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01-14-2011, 12:07 AM
Working it out with CAW...

Don't let this change your mind about going there, I believe I just didn't think about it enough and that I shouldn't be dissapointed.

Rat Fink
01-14-2011, 08:06 AM

Jason Lange
01-14-2011, 08:27 AM
Sucks but I would do the same, I'm not running around getting little stuff for half my day taking time away from my day and not charging it. I've dealt with them before and it has always been pleasant.

01-14-2011, 08:33 AM
I would have to side with the shop on this one.

Based on your story, it sounds like they had to do alot of fucking around because you didnt supply ALL of the correct parts and didnt even have the courtesy to wash your car.

IF and thats a big IF, I ever have to take my vehicle in to have any work done on it, I always make sure to wash it before hand.

Having worked on vehicles in a shop previously, there is nothing worse than laying in puddles of water or having shit drop and fall all over you while working.. its just a common courtesy in my opinion.

$5 bucks and 15 mins in a car wash could have saved you 30 mins worth of labour, at what $120/hour rate?

01-14-2011, 08:37 AM
Your first mistake was e-mailing. Why would you do it instead of a 5-10 minute phone call? I'm surprised they didn't email you back telling you to call them.

01-14-2011, 09:08 AM
i think you are in the right here man, wrong forum to try to vent about them. sorry to many fans here.

01-14-2011, 09:29 AM

01-14-2011, 09:39 AM
Maybe my ego is fuelled too much by my car, but I'd be embarrassed to bring in a dirty pos for someone else to work on. Anyone who's worked on my car has always said the same thing, one of the cleanest, in the best shape. I've never been to Calgary AutoWorks, but it really does sound like they are in the right here. If you didn't bring them all the parts for the install, do you really think the time they have to spend tracking them down for you should be out of their own pocket? Same goes for taking the ice off the car. Shop rate is shop rate. I know you're young, but a little planning before hand could have saved you A LOT of money in this situation.

A header install on an inline 4 is one of the easiest things to do, and would have given you great boost in confidence for working on your own car. I was doing headers on transverse mounted V6's when I was 16... and I have big hands!

01-14-2011, 10:07 AM
Wow, it's pretty crazy how everyone on the board always chooses one side, whether it's right or wrong. I'm sure there's some fans of the shop here, but think about this logically.

The shop shouldn't have charged him $800. From what I've gathered the shop rate is $100/hr. I see 3.5hrs including the defouler. I guess it did take them some time to order parts, maybe 1 hour MAX, now it's up to 4.5 hrs. Where does the other 3.5 come from?

If they were in the shop working on another car or shooting the shit with co workers or something else that has nothing to do with your car then they should not be charging for it and it's that simple.

01-14-2011, 12:25 PM
As I understood it

- he emailed the shop ahead of time saying that some extra parts for the header might be required. The shop could have expressed concern to him before they started the work. It’s the OPs fault for not supplying all the parts, but it’s not like this was unexpected

- Bringing in a dirty car? In -30 degreewinter weather? If I took my car to a wash now it would be dirty and iced over within 5 min of exiting the wash. It’s almost impossible to have a clean car on the road right now.

- *hiding behind emails* Email is by far the best way to deal with this situation. Not everyone is a fast talking debater. With emails you can keep a calm head, construct arguments and make a coherent point outlining all the facts. At the same time the situation is documented incase it escalates.

- You don’t bill someone $800 for a 2-3 hour estimate unless you inform the client during the work that the costs and estimates are going to change.

01-14-2011, 12:38 PM
Great shop, but this situation is a little suspect. You should have made sure you had everything good to go for the install to save shop time.:dunno:

01-14-2011, 12:50 PM
You should be paying for the time they were working on your car (including cleaning the work area) and the time that their employee had to spend hunting down parts you did not supply. If you don't want to pay that, find out what parts you need and have them all there when you get it worked on.

As for not paying, I find it really hard to believe that they let you leave without paying the whole bill. No one buys the part about a 16 yr old only having $500 on him and no access to more money when he is getting a 2006 RSX modded. Hopefully they will put a mechanics lien on your car.

01-14-2011, 01:30 PM
I totally agree with ddduke. Everyone on here always sides with one side, even if it may be wrong.

Op said he told the shop he might require more than the supplied pieces, they could have asked him which pieces and tried to get them before customer got there, or asked the customer to pick them up, but they didnt.

And washing a car before bringing it in? Who does that? Maybe if you have a super nice car and want to have the image of always having a clean car, or maybe your car is always clean. But its kind of redic for a mechanic to expect a clean car, especially in the winter. Most carwashes are closed when its this cold anyways.
Ive never cleaned the exterior of my car before bringing it in to a mechanic, and most of the time had it returned to me clean.

And to the hiding behind emails comment, he voiced his displeasure face to face on the spot and followed up with an email, I dont think there would be a better way to do this.

Lastly, the fact that the shop let him leave with only paying 475 or whatever shows they dont really care about the rest of the payment that much considering he told them hes gonna fight the total charge. They probably tried to scam him realised hes gonna stand up for himself and then backed off.

props to OP. rest of the guys are chumps. if they were in your situation and were quoted however much for a simple install and it was doubled and you witnessed them working on other cars and screwing around while charging you they would eat thier words. they wouldnt be ok with it.

01-14-2011, 01:38 PM
Never had any issues with CAW. Sam has always been very professional with me and I have been going there since I was 19.

In my opinion, there must be more to the story than what was presented. It sucks that you had a bad experience, but maybe it's worth posting your invoice so that we can see what all those hours of labour were spent on.

D. Dub
01-14-2011, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

Washing your car before you take it in to a mechanic is common courtesy... last time I checked, having a shop wash your car was the common courtesy.


D. Dub
01-14-2011, 02:17 PM
Custom parts are always a risk.

01-14-2011, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by BigMass

- *hiding behind emails* Email is by far the best way to deal with this situation. Not everyone is a fast talking debater. With emails you can keep a calm head, construct arguments and make a coherent point outlining all the facts. At the same time the situation is documented incase it escalates.

+1. Always email. You also have a paper trail of the conversation.

01-14-2011, 05:08 PM
First off, what does 16 have to do with getting ripped off. Did they ask for your age? I've been going to calgary autoworks for over a year now and im only 18. They're not treating you different just because you're a "kid". Myself and my dad have had great service there.

If you were there for that long, why didn't you speak up and say something. A simple how far along is my car or how much longer will it take isn't that hard to do. If i have this right you got there at 9 and left at 5? So you were there sitting for 8 hours didn't say anything?

Im not sure so don't quote me on this but theres only one tech at caw. So Chris and Sam standing out front doesnt really have anything to do with it.

Also you if were there for 8 hours and got charged for 6.5, no they did not charge you the whole time.

That being said aftermarket parts do not always go smoothly. Especially when you do not have everything you need there.

Lesson learned pay up. Im surprised they let you pay half of it and go.

01-14-2011, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by Errol.
First off, what does 16 have to do with getting ripped off. Did they ask for your age? I've been going to calgary autoworks for over a year now and im only 18. They're not treating you different just because you're a "kid". Myself and my dad have had great service there.

No they didn't, but they may think its easier to get off with just one kid coming in.

If you were there for that long, why didn't you speak up and say something. A simple how far along is my car or how much longer will it take isn't that hard to do. If i have this right you got there at 9 and left at 5? So you were there sitting for 8 hours didn't say anything?
I did, they said that it was a few minutes away. 30 minutes later were waiting for parts, and I was waiting on a gasket for like 4 hours.

Im not sure so don't quote me on this but theres only one tech at caw. So Chris and Sam standing out front doesnt really have anything to do with it.
Chris was in the back working as well a few times.

Also you if were there for 8 hours and got charged for 6.5, no they did not charge you the whole time.
Thats because they didnt start till about and hour after.

That being said aftermarket parts do not always go smoothly. Especially when you do not have everything you need there.

Lesson learned pay up. Im surprised they let you pay half of it and go.

Also to all of the people saying "Clean ur car next time".

The ice was from me cleaning my car in the cold weather, lol it was -25 that day, think it would work very good? No.

They didn't "Hunt Down" parts, they used one shop and called them and told them to bring three different sizes. They did make 1 or two trips, but that didn't take more than 20 mins each trip. Well, when Sam left.
personally a phone call shouldn't cost $2 a minute.
I warned them about me maybe need bolts/gaskets. I assumed since they said 9am was good that they would have everything that was needed. I also told them about the defouler and everything.

01-14-2011, 07:02 PM
Ignorance in this thread is high.

Since Lawrence sold the business CAW has been in the shitters. The new owner who shall remain unnamed drove out his best tech and single handedly killed of a lot of his loyal customers. A lot of guys with deep pockets walked away from this fool. Taken him 10 years to build a shitty vw that doesnt run. Yeah, I want a guy who ISNT A TECH running a shop.

Almost as bad as beyond technicians lolololol.

Stories like this are VERY common these days. You are by no means the first or last person that has encountered these issues.

-1 for all the fags up in here being on CAW's nuts when they've never even been there. They used to be top notch, I was a huge fan, and even before they became beyond sponsors I was preaching about lawrences skill. Before you run your mouths verify what you are saying is true.

01-14-2011, 07:02 PM
live and learn. Shitty situation, but you gotta live with it. I don't think it was fair either.

01-14-2011, 07:03 PM
Heres the invoice, it doesn't show the exact amount of time for the work.
But when sam was doing it there were like 3 stamps, meaning they had two breaks from the whole time I was there. The mechanic seemed like he was out of the back a lot more, and working on the car.

6.4 Hours.



So 672 for the install before tax/parts.

The wiring was just my HID wiring being close the belt, would've taken me 5 minutes to fix... So not sure how much time they "Spent" on that.

01-14-2011, 07:06 PM
Sorry if I missed it but did you approve the additional work? I know when I take my vehicles in I plan to pay the diagnosis fee and walk away. I always clarify IF there will be a fee, how much, and I dont want anything done until I approve it.

I for one agree with you. If they did this to me I would be pissed.

And yes I was a tech at a dealer so dont say I dont know what I am talking about. LOL

01-14-2011, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by R154
Ignorance in this thread is high.

Since Lawrence sold the business CAW has been in the shitters. The new owner who shall remain unnamed drove out his best tech and single handedly killed of a lot of his loyal customers. A lot of guys with deep pockets walked away from this fool. Taken him 10 years to build a shitty vw that doesnt run. Yeah, I want a guy who ISNT A TECH running a shop.

Almost as bad as beyond technicians lolololol.

Stories like this are VERY common these days. You are by no means the first or last person that has encountered these issues.

-1 for all the fags up in here being on CAW's nuts when they've never even been there. They used to be top notch, I was a huge fan, and even before they became beyond sponsors I was preaching about lawrences skill. Before you run your mouths verify what you are saying is true.

I felt like the service was pretty unorganized, and if they didn't know the exact fit of the gasket they should've took off the back end of the exhaust in the first place instead of trying randomly 3 times.

By the 4th they learned their lesson I guess and went and actually took the parts to the store.

01-14-2011, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by Cos
Sorry if I missed it but did you approve the additional work? I know when I take my vehicles in I plan to pay the diagnosis fee and walk away. I always clarify IF there will be a fee, how much, and I dont want anything done until I approve it.

I for one agree with you. If they did this to me I would be pissed.

And yes I was a tech at a dealer so dont say I dont know what I am talking about. LOL

No they just told me they were missing parts, if I would've known they were "Charging" me for sitting on their asses waiting for the part to come in and get delivered (took like 45 mins) it seemed. Then I would've said I'll just get my mom/dad to get the damn things.

Also the wiring I said go ahead, as it should've only taken 5 minutes.

After the whole install they then notified me that they did a full safety inspection... I have no idea why and I assume they charged .5 - 1 full hour to do that.

01-14-2011, 07:14 PM
Yeah that is bullshit (and possibly illegal) most shops make you sign a form saying you agree to the work. I think because you paid you cannot fight it (since payment is probably a sign of agreement) however it is something to explore.

As far as I know I cannot FORCE you to do work unless it is deemed illegal to release the vehicle and cause a legal safety issue on the road.

01-14-2011, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by CapnCrunch

+1. Always email. You also have a paper trail of the conversation. this.

however, you can't agree to pay a certain amount*, pay part of it, then email them that you think you paid enough and are done. That will never fly.

*I'm not saying the price was right or wrong.

01-14-2011, 07:32 PM
I've never had a problem with calgary autoworks.
but then again I haven't been there since lawrence left. :dunno:

01-14-2011, 07:46 PM
Hi Carter,

I will attempt to address each of your points as follows:

Originally posted by Rocketright
Hey So I just wanted to tell you guys about my installation at Calgary Autoworks, and how they thought they could rip me off (I'm 16, so they probably thought I would'nt do anything about it).
Let me first off say everything seems to be installed great, and everything is working.

We don't take advantage of anyone for any reason, it's not my style and never will be. I'm glad you are happy with the workmanship we take pride in what we do.

In the end I was charged $800 + dollars, 6.5 hours of work, and half the time was waiting for a part to come in. I would say from 1-5 they were waiting for a gasket.
Employee's weren't working on my car most of the time, and were working on a mazda.
Beraly any work was being done, and seemed like they could rip me off without me doing anything about it.

We didn't waste any time waiting for a part, in fact I went to our supplier and got them to do me a favour. They had to take the lower piece of your header and physically match it up with available parts. The whole time I was getting the part my tech was working on fitting the rest of the system and motor mounts. At no time was the tech assigned to your car working on any other car. You may not have known that there are two technicians here, the one you kept seeing was doing a job for me on a shop project and at the same time also worked on a Mazda RX7 that was having battery problems. The technician working on your car probably never even came to the front that day, he even put off his lunch until after 3pm because he knew you were waiting. WE ARE NOT LAZY.

Then they had to melt ice under my car... With their hot water and ice chipper, said .5 hours before they started.

The car had been in the ditch the day before and it was completely packed with snow and ice. It dripped on the technician all day, right up until it was lowered off the hoist.

Before the install starts, they get this other car (I believe it was a Mazda 7. Or whatever. And the mechanic that was working on my car was boosting it, and starting it.

So its around 9:45 (This is when they started billing me) and I believe I could hear him melting the ice. Then I hear them trying to start up the mazda, and working on that.

During this whole time the mechanics are on the phone, or up in the front talking. Or in the back going through papers.
So finally around 12 (3 hours) he comes back with my Racing header asking if I have these parts, and I said no I emailed you guys saying I may need some.

The tech that worked on your car never laid a hand on the RX7. You are confused about who works on what at my shop. Sam is the service advisor and manages the front end. Chris is the owner and does custom fabrication, dyno tuning etc. Carl and Matt are journeyman technicians and do all the repair work on customer vehicles. The day in question we were all here all day.

Then they go back, have to try to get the part 3 times, but they were all the wrong size. This was over about 2-3 hours of time.

Actually we made two trips to our supplier and it took a total of 45 minutes. The whole time the tech was working on your car.

Finally they get the right peice, and when its time to go I figure theyve been charging me THE WHOLE TIME! They didn't once stop the work, and said they were working on my car the whole time.
This was a bunch of crap, they were out in the front doing no work, or looking at the other car. As I could hear it start up numerous times, and while the owner was at the table. So obviously no one was working on mine.

You are confused, the tech never once stopped working on your car.

The bill comes, and its over 800 dollars!!! I told him, theres no way I thought it would be half this much. And I don't have this kind of money on me.
He's explaining how they had to drill a new defouler (Take maybe 5-10 minutes.
So I got charged for 6.5 hours of work, and wasn't out of there until like 4:30 or 5 or something.

It seems I never should have let you take your car without paying. Usually I am a pretty good judge of character and I give people the benefit of the doubt. If someone says they are a bit short and the repairs came to more than expected I have always been lenient. Until you I have never been disappointed.

Honestly I was super dissapointed, and I could only pay for $475 of it. I sent them an email explaining how I've been ripped off and shouldn't have to pay the rest of the bill.

I'm truly sorry you are disappointed. I got your email and responded, unfortunately you still owe the balance on your bill.

Do you guys agree, honestly they seemed super lazy, and didn't seem like they were trying at all.

Really??? I'm sure if you ask around you will find we have a reputation of caring a great deal, maybe too much, and we are not lazy.

Maybe it's because I'm a teenager that they thought I could get away with it. But theres no way I'm letting this slide. Sorry Calgary Autoworks, but I have no other choice than posting this warning others.

The way you perceived you were treated had nothing to do with your age. And you did have a choice, you could have called me up and discussed this in a mature fashion instead of you going off and posting accusations that have no basis in fact.


Chris Merrill
Owner, Calgary Autoworks

01-14-2011, 08:00 PM
I retract my previous statement, I forgot I had chris re-weld my screamer pipe.

Top notch work and a really really good price!

:thumbsup: for CAW

01-14-2011, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by R154
Ignorance in this thread is high.

Since Lawrence sold the business CAW has been in the shitters. The new owner who shall remain unnamed drove out his best tech and single handedly killed of a lot of his loyal customers. A lot of guys with deep pockets walked away from this fool. Taken him 10 years to build a shitty vw that doesnt run. Yeah, I want a guy who ISNT A TECH running a shop.

Almost as bad as beyond technicians lolololol.

Stories like this are VERY common these days. You are by no means the first or last person that has encountered these issues.

-1 for all the fags up in here being on CAW's nuts when they've never even been there. They used to be top notch, I was a huge fan, and even before they became beyond sponsors I was preaching about lawrences skill. Before you run your mouths verify what you are saying is true.

Ignorance is high in this thread and you are not helping it at all.

Do I know you? I doubt it.

You obviously know nothing about me or how I run a business.

Have you been by lately? I doubt it. Things have changed, but it has all been for the better.

I drove off my best tech, really, who would that be? As far as I know my best tech still works for me and he is very happy.

Chris Merrill
Owner, Calgary Autoworks

01-14-2011, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by autolaw
Hi Carter,

I will attempt to address each of your points as follows:

We didn't waste any time waiting for a part, in fact I went to our supplier and got them to do me a favour. They had to take the lower piece of your header and physically match it up with available parts. The whole time I was getting the part my tech was working on fitting the rest of the system and motor mounts. At no time was the tech assigned to your car working on any other car. You may not have known that there are two technicians here, the one you kept seeing was doing a job for me on a shop project and at the same time also worked on a Mazda RX7 that was having battery problems. The technician working on your car probably never even came to the front that day, he even put off his lunch until after 3pm because he knew you were waiting. WE ARE NOT LAZY.

Also I can kind of sense your lying here.
Because when sam called him to the front and they were talking (This was around 1pm, after sam was back from lunch). He told Sam they needed to order this part, sam then ASKED if he was done everything else needed to be done.
Sam then told me it would be two minutes for the install once the part was here. So basically from 1-5 I was waiting for the part, maybe 45 minutes of road trip. But in no way should I pay more than one hour throughout this time.

The car had been in the ditch the day before and it was completely packed with snow and ice. It dripped on the technician all day, right up until it was lowered off the hoist.

Whats that have to do with anything? Sorry didn't know water dripping on him make it more expensive/longer. I assume you guys are used to this.
Also the car wasnt in a ditch, I was stuck on a street with a lot of snow.

Actually we made two trips to our supplier and it took a total of 45 minutes. The whole time the tech was working on your car.
Thankyou, 45 minutes. What was being done in the other few hours? The tech said he was COMPLETED everything else except waiting for the gasket.

You are confused, the tech never once stopped working on your car.
Really, so what was he doing while you guys were waiting from the part from around 1pm, after he said he was done.

It seems I never should have let you take your car without paying. Usually I am a pretty good judge of character and I give people the benefit of the doubt. If someone says they are a bit short and the repairs came to more than expected I have always been lenient. Until you I have never been disappointed.

I obviously will pay, it's just I wanted to show everyone else the service they can be expecting.

I'm truly sorry you are disappointed. I got your email and responded, unfortunately you still owe the balance on your bill.


Chris Merrill
Owner, Calgary Autoworks

01-14-2011, 08:09 PM
:thumbsup: to CAW and Chris and explaning their side of the stroy

I've dealt with Chris and Lawrence before and have had good experience with both.

01-14-2011, 08:11 PM
I enjoyed the shop when Lawrence owned it, I haven't been there since he sold it because I haven't needed to go there.

What I find particularly aggravating about this situation, and many others like it, is that a 16 year old kid who very obviously isn't aware of what's taking place behind the walls at CAW (you can't see what's going on in the shop unless you go around the counter and through the stock room), has the ability to run a smear campaign against the business.

OP, you're acting like a clown, and if you thought the owner would let the bill slide so that you'd take this post down, you're a jackass.

01-14-2011, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by CUG
I enjoyed the shop when Lawrence owned it, I haven't been there since he sold it because I haven't needed to go there.

What I find particularly aggravating about this situation, and many others like it, is that a 16 year old kid who very obviously isn't aware of what's taking place behind the walls at CAW (you can't see what's going on in the shop unless you go around the counter and through the stock room), has the ability to run a smear campaign against the business.

OP, you're acting like a clown, and if you thought the owner would let the bill slide so that you'd take this post down, you're a jackass.

Umm I did go around the counter and into the back... they were showing me ice underneath my car. This was around 945, and he was the only mechanic back there... so how was the MX7 getting worked on, when you yourself Chris and Sam weren't at my car.

One other thing I would like to point out, the other mechanic was in downtown Calgary and they weren't sure what time he would be coming in. I heard Sam talking to numerous customers saying he would be in maybe around 2. Chris you yourself asked sam in front of me. So how was the guy working on my car not working on the RX7 while you and Sam weren't in the back... I would like an explanation.

01-14-2011, 08:16 PM
threads like this suck ass. People need to grow some balls, man up and deal with the issues at hand. Not underhandedly post on a local forum bashing a shop and allowing people to make uneducated guesses as to what might have gone on and take sides without knowing the whole story.

OP, I'm not on either side, but from where i'm sitting it really doesn't favor you to make a thread like this. If I feel i've been screwed, I sit down with the person and have them explain where all the charges come from and if I am still not satisfied I attempt to work out a deal which leaves both parties satisfied. I'm sure if you were to have gone back without making a thread like this and talked it over with them the owners might have been willing to shave off a few dollars for customer relations sake. However after writing a thread like this I'm sure that the result is going to be the opposite and you better come up with the money quick.....

01-14-2011, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by J-hop
threads like this suck ass. People need to grow some balls, man up and deal with the issues at hand. Not underhandedly post on a local forum bashing a shop and allowing people to make uneducated guesses as to what might have gone on and take sides without knowing the whole story.

OP, I'm not on either side, but from where i'm sitting it really doesn't favor you to make a thread like this. If I feel i've been screwed, I sit down with the person and have them explain where all the charges come from and if I am still not satisfied I attempt to work out a deal which leaves both parties satisfied. I'm sure if you were to have gone back without making a thread like this and talked it over with them the owners might have been willing to shave off a few dollars for customer relations sake. However after writing a thread like this I'm sure that the result is going to be the opposite and you better come up with the money quick.....

Yeah but I doubt that would have even worked.
I will be paying the whole bill if he doesn't lower it, I just will never be going there again.

01-14-2011, 08:24 PM
If you need to have mods installed properly it costs money. If I can't do it my self or with a friend my rule of thumb is take the cost of the part and at least double it for a proper install.

01-14-2011, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by Rat Fink

...and why do you hide behind emailing the shop? Grow some cajones and talk in person. It will get you further in this situation, and further in life too if you talk to people instead of email.

Not thread related, but you just told the kid to grow some drawers/boxes :rofl: , if you going to insult somebody do it right lol, btw is "COJONES".:rofl:

01-14-2011, 08:37 PM
clearly you dont understand how shop time works, or how any installation of a part never goes "smoothly". you're ALWAYS going to run into problems. props to CAW owner explaining the situation. you need to learn that you only see half of whats going on. pay up and move on. i just cant wait to see your next rage thread saying another shop "ripped you off" because you don't get it.

as for "what does the snow under that car have to do with anything" bullshit..... have you ever done exhaust work when the tunnels are caked with snow? its pretty fucking hard... so of course they will charge you to get the car even ready for work.

quit fucking crying and deal with it.

01-14-2011, 08:38 PM
get the ice off the bottom of your car is just courtesy, if you have ever worked on your own car in the garage in the winter you will know how much it sucks getting dripped on. and i own a rsx myself and it takes about 4-5 hrs to do everything. the price they charged you is very reasonable. its not a diy garage where you pay someone to do your work. this is a shop so expected rates and shop fees ect. you should of got your own parts before hand and not rely on the other person to get everything for you, and expect them not to charge you for it.

and for your hid wiring if it takes 5 min why didn't you just do it?

been to caw before and the service is great :thumbsup:

01-14-2011, 09:07 PM
Never heard anything bad about this place before. Heard lots good. What header did you buy? What exhaust was on the car at the time?
You put the car in the hands of a reputable shop, you pay accordingly.
The good headers on an Rsx can be changed in 2 hours off of Jackstands when going from stock. From any other header, 1 hour on a hoist no problem.
The crappy e-bay stuff is totally different.
That said, if the car was not maintained the bolts can be stubborn. It sounds like you totally dropped the ball on organization. That forces the shop to take time to have to re-invent the wheel.
You can find anything you need to know on CRSX. The part #'s for all kinds of parts and installs, often with options on acceptable alternatives. If you didn't have what was needed, you could have found out, and asked the shop to check availability.
I'm pretty sure a little searching would have yielded answers in less time than it took for you to type up this crap. Your age was not targeted by the shop, it was simply the cause of all their problems on this project. You dropped the ball on your end and subsequently paid the shop to pick it up.
Live and learn.

01-14-2011, 10:01 PM
OP, don't start burning bridges at the age of 16. Do it when no matter what, you cannot be ruined financially by anyone.

01-14-2011, 10:28 PM
I thought a shop could only go 10% above a quoted price without notifying the customer, I could be mistaken though. Op I would check out amvic for the specifics.

I'm confused about how long it takes to do a header install? I figure for a for cylinder it would be maybe 3-3.5 hours max. I don't think time waiting for parts is billable hours, isn't that why shops have mark ups on parts purchased by the shop? To pay for the time it took to aquire them?
I'm not an expert by any means and I could be wrong. Good luck, I hope the two parties can resolve the problem

01-15-2011, 12:40 AM
Here's a tip. Going to the mechanic with a filthy car for repairs (motor included) is like going to the doctor for a physical with a dirty asshole. Respect.

01-15-2011, 03:17 AM
Whats that have to do with anything? Sorry didn't know water dripping on him make it more expensive/longer.

Sounds like you never get your nails dirty OP, try it sometime instead of E-Douchin'.


01-15-2011, 03:18 AM
Originally posted by Rocketright

No they just told me they were missing parts, if I would've known they were "Charging" me for sitting on their asses waiting for the part to come in and get delivered (took like 45 mins) it seemed. Then I would've said I'll just get my mom/dad to get the damn things.

Then I would've said I'll just get my mom/dad to get the damn things

Child. Im not sure if you even know what peoples time is worth!? Serious. Call mom because dad's at work. Try to explain to her in english what the part you deperatley need is. Explain to her where she can find said item and to deliver it to where you are. Assuming her time was worthless.

Fuckin guy, you shoulda been charged more.

01-15-2011, 06:46 AM
You should just learn to do some wrench time on your own vehicle. If it's too cold - there's a place in Calgary called U-Wrench where you can rent a bay out and do this yourself.

A header install isn't that bad. If it's an eBay header than it probably needed more work than usual to fit. Just learn to do it yourself, simply put.


01-15-2011, 10:20 AM
So what the majority of you are saying is that this kid should have to pay for the time a shop is waiting for parts? and should pay because his car isn't clean when it gets there for them to work on it?

shit happens when people work on cars. bolts get stripped, gaskets can be missing, other parts may break. but how is it ok for a shop to double the labour on the kid WITHOUT INFORMING him first?!?!??

if this happened at a dealership, everyone would be "sue that stealership!!" or "they're fucken crooks!!" yet everyone is nut-hugging on CAW.

fucken beyonders are crazy. :nut:

01-15-2011, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by Ven
Here's a tip. Going to the mechanic with a filthy car for repairs (motor included) is like going to the doctor for a physical with a dirty asshole. Respect.
LMAO :rofl: awesome example lol

01-15-2011, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by SOAB
So what the majority of you are saying is that this kid should have to pay for the time a shop is waiting for parts? and should pay because his car isn't clean when it gets there for them to work on it?

shit happens when people work on cars. bolts get stripped, gaskets can be missing, other parts may break. but how is it ok for a shop to double the labour on the kid WITHOUT INFORMING him first?!?!??

if this happened at a dealership, everyone would be "sue that stealership!!" or "they're fucken crooks!!" yet everyone is nut-hugging on CAW.

fucken beyonders are crazy. :nut:

That is the way I am understanding thsi as well. And I agree with you.

01-15-2011, 10:54 AM
This thread is like wiping your ass with half a turd still in it, you know it's going to be shitty before you even start, but you're always amazed at how many asswipes need to come out to do the exact same thing.

01-15-2011, 11:15 AM

I work for a dealership..

i didn't know I could charge people cause water is dripping on me from snow.. i just suck it up and work.. I rather have snow melting on me.. then have the customer spray his car and have every components frozen.. and water will still be dripping on me.. cause the ice is melting..

I'd be wishing the customer braught the wrong part everytime.. charge the customer to wait around for the right part... I usually suck it up and push the vehicle out and work on something else till the part gets here and push the vehicle back in.. Customer dont know anything about cars.. that's why they bring it to us.. we're suppose to know what it needs and how to get parts.. I would of checked all the provided parts BEFORE starting to tare stuff apart.. and not tare stuff apart and be like DUH! i dont have the part i need! i can't work now.. duh!

Giving a customer a quote.. I use book time.. and may add some time on top of my quote saying it may require more time.. if a bolt is seized or something.. But almost doubling the quote.. wow.. i wish i could tell them i need 1 hour to have them come in and charge them 5 hours on the way out! thank you! I usually Stick to my quote unless something happens and i let them know.. Wrong part isn't really an excuse.. I do lose money sometimes because a job takes longer then i quote..

Anyways.. That's just my thoughts.. and my Work Ethic..

I'm not saying who's right and who's wrong.. but.. You should of been infromed of any extra charge.. specially if it was that much more.. You were waiting there, you weren't hard to get a hold of.

Dont flame me!

01-15-2011, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by SOAB
So what the majority of you are saying is that this kid should have to pay for the time a shop is waiting for parts? and should pay because his car isn't clean when it gets there for them to work on it?

shit happens when people work on cars. bolts get stripped, gaskets can be missing, other parts may break. but how is it ok for a shop to double the labour on the kid WITHOUT INFORMING him first?!?!??

if this happened at a dealership, everyone would be "sue that stealership!!" or "they're fucken crooks!!" yet everyone is nut-hugging on CAW.

fucken beyonders are crazy. :nut:

Completely agree. I believe there is fault on both sides to some degree but the OP is left with the bill, an inflated one at that.

As for you guys bitching about him not doing the work himself, come on. Maybe he's not comfortable doing it or doesn't physically have time to do it and learn as he goes, and hence PAYING someone to do it instead! Well holy fuck, imagine that. I'm not comfortable wet sanding a car that I've owned for 4 months so I go to someone who can do it well. If he fucks up, some of you are basically saying I should have learned to do it myself to avoid the situation all together? :rofl: How many of you would cut and apply 3M by yourself to cut costs? haha. If doing everything yourself was the right way, trades would be dead.

I'd love to see a true honest number of how many members here actually work on their own cars. I'd even guess that over half have never even changed their own oil or a fucking tire. Don't crucify a 16 year for not wanting to change a header. While it may not be difficult to some now, think of the first time you did any serious work on your car with no one to help you. It sucks, I would know.

Regarding the snow on the bottom of the vehicle, it's winter, how clean can your car possibly be by the time it gets there! There is a certain aspect of every job that can suck but you man-up and deal with it.

01-15-2011, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by dooman24

I work for a dealership..

Dont flame me!

CROOK!! :rofl:

if a car comes in with snow under it, you know what the techs do at my workplace? they put it on the hoist and use a hose to spray off all the snow and get to fucken work.

we also don't charge extra for that. there is no charge per drop of water than drips on the tech. there is no charge per minute that the tech waits on parts, even if the parts that the customer brought in were wrong.

but i work at a dealership, so i'm the crook here, not CAW.

01-15-2011, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by SOAB

CROOK!! :rofl:

if a car comes in with snow under it, you know what the techs do at my workplace? they put it on the hoist and use a hose to spray off all the snow and get to fucken work.

we also don't charge extra for that. there is no charge per drop of water than drips on the tech. there is no charge per minute that the tech waits on parts, even if the parts that the customer brought in were wrong.

but i work at a dealership, so i'm the crook here, not CAW.

Your place sounds as shitty as mine! do we work at the same place! getting paid for getting dripped on sounds awesome!!

01-15-2011, 11:47 AM
That's interesting. What is the book time to change an exhaust manifold on a 2006 Rsx ? Wonder if they looked at that before quoting.
Dealerships are a little different than a custom shop. I do agree with telling the customer while he waits that the bill will be more than previously discussed. At this point they could have discussed the issues, and if the customer wanted to continue.

01-15-2011, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by Revhard
That's interesting. What is the book time to change an exhaust manifold on a 2006 Rsx ? Wonder if they looked at that before quoting.
Dealerships are a little different than a custom shop. I do agree with telling the customer while he waits that the bill will be more than previously discussed. At this point they could have discussed the issues, and if the customer wanted to continue.

The book time says 0.5 hour.. but that's stock parts.. for aftermarket i dont know if they had to modify parts.

attached is a picture of the labour time

01-15-2011, 12:36 PM
holy f half hour? That is crazy

Rat Fink
01-15-2011, 01:12 PM

01-15-2011, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by Rat Fink
(Cos knows what I am talking about!!!).

Haha I probably know more what you mean with the colonies comment. Too many Jacobs know my name already.

That truck looks like it got stuck in a ditch somewhere? That almost looks like one of our fleet trucks.

01-15-2011, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by davesparky6
This thread is like wiping your ass with half a turd still in it, you know it's going to be shitty before you even start, but you're always amazed at how many asswipes need to come out to do the exact same thing.

haha this, everyone needs to step back and let the OP wipe his own ass. From the sounds of it, there has to have been at least 10 people sitting at the shop with the OP, because you all are talking like you were there and know exactly what went on


01-15-2011, 05:27 PM
Wow, am I ever glad this thread got better in the second half... $800 DOLLARS!!!! Put yourself in the same situation, would YOU pay $800 at 16 years old? I agree with the advice to take this to AMVIC.

01-15-2011, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by 02rsx-s
get the ice off the bottom of your car is just courtesy, if you have ever worked on your own car in the garage in the winter you will know how much it sucks getting dripped on. and i own a rsx myself and it takes about 4-5 hrs to do everything. the price they charged you is very reasonable. its not a diy garage where you pay someone to do your work. this is a shop so expected rates and shop fees ect. you should of got your own parts before hand and not rely on the other person to get everything for you, and expect them not to charge you for it.

and for your hid wiring if it takes 5 min why didn't you just do it?

been to caw before and the service is great :thumbsup:

how many times have you been dropped on your head?? its common courtesy to tip a waiter, its common courtesy to let a pregnant lady sit down on the train so when the baby pops out it doesnt land on its head like you!! its common courtesy for a dealership to wash your car after they finish their work.

we live in calgary man.... 8 months are winter, and just recently its been -20 about the same time op took his car to CAW. no point to wash a car.

NONO headers dont take 4-5hrs on a rsx:facepalm: , its a 4cylinder, not crammped like a dodge stealth. aftermarket or stock doesnt matter, you get a 4th grader to do it faster than 4hrs.

and for fuck sakes stop attacking op, beyonders are brutal, who would pay more than double on a qoute for header install. he shoulda raised hell there and refused to pay.

please give one reason why anything you said is logical,

and from your post im assuming if "you and any other beyonder who says op should pay" took your car to a shop to get tires swapped and they qouted you $100 for tire change and balance, then you waited an extra 4hours, and the qoute came out to 500 because they said one tire was punctured and they had to order you another tire because the tire was unrepairable, they notified you about the tire earlier and you agreed and they informed you the tire was only 125. would you pay?:dunno: :dunno: :confused:

assuming you bought your own tires

Rat Fink
01-16-2011, 02:45 PM

01-16-2011, 09:26 PM
:rofl: :rofl: quoted 3.5 hrs to 4 hrs and then billed for 6.5 hrs :banghead: :banghead: :rofl: :rofl:

I have never been to CAW, cuz i do most of the work my car needs my self, the only time i took my car to a shop was when i needed to program my keys for a new steering wheel.

Then u got the owner of the shop telling his story and saying that the OP still has to pay the rest of the money :rofl: the quote was for 3.5 to 4 hrs but the OP gets a 6.5 hr bill really nice :rofl: :rofl:

good luck to both sides

01-16-2011, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by Ldeibert
Wow, am I ever glad this thread got better in the second half... $800 DOLLARS!!!! Put yourself in the same situation, would YOU pay $800 at 16 years old? I agree with the advice to take this to AMVIC.

Thank you... I agree.

Originally posted by TT-fast

how many times have you been dropped on your head?? its common courtesy to tip a waiter, its common courtesy to let a pregnant lady sit down on the train so when the baby pops out it doesnt land on its head like you!! its common courtesy for a dealership to wash your car after they finish their work.

we live in calgary man.... 8 months are winter, and just recently its been -20 about the same time op took his car to CAW. no point to wash a car.

NONO headers dont take 4-5hrs on a rsx:facepalm: , its a 4cylinder, not crammped like a dodge stealth. aftermarket or stock doesnt matter, you get a 4th grader to do it faster than 4hrs.

and for fuck sakes stop attacking op, beyonders are brutal, who would pay more than double on a qoute for header install. he shoulda raised hell there and refused to pay.

please give one reason why anything you said is logical,

and from your post im assuming if "you and any other beyonder who says op should pay" took your car to a shop to get tires swapped and they qouted you $100 for tire change and balance, then you waited an extra 4hours, and the qoute came out to 500 because they said one tire was punctured and they had to order you another tire because the tire was unrepairable, they notified you about the tire earlier and you agreed and they informed you the tire was only 125. would you pay?:dunno: :dunno: :confused:

assuming you bought your own tires

Yeah it was quite a bit more than double.
He said right before should be .5 for ice, 1.5 for the header at the most, and .5 for the engine inserts.
So 2.5, and then maybe a bit extra for the defouler (they never told me they were custom making one, or else I could've just said buy one).
So I wasn't thinking anymore than $350.

Originally posted by Jetta-2.0
:rofl: :rofl: quoted 3.5 hrs to 4 hrs and then billed for 6.5 hrs :banghead: :banghead: :rofl: :rofl:

I have never been to CAW, cuz i do most of the work my car needs my self, the only time i took my car to a shop was when i needed to program my keys for a new steering wheel.

Then u got the owner of the shop telling his story and saying that the OP still has to pay the rest of the money :rofl: the quote was for 3.5 to 4 hrs but the OP gets a 6.5 hr bill really nice :rofl: :rofl:

good luck to both sides

I know right.. Thanks.

01-16-2011, 11:50 PM
Is there any legal action I can take? As they never told me I would be paying for waiting for a part, and for numerous other things. Also being lied to, as I believe that there was only one technician in the back apart from Sam and Chris. As he was "Downtown" doing something, I believe Sam said he may be back later that day.. But I never saw him once. So I believe the technician was working on my vehicle and the RX7, unless there was a random ghost back there.

01-17-2011, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by Jetta-2.0
:rofl: :rofl: quoted 3.5 hrs to 4 hrs and then billed for 6.5 hrs :banghead: :banghead: :rofl: :rofl:

I have never been to CAW, cuz i do most of the work my car needs my self, the only time i took my car to a shop was when i needed to program my keys for a new steering wheel.

Then u got the owner of the shop telling his story and saying that the OP still has to pay the rest of the money :rofl: the quote was for 3.5 to 4 hrs but the OP gets a 6.5 hr bill really nice :rofl: :rofl:

good luck to both sides

Program a key for a new steering wheel?

01-17-2011, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by G-ZUS

Program a key for a new steering wheel?

Maybe he got a new immobilizer, not really on the steering wheel though. Not sure.

01-17-2011, 12:09 AM
Isn't this all daddy's money anyway?

01-17-2011, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by SlickA70
Isn't this all daddy's money anyway?

If it is or it isn't, what fucking difference does that make?

01-17-2011, 11:01 AM
It doesn't really matter at this point. Whoever you talk to will take your payment as acceptance of the cost and probably won't be able to do something for you. As for CAW wanting the rest, they will simply place a lien on your vehicle if you don't. If they don't demand the rest, take a hint and never show you face there again.

The correct way of dealing with this was at the time you got the bill, not pay a bit and then come on here an bitch about it. I can almost guarantee you that if you had spoken up and discussed the price and tried to work something out, they would have dropped the price. I had a shop install a new rear trackbar on my truck in the summer. They ran into problems that ended up needing an extra day and a bunch of custom fabrication to solve. When I went to pick it up the price had gone up to a point I hadn't even imagined paying, the owner realized my reaction and we negotiated. We came away with a price I was ok with paying that gave him money for the time put into it and allowed me to return in the future and not get crap service.

01-17-2011, 11:48 AM
lol $800 for a header install. Next time ask an Acura tech if they can do work to your car on the weekend at their shop. I've seen it done many times.

01-17-2011, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by SlickA70
Isn't this all daddy's money anyway?

No... I bought the car and do all of the mods with my own money lol.

I worked at BestBuy for over a year... which was basically the money for the car. Now I work at McDonalds.

So no its not my parents money.
I did say when I bought it that I wasn't expecting half this much, they never said anything about it, and didn't say they would lower it.

01-17-2011, 01:33 PM
No rent or bills = rsx-s. :clap:

01-17-2011, 01:54 PM
i took my car to them to get a alignment done, they said they needed to repack my rear drivers side wheel bearing to complete it. i said sure, they completed that and the alignment i paid for the bill and was on my way. i was driving to go get my oop done on the car. when i noticed a large banging coming from the rear. i pulled over and went to the back of the car. i noticed at the top of the strut where the top goes, non of the 14mm was on there and also on the top of the strut where there should be another 14 was in fact a 17mm with a nylon locking washer in its place. the strut was out of position and into the wheel well. the rubber bushings that go inside the top hat were gone as well. needless to say i will never go back they could have killed me , and this happened this summer. :guns:

962 kid
01-17-2011, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by italianstylez
i took my car to them to get a alignment done, they said they needed to repack my rear drivers side wheel bearing to complete it. i said sure, they completed that and the alignment i paid for the bill and was on my way. i was driving to go get my oop done on the car. when i noticed a large banging coming from the rear. i pulled over and went to the back of the car. i noticed at the top of the strut where the top goes, non of the 14mm was on there and also on the top of the strut where there should be another 14 was in fact a 17mm with a nylon locking washer in its place. the strut was out of position and into the wheel well. the rubber bushings that go inside the top hat were gone as well. needless to say i will never go back they could have killed me , and this happened this summer. :guns:

Why would they need to remove your strut to do an alignment or wheel bearing?

01-17-2011, 05:43 PM
That's exactly my point! I don't understand why the hell it was like that, I just switched out my suspension before I went there and looked over the whole car 3 times cause of the pending oop. That's the same side they did the wheel bearing, I livid. I went back to the shop and gave them shit. They said they didn't touch it, but I called bullshit. Before I left my house it was perfectly fine. Right after I left there it was messed up, and coincidentally it was the side they worked same general area. Not the front or other side of the car. The same location of the wheel bearing being done.

01-17-2011, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by italianstylez
That's exactly my point! I don't understand why the hell it was like that, I just switched out my suspension before I went there and looked over the whole car 3 times cause of the pending oop. That's the same side they did the wheel bearing, I livid. I went back to the shop and gave them shit. They said they didn't touch it, but I called bullshit. Before I left my house it was perfectly fine. Right after I left there it was messed up, and coincidentally it was the side they worked same general area. Not the front or other side of the car. The same location of the wheel bearing being done.

So you did a DIY on your suspension and you're blaming CAW for issues that arose on areas of your car that you had very recently been working on?

It sounds like you messed up torque specs and something came loose.


They wouldn't have touched any of those problem areas replacing a wheel bearing.

Is it brutally obvious to anyone else that this guy is blaming the shop for his screw up?

Time for this thread to get :closed:

01-17-2011, 08:29 PM
^^ that dude isnt the op.. why would the thread need to be closed?

01-17-2011, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by italianstylez
That's exactly my point! I don't understand why the hell it was like that, I just switched out my suspension before I went there and looked over the whole car 3 times cause of the pending oop. That's the same side they did the wheel bearing, I livid. I went back to the shop and gave them shit. They said they didn't touch it, but I called bullshit. Before I left my house it was perfectly fine. Right after I left there it was messed up, and coincidentally it was the side they worked same general area. Not the front or other side of the car. The same location of the wheel bearing being done.

DIY fail dude, a shop would never touch that for a wheel bearing, obviously this occured due to either a shoddy part or a DIY fail

01-17-2011, 09:03 PM
Dude its not a diy fail, I checked over my car 3 times before I left my house that morning to get my oop done. Never once in all the times I did suspension work did I mess anything up especially leave thouse 2 rubber bushings out and that little washer that goes on top. That is just plain retarded. If you could read my post it says there was a 17/mm nylon locking nut on top of the strut to where the bushings go. I don't have that nut at all in my garage, I only have honda nuts and bolts. They worked on that side/corner of the car and failed miserably. That shop is garbage I would never recommend anyone to go there. Call them up and ask about me, I'm sure you will hear about how pissed off I was.

962 kid
01-17-2011, 09:19 PM
^^ best way to identify a DIY failure is absolute unwillingness of DIYer to accept/consider that they fucked up.

Consider the follwing

1) You did suspension work on the car

2) they had NO reason to touch the rear suspension and from what everyone else says in this thread, they would have charged you if they had

3) they are a professional shop

4) you are nobody

Man up. Lesson to learn from this mistake? Always do a thorough test drive after suspension work, THEN recheck your stuff. Claiming that they "could have killed you" and are "garbage" because you have a hunch that they went and randomly removed fasteners from your car is straight up retarded.

01-17-2011, 09:51 PM
LOL your kidding me right? :zzz:

01-17-2011, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by italianstylez
Dude its not a diy fail, I checked over my car 3 times before I left my house that morning to get my oop done. Never once in all the times I did suspension work did I mess anything up especially leave thouse 2 rubber bushings out and that little washer that goes on top. That is just plain retarded. If you could read my post it says there was a 17/mm nylon locking nut on top of the strut to where the bushings go. I don't have that nut at all in my garage, I only have honda nuts and bolts. They worked on that side/corner of the car and failed miserably. That shop is garbage I would never recommend anyone to go there. Call them up and ask about me, I'm sure you will hear about how pissed off I was.

That's not right. Your story smells.
What kind of car was it?
Are you sure it wasn't another shop that helped you?
Did your car actually pass the OOP at Calgary Autoworks?

Originally posted by Rocketright

Thank you... I agree.

Yeah it was quite a bit more than double.
He said right before should be .5 for ice, 1.5 for the header at the most, and .5 for the engine inserts.
So 2.5, and then maybe a bit extra for the defouler (they never told me they were custom making one, or else I could've just said buy one).
So I wasn't thinking anymore than $350.

I know right.. Thanks.

As far as the OP is concerned, you were made plenty aware of what was going on at all times when your car was in the shop. You emailed asking for a quote, you were replied explaining custom work is only by the hour, straight time.
On Monday you're car wasn't just "iced up" from -25c weather, you drove into a ditch the day before your appointment.
When you were taken into the back of the shop and showed the 8" thick brick of ice between your subframe and firewall. We had suggested you come back another day when your car melted, your reply was "I live in Strathmore, it's not easy to make it back in for this" so we proceeded with the work after chiseling the ice out engine bay only. The install of all four engine mount inserts couldn’t have happened without de-icing the engine bay completely, even though the shop has hot water in the wash bay, it was no match for the ice in the ditch ridden car.

We can go on and on about every technical detail about your day at CAW that maybe you need help remembering.

You emailed the shop threatening to post bad things if we don’t dissolve the rest of your bill and throw in free services such as oil changes. Sounds like something else is going on here...

You must tell the truth about what happened. Like others mentioned before, you should've spoke with us during the repair or during the payment about how you felt, you were there all day.

01-17-2011, 11:34 PM
no they were just doing my alignment , the right price auto did my oop. :thumbsup:

but i had to go home and fiddle threw my spare part buckets to find replacement bushings washers and proper 14/mm nuts for all. ive done motor swaps, suspension changes, head gaskets, you name it. the only thing that ever went wrong with all the crx's ive owned and worked on were blown transmissions.

stevo 27
01-17-2011, 11:55 PM
personaly a quote is a quote there is a small margin incase shit happens but double no

i know ive really lost my shirt on a couple jobs but what can you do

im shocked C.A.W let you leave with the car without the full balance paid i don't know of any other shop that would be that trusting (simple don't have the cake you don't get the car)

and calling people out and running their name through the mud on forums/ the internet

is for fucking COWARDS hiding behind a computer screen
grow some balls and talk it out with them in person

100-1 you would have walked away in better shape resolving this without the internet

wayyyy to many keyboard hero's

01-18-2011, 08:22 AM
Originally posted by stevo 27
im shocked C.A.W let you leave with the car without the full balance paid i don't know of any other shop that would be that trusting (simple don't have the cake you don't get the car)

this is pretty amazing to me as well. and to say that he trusts customers enough to let them owe him hundreds of dollars... something just doesn't seem right.

how can you say "custom work is by the hour" when it seems to me that alot of those hours were the shop waiting for parts? what if the parts didn't show up until the next day? would you charge him hourly for the whole night as well because you were technically waiting for his parts to show up?

IMO, sounds like CAW tried to take advantage of a kid...

this kid is 16. how assertive were you at that age?

01-18-2011, 08:49 AM
People have to realize its next to impossible to be perfect every time, and even harder to keep everyone happy.

Is CAW immune from all of this? F No. (Neither is any other shop)
If had a bad experience there as well... but at this point it is what it is. I might consider going back with the new owners, but I fear with the same person at the front counter my 'issue' would repeat itself. On the other hand I know plenty of people that have been thrilled with the service.

01-18-2011, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by SOAB

IMO, sounds like CAW tried to take advantage of a kid...

Regardless of everything else, the OP received a quote from CAW and then a bill more than twice that amount from a "professional" shop who is supposed to know what they are doing.

That's not right...

Plus, to the guys responding from the shop saying the car was "iced up", I'm not sure if you've noticed or not, but it's fucking winter outside, so suck it up princess and do the job you are paid to do.

01-18-2011, 09:16 AM
^ So if you go into work and your workspace is packed with ice and snow, you would clean it without billing for that time? As it was already stated, OP put his car in the ditch the day before and needed a pretty good yank to get out. There is a big difference between components having ice on them from driving around and getting it packed in by busting drifts.

Just had to drive home from work in the RSX, and I was hitting huge snow drifts at like 40 just to get through. It worked, but my bumper is completely packed with snow lol.

01-18-2011, 09:26 AM
OP said he didn't hit a ditch, snow was packed from driving through higher than normal banks. Again, regardless, it's winter and I'm sure 95% of the vehicles coming in have snow on them and require varying degrees of cleaning/deicing before being able to perform requested work.

01-18-2011, 09:27 AM
Fraser you are confused the drift stuck vehicle was the super duty rat fink posted.

01-18-2011, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by FraserB
^ So if you go into work and your workspace is packed with ice and snow, you would clean it without billing for that time? As it was already stated, OP put his car in the ditch the day before and needed a pretty good yank to get out. There is a big difference between components having ice on them from driving around and getting it packed in by busting drifts.

ok so charge the kid half an hour to remove snow and ice with a hose, (although any dealership that did this would be crucified on beyond) how can they justify doubling the price?? because they were waiting for parts?

How can Acura have a time of .5 to replace a manifold and these guys can't do a "custom" install in 3 hours?

01-18-2011, 09:57 AM
Lets be honest as much as everyone argues if this is right or wrong if you were charged double what you were quoted at a shop without consultation you would be pissed. all snow, extra time aside anyone of us could be making this thread.

You should not charge for more than your estimate allows without talking to the person paying that bill.

01-18-2011, 10:09 AM
Agreed Cos. I can see the extra time for the unexpected ice, so the quote is going to be a little higher. That isn't something that can be truly anticipated by either shop or owner, but has to be done. And he was told this, so I don't see that increase on the bill being a major issue for either side.

But to DOUBLE the quote? veedubin69, you don't need to go on about every technical detail - but an explaination of why the quote doubled would go a long way as to discredit the OP's claims. And if he was at the shop the whole time, why was he not consulted that the quote would be double prior to the work being performed?

01-18-2011, 10:48 AM
The more I hear of this story, the more it seems like this job was a pain in the ass for CAW and this is how they were getting back at him. De-icing would blow, so would chasing around town for parts. Fuck it, just charge him more time.

I certainly hope I'm wrong, especially coming from a professional shop. I just don't understand how two folks from CAW can post here and make no mention to how the billing was specifically addressed, which would really sort out all this mess.

Specify what was billed for what. It doesn't seem overly difficult.

I don't think anyone here wants to give a shop a bad name without any concrete evidence to back it up, so lets get this sorted out :thumbsup:

01-18-2011, 10:55 AM
the kid told them they may need some parts that he didnt have.
not working on his car? clock it out and work on something else.

as for the snow build up....fucking pansies

01-18-2011, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by veedubin69

You emailed the shop threatening to post bad things if we don’t dissolve the rest of your bill and throw in free services such as oil changes. Sounds like something else is going on here...


Ahh the modern age, it's no longer "I'm gonna go tell my dad!"


"I'm gonna go tell the internetz!!1!"