to go grocery shopping. So for post workout meal or dinner sometimes, I was thinking a chicken breast and some veggies or salad. Or maybe some kind of meat (chicken, turkey, fish) and soup or something. I have no fixed time of when I go to gym, sometimes it's during the day and others in the evening. The only thing certain in terms of food for my post workout meal is the Protein shake. I had it with 1% milk today, but will be having it water from now on. Sometimes it will be dinner time by the time I get home after gym so I'll have a chicken breast, turkey smokies or whatever along with veggies and protein shake, and sometimes it'll just be the shake if I go in the mornings.

12-02-2010, 06:42 PM
I am looking for some suggestions as to the sides I can have with chicken breast, turkey breast or fish for that matter. Just having a chicken breast of turkey breast won't fill me up for sure so looking for ideas on what healthy stuff I can have with them.

Also is snacking on fruits a good thing? Like a small mixed fruit salad with bananas, apples, grapes etc. All cut in small pieces and mixed together. I know fruits have carbs so am not sure. Is snacking on something like that once a day at anytime okay to do? What other kind of snacks can I have in between lunch and dinner or breakfast and lunch and stuff?

12-02-2010, 06:58 PM

Squash, Zucchini. Cube and bake or steam.

Broccoli, Cauli, Green beans, Brussels sprouts. Steam and drench in olive oil.

You can snack, but with 6 meals/day snacking is defeating the purpose?

12-03-2010, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by shakalaka
I am looking for some suggestions as to the sides I can have with chicken breast, turkey breast or fish for that matter. Just having a chicken breast of turkey breast won't fill me up for sure so looking for ideas on what healthy stuff I can have with them.

I eat a lot of Napa Cabbage (Suey Choy) full of water and is a nice leafy veg, also as Darkane mentioned Zucchini, I also incorporate a lot of mushrooms and such. If you're not a fan of the bland vegetable taste a lot of people seem to despise chop up some garlic or onions to put on top and a sprinkle of sea salt.

12-03-2010, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by Darkane

Squash, Zucchini. Cube and bake or steam.

Broccoli, Cauli, Green beans, Brussels sprouts. Steam and drench in olive oil.

You can snack, but with 6 meals/day snacking is defeating the purpose?

Actually by snack I meant as one of the meals. As in one of the meals during the day, can it be mixed fruit as I mentioned above?

I just used the term snacking cause I mean traditionally there are only three main meals. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner while everything in between is just considered a snack.

Also I know how you said 4 scoops of whey isolate through out the day. Does that hold true for non-workout days as well or should I reduce the intake of protein on those days? If so, to what?

Thanks for your time.

12-04-2010, 10:55 PM
What do you guys think of this diet plan?


I've found that for me to stick to a proper diet plan, I need to have one laid out clearly in front of me. That way I know what I going to be eating and just follow it straight up and don't have to be confused or anything about it. It's such an important part of cutting and the part I am finding the most difficulty in.