View Full Version : Sony alpha nex 3 or 5 - Old Camera broke

01-11-2011, 04:30 PM
So i am not an photographer in any way, just take photos of the kids and a few other things here and there and for trips.

I recently had a canon point and shoot 870is. The screen went and then the buttons have stopped working.I need to get a new camera.

I was looking at the Sony Alpha Nex 3 or 5.

Has anyone used one or have one?
Is it worth the money to get the 5? or just stick with the 3.

What i am mostly looking for in a camera is some what small for travel perposes. Easyish to use. going from a point and shoot to a semi dslr. Do not really want to go into full dslr yet.

Takes and writes photos fast. Because the kids move to fast.

where would you buy one from?

Any other suggestions? I am open to oppinions please let me know.

01-11-2011, 04:44 PM
What about the smallest DSLRs? They aren't a lot bigger, they are faster & more responsive, and perform much better particularly in the AF department. Just as easy to use too. If you're going to be carrying around a bag anyways, I would recommend a small DSLR like the Nikon D3100. It's also significantly cheaper than a Sony NEX 5. Also you don't have to look at a screen or though a crappy viewfinder, you can hold the camera properly and look through a real viewfinder.

If you are set on the mirrorless cameras like the Sony NEX, also have a look at the Olympus EPL-2 and Panasonic GF-1.

The key differences between the NEX3 and NEX5 is that the 5 adds: better grip (subjective), metal body (better build quality), IR sensor, and 1080i video. It's slightly smaller & lighter too.

Sony should be re-doing their NEX cameras pretty soon, too.

As for where to buy, in Canada, The Camera Store and Memory Express are good places to start. Vistek is a massive ripoff but they will match/beat prices if you want to go through the trouble. If you want to buy in the states, www.bhphoto.com is the place to look. Avoid Seneal.

01-11-2011, 05:03 PM
i grabbed the 5, i like it i grabbed it over the 3 for the reasons Mitsu3000gt listed. it is super small, no need for a bag with it. i got it with the 18-55 lens, wish i grabbed the pancake too since you can grab those cool adapters for it. in the sun the screen can be a bitch to see, but i like that you can hold it above your head or at your feet and still see what you are shooting at. also for a noob like me its cool that it previews in live action what the different settings will do to the picture.

here are a couple shots i have taken with it.

sweeping pano is cool too

over the head shot (poor settings on my part and low light=noise when adjusting in photoshop)

zoomed all the way in+cropped

its pretty good at grabbing action shots too

01-12-2011, 09:39 AM
Nice pics.
What lense are you using?
Did you buy the pancake?
Where did you purchase yours from?
Did you buy any extended warrenty?

So i took your guy's advice last night and went to the camera store.

I had a guy that seem to be not really like sony. So it was hard to see the whole picture.

He pointed out the panisonic gf-1. It was also a nice camera, my wife was kind of sold by this guy on it. I am still a little towards sony.

I do like the gf-1 as well but I am not sure if it is still worth the price tag on it? or go the sony.

The reviews on dpreview.com rate both really high.
The only thing that sony has over the gf-1 is it has a higher iso.

Not sure if i will be using it that much. Since I am a p&s type guy, looking at getting into more dslr type guy.

The sony has image stabilation, but does it have it on the pancake?

Does the GF-1 have image stabalization? any lense?

Money wise they are close so either way we could go. or do you wait until the gf-2 comes out? when is the release date?

01-12-2011, 09:59 AM
like i said i only have the 18-55, i got my camera through work since we carry sony products we have the ability to buy their cameras too, our cost isnt the best on them but i still got it for cheaper than it goes on sale for.

with the latest firmware you can now use auto focus with the A-mount SAM or SSM lens which is pretty sweet. just need the adapter

the sony is (well was in the summer) the smallest interchangeable lens camera on the market

01-12-2011, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by irs
Nice pics.
What lense are you using?
Did you buy the pancake?
Where did you purchase yours from?
Did you buy any extended warrenty?

So i took your guy's advice last night and went to the camera store.

I had a guy that seem to be not really like sony. So it was hard to see the whole picture.

He pointed out the panisonic gf-1. It was also a nice camera, my wife was kind of sold by this guy on it. I am still a little towards sony.

I do like the gf-1 as well but I am not sure if it is still worth the price tag on it? or go the sony.

The reviews on dpreview.com rate both really high.
The only thing that sony has over the gf-1 is it has a higher iso.

Not sure if i will be using it that much. Since I am a p&s type guy, looking at getting into more dslr type guy.

The sony has image stabilation, but does it have it on the pancake?

Does the GF-1 have image stabalization? any lense?

Money wise they are close so either way we could go. or do you wait until the gf-2 comes out? when is the release date?

Forget extended warranties on cameras. Unless it gives you an unusual amount of peace of mind, it isn't worth it.

The GF-1 is an older camera with a smaller sensor than the NEX5, but it's still quite good. I would take the newly announced Olympus E-PL2 over the GF-1, personally.

The GF-1 has a faster pancake lens than the Sony (f1.7 vs 2.8).

The Sony NEX camera body is smaller.

Neither the GF-1 nor the Sony NEX has image stabilization on the pancake lenses, but they do on the 14-45 & 18-55 kit lenses. The Olympus E-PL2 has in-body image stabilization so every lens you use with it will have stabilization, including the pancakes.

The Panasonic GF-2 has already been out for a while, and it is a worse, dumbed down, version of the GF-1.

If you're looking to get into a DSLR, have a look at the Nikon D3100 and Nikon D90...both are cheaper than the NEX and GF-1 cameras and MUCH better. They are larger, though.

Make sure you take close look at the Olympus E-PL2 (not quite out yet, but you can look at an E-PL1 for now). That would probably be my pick in the mirrorless camera segment, like you are looking at. Either that or the NEX for it's big APS-C sized sensor.

IMO all these cameras a are a giant rip off when you look at the DSLR's you can buy for the same price that will best them in every way except size.

01-12-2011, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by ercchry

with the latest firmware you can now use auto focus with the A-mount SAM or SSM lens which is pretty sweet. just need the adapter

i herd something about this. But have not read up on it.
with this adaptor you could put on any lens then.
Only thing with it i herd is when you shooting video it will not af for you. not sure if it is true or not.

can you pm me an approximate price point you got it for so i have an idea how good of a deal i can get.

When i was at Vistek they said they will beat competitors (like you guy's said as well). I know future shop has it on sale and i was going to see what they will beat it by and how close to the price i can get it.

Thanks for the info!

01-12-2011, 10:32 AM
our cost is no where near that of a big box store so that wont really give you the best idea of what kind of deal you can get

01-12-2011, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
What about the smallest DSLRs? They aren't a lot bigger, they are faster & more responsive, and perform much better particularly in the AF department. Just as easy to use too. If you're going to be carrying around a bag anyways, I would recommend a small DSLR like the Nikon D3100. It's also significantly cheaper than a Sony NEX 5. Also you don't have to look at a screen or though a crappy viewfinder, you can hold the camera properly and look through a real viewfinder.

Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
IMO all these cameras a are a giant rip off when you look at the DSLR's you can buy for the same price that will best them in every way except size.

do you HAVE TO DO THIS in EVERY SINGLE camera reco thread on beyond? Can you just create a "What camera would I, Mistu3000gt buy, even though I'm not you, and you're not me, but if you were me, and you know you wish you were me, so I'm going to tell you as if you were me, even though we both know you're not me, and we may value different features in a camera, but fuck you and what you're asking for, I'm just going to tell you like it is" thread and just use it as your signature?

01-12-2011, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by lint

do you HAVE TO DO THIS in EVERY SINGLE camera reco thread on beyond? Can you just create a "What camera would I, Mistu3000gt buy, even though I'm not you, and you're not me, but if you were me, and you know you wish you were me, so I'm going to tell you as if you were me, even though we both know you're not me, and we may value different features in a camera, but fuck you and what you're asking for, I'm just going to tell you like it is" thread and just use it as your signature?


Yeah thats what I mean when I tell people that... "fuck you and what you're asking for". The guy said himself he likes DSLRs AND that he was open to other options. What do you think that means?

I'm sorry my replies make you so angry, feel free to put me on your ignore list. No need to get your panties in a bunch.

I answer with the same things because the same questions are being asked. Why don't you take a shit on the people not doing searches before they post instead? I notice you give lots of similar info in the weightlifting threads - does that mean you should stop because you said something once, in one thread, at one time?

My replies are no different than the other people who repeatedly recommend the GF1 or similar in all these threads. Why don't you go hunt them all down and send them some angry PM's - maybe you will feel better.

If the people creating these threads ask me not to reply because they think my advice is invaluable, I will happily stop and they can do their own research only to discover the exact same thing. I could give a shit what you think, though.

01-12-2011, 11:24 AM
It's about time new had some new drama in here!

01-12-2011, 11:54 AM
I am here asking for an opinion. I need advice.

Yes i can read and have read reviews on different camera. But i want someones real life experience with a camera. Info on new cameras is great as well. Help open my eyes in different directions.

Someones real life opinion. I am a noob - come from a point and shoot and want to upgrade but not sure i want to go right into a dslr. Just becasue of the size of the dslr.
Still like the small type cameras. My wife wants a small camera as well and easy to use. I am still trying to convince her to go to a semi dslr is hard yet.

I will read a few more reviews on the gf-2 and the new epl2.
Herd when the epl2 is to come out?

Why do you not like the gf-2? is it because they put the controls inside a menu system like the sony? (just looking for opinion)
Does it shoot as good as pictures as the gf-1? or better?

01-12-2011, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by irs
I am here asking for an opinion. I need advice.

Yes i can read and have read reviews on different camera. But i want someones real life experience with a camera. Info on new cameras is great as well. Help open my eyes in different directions.

Someones real life opinion. I am a noob - come from a point and shoot and want to upgrade but not sure i want to go right into a dslr. Just becasue of the size of the dslr.
Still like the small type cameras. My wife wants a small camera as well and easy to use. I am still trying to convince her to go to a semi dslr is hard yet.

I will read a few more reviews on the gf-2 and the new epl2.
Herd when the epl2 is to come out?

Why do you not like the gf-2? is it because they put the controls inside a menu system like the sony? (just looking for opinion)
Does it shoot as good as pictures as the gf-1? or better?

The GF2 is a smaller, dumbed down version of the GF1. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, depending on what you want. If your wife wants small and easy to use, it may be an advantage. It still has no in-body image stabilization though, so the pancake won't be stabilized. The sensor and image quality are the same as the GF1. The differences are mainly that the GF2: is smaller, has 1080i/60 video, is more menu intensive (less hard controls), loses the remote socket, has a touch screen, different menus, stereo mic, and a smaller battery.

To answer your question as to why I do not like the GF2, it's because I do not like touch screens, and I absolutely hate sifting through menus to change settings - I much prefer hard buttons. It's not meant to replace the GF1, rather to provide a simpler option in the same class of camera.

The EPL-2 is supposed to be available this month, so there isn't much to worry about there. There are some reviews out already.

01-12-2011, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by irs
Someones real life opinion.

HA you ain't getting that here, at least not this thread, so far.

Skip the DSLR. The initial image quality and fast focusing will blow you away. During the "honeymoon", you'll take it everywhere but after that, you'll realize how big even the smallest DSLR is. So you're on the right page here with being hesitant about jumping into DLSR.

Also, the Sony NEX-5 with pancake is only $30 cheaper than the GF1 with pancake ($669 vs. $699)? The f/1.7 on the GF1 pancake rules the f/2.8 of the Sony. Honestly, you can't really go wrong with either. I love my GF1 to death and it essentially goes everywhere I do. I can still easily fit it in my coat pocket, wife's purse, diaper bag, etc...

If you're really on a budget, the EPL-1 with 14-42 can be had for less than $400 and that thing is an absolute bargain at that price.

But you want great photos of kids.. it's really hard to beat f/1.7. Mind you, the Sony has the GF1 beat in high ISO noise so in a way, f/1.7 on the GF1 is almost washed out by f/2.8 on the Sony + cleaner high ISO.

Like I said, whichever one you choose, GF1 vs. NEX-5, you'll love it. The bigger sensors on these cameras combined with large apertures will create really nice out of focus background portraits of your kids.

Just go to the store, play with them. Take pics of your kids running around, see which one you like holding, throw it in your pocket/purse, and buy the one that feels best.

01-12-2011, 03:30 PM
Clem where did you find an E-PL1 w/lens for under $400? Just curious as thats a very attractive price. B&H has them for $440 w/lens ($399 body only) and I would expect them to be the cheapest.

01-12-2011, 03:50 PM
So far i have found the GF-1 for $679
and the nex-5 for $689

e/pl1 i have only seen it for $499. But i have herd it does not take photos as fast as the other 2.

I really like the the gf-1 and the sony, it is so hard to pick.
I just not sure which one is the better bang for the buck.
and what i would like better.

I looked at the d90 today at lunch as well and it is really nice. But kind of large, my wife would not like it.
pretty sweet though.

Is there a place that rents them? So we can try each out?

01-12-2011, 03:54 PM
expired deal

01-12-2011, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by irs
So far i have found the GF-1 for $679
and the nex-5 for $689

e/pl1 i have only seen it for $499. But i have herd it does not take photos as fast as the other 2.

I really like the the gf-1 and the sony, it is so hard to pick.
I just not sure which one is the better bang for the buck.
and what i would like better.

I looked at the d90 today at lunch as well and it is really nice. But kind of large, my wife would not like it.
pretty sweet though.

Is there a place that rents them? So we can try each out?

The Camera Store will rent you a D90 at $75/day which is in my opinion probably not worth it considering the camera is only $679 to buy:


They will let you apply rental costs toward a purchase, however, but if you aren't sure you want a DSLR it may not be the best use of your money.

If you are still considering a DSLR but if the D90 was too big, look at the D3100 too, it's a lot smaller than the D90. The D90 is a better camera though. Definitely a size class above the mirrorless cameras you're looking at, though.

If you wife just wants a small camera with better than P&S image quality, nothing mentioned in this entire thread is going to disappoint.

The Olympus cams have a better JPEG engine (lots of complaints about Panasonic's JPEG engine on several of their cams...I didn't like it either when I tried a GF-1) and the Olympus has in-body image stabilization. If you shoot in RAW and process the image yourself, there will be no noticeable difference. The Panasonic has better AF and more reliable metering (compared to E-PL1...I haven't had a chance to try a E-PL2 yet). As you can see the differences are fairly minor, no real deal breakers for either.

The best thing to do at this point is probably to spend a couple of hours at the camera store, bring your wife, handle all the cameras, walk around and take a few pics in the store, see what feels best, etc.

01-12-2011, 04:22 PM
YIKES $75 a day, that is quite steep.

I will have to go to the camer store soon and check them out. Take photo's of the kids in the store and go from there.

Another questions where is the best place to get a memory card for a good price.

I am looking at getting a 10 series. size would be 8gb. I thnk would be the best. Unless I can get a bigger one for a little more.
What brand is the best to look at?

01-12-2011, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by irs
YIKES $75 a day, that is quite steep.

I will have to go to the camer store soon and check them out. Take photo's of the kids in the store and go from there.

Another questions where is the best place to get a memory card for a good price.

I am looking at getting a 10 series. size would be 8gb. I thnk would be the best. Unless I can get a bigger one for a little more.
What brand is the best to look at?

For the cameras you're looking at, these would be just fine:



Or if you prefer a more reputable brand...50% of what they cost in Calgary, even after local rebates:



Memory cards are as much as 75% cheaper in the states, depending on what you're looking for. I would not recommend buying them locally unless they are heavily discounted.

I've got the cheap Transcend SD class 10 cards and they work great. They stand up to their advertised transfer speeds, and have no problem recording HD video.

Class 6 would be the minimum I would put in those cameras, but 10's are so cheap it doesn't really matter.

Duty and shipping brings the price up a bit, but it's still cheaper. And if you have more stuff to buy, it's even better.

01-12-2011, 04:31 PM
wow... i feel ripped off now. i spent $50 on a 16gb class 10 from memory express, not sure what the brand was

01-12-2011, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by ercchry
wow... i feel ripped off now. i spent $50 on a 16gb class 10 from memory express, not sure what the brand was

You do need to factor in the shipping, but when you think what Memory Express is for sure paying for those cards, I'm sure it is quite the ripoff. If you can throw a memory card into a larger order from the states and make it more worth it, you can stand to save a lot. A thread I made a while back had savings of literally in the hundreds of dollars for USA compared to Canada memory card pricing. I buy all camera accessories from the states. Underwater housings are 40-50% cheaper too for the P&S cameras.

01-12-2011, 05:02 PM
those are great prices.
I am going to have to order a card or two.
Thanks for the advice.
That is great!

I just wish the 32 gb cards where cheaper.

I think I will have to get the 16 gb lexar and a 16 gb transend as a backup. Still cheaper then the 32 gb.

2 bad the cameras where not a little cheaper, might be a way to go. especially the way the dollar is.

01-12-2011, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by lint
do you HAVE TO DO THIS in EVERY SINGLE camera reco thread on beyond? Can you just create a "What camera would I, Mistu3000gt buy, even though I'm not you, and you're not me, but if you were me, and you know you wish you were me, so I'm going to tell you as if you were me, even though we both know you're not me, and we may value different features in a camera, but fuck you and what you're asking for, I'm just going to tell you like it is" thread and just use it as your signature?


There is a significant size difference between a "small" DSLR and the NEX/GF-1/EP cameras.

As an example:


Also, to say that the NEX/GF-1/EP type cameras are a "giant ripoff" since they are bested by DSLRs in every category except size, is silly. For some, size is a key consideration, and one they are willing to pay for - and besides, we aren't talking about thousands of dollars.

01-12-2011, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by Str1der

Also, to say that the NEX/GF-1/EP type cameras are a "giant ripoff" since they are bested by DSLRs in every category except size, is silly. For some, size is a key consideration, and one they are willing to pay for - and besides, we aren't talking about thousands of dollars.

That's exactly why I said "other than size". Not sure what your issue is :dunno:

Also not all of us are beyond ballers, so a few hundred dollars can be a lot of money to some.

My only point was you sure do pay a huge premium for size in the mirrorless cameras, all things considered.

Maybe I'm just far more anal than the average camera owner (actually, I'm quite sure I am LOL), but I sure as hell wouldn't be causally tossing a Sony NEX with attached 18-55 or 18-200 lens in an out of any old bag...it is still large enough to require it's own case. If you are carrying a separate case anyways, the size difference becomes much less significant, at least in my opinion. If you are willing to throw it in a bag along with all your other crap, then yeah, I guess it would be rather convenient.

01-13-2011, 02:19 PM
Do I was looking at the www.bhphoto.com website and i can pick up the Sony nex - 5 with both lenses the 16mm and 18-24mm lens for $799us. Shipping is $11 and the duty is $50.
So it will cost me $860us. With exchange it comes to $877 and change (estimate). That works out to be $108 cheaper then here.

Is it worth ordering from the US? Will I lose the warrenty?

Has anyone order a Camera from there? or just accessories?
Has anyone bought a camera from the US?

I think it kind of swings my pick towards the sony.
Even though I really like both cqameras the gf-1 and the sony.

01-13-2011, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by irs
Do I was looking at the www.bhphoto.com website and i can pick up the Sony nex - 5 with both lenses the 16mm and 18-24mm lens for $799us. Shipping is $11 and the duty is $50.
So it will cost me $860us. With exchange it comes to $877 and change (estimate). That works out to be $108 cheaper then here.

Is it worth ordering from the US? Will I lose the warrenty?

Has anyone order a Camera from there? or just accessories?
Has anyone bought a camera from the US?

I think it kind of swings my pick towards the sony.
Even though I really like both cqameras the gf-1 and the sony.

I order from B&H all the time, use the UPS Worldwide Saver option. It might even be cheaper than ground shipping + duty because they have a deal with UPS. You don't pay any duty either - $32 for 1-2 day shipping unless the order is really heavy or extra large. Even if they have to split your order up, they still only charge you the $32.

I don't know how Sony's warranty works, but with other cameras, it's a bit of a crap shoot. Sometimes they will help you locally, sometimes they won't. I would make your decision on the assumption that you won't have warranty though. If you send the camera to the states, of course you have warranty, but then it's a hassle. If there is an immediate problem you can return it directly to B&H with minimal hassle. Also most credit cards these days give you an additional year's warranty. Maybe call a SONY store, and ask them - just say you got a gift from the states and are wondering if you have warranty.

I've bought cameras, lenses, flashes, stands, and accessories from B&H and never had an issue. I just love their $30 overnight no hassle shipping option too. It is the go-to camera camera store for a lot of Americans. You need to pay GST on it when it arrives, though.

01-13-2011, 05:16 PM
Thanks for the advice.
I called the sony store and they said that they do not cover the camera if it is out of the US. You would have to send it back to the US Sony and then have a US address for them to send it to.

That being said with BHphoto they offer a warrenty for $117.
If i buy it I save nothing. So i may as well buy it here in canada.

Man tha kind of sucks!

Well the weekend is almost here. I will have to go and play with the camera's at the camera store.

But i need to pick up the sd cards soon. The rebate ends soon on the lexar brand cards.

01-13-2011, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by irs
Thanks for the advice.
I called the sony store and they said that they do not cover the camera if it is out of the US. You would have to send it back to the US Sony and then have a US address for them to send it to.

That being said with BHphoto they offer a warrenty for $117.
If i buy it I save nothing. So i may as well buy it here in canada.

Man tha kind of sucks!

Well the weekend is almost here. I will have to go and play with the camera's at the camera store.

But i need to pick up the sd cards soon. The rebate ends soon on the lexar brand cards.

A camera like the NEX isn't very demanding on memory cards, those cheap transcend class 10's will work fine unless you really want Lexar.

01-13-2011, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by irs
Do I was looking at the www.bhphoto.com website and i can pick up the Sony nex - 5 with both lenses the 16mm and 18-24mm lens for $799us. Shipping is $11 and the duty is $50.
So it will cost me $860us. With exchange it comes to $877 and change (estimate). That works out to be $108 cheaper then here.

Is it worth ordering from the US? Will I lose the warrenty?

Has anyone order a Camera from there? or just accessories?
Has anyone bought a camera from the US?

I think it kind of swings my pick towards the sony.
Even though I really like both cqameras the gf-1 and the sony.

Sonystyle.ca has a $150 rebate on if you buy both lenses, for a total of $899CAD:


That's a better way to go considering the price differential with the rebate and Canadian warranty.

01-14-2011, 08:29 AM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt

A camera like the NEX isn't very demanding on memory cards, those cheap transcend class 10's will work fine unless you really want Lexar.

Only reason i am worried is do they write fast enough?
When i am taking pictures and videos of my kids, some times I need the fast times. so does it really matter, is a class 10 in one brand the same in another or is there better class 10's.

Originally posted by Str1der

Sonystyle.ca has a $150 rebate on if you buy both lenses, for a total of $899CAD:


That's a better way to go considering the price differential with the rebate and Canadian warranty.

That is awsome. Thank you for the heads up. That is best way to go. Thank you for letting me know about the deal. Much appreciated.

Tomorrow we are going to the camera store and take photos with both the Sony nex 5 and the panasonic gf-1.
I am sold more so towards the sony and my wife is more so the gf-1. The sony price is a way better deal.
Hard to choose. AAAGH!

With the GF-2 coming out next month do you think the prices of the gf-1 will drop?

01-14-2011, 08:56 AM
It's all good mate. Glad to help out.

When you go to test the cameras, make sure you don't only test them in good light, but also in crappy light in the back corner of the store. More often than not, you'll be in the position of taking pictures in less than ideal conditions, and this is where the larger APS-C sensor will become invaluable. The NEX with APS-C will smoke the M4/3 cameras all day long in suboptimal light conditions - make sure your wife sees and understands this key differentiator.

Here is a link comparing the NEX and a couple M4/3 units:


In particular:

NEX @ ISO 1600

GF1 @ ISO 1600

NEX @ ISO 800

NEX @ ISO 3200

NEX @ ISO 6400

NEX @ ISO 12800 -- Highest ISO Available

GF1 @ ISO 800

GF1 @ ISO 3200 -- Highest ISO Available

01-14-2011, 10:34 AM
Sony NEX-5 w/ 2 lens combo is $839 @ CC


01-14-2011, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by irs

Only reason i am worried is do they write fast enough?
When i am taking pictures and videos of my kids, some times I need the fast times. so does it really matter, is a class 10 in one brand the same in another or is there better class 10's.

I think it should be just fine, it's enough for HD video and neither the NEX nor GF1 can shoot very fast, so it should have no write issues.

Not all memory cards are created equal, and some work slightly better in some cameras than others. It's more of a concern with the higher end DSLRs that have quick frame rates and full 1080p/60 video, not the NEX/GF1.

The GF2 is not meant to replace the GF1, so I wouldn't expect prices to change much until a GF1 replacement comes out.

Also as per Str1der's examples, the NEX is absolutely destroying the GF1 in ISO performance. I'm not sure how important that is to you though. The NEX also has significantly higher dynamic range courtesy of it's larger sensor.

01-14-2011, 12:38 PM
I can't get over how good the sony's iso is over the panasonic.
The iso will help with the kids in low light situations correct?
fast photos as well?

I am total new to all of this and have been learning so much, so fast. This is great.

I am thinking the sony is the way to go for sure now.
I will have to show my wife these pics.

Now to see if i can get these deals somewhere around here is the trick.

Especially if i can get it for $839. Thanks to clem24.
But if not $899 is not to shabby as well.

Does the camera store match pricing?

You also talked me into just getting the Transend sd card.
If that is all you think I need, then that is good by me.

Any good coarses to go to to learn a little more about the camera that you can suggest?

You guy's are way better at this then me.
Thank you!

01-14-2011, 01:01 PM
I have never, ever been able to get a price match on cameras/lenses from the camera store...but it never hurts to ask.

Keep in mind that you will likely have to pay shipping from canadacomputers, and besides that they don't have any in stock at the moment. Shipping is free from sonystyle.

01-14-2011, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by irs
I can't get over how good the sony's iso is over the panasonic.
The iso will help with the kids in low light situations correct?
fast photos as well?

I am total new to all of this and have been learning so much, so fast. This is great.

I am thinking the sony is the way to go for sure now.
I will have to show my wife these pics.

Now to see if i can get these deals somewhere around here is the trick.

Especially if i can get it for $839. Thanks to clem24.
But if not $899 is not to shabby as well.

Does the camera store match pricing?

You also talked me into just getting the Transend sd card.
If that is all you think I need, then that is good by me.

Any good coarses to go to to learn a little more about the camera that you can suggest?

You guy's are way better at this then me.
Thank you!

The Sony is so much better at high ISO simply due to physics. It has a much larger sensor and only 2 more megapixels to deal with.

Being able to get acceptable images at higher ISO's will allow your shutter speed to be higher all else being equal. You are turning up the sensor's sensitivity to light, and when you do that, it makes noise/grain. This is far easier to deal with on larger sensors than small ones because the individual photosites can capture more light.

ISO has nothing to do with shot-to-shot time, if thats what you mean by fast photos (turning on high ISO noise reduction slows some cameras down, however, but it's the camera not the card). If you mean autofocus, neither of these cameras will come close to a DSLR in autofocus performance, particularly when tracking a moving subject moving toward or away from the camera. If you are expecting that you will be disappointed. The difference is phase detect AF vs contrast detect AF. Phase detect AF is far superior for moving subjects. Contrast detect is very accurate but it can't always keep up. They are still miles ahead of any P&S camera though.

The Camera Store sometimes matches pricing, sometimes they don't. They've matched for me before, but I know some people who weren't able to match. Best to call them if you are unsure. I imagine there is pretty big margin on this stuff, they would be more likely to match something like this than a popular lens or something. Vistek and Memory Express also match or beat prices.

Forget courses, don't pay for any technical education. All the info you will ever need is available on the internet. Also if you are unsure about something you are more than welcome to either PM me or just post in this section.

01-16-2011, 12:55 PM
So friday I went and picked up the Sony. Nex 5 on Friday.
I got it from saneal cameras. They did the best price match at $849
That is for the camera and both lenses.
The camera store didn't even match at all. Vistek closes price was $925.

I know a few of you don't really like Seneal cameras so I was a little skeptical about purchasing it from them. But the price was right.

So while I was there he talked me into purchasing a uv filter. It is a b+w uv filter for $31. Was that a good price? Was it smart to purchase one?

I just bought one. Should I get one for my other lens?
Also he was talking about a polarizer? It sounds pretty neat for taking photos through glass you need one.

What sites would you recommend for training? And for stuff to read.
Or do you watch mostly youtube videos.

What other stuff would you suggest to purchase?

Thank you everyone fir all your help.

01-16-2011, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by irs
So friday I went and picked up the Sony. Nex 5 on Friday.
I got it from saneal cameras. They did the best price match at $849
That is for the camera and both lenses.
The camera store didn't even match at all. Vistek closes price was $925.

I know a few of you don't really like Seneal cameras so I was a little skeptical about purchasing it from them. But the price was right.

So while I was there he talked me into purchasing a uv filter. It is a b+w uv filter for $31. Was that a good price? Was it smart to purchase one?

I just bought one. Should I get one for my other lens?
Also he was talking about a polarizer? It sounds pretty neat for taking photos through glass you need one.

What sites would you recommend for training? And for stuff to read.
Or do you watch mostly youtube videos.

What other stuff would you suggest to purchase?

Thank you everyone fir all your help.

UV filters are for film cameras. Digital camera lenses and sensors already have UV coatings on them. If you wanted a filter purely for protection, the best thing to do is buy something like a Nikon NC (Neutral Color) filter, or the equivalent from another brand. It is simply a very high quality multicoated protective filter that will have absolutely zero impact on image quality.

Any time you put another piece of glass in front of a lens, it will degrade image quality. It's not noticeable at all with higher quality filters. B&W typically makes good filters, but $31 seems a bit cheap...what was the filter thread size? That may be why it is so cheap then it would make sense.

As for a polarizer, it will remove glare from windows, water, cars, etc., darken skies, slightly increase contrast, etc. They are also handy for cutting light if you want to do long exposures but don't have ND filters. It removes approximately 2 stops of light, depending on the filter.

If the guy at Seneal aggressively tried to sell you filters without even knowing what type of photography you like to do and that you were new, it's clear he was just trying to make some extra cash as there is huge margin on filters. Also I have no clue why he bothered to sell you a UV filter for a digital camera. They still work as protection for your lens, but you can sometimes get an unpleasant color cast in photos depending on the filter.

Again, I recommend B&H for filters. Of all the ones I've bought, anyways, they have been as low as 1/3 the price of buying locally.

I don't suggest you buy anything else until you find a need for it. Get out and start using the camera, and wait until you discover something you can't do because of your equipment before you look into a bunch more accessories.

As for websites, its been so long I can't remember any off the top of my head so I'll let someone else chime in with those. There are some good ones though. Beyond that, just go out, take pictures, ask questions on forums, and experiment. Thats how I learned, as well as a lot of other people here I'm sure. I haven't looked, but I'd imagine youtube is probably a good place to start as well.