View Full Version : Running for my Life...Literally !

12-24-2010, 02:35 PM
Happens when u least expect it.
Wife and I are out walking in Mckenzie Lake just minutes from our house. We were almost home and started crossing a street.
The guy was coming down a small hill opposite us about 200 ft away. He failed to heed the stop sign, his windows were not scraped and after nearly hitting me he slowed and then sped off.
The odd thing about this was the way he was turning his car into me. Now I'm pretty sure that he was not intending to hit me but if you consider for a minute to think how it would be if someone did intentional try to hit you. That's how it felt in regards to the way the car was turning into me and I had almost no escape but to literally dive away.He slowed for the sign but immediately accelerated. That's what was so surprising as we were already part way across before he ever showed up. I was shaking for about 20 minutes with adrenalin. I guess him driving off was a good thing for both of us. While I am fairly slow to anger but I think I would have punched him in the head had he stopped.

Goes to show that watching for traffic while crossing is an absolute must. If I had not been paying attention to his car I would very certainly have had broken bones or worse this holiday season.

Btw it was a newer model silver intrepid or chrysler with a 50ish yr old guy from Mt. Assinboine Cir. S.E
I did not get the licence #

12-24-2010, 02:40 PM
You should have used that adrenaline to chase him down.


12-24-2010, 02:44 PM
^lol. That 20 minutes worth woulda lasted about 30 secs in that pathetic chase!

12-24-2010, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by old&slow
Goes to show that watching for traffic while crossing is an absolute must. If I had not been paying attention to his car I would very certainly have had broken bones or worse this holiday season.
This is so important to remember, especially at a time of year with slippery roads and sun that litterally blinds drivers starting at about 1:00 pm. Even with drivers not being douchebags there will definitely be some situations that they can't see you/can't stop. Walking out into traffic like you own the road because you have a pedestrian right of way is not going to keep you safe. (OP totally not saying you did this at all, as it sounds like you were in the right, just took the opportunity to mention/rant about it)

Glad you're ok :thumbsup:

12-24-2010, 03:10 PM
I watched a mail man get clipped yesterday on my way to work. He was crossing on a green and a car was turning left on the same green. She didn't even see the guy and grazed him with her bumper. He just stood there dumbfounded and she drove away as if nothing happened. Blew my mind.

12-24-2010, 03:25 PM
I wish more pedestrians would assume that cars cant see them... especially ones wearing hoodies.

12-24-2010, 03:29 PM
winter is the best, I have an intersection where I have douche bags edging me out of the sidewalk or nearly hitting me EVERY time I cross there.

So I carry an ice ball as im crossing. Only thrown them a couple times, its funny as I find people are more courteous to you when you have a visible snowball in your hand, all of a sudden these people that apparently couldn't see you because the sun was in their eyes or what have you can see you just fine.

Some people have zero intelligence. Getting blinded by the low sun or sliding on the ice is a pathetic excuse made by dumb drivers who can't adjust their driving to the conditions. I carry dark ass aviators in my car just for winter driving, you can stare almost directly at the sun and still be able to make out people crossing. I also make sure I slow down when I see indications of a cross walk as you never know.