View Full Version : Texting & driving

01-11-2011, 03:03 PM
Good video...worth the watch.


Supa Dexta
01-11-2011, 04:42 PM

01-11-2011, 05:00 PM
wow amazing video. Thanks for sharing.

01-11-2011, 05:16 PM
That's intense.

01-11-2011, 06:27 PM
Well done video - kudos to AT&T for making this.

01-11-2011, 06:33 PM
LOL.... Texting while driving with my touchscreen phone is a PITA.

My old slider with real keyboard, I could do without taking my eyes of the road more or less...

The touchscreen offers no tactile feel for which key I am on.

Is texting and driving illegal yet?

01-11-2011, 07:10 PM
Great vid. Honestly people that text (and even in someways talk) while driving are incredibly stupid people, but for some reason lots of people seem to do it, so they need vids like this to open up peoples eyes.

Luckily no one I know has been effected by this, but whenever ever I see someone texting I always honk my horn at them. Then they give you this stare like WTF is your problem. I remember one case where I was driving on Crowchild, and I was honestly 10 seconds away from having the GF call the police on a driver because I thought they were drunk. Pulled past and he was on his cell.....

The math is so simple look down for 2 seconds at 50km/hr you've traveled almost 30 meters. look down for 2 seconds at 70km/h any you've traveled 40 meters.

I can't wait till texting and talking is cracked down on. Calgary is supposed to have gone (or is going?) hands free but I fear that traffic police will not enforce this.

Claiming you have to be on your cell while driving is complete bullshit (contractors are the worst for trying to claim this). One of my previous jobs I had to carry a cell with me while driving because they would call me non stop to go to different locations, pick up people etc. But not once did I ever pick up while driving, it really isn't that hard, just make a conscious effort don't be dumb!!

01-11-2011, 08:11 PM
wow tragic video. so glad AT&T did this.

01-11-2011, 08:41 PM
Great video.

01-11-2011, 08:57 PM
Its sad people are so stupid to think they can get away with texting and driving. The more you do it the more your at risk... Id bet those girls that killed themselves had a bunch of near accidents before their crashes, but they were too arrogant to stop and put down the phone. Its sad.

01-11-2011, 09:53 PM
it's really frustrating to see this, because most texting conversations are useless.

01-12-2011, 01:09 AM
I did it once and realized how ridiculously stupid and hard it was. Even if I know where the letters are, you will still inevitably look to check your spelling.

01-12-2011, 02:15 AM
Guilty. Texting can wait.

01-12-2011, 03:00 AM
wow this was very sad

01-12-2011, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by CUG
Guilty. Texting can wait.

Yup, same...

01-12-2011, 10:44 AM
Even after watching that video, many people will be in denial and think it won't happen to them because they're more careful or can do it better. Disappointing fact that may end up killing them, or me.

01-12-2011, 11:02 AM
Funny thing is, many people will mention how they can type just fine without taking their eyes off the road, but what is often overlooked is the fact that in order to reply to a text message you'll be taking your eyes off the road to read it.

This video a couple people that were interviewed felt like they were responsible for someones death because they sent the victims the last text message they'll ever read.

01-12-2011, 11:33 AM
Wow, great video. Definite eye opener. Thanks for sharing.

01-12-2011, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by kenny
Funny thing is, many people will mention how they can type just fine without taking their eyes off the road, but what is often overlooked is the fact that in order to reply to a text message you'll be taking your eyes off the road to read it.

or the simple fact that driving requires attention and there are a lot of "less than smart" individuals that claim that because they can type without taking their eyes off the road that they are fine. When in fact their attention and ability to react quickly when needed are non-existant while texting.

Just remember the simple "fact" some idiots will try to argue. Their "right to text" is more important than your safety on the road :thumbsup:

01-12-2011, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by kenny
Funny thing is, many people will mention how they can type just fine without taking their eyes off the road, but what is often overlooked is the fact that in order to reply to a text message you'll be taking your eyes off the road to read it.

This video a couple people that were interviewed felt like they were responsible for someones death because they sent the victims the last text message they'll ever read.
With all due respect to the said video and the dead....

I've lost my license 3 times for racing, stunting, speeding,,, shit like that.

And yeah, being a habitual "problem" driver, they made me take "driver re education" classes where they showed us scary videos such as this in regards to speeding, wearing seat belts and other crap like that.

Anyway, driving does NOT take your full attention. Anyone that can HONESTLY say their driving takes their FULL attention is HONESTLY retarded.

I'm thinking about work, girls, the shit on the radio, changing stations, lookiin at the sites, the pretty new lites on the bridge, the chick in the car next to me, that hot babe in the spandex jogging, the cop lites up ahead, that cool ass ferrari goin the other way, the cop in my rearview mirror....

I would DIE of boredom, forget accident, if all I was allowed to do was focus on driving, eyes glued straight ahead.

Great video, and cool and all, but it is fear propoganda.

01-12-2011, 05:58 PM
I got a verbal warning for changing the song on my iPod by an officer yesterday at a traffic light. So scared to even touch my phone of iPod in the car now for fear of tickets and points.

01-12-2011, 06:02 PM
As weird as it is to agree with Toma on something....

Driving in Calgary (and maybe all of Canada, I don't know) requires little more than consciousness. When I drove in the UK it blew my mind how much more concentration and effort were required. It was exhausting driving in cities, towns, villages, whatever. I didn't have a chance to play with my phone if I wanted to.

01-12-2011, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by Mibz
Driving in Calgary (and maybe all of Canada, I don't know) requires little more than consciousness. When I drove in the UK it blew my mind how much more concentration and effort were required. It was exhausting driving in cities, towns, villages, whatever. I didn't have a chance to play with my phone if I wanted to.

While I don't disagree that driving doesn't require anywhere near full attention, the fact that you require more concentration driving in the UK is mainly because you're familiar with the roads you are driving on in Calgary.

Usually when I drive out of town I usually check Google Maps and figure out the entire route so I have a general idea of where I need to be (which lanes, etc) and it makes it much easier.

01-12-2011, 06:29 PM
You don't need winter tires in Calgary if you are a good driver.

Oh wait, we are talking about texting? But I'm a good driver!!!

01-12-2011, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by kenny

While I don't disagree that driving doesn't require anywhere near full attention, the fact that you require more concentration driving in the UK is mainly because you're familiar with the roads you are driving on in Calgary.

Usually when I drive out of town I usually check Google Maps and figure out the entire route so I have a general idea of where I need to be (which lanes, etc) and it makes it much easier.

LOL... its DEFINITELY not "knowing the roads".... its how fast they drive, how close they drive, how they change lanes. here, someone turns in front of you leaving 2 feet of room while both of you are doing 20 over the limit, traffic almost bumper to bumper...and you honk and give them the finger and say he cut you off. Most of europe that i have driven, its "business as usual".

Side streets so small you know why they drive compacts, and NO ONE has a truck.

To drive in Calgary, you need a pulse.

And I REALLY REALLY believe its our over bearing traffic control system that makes us such shitty drivers.

Fewer rules, not more.

01-12-2011, 07:52 PM
I would not text/talk and drive, with a full tint I do not need to draw two tickets. A co-worker "claims" his wife got a $320 ticket for using her cell during a drive. I doubt everything he says though.

01-12-2011, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by kenny
While I don't disagree that driving doesn't require anywhere near full attention, the fact that you require more concentration driving in the UK is mainly because you're familiar with the roads you are driving on in Calgary.

Usually when I drive out of town I usually check Google Maps and figure out the entire route so I have a general idea of where I need to be (which lanes, etc) and it makes it much easier. I'll give you that knowing the roads is beneficial and definitely contributes to the lack of attention most people pay here, but it's still a completely different driving culture there, as Toma pointed out. There is far less margin for error in almost everything you do. The first 3 days or so was retardedly stressful because I was still getting used to driving position and the rules/signs but at the end of the month I felt like I could drive anywhere there with relative ease.

This is ignoring highways btw. M and A roads are a godamn dream. "Passing? Move right. Everything else? Stay left". Want to pass someone on a one-lane? Just wait, next chance they get they'll signal and pull onto the shoulder. If you have to cross the center line to fit, that's okay, oncoming traffic will move onto the shoulder to accommodate you as well. When it's all done, hazard off a thank you and then it's business as usual. It's fucking magical.

01-12-2011, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by Mibz
I'll give you that knowing the roads is beneficial and definitely contributes to the lack of attention most people pay here, but it's still a completely different driving culture there, as Toma pointed out. There is far less margin for error in almost everything you do. The first 3 days or so was retardedly stressful because I was still getting used to driving position and the rules/signs but at the end of the month I felt like I could drive anywhere there with relative ease.

This is ignoring highways btw. M and A roads are a godamn dream. "Passing? Move right. Everything else? Stay left". Want to pass someone on a one-lane? Just wait, next chance they get they'll signal and pull onto the shoulder. If you have to cross the center line to fit, that's okay, oncoming traffic will move onto the shoulder to accommodate you as well. When it's all done, hazard off a thank you and then it's business as usual. It's fucking magical.

After my first experience with a cross Europe drive, I came up with a term that I think describes the awesome driving experience over there....

"Orchestrated Chaos"

01-12-2011, 09:55 PM
Try driving in India. Roads suddenly turn into mounds of dirt out of nowhere, and traffic signals are largely ignored. If you slow down for a 4 way red, you'll probably get rear ended. If you blow through it, you'll probably hit someone in the intersection. Pure awesomeness.

01-12-2011, 10:03 PM
Never been to india, but damn driving in china scared the shit out of me. :(

01-12-2011, 10:36 PM

Nanning was pretty wild. E-bikes, pedestrians, buses, cars, all on the road at the same time. I had to cross a 4 lane road with traffic averaging 60kms+hr haha I would walk, stop, walk stop, see cars whiz by me both ways and continue trekking. Awesomeness. :rofl:

01-12-2011, 11:25 PM
I think AT&T went a step further than this video by making sure my iPhone never gets reception or receives texts in batches when I finally get a connection.

:guns: AT&T

01-13-2011, 12:28 AM
Originally posted by Toma

Great video, and cool and all, but it is fear propoganda.

Useless sheep need fear propaganda, because they can't multitask while cooking dinner, let alone driving.

01-13-2011, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by max_boost

Nanning was pretty wild. E-bikes, pedestrians, buses, cars, all on the road at the same time. I had to cross a 4 lane road with traffic averaging 60kms+hr haha I would walk, stop, walk stop, see cars whiz by me both ways and continue trekking. Awesomeness. :rofl:

It's like the ultimate frogger game.

01-13-2011, 03:18 PM
I find it funny how people think they are the perfect driver and they are invincible.

The first step to being a good driver, is to realize the simple fact that you aren't a good driver and always look to ways to improve your driving. The worst drivers are those that think they are good drivers and get lazy and develop bad habits like texting and driving, these people are a menace to everyone else on the road.

out of curiousity, toma and mibz have you ever been in an accident or crashed a vehicle???

01-13-2011, 03:41 PM
I don't think I ever said anything about the laws or policing. Just that it requires significantly less effort to drive in Calgary than the UK.

Of course I've been in accidents. You're kinda missing the overall message. Nobody's saying they're a perfect driver. Shit, there's an entire thread on here about me crashing my last car.

01-13-2011, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Mibz
I don't think I ever said anything about the laws or policing. Just that it requires significantly less effort to drive in Calgary than the UK.

Of course I've been in accidents. You're taking this way too seriously. Nobody's saying they're a perfect driver. Shit, there's an entire thread on here about me crashing my last car.

lol sorry I edited my post.

Well if you've been in an accident why do you claim you only have to be concious to drive in calgary?? I didn't read the thread did you black out or something?

seems some people shouldn't be making claims that they can not even back up with personal experience....

01-13-2011, 04:19 PM
Odds I suppose. Obviously there's no way to quantify what I'm about to say, but if somebody were to drive in an English city the way they drive in Calgary there is a very high chance they would cause a collision. Little mistakes that don't matter in Calgary are more likely to cause a collision elsewhere. It's these little mistakes that, combined with rare circumstances, cause collisions in Calgary. These circumstances are common in other places.

As for how I crashed, it was completely my fault. I was driving harder than I should have been on tires I shouldn't have been using, hit a bump in the road and couldn't collect the result.

I think we can agree that the circumstances of my collision have nothing to do with the matter at hand though. I'm simply saying that, if you want to go A to B in Calgary, it requires far less effort than other places I've been because, again, the margins for error here are higher.

01-20-2011, 10:15 AM
People shouldn't drive and text. They shouldn't even walk and text.


01-20-2011, 11:50 AM
This girl is now trying to sue. :facepalm:

01-20-2011, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by Toma

With all due respect to the said video and the dead....

I've lost my license 3 times for racing, stunting, speeding,,, shit like that.

And yeah, being a habitual "problem" driver, they made me take "driver re education" classes where they showed us scary videos such as this in regards to speeding, wearing seat belts and other crap like that.

Anyway, driving does NOT take your full attention. Anyone that can HONESTLY say their driving takes their FULL attention is HONESTLY retarded.

I'm thinking about work, girls, the shit on the radio, changing stations, lookiin at the sites, the pretty new lites on the bridge, the chick in the car next to me, that hot babe in the spandex jogging, the cop lites up ahead, that cool ass ferrari goin the other way, the cop in my rearview mirror....

I would DIE of boredom, forget accident, if all I was allowed to do was focus on driving, eyes glued straight ahead.

Great video, and cool and all, but it is fear propoganda.

When I was a driving instructor, we would teach our students that when they stop behind another vehicle, to ALWAYS check their rear-view; give enough space to turn and take off if, someone like you is texting while they're driving, checking the lights on the bridge, flirting with women in other vehicles, etc, etc....
Your post speaks to a complete lack of respect for other people on the road, and it also speaks to your attitude; all the tickets and classes you've taken obviously haven't done anything to make you a better driver.

01-20-2011, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Kennyredline

Your post speaks to a complete lack of respect for other people on the road, and it also speaks to your attitude; all the tickets and classes you've taken obviously haven't done anything to make you a better driver.
I'm an excellent driver in ways that count.

Sure, not "pseudo dangers" and "laws" excused because they generate revenue.

Think of it this way.,.. you and the "laws" state that I am a bad driver becasue I speed.

But I speed on purpose, and do not believe it is dangerous.

Does that make me a bad driver, or just a guy expressing his anger at the shit shoved down our throats as "safety" through civil disobedience?

01-20-2011, 02:45 PM
Ps... Mr Kenny...

Just cause I'm checkin out the hot female jogger, does not mean I am not paying attention to the road as well. I was clear on that point I thought.

And don't give me that higher than though shit. If you tell me you have never checked out a hot chick while driving, you are either:
1) Lying
2) Gay, and check out male joggers instead.

01-20-2011, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by Kennyredline

When I was a driving instructor, we would teach our students that when they stop behind another vehicle, to ALWAYS check their rear-view; give enough space to turn and take off if, someone like you is texting while they're driving, checking the lights on the bridge, flirting with women in other vehicles, etc, etc....

if doing something this simple requires 100% of your attention all the time, you are the bad driver.

01-20-2011, 04:20 PM
Thought this was pretty funny...


01-20-2011, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by SOAB

if doing something this simple requires 100% of your attention all the time, you are the bad driver.

like I keep saying, if driving is "so simple" why are there hundreds of accidents every day in calgary? simple answer, people such as yourself thinking its easy and they don't have to pay attention 100% of the time.

01-20-2011, 04:35 PM
People shouldn't text and drive. I mean, I do, but I'm a special snowflake who's better than all the sheep/plebs/poors.


01-20-2011, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by NuclearPizzaMan
People shouldn't text and drive. I mean, I do, but I'm a special snowflake who's better than all the sheep/plebs/poors.


hahaha love it. yea when people talk like that, all I picture is some dumb bubbly blond saying "omg driving is like totally easy, i'm like so good at it I don't even have to pay attention, I could like totally sleep while driving i'm that good" BAM she hits the car in front of her....

01-20-2011, 05:30 PM
Why do people get into accidents? Easy, they are human.

We make mistakes.

If we are overly bored, we have lapses in attention.

Keep a human busy, and they are more alert.

Driving needs to be more challenging, not less.

So, raise the limits, get rid of half the stops signs etc....

01-20-2011, 05:33 PM
The argument that texting while driving isn't that bad because driving doesn't take 100% of your attention anyway is moronic. I also don't think that driving in North America takes anywhere near 100% of the attention of someone who can drive decent, but that's not the point.

Texting and driving is a problem because you have short periods of no attention to the road, and that's what causes crashes. Things can change in a fraction of a second let alone the multiple seconds it would take to reply to a text.

01-20-2011, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by Toma
Why do people get into accidents? Easy, they are human.

We make mistakes.

If we are overly bored, we have lapses in attention.

Keep a human busy, and they are more alert.

Driving needs to be more challenging, not less.

So, raise the limits, get rid of half the stops signs etc....

well than what is your threshold percentage of the amount of attention required to adequately operate a vehicle in the real world. 50%, 60? 40? etc.

if momentary lapses in attention cause accidents then you've proven that texting while driving is bad and refuted your own argument. While texting what do you think your level of attention is on the road? i'd say its about an 80/20 split between texting and driving respectively. I'd say that is at least = to a momentary lapse in attention don't you?

Also if you can give me a threshold attention percentage, how do you go about judging while driving what percentage attention you are using for driving.

I am interested to see how you do this, because you make yourself out to be this amazing driver that we all need to learn something from.

01-20-2011, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by J-hop

like I keep saying, if driving is "so simple" why are there hundreds of accidents every day in calgary? simple answer, people such as yourself thinking its easy and they don't have to pay attention 100% of the time.

actually, it is pretty simple. my 18 years of accident free driving is a testament to that.

the problem is that the driving tests are a joke. they might as well sell drivers licenses at 7-11.

01-21-2011, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by Toma
Why do people get into accidents? Easy, they are human.

We make mistakes.

If we are overly bored, we have lapses in attention.

Keep a human busy, and they are more alert.

Driving needs to be more challenging, not less.

So, raise the limits, get rid of half the stops signs etc....
I agree with some of this; get rid of some of the laws so that people are forced to slow down, or stop for other traffic, instead of a sign or a light telling you to do so. The problem is that in THIS province, with so much redneckery going on, it would be bedlam.
Oh, and BTW, I'm NOT gay, and it's "thou".

01-22-2011, 05:19 AM
I'll admit this can be a bad habit of mine, mostly if I am meeting someone I'll message them for information or vice versa.

The thing is though, sure driving in Canada isn't the same as other places etc etc, but its all in the numbers how fast things can occur in front of you when driving. It takes milliseconds for a crash to occur, seconds to end, milliseconds for the mind to recognize it and respond, if you're looking down at your phone for five seconds it doesn't matter how good a driver you are to be completely fucked and to late to recognize and react to a situation. The brain doesn't respond instantaneously and nor does your car and if you're not 100% aware you might not even know what is going on around you ie. someone else avoiding the crash can now suddenly be next to you and you didn't notice when you suddenly decide to turn right, opps now you killed someone.

01-22-2011, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Toma
Ps... Mr Kenny...

Just cause I'm checkin out the hot female jogger, does not mean I am not paying attention to the road as well. I was clear on that point I thought.

And don't give me that higher than though shit. If you tell me you have never checked out a hot chick while driving, you are either:
1) Lying
2) Gay, and check out male joggers instead.

Are you bothering the sheep again? ;)

01-24-2011, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by derpderp
I'll admit this can be a bad habit of mine, mostly if I am meeting someone I'll message them for information or vice versa.

The thing is though, sure driving in Canada isn't the same as other places etc etc, but its all in the numbers how fast things can occur in front of you when driving. It takes milliseconds for a crash to occur, seconds to end, milliseconds for the mind to recognize it and respond, if you're looking down at your phone for five seconds it doesn't matter how good a driver you are to be completely fucked and to late to recognize and react to a situation. The brain doesn't respond instantaneously and nor does your car and if you're not 100% aware you might not even know what is going on around you ie. someone else avoiding the crash can now suddenly be next to you and you didn't notice when you suddenly decide to turn right, opps now you killed someone.

Holy reading headache Batman.


01-24-2011, 01:59 PM
16:9 had an interesting documentary clip about texting and driving. They had a wide variety of people try a driving simulator and then asked to pick up their phone. Of these people, one of them was a professional driver. They ALL failed. I'll try to find a video on youtube, apparently Britain put one out that is similar the Aussie drunk driving one.

Drunk driving was once considered not a big deal. Anyone who drives drunk now is considered a fucking retard. It will only be a matter of time.

Found it.