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View Full Version : Why do so many brown people have personalized plates?

12-12-2010, 08:09 PM
Just wondering.

12-12-2010, 08:13 PM
They're called vanity plates for a reason

12-12-2010, 08:14 PM
And preludes?

adam c
12-12-2010, 08:17 PM
especially in martindale?

12-12-2010, 08:27 PM
Because they want personalized plates? I'm sure everyone wants personalized plates. Some people just can't get what they want or some people can't justify spending 200+ on a plate.

12-12-2010, 08:32 PM
Yeah but they always get their names...

12-12-2010, 08:58 PM
brown people are often known by there last names, I just got back from india and almost every car there has there last name somewhere in the windows. Last names also determine casts in the religion so some people like to show that off. Its often the new comers that do that. You most likley won't see a brown guy born and raised in canada go and put there last name on a plate. Stupid - I know but to each there own.

12-12-2010, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by Khalil.e
They're called vanity plates for a reason



get over yourselves

12-12-2010, 09:07 PM
vanity plates are tacky.

but to be fair, Ive seen an even distribution among all races.

12-12-2010, 09:08 PM
And... Why do "asians" and "brown" people like gold colored cars??

12-12-2010, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by 78si
And... Why do "asians" and "brown" people like gold colored cars??

Or gold in general. hah

My parents love gold. My mom has a gold car... and she has a vanity plate... with our last name..:poosie:

12-12-2010, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by 300zxfairlday
brown people are often known by there last names, I just got back from india and almost every car there has there last name somewhere in the windows. Last names also determine casts in the religion so some people like to show that off. Its often the new comers that do that. You most likley won't see a brown guy born and raised in canada go and put there last name on a plate. Stupid - I know but to each there own.

I like this answer. I just figured that it was cultural thing like who has most money and whos well off. Most of them drives bmws And the houses are filled with families but i think its just an illusion they create to look well off and plates are just for attention lol dont kill me for this one but its just my opinion haha

12-12-2010, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by 300zxfairlday
brown people are often known by there last names, I just got back from india and almost every car there has there last name somewhere in the windows. Last names also determine casts in the religion so some people like to show that off. Its often the new comers that do that. You most likley won't see a brown guy born and raised in canada go and put there last name on a plate. Stupid - I know but to each there own.

12-12-2010, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by 78si
And... Why do "asians" and "brown" people like gold colored cars??
it's called a CCC - champagne colored camry

and on another note.. the vanity plate is 200+ is that annually? or is it 1 time and then you pay the regular renewal?

12-12-2010, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by jwslam

it's called a CCC - champagne colored camry

and on another note.. the vanity plate is 200+ is that annually? or is it 1 time and then you pay the regular renewal?

just the 1 time, then same price for annual renewal like regular plate price

12-13-2010, 12:08 AM
Who the hell wants a memorable license plate? Just asking for trouble.

12-13-2010, 10:39 AM
Well im brown, Not from india but spanish and my ex gave me my plate as a valentines gift like three years ago, I thought it was a badass gift, I dont even think my current gf has topped that gift yet..
I really love it; However, I dont see the conection between being brown and wanting to get a vanity plate :dunno:

12-13-2010, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by 78si
And... Why do "asians" and "brown" people like gold colored cars??

Why are you putting quotes around asians and brown people? Just curious.

12-13-2010, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by J-D
Who the hell wants a memorable license plate? Just asking for trouble.


Although I was thinking about getting a Vanity plate with the most convoluted and dyslexic combination I can think of!

12-13-2010, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by SJW

Why are you putting quotes around asians and brown people? Just curious.

Asians are Brown people ;)

I'm oriental!

but yea, I'm not sure why other than the fact that we LOOOOVE GOLD!

Its like saying though, why do all Eastern Europeaners (fresh of the atlantic boat) all wear huge gold chains?

12-13-2010, 11:57 AM
Why do so many imports have fartcans protruding out the ass ends? :dunno:

12-13-2010, 12:30 PM
It's the universal sign for "I want to race".

12-13-2010, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by pf0sh0

Or gold in general. hah

My parents love gold. My mom has a gold car... and she has a vanity plate... with our last name..:poosie:


^^Surprised it took this long to be posted.

12-13-2010, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by 3drian

I really love it; However, I dont see the conection between being brown and wanting to get a vanity plate :dunno:

The connection is it's easily observed that brown people have more vanity plates than other races or cultures in the city.

The same observation could be made for white men with truck hitch balls...

12-13-2010, 07:35 PM
Some of the East Indian and Asian guys with personalized liscence plates are Realtors. I work with a few Realtors and lots of them had a personalized plate, its just another form of advertising.

12-13-2010, 07:55 PM
Original Post Removed. (Please read the Forum Rules and Terms of Use (http://forums.beyond.ca/articles.php?action=data&item=1) before posting again, or risk getting banned).

12-13-2010, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by cgyflamesfan
Brown people get vanity plates because they can for cheap. If you advertised free fecal matter; bet your candy ass Perminder Gill and gang will be coming with generations for that free shit, literally. Same with Halloween. Never have I seen such blatant abuse of good will of giving free candies,( Apu from the Simpsons accent insert here) " Oh my other child is sick, please give me his candy come again". Family passes also, to things such as leisure centre(Village square of course ), Calgary Zoo and Calaway park etc, you bet your curry balls that they'll be using those passes regardless of original name holder. It's like the stonecutters (second Simpsons reference, I know) but with a spicy flavour. OH right back to the topic at hand. You think browns would pay a dime of real money to get vanity plates-you got it! They get their family's to provide them with hook ups. Oh and on licences as well. Thats a fact jack!

Some may say, " hey thats abusing the system" which is partially true, especially for the halloween thing that pisses me off the most but others argue *Russel cough Peters* that it's SMART. Maybe they're ahead of the curve?

wow, if this isn't ban-worthy racism, I don't know what is.

12-13-2010, 09:01 PM
You see, because if us vietnamese got vanity plates the majority of our people would have the last name, ( same last named but never be related)

Not my last name but the common


Have u ever opened up a phone book these days? do u know how many Duongs there are?

12-13-2010, 09:12 PM
Not noticed the... brown people as you say with vanity plates. I see plenty of retired drivers with vanity plates, mostly the name of the wife. Businesses should all have vanity plates, just makes for good advertising, unless the driver is a douche and the vehicle has no advertising.

With the OP topic, are we now open for nailing people of other colours and races?

12-13-2010, 09:14 PM
I kinda want one but it would make my tuck to easy to identify.

12-14-2010, 03:54 AM
Originally posted by cgyflamesfan
Brown people get vanity plates because they can for cheap. If you advertised free fecal matter; bet your candy ass Perminder Gill and gang will be coming with generations for that free shit, literally. Same with Halloween. Never have I seen such blatant abuse of good will of giving free candies,( Apu from the Simpsons accent insert here) " Oh my other child is sick, please give me his candy come again". Family passes also, to things such as leisure centre(Village square of course ), Calgary Zoo and Calaway park etc, you bet your curry balls that they'll be using those passes regardless of original name holder. It's like the stonecutters (second Simpsons reference, I know) but with a spicy flavour. OH right back to the topic at hand. You think browns would pay a dime of real money to get vanity plates-you got it! They get their family's to provide them with hook ups. Oh and on licences as well. Thats a fact jack!

Some may say, " hey thats abusing the system" which is partially true, especially for the halloween thing that pisses me off the most but others argue *Russel cough Peters* that it's SMART. Maybe they're ahead of the curve?

Funny thing actually my neighbours this year had a Halloween party to go to s"o they put out a big bucket of candy and a sign saying "please help yourself, please only take 2 pieces." I wanted to see how long these would last as when i was a kid and saw the buckets there was nothing ever in them. So anyways along come 2 adults with 3 kids with them about 15 mins after bucket was put out. Kids go to the door notice the candy take a handful each. The go back and point to the bucket. One adult takes the kid back rings the doorbell waits and then emptys the entire bucket into the kids bag and they leave the block.

Guess what there were not brown! I wont mention what they were tho.

12-14-2010, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by cgyflamesfan
Brown people get vanity plates because they can for cheap. If you advertised free fecal matter; bet your candy ass Perminder Gill and gang will be coming with generations for that free shit, literally. Same with Halloween. Never have I seen such blatant abuse of good will of giving free candies,( Apu from the Simpsons accent insert here) " Oh my other child is sick, please give me his candy come again". Family passes also, to things such as leisure centre(Village square of course ), Calgary Zoo and Calaway park etc, you bet your curry balls that they'll be using those passes regardless of original name holder. It's like the stonecutters (second Simpsons reference, I know) but with a spicy flavour. OH right back to the topic at hand. You think browns would pay a dime of real money to get vanity plates-you got it! They get their family's to provide them with hook ups. Oh and on licences as well. Thats a fact jack!

Some may say, " hey thats abusing the system" which is partially true, especially for the halloween thing that pisses me off the most but others argue *Russel cough Peters* that it's SMART. Maybe they're ahead of the curve?

people get banned for calling others retarded, yet this is completely fine? :confused:

12-14-2010, 11:51 AM
I have a custom plate - im white and 24... I got mine cause - well - im awesome. Why not have someone recognise you when they are driving? "Oh shit! theres Kyle! maybe hes headed to an awesome party - lets follow him!"

(I have had people follow me just to say hi)

12-14-2010, 12:52 PM
Plates + brown ppl -> asians -> gold colored cars -> racist remarks + halloween candy -> other stories about halloween candy

This thread is going nowhere...