View Full Version : Future King gets kicked car. (UK Tuition Increase)

12-09-2010, 03:54 PM

"The government proposed raising the maximum university tuition fees in England from $4,780 a year to $14,000. Students reacted with mass protests that have been marred by violence and have paralyzed some campuses.

In response, the government modified its plan by raising the income level at which graduates must start repaying student loans and by making more part-time students eligible for loans."

Only a tuition raise to $14,000 a year? Student wimps. I find it funny that the "compensation" the goverment makes - is to "allow" students to get into higher level of debts.

I hear they pay through the nose for campus housing and fish and chips over there too... Six digit debt by the time you finish is pretty normal now (on top of the six-digit they probably owe on their parents 50-year mortgage) They are going to play catchup with Ireland, and put the debt on the kids. Blame Charles.

12-09-2010, 04:48 PM
I personally think that higher education should be largely funded by the gov't anyways, so i totally disagree with this turn in things...

But, a raise to from ~$5000 to ~$14,000/yr??
Thats insane.

12-09-2010, 05:24 PM
nothing like pricing yourself out of future technology advances in science, medicine and most other things. Way to create a future generation of laborers.

12-09-2010, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by swak
I personally think that higher education should be largely funded by the gov't anyways, so i totally disagree with this turn in things...

It should be merit based, or you get too many people joining post-sec because its free. The wife and I are in the midst of our Master's degrees, and in total, just the tuition portion is upwards of $125,000. The US government has merit based fellowships, which will take care of 2nd year of grad school. This is huge since 1 year at Columbia is $65,000+. Awards like these make sense, where you have to prove your capability before any "free" money is handed out.

12-09-2010, 06:49 PM
Not too sure that was the most descriptive thread title..

12-09-2010, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by Godfuader

It should be merit based, or you get too many people joining post-sec because its free. The wife and I are in the midst of our Master's degrees, and in total, just the tuition portion is upwards of $125,000. The US government has merit based fellowships, which will take care of 2nd year of grad school. This is huge since 1 year at Columbia is $65,000+. Awards like these make sense, where you have to prove your capability before any "free" money is handed out.

Agree 100%.

Of course there would have to be some sort of boundaries to it. But, regardless, students shouldn't have to shell out 100% the costs IMO.

12-09-2010, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by ZiG-87
Not too sure that was the most descriptive thread title..

Meh, nobody seems to care if its just another tuition increase... Same old same old for the rest of us, Brits are finally catching on that they might actually have to pay for something (shocker!). The US is still far, far higher and has been for decades.

I get a little caught up in the headline wording as well.

That car burning in front of parliament is damn impressive though. Yknow, even they are waving flares around. I can't remember a single time I've ever seen a lit flare in protest in Calgary.

12-09-2010, 09:09 PM
From what I've read the reason so many people are not happy is that the minimum wage that you are required to have to pay back your debt only increased x1.4 but the cost of tuition was raised x3.0. I can see why people are upset about that.

Otherwise I think this is pretty ridiculous, this is a perfect example of welfare state coddling of the public. The UK government needs to make some cuts to fix its messed up economy and balance the budget, people are sick of high tax, but they don't expect to lose any of their free stuff. People need to understand that economy and wealth don't just come out of thin air, if you live in a pretty large welfare state people need to understand that the health of the economy directly influences government bank accounts and if the economy is doing poor, budget cuts are going to happen until things improve.

It is like Greece, they elect socialists and get mad if the government cuts or alters anything in the welfare state to the point of riots, whilst having the highest rate of tax evasion in the EU. Like a bunch of spoiled children who expect everything to be handed to them.

You could always be like the USA and just print money. :nut:

12-09-2010, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by swak
I personally think that higher education should be largely funded by the gov't anyways, so i totally disagree with this turn in things...

But, a raise to from ~$5000 to ~$14,000/yr??
Thats insane.

Meh, U of A did it in Engineering (5 to 10k).

12-10-2010, 12:26 AM
Socialism is over?

12-10-2010, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by Xtrema
Socialism is over?

Seems to work in the Nordic countries just fine...:dunno:

12-10-2010, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by revelations

Seems to work in the Nordic countries just fine...:dunno:

I thought they have oil.

12-10-2010, 12:50 AM
Tuition raise? Sure. increase the payback? Alright.

Making such a drastic change is the dumbest part. Why not take baby steps? Make a 5-year plan, lube up before putting it in. jesus.

12-10-2010, 12:52 AM
Originally posted by Xtrema

I thought they have oil.

Norway does, the rest... not so much.

12-10-2010, 01:18 AM
Originally posted by Tomaz
Tuition raise? Sure. increase the payback? Alright.

Making such a drastic change is the dumbest part. Why not take baby steps? Make a 5-year plan, lube up before putting it in. jesus.

Yup, that's what California does. Tuition increase every year..well recently it's every quarter now...


12-10-2010, 01:50 AM
Originally posted by Xtrema
Socialism is over?

I doubt it, as I said already in this thread people just fail to understand the wellfare state can only continue when the economy is strong, if the economy slumps some things are going to get cut until things improve.

It is simple economics, the government gets its money from taxes, less income means less tax dollars, so what are they suppose to do? Obviously going into hyper debt that has caused places like Greece and Ireland to pretty much collapse is a bad idea.

The UK doesn't have a choice at the moment, this exactly the same story of Margaret Thatcher's cut backs that saved the UK economy.

But as I said the only issue is that socialism (or wellfare state policies, if you want to get technical) have a problem with creating a society that is coddled and makes for a one way road where people don't want to give up their free/cheap shit.

Originally posted by Tomaz
Tuition raise? Sure. increase the payback? Alright.

Making such a drastic change is the dumbest part. Why not take baby steps? Make a 5-year plan, lube up before putting it in. jesus.

I agree this would have been a better manner to go about it though.

12-10-2010, 02:00 AM
And here I was reading the future King of England was getting a "kicked" car. Thought the kids were using the word to mean something nice and powerful.

12-10-2010, 02:41 AM
Originally posted by derpderp
From what I've read the reason so many people are not happy is that the minimum wage that you are required to have to pay back your debt only increased x1.4 but the cost of tuition was raised x3.0. I can see why people are upset about that.

Otherwise I think this is pretty ridiculous, this is a perfect example of welfare state coddling of the public. The UK government needs to make some cuts to fix its messed up economy and balance the budget, people are sick of high tax, but they don't expect to lose any of their free stuff. People need to understand that economy and wealth don't just come out of thin air, if you live in a pretty large welfare state people need to understand that the health of the economy directly influences government bank accounts and if the economy is doing poor, budget cuts are going to happen until things improve.

It is like Greece, they elect socialists and get mad if the government cuts or alters anything in the welfare state to the point of riots, whilst having the highest rate of tax evasion in the EU. Like a bunch of spoiled children who expect everything to be handed to them.

You could always be like the USA and just print money. :nut:

true, very well written

Originally posted by HiTempguy1

Meh, U of A did it in Engineering (5 to 10k).

exactly, why the riots? didn't the U of C's tutiton climb like crazy?

12-10-2010, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by derpderp
From what I've read the reason so many people are not happy is that the minimum wage that you are required to have to pay back your debt only increased x1.4 but the cost of tuition was raised x3.0. I can see why people are upset about that.

Otherwise I think this is pretty ridiculous, this is a perfect example of welfare state coddling of the public. The UK government needs to make some cuts to fix its messed up economy and balance the budget, people are sick of high tax, but they don't expect to lose any of their free stuff. People need to understand that economy and wealth don't just come out of thin air, if you live in a pretty large welfare state people need to understand that the health of the economy directly influences government bank accounts and if the economy is doing poor, budget cuts are going to happen until things improve.

It is like Greece, they elect socialists and get mad if the government cuts or alters anything in the welfare state to the point of riots, whilst having the highest rate of tax evasion in the EU. Like a bunch of spoiled children who expect everything to be handed to them.

You could always be like the USA and just print money. :nut:

12-10-2010, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by derpderp

I doubt it, as I said already in this thread people just fail to understand the wellfare state can only continue when the economy is strong, if the economy slumps some things are going to get cut until things improve.

It is simple economics, the government gets its money from taxes, less income means less tax dollars, so what are they suppose to do? Obviously going into hyper debt that has caused places like Greece and Ireland to pretty much collapse is a bad idea.

The UK doesn't have a choice at the moment, this exactly the same story of Margaret Thatcher's cut backs that saved the UK economy.

But as I said the only issue is that socialism (or wellfare state policies, if you want to get technical) have a problem with creating a society that is coddled and makes for a one way road where people don't want to give up their free/cheap shit.

I agree this would have been a better manner to go about it though.

I agree a little bit. I think it's a similar story to the US in that irresponsible government ie. costly war for no reason, out of control spending and, a general disregard for public needs.

I tend to agree with this guy -


12-10-2010, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by 911fever

exactly, why the riots? didn't the U of C's tutiton climb like crazy?

Sure did. And it doesn't matter if you can only get a job at mcdicks, you're paying it back once you are out of school!

Frig, what ridiculousness. The only good thing I can see about it is that it would allow you to get your life on track without worrying about the debt. I'd be saving money LIKE CRAZY right now if I didn't have to pay back my student loans so soon.

12-11-2010, 12:54 PM

12-11-2010, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by heinz256
Great shots! Good old fashioned police/civilian scuffle. No guns, just push and pull.

Love this medic shot. It says "Just because I'm here to fix people, does not mean I can't break them first!"

12-13-2010, 10:22 AM

The person with the stick was probably just trying to get her to play fetch!

12-13-2010, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by Godfuader

Love this medic shot. It says "Just because I'm here to fix people, does not mean I can't break them first!"

Gotta create work to keep your job!


looks like if you're in a wheelchair you also get pulled around