View Full Version : Is this the Best Cook Book Ever?

12-26-2010, 12:37 AM
It's no secret amongst my friends that I NEVER bought into the low fat/high carb diets that the AHA and other medical "professionals" pushed on us, that ended up killing more than they saved.

Back in University, 20 years ago, sitting through boring ass biochemistry classes, the idea of the "Atkins" diet came to me long before I read the book or it was popular....

But low glycemic/high protein/low-crappy-carbs cooking sucks balls, and can get boring....

For Christmas, I got the book "The Healthiest Meals on Earth" by Johny Bowden

Awesome book, with some mouth watering recipes....

If you are STILL ordering egg white omelets and avoiding fats, but eat cereal like its going out of style, this book is not for you. ;)