View Full Version : How to deal with roommate that won't clean up after his Pitbull

01-20-2011, 10:43 AM
I live with 3 friends of mine out in the booneys. We have 3 dogs in the house, and one of them is an 8-month old Pit-bull puppy. The other dogs are potty trained, and my Mal is kenneled every night before bed. The pit-bull owner consistently lets his dog shit around the house, and always requires 'proof' that it was his dog that did the dump. If we can't give him irrefutable proof that his dog took the dump, he simply refuses to clean up.

I should mention that his method of potty training is to forcefully rub his dogs nose through the feces and urine and proceed to hit the animal. Is this potentially part of the issue?

In the event that he does clean the shit, it is a half-assed job and always leaves stains behind. This morning was particularly frustrating because combined with doggie throw up in the front entrance, there is now a nice steaming dump on my basement stairs and a few steaming dumps on our front hall carpet.

I have asked him politely to take care of his responsibilities but he either:

A. Debates the fact that it was his dog and comes up with an excuse not to do it
B. Says he'll do it, but doesn't do it for as long as (7) days
C. Does it, but leaves copious amounts of feces behind

I told him he should give back the dog if he isn't interested in the responsibilities that follow with having a pet. Does anyone have any ingenious ideas that I could 'sell' my roommate on so that I don't have to clean this shit myself every morning?

I haven't even touched on the matter of his dog chewing every fucking thing in sight, and him leaving THOSE messes behind as well. The next step after this is to get the roommate to clean up after his human messes, being junk food and garbage consistently left behind in our living room. He honestly believes that living in a house full of junk is not 'dirty' - I'm sure many of you are familiar with the type.

CMW403 please advise.

01-20-2011, 10:47 AM

01-20-2011, 10:49 AM
Frustrating indeed.

It appears he just doesn't have the responsibility required to have a pet. Unfortunately, that isn't something you are likely to be able to force into him.

It sounds as if it is mainly you against him. You need to get the other roommates on board, and present him with a flat-out ultimatum. Either he takes care of his dog, or either he or the dog have to go.

D'z Nutz
01-20-2011, 10:50 AM
Put (safe) food colouring in the dog's food. If the poo is blue (or whatever choice of colour you pick), busted! :rofl:

01-20-2011, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by kaput

You've left dog shit all over your house for as long as 7 days without cleaning it up yourself? I understand the logic, but there comes a point where you cut your losses and just do it yourself.

This happend while I was rehabbing my knee, I wasn't actually @ the house.

When shit doesn't get cleaned up within 24hours, I end up getting the pinesol and gloves and doing it myself. But what does that teach him? That I will eventually cave and do his chores for him.

01-20-2011, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz
Put (safe) food colouring in the dog's food. If the poo is blue (or whatever choice of colour you pick), busted! :rofl:

Does this actually work? I think this might be the best solution in terms of laying blame 100%.

01-20-2011, 10:57 AM
It sounds like he is just a dirty slob. You mentioned his human mess, the dog is just a continuation of this. I am telling you from experience, he is probably used to his Mom doing everything for him and he wont change no matter what you do. Kick his ass out, what kind of friend would subject you to this.

In the short term, an easy way to prove his dog is leaving the messes is via the dog`s food. Buy baby carrots, throughout the day sneak them to the pit. They are good for dogs, and most dogs love em, but it makes the poop orange. Kind of hard to deny a neon orange turd.

01-20-2011, 11:00 AM
I haven't even touched on the matter of his dog chewing every fucking thing in sight, and him leaving THOSE messes behind as well. The next step after this is to get the roommate to clean up after his human messes, being junk food and garbage consistently left behind in our living room. He honestly believes that living in a house full of junk is not 'dirty' - I'm sure many of you are familiar with the type.

I can only see this getting worse.

I would do everything possible to get him out.

01-20-2011, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by 5hift
Kick his ass out, what kind of friend would subject you to this.


He's not only an irresponsible pet owner, but a slob himself? I'd kick him out. Anything you feed the dog to change the feces colour, will probably come back with him saying "He wouldn't have shat in the house if you didn't feed him that".

Also rubbing a dogs nose in it's own feces, and hitting it, will only result in the dog eating it to hide the mess to not get in trouble, which will result in health problems.

This guy just sounds like an asshole to start with. I feel bad for the pup.

01-20-2011, 11:02 AM
Three of you have a meeting and, jointly present him his written notice to vacate the premises.

Who wants to live with an inconsiderate asshat anyways?

01-20-2011, 11:03 AM
Sounds to me like he is an all round terrible roommate. There is no way this guy is going to reverse all his habits. He sounds like a douche too.

I would serve him notice, evict ASAP, and don't look back.

01-20-2011, 11:04 AM
Part of the issue is that we are all close friends. I feel that he takes advantage of us and the situation because of this.

01-20-2011, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by zipdoa
Part of the issue is that we are all close friends. I feel that he takes advantage of us and the situation because of this.

This is why a lot of friends don't make good room mates. If he really was a friend, he'd be cleaning up after himself, and his dog.

01-20-2011, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by zipdoa
Part of the issue is that we are all close friends. I feel that he takes advantage of us and the situation because of this.

Doesn't sound to me at all like he is much of a friend. He's an inconsiderate D-bag who doesn't care what you guys think and takes advantage of you. I don't have a single friend who behaves like that.

After everything you've told us it's hard to feel sorry for you if you don't want to do the obvious thing and give him an ultimatum or just evict him.

More than anything I feel sorry for his dog. It's clearly not getting what it needs.

01-20-2011, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

This is why a lot of friends don't make good room mates. If he really was a friend, he'd be cleaning up after himself, and his dog.

+3 here lol... I've been burned / kicked buddies from my house, usually turns out negative for some reason.

A dog continuing to shit in the house needs attention it's not getting... Poor training for sure - tough situation, the food coloring in the food sounds pretty clever...

01-20-2011, 11:10 AM
I would secretly train his dog to fight, and slowly turn him against the owner, then one day in the future while said owner is at work set up a ring in the back yard, then when he gets home throw him into the ring for an epic battle of Man vs. Pitbull.

But on a serious note, is he on the lease? if not throw his ass to the curb, you have no legal obligation to let him stay in the house, from the way he abuses your relationship it doesn't sound like much of a friendship in the first place. Then call the authorities on him for animal abuse.

01-20-2011, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

If he really was a friend, he'd be cleaning up after himself, and his dog.

Yep. You are now his parents.

And if I EVER saw one of my friends hit their dog or rub their nose in shit, well, needless to say they wouldn't want to be friends with me much longer. Plus they would have a broken arm.

01-20-2011, 11:16 AM
1. let dog out into yard
2. post location on beyond
3. dog gets a better home
4. you explain how pitbulls can jump any fence, no matter how high.

01-20-2011, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz
Put (safe) food colouring in the dog's food. If the poo is blue (or whatever choice of colour you pick), busted! :rofl:

Seems like a good idea. Until you consider now there will be coloured spots all over the floor....

As others have said zipdoa, this guy doesn't really sound like much of a friend...

01-20-2011, 11:17 AM
I'd pick up the dog shit and put in in his bed... If he get pissed and confronts you, send his ass out the door. If he gets the hint and starts behaving properly, then yay. It will probably be the first response however, which is still a win with a guy like this...

01-20-2011, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt

After everything you've told us it's hard to feel sorry for you if you don't want to do the obvious thing and give him an ultimatum or just evict him.

Not looking for sympathy, just a solution.

Only 1 roommates name is on the lease, we all just pay him money for the month.

The issue is that I don't think the other 2 roommates are prepared to kick him out, simply because of the pre-existing friendship.

And yes, when the dog gets into toilet paper or other items around the house, the roommate in question simply states 'you should've closed the bathroom door' or 'you shouldn't have left your calvin and hobbes comic book out'.

01-20-2011, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by tirebob
I'd pick up the dog shit and put in in his bed... If he get pissed and confronts you, send his ass out the door. If he gets the hint and starts behaving properly, then yay. It will probably be the first response however, which is still a win with a guy like this...

I was thinking of doing something similar... but just piling the shit at his bedroom door.

01-20-2011, 11:20 AM
I fear that his method of training the dog (physical abuse) will eventually lead to the dog attacking another human or even my Malamute.

01-20-2011, 11:21 AM
IN NO WAY am I going to get involved in this buddy:rofl:

However, I will say this. All four of the inhabitants are my close friends, one being my cousin. In no way shape or form is roommate in question an asshole, but I do believe some of the responsibilities of owning a dog kinda flew over his head when he bought the little pup.

I don't think Mike is looking to kick him out, more looking for ways to combat the irresponsibility. As I mentioned before, these are four close friends living together.

01-20-2011, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by syeve

Yep. You are now his parents.

And if I EVER saw one of my friends hit their dog or rub their nose in shit, well, needless to say they wouldn't want to be friends with me much longer. Plus they would have a broken arm.


u sound super tuff.

Hey Mike, maybe we should just pay Tony Soprano here to come over and break his arm?!?!

01-20-2011, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by CMW403


u sound super tuff.

Hey Mike, maybe we should just pay Tony Soprano here to come over and break his arm?!?!

These responses are to be expected. I did get what I was looking for out of the thread. Food coloring will be the first tactic.

01-20-2011, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by zipdoa

These responses are to be expected. I did get what I was looking for out of the thread. Food coloring will be the first tactic.

Originally posted by Kloubek

Seems like a good idea. Until you consider now there will be coloured spots all over the floor....

01-20-2011, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by CMW403


u sound super tuff.

Hey Mike, maybe we should just pay Tony Soprano here to come over and break his arm?!?!

:D You think so? Dog abuse is the coolest. No wait...people who watch dogs get abused is the coolest.

01-20-2011, 11:35 AM
Can you put the dog in your buddy's room for the day and shut the door? Let's see how your buddy enjoys coming home, walking into his bedroom to find dog shit on the floor and his personal effects all chewed up...

01-20-2011, 11:36 AM
I've been thinking about this over the last 20 minutes or so. And I'm concerned.

It is irresponsible owners like him which lead dogs like Pitbulls to be uncontrolled and untrained, and subsequently deemed a threat to society.

Let me ask you this: How much time does he spend with the dog? Can I make a total assumption and say it isn't a whole lot after the initial "he's so cute" lovefest?

Dogs - especially energetic puppies - need regular exercise and attention. If they don't get it they become destructive and hard to control.... especially a breed like this. Most dogs need to be properly taken care of and trained not to destroy things - and if those actions are not curbed they will continue. It's the dogs way of showing he isn't receiving enough stimulation and attention from other sources.

As he gets bigger, I'm legitimately concerned as to what kind of dog he is going to become. Pitbulls are amazing creatures, and can make the best pet around... IF they are taken care of properly. If they aren't though... well... we all know the reputation they have gotten.

01-20-2011, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by tirebob
I'd pick up the dog shit and put in in his bed...

Good idea, but if you put it in his bed then the room mate would probably snap on the dog which wouldn't be cool.

01-20-2011, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by Kloubek

Seems like a good idea. Until you consider now there will be coloured spots all over the floor....

As others have said zipdoa, this guy doesn't really sound like much of a friend...

The main shit-locations for the pup are on the main floor which is tile/hardwood, so I don't think stains will be a problem.

01-20-2011, 11:39 AM
Buddy needs to get rid of the dog. He is obviously not interested in taking on the responsibilities associated with having to take care of something that eats drinks sleeps and shits. 8 months old and still shitting everywhere in the house is a bit rediculous if you ask me. Dogs should be able to control their movements (within reason) at that age. Try to convince him to give the dog up for adoption.

I would pick up the dog's crap if he won't and put it somewhere where he HAS to live with it until HE cleans it up.

Good luck whatever you do. It pisses me off when people get dogs on a whim and have zero idea about the responsibilities of owning one, or repurcussions of being a shitty owner. It would piss me off even more if I had to live in a house with dog shit sitting in it for days on end.

01-20-2011, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by syeve

:D You think so? Dog abuse is the coolest. No wait...people who watch dogs get abused is the coolest.

Yeah and reacting by threatening to break someone's arm is so much better.

01-20-2011, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by syeve

:D You think so? Dog abuse is the coolest. No wait...people who watch dogs get abused is the coolest.

You think thats cool?! You should see what I do to your girlfriend :rofl:

01-20-2011, 11:46 AM
Just train the dog to shit in his bedroom or on his bed..

01-20-2011, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by texasnick

Yeah and reacting by threatening to break someone's arm is so much better.

Originally posted by CMW403

You think thats cool?! You should see what I do to your girlfriend :rofl:

:D Yah, I'm the bad guy here.

01-20-2011, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by Kloubek
I've been thinking about this over the last 20 minutes or so. And I'm concerned.

It is irresponsible owners like him which lead dogs like Pitbulls to be uncontrolled and untrained, and subsequently deemed a threat to society.

Let me ask you this: How much time does he spend with the dog? Can I make a total assumption and say it isn't a whole lot after the initial "he's so cute" lovefest?

Dogs - especially energetic puppies - need regular exercise and attention. If they don't get it they become destructive and hard to control.... especially a breed like this. Most dogs need to be properly taken care of and trained not to destroy things - and if those actions are not curbed they will continue. It's the dogs way of showing he isn't receiving enough stimulation and attention from other sources.

As he gets bigger, I'm legitimately concerned as to what kind of dog he is going to become. Pitbulls are amazing creatures, and can make the best pet around... IF they are taken care of properly. If they aren't though... well... we all know the reputation they have gotten.

I share the same concerns. The pitty is already showing signs of aggression with the other dogs in the house. When I pulled them apart from a scrap I got a good 3" cut down my hand from the pittys claws.

The thing is that he believes the dog can just be a farm dog. He has never been taken on walks and doesn't plan to, no socialization with other puppies, and no efforts to train him aside sit and laydown.

Granted, we do have 20acres of property for the dogs to roam, but the pitty rarely gets let out because his owner doesn't want him to run away. I had the same issue with my malamute, so I got him 30feet worth of chain to roam around on when I'm not home.

When I got my Malamute, I had done 3 months worth of research. I had spent about 8 hours on the phone with various breeders learning about the breed and taking all advice and opinions I could get my hands on.

When my roommate got his Pitty, he was at a friends house who happens to breed them, and decided he was cute and brought him home.

01-20-2011, 12:00 PM
Uh yeah... I can pretty much guarantee you things are not going to get better with the dog's attitude. This dog needs attention and exercise. He's getting neither.

I think this is a bigger issue than the dog just shitting everywhere. (Which is bad enough). The dog needs proper training immediately, or he will be unable to be controlled. And if you can't control a pitbull, really bad things are bound to happen.

Take a stand here man. You really have to in the dogs best interests.

01-20-2011, 12:05 PM
I'm still a little hurt by the "girlfriend" comment :D but I can arrange some free "polite pooches" courses at the SPCA for your friend if he is interested.

I see too many awesome pitbulls bought on a whim...let me know if you want to go that route.

01-20-2011, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by zipdoa

When I pulled them apart from a scrap I got a good 3" cut down my hand from the pittys claws.

lol... soft hands?

01-20-2011, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by zipdoa

I share the same concerns. The pitty is already showing signs of aggression with the other dogs in the house. When I pulled them apart from a scrap I got a good 3" cut down my hand from the pittys claws.

The thing is that he believes the dog can just be a farm dog. He has never been taken on walks and doesn't plan to, no socialization with other puppies, and no efforts to train him aside sit and laydown.

Granted, we do have 20acres of property for the dogs to roam, but the pitty rarely gets let out because his owner doesn't want him to run away. I had the same issue with my malamute, so I got him 30feet worth of chain to roam around on when I'm not home.

When I got my Malamute, I had done 3 months worth of research. I had spent about 8 hours on the phone with various breeders learning about the breed and taking all advice and opinions I could get my hands on.

When my roommate got his Pitty, he was at a friends house who happens to breed them, and decided he was cute and brought him home.

That doesn't bode well, man. I would honestly try to convince him to give the dog up for adoption.

Originally posted by syeve

Yah, I'm the bad guy here.

You aren't the bad guy, but you obviously lack the ability draw on logic to make decisions in life. Saying you would break someone's arm because they smack their dog? You don't see the irony in that?

01-20-2011, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by texasnick

You aren't the bad guy, but you obviously lack the ability draw on logic to make decisions in life. Saying you would break someone's arm because they smack their dog? You don't see the irony in that?

You realize we are on the internet...logic need not apply. I see abused dogs every week and havn't broken any arms yet.

01-20-2011, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by syeve
I'm still a little hurt by the "girlfriend" comment :D but I can arrange some free "polite pooches" courses at the SPCA for your friend if he is interested.

I see too many awesome pitbulls bought on a whim...let me know if you want to go that route.

The owner never said anything about your silly girlfriend

01-20-2011, 03:14 PM
If your friend can't stop being a sloppy bitch, then you guys aren't that close of friends. Close friends compromise.

01-20-2011, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by CMW403

The owner never said anything about your silly girlfriend

I realize that, I can determine by your posts that you are friends with the OP. Nevermind about the free dog training. :thumbsup:

01-20-2011, 04:40 PM
I was a pitbull owner for 13yrs. They are great dogs but they need alot of attention for the first year or so. They aren't the fastest learners usually buy super dogs with time and effort. The best thing would be to shell out some cash and bring the dog to a pro trainer, this was done with my dog and it more than worth it. Be careful about not socializing and walking the dog, with pits the can become very territorial and attack strangers. All that said he has to do some work him self and/or shell out some cash to train the pup. Pits are amazing dogs and my favorite breed.

Good luck :thumbsup:

01-20-2011, 05:10 PM
If his dog can't stay clean the night insist that he crate it or lock it in his room at night.

The dog needs to be taken outside regularly and watched-when it does its business outside you have to have (what I call when I am training my dogs) a "potty party"-praise and treats, lots of it. The dog doesn't want to go outside? Bring it back in and kennel it for half an hour or leash it and tie it to yourself/himself. Take it back outside and see if it goes... if not bring back in for a bit etc. etc.

A dog at 8 months of age should be house trained by now and only having accidents if left too long or sick etc...

Chewing can be a stage, and luckily my dog grew out of it at 7 months of age but can also be from boredom. If he is not home again the dog really should be crated.

I assume he would do more about it if the dog was shitting/chewing his stuff but then he also might just blame it more or hit it. Tough call, not a good breed for an un-interested owner to fuck up with...

01-20-2011, 05:11 PM
dbl post

01-20-2011, 05:52 PM
Mike, regular food coloring won't work.

Goto a bakery or PMS hobbycraft and get Icing dye. My mom used to babysit a couple kids, and also occasionally decorated cakes. Funniest shit was one day, mom had a bunch of left over icing, and passed a bit out to all the kids.

Next day, a couple of the parents called up in a bit of a panic, wondering what we fed them. One kid had lime green shit, another had electric blue, another was red ect.

long story short, get the cake icing dye to make this work, regular food coloring won't do shit. pun intended.

01-20-2011, 07:15 PM
Like other people have said, at 8 months, the dog should be trained already. I've got a 10-11 week old puppy here and she already knows how to go outside. Technically, you are suppose to stick their face near their shit/urine, but not literally IN it... that's disgusting, I bet he doesn't clean the dogs face after either and it trots around the rest of the house dirty like that. On that note, you aren't suppose to beat them, rather a tap on the nose or butt. They'll get the message sooner or later.

Realistically, at this point, trying to train the dog with a kennel would be very difficult because you're suppose to do that when they're young so they get use to it. He's gonna whine/bark for a loong time. The fact that you have at least 2 big dogs in the house with a large area for them to run around in is great, so why does he think it's going to run away? Especially when your Mal hasn't because you bought a long leash. Why not buy the pitbull a long leash, too? It's sad to see a dog not being taken care of the way it should be.

Does said roommate have a car? :devil:

01-20-2011, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by zipdoa
I should mention that his method of potty training is to forcefully rub his dogs nose through the feces and urine and proceed to hit the animal. Is this potentially part of the issue?
Sounds to me like the owner requires a slap.

Originally posted by boarderfatty
But on a serious note, is he on the lease? if not throw his ass to the curb, you have no legal obligation to let him stay in the house, from the way he abuses your relationship it doesn't sound like much of a friendship in the first place. Then call the authorities on him for animal abuse.

Originally posted by syeve
Yep. You are now his parents.

And if I EVER saw one of my friends hit their dog or rub their nose in shit, well, needless to say they wouldn't want to be friends with me much longer. Plus they would have a broken arm.

Originally posted by CMW403

u sound super tuff.

Hey Mike, maybe we should just pay Tony Soprano here to come over and break his arm?!?!
Good idea, goof.

01-20-2011, 10:16 PM
Ive rescued about 5 pitbulls , you should call the SPCA on him , he doesnt deserve to have a dog like that. If you really want to know whos dog it is , change the Pitbulls food for a day , he will get the runs , then you will know who it is.

And dont do the food dye stuff , its not the dogs fault that he is treated unfairly , the owner sounds like a fuckin tool.

I would seriously love to get a hold of this guy if he puts his dogs face in shit , ill put the dogs shit in his face.. Worse owner ever , please take this dog away from him NOW!

01-20-2011, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by JAYMEZ
Ive rescued about 5 pitbulls , you should call the SPCA on him , he doesnt deserve to have a dog like that. If you really want to know whos dog it is , change the Pitbulls food for a day , he will get the runs , then you will know who it is.

And dont do the food dye stuff , its not the dogs fault that he is treated unfairly , the owner sounds like a fuckin tool.

I would seriously love to get a hold of this guy if he puts his dogs face in shit , ill put the dogs shit in his face.. Worse owner ever , please take this dog away from him NOW!

And there we have it folks. The truth.

01-20-2011, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by Squishy
Like other people have said, at 8 months, the dog should be trained already. I've got a 10-11 week old puppy here and she already knows how to go outside. Technically, you are suppose to stick their face near their shit/urine, but not literally IN it... that's disgusting, I bet he doesn't clean the dogs face after either and it trots around the rest of the house dirty like that. On that note, you aren't suppose to beat them, rather a tap on the nose or butt. They'll get the message sooner or later.

Seriously , you are never suppose to do this , that is BAD training. You catch your dog in the act , discipline him for the act (Out of the ordinary disappointing yelling with a stern NO and a tap or whatever you want to do) , take him outside and make him do his business , then reward him for doing it. Thats how you train a dog..

01-20-2011, 10:23 PM
If you want a cleaner "marker" feed the dog baby carrots and it'll come right back out haha

01-20-2011, 10:56 PM



SPCA Calgary

Animal Cruelty

Weekdays from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM Select Option 2. From 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM Select Option 6.
Weekends from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Select Option 2. From 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM Select Option 6.
Statutory Holidays from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM Select Option 6.
At all other times, please call the Calgary Police Service at 403-266-1234.

Violence Prevention, Emergency Boarding and Pet Safekeeping

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 403-205-4455 ext 6527

Or give me a PM and some pictures and Ill see If I can find this dog a real home. Pitbulls are amazing loving dogs , this guy is a TOOOOOOLLL

01-20-2011, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by JAYMEZ

Seriously , you are never suppose to do this , that is BAD training. You catch your dog in the act , discipline him for the act (Out of the ordinary disappointing yelling with a stern NO and a tap or whatever you want to do) , take him outside and make him do his business , then reward him for doing it. Thats how you train a dog.. I said near it to show them, so yeah, what you said is what I was implying :confused: they have to know what they did wrong, and yeah, obviously you show them the pad or take them outside. I have 3 dogs, I'm fully aware.

01-20-2011, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by Squishy
I said near it to show them, so yeah, what you said is what I was implying :confused: they have to know what they did wrong, and yeah, obviously you show them the pad or take them outside. I have 3 dogs, I'm fully aware.

:werd: , sorry got mad at the OPs post , and then put the madness on your post LOL. Ive seen alot of people stick dogs faces in shit , and it pisses me off.

But yup your right , you can do that:thumbsup: ..

Anyways , Pitbulls have a huge part of my life and the same with rescue dogs , hearing this crap makes me want the guy to lose the dog..

01-20-2011, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by JAYMEZ

:werd: , sorry got mad at the OPs post , and then put the madness on your post LOL. Ive seen alot of people stick dogs faces in shit , and it pisses me off.

But yup your right , you can do that:thumbsup: ..

I'm like wtf... thats what I just said, haha. I guess I'll accept your apology :nut:

Little Dragon
01-20-2011, 11:41 PM
Take it easy on Syeve. Don't know why you guys are hating on him because he doesn't like owners shoving their dog's face in shit and thinking it's "potty training".

He's not the bad guy here.

Did you not sense the over-exaggeration in his post when he said he'd leave them with a broken arm? It was just for emphasis.

01-20-2011, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by kenny
If you want a cleaner "marker" feed the dog baby carrots and it'll come right back out haha

Or corn, hard to miss corn too.

01-20-2011, 11:56 PM
I don't know if we have enough info to say that he is being outright cruel to the animal... sans rubbing their face in it. If he kicked a puppy, I would be outraged... but let's be real here.

I'm just sad to see what probably could be a wicked pet turned to something people love to hate. Bad for the dog, bad for breed reputation.

I'm planning on getting a staffie in the summer, and he is born into a word of hate already. At least he'll be little. Kinda.

01-20-2011, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek
I don't know if we have enough info to say that he is being outright cruel to the animal... sans rubbing their face in it.

Sans??? There is no sans, he is doing it, and hitting it, so sans nothing.

01-21-2011, 12:03 AM
If he's honestly a friend, you should tell him straight up what's on your mind and how you think it's bullshit and more importantly, disgusting. Not only that, but he's wrecking your guy's property.

No one should have to lie down and take that.

Friends can tell friends what's up. If they're any sort of friend, you'll be able to work something out.

01-21-2011, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by Little Dragon
Take it easy on Syeve. Don't know why you guys are hating on him because he doesn't like owners shoving their dog's face in shit and thinking it's "potty training".

He's not the bad guy here.

Did you not sense the over-exaggeration in his post when he said he'd leave them with a broken arm? It was just for emphasis.

Thanks. I think they read that I wanted to break their buddies arm, they mis-read my post. No big deal.

Then for some reason my girlfriend came into this?

I offered free "polite pooches" at the SPCA to him, even if the owner doesn't want to take the dog, if they are his friends, they might consider changing the path of this dog before it's too late. It's theirs if they want it.

01-21-2011, 10:33 AM
do all the dogs do there buisness together or they get sent out 1 at a time .....with 2 other dogs it should be a cinch to train the one dog:confused:

01-21-2011, 11:12 AM
Sounds like you need to get rid of your roomate. he's the problem, not the dog. Living with irresponsible pigs can ruin your lifestyle and make home a stressful place. I say kick him out. And this isn't "internet-tough-guy-act", I'm serious, I would ask him ot leave the house if he doesn't change.

01-21-2011, 11:27 AM
That's right, kick his ass out and make sure you tell him "I've had enough of this shit" Now get the fuck out.

01-21-2011, 11:55 AM
Cesar Milan trains people, not dogs. Maybe buy him one of Cesar's books. If he can't be bothered to read about how dogs behave/work then he doesn't deserve to own one.


01-21-2011, 12:02 PM
the GF and I will be looking for a pit or similar come spring time. If its not resolved by then wanna shoot me your location and we can swing by :rofl: .

but in all seriousness you need to either confront the guy about all this or call the humane society, because it is apparent this guy is unfit to be a dog owner. I was talking to the GF the other day and they will be changing the title of dog "owner" to dog "gaurdian", which from what i've read will make it a lot easier for the dog to be removed from a person in the case where the owner is unfit to own a dog (like your buddy).

I can't wait for this to happen. There are so many horrible dog owners in calgary.

01-21-2011, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by Squishy
I said near it to show them, so yeah, what you said is what I was implying :confused: they have to know what they did wrong, and yeah, obviously you show them the pad or take them outside. I have 3 dogs, I'm fully aware.

I could be wrong here but I was always told not to do this. Your dog doesn't know what you're showing him/her. Dogs will go in the same spot each time unless you get their 'scent' out from that location. Putting the dog's face in/near the location while the odour is still there will just reaffirm his/her 'spot' so to speak. You can only effectively discipline (make a loud noise and take it outside) if you catch your dog in the act, otherwise, they won't know why they're getting yelled at.

I was lucky as my dog was super easy to train and she never got into the habit of having accidents.

01-21-2011, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by Anton

I could be wrong here but I was always told not to do this. Your dog doesn't know what you're showing him/her. Dogs will go in the same spot each time unless you get their 'scent' out from that location. Putting the dog's face in/near the location while the odour is still there will just reaffirm his/her 'spot' so to speak. You can only effectively discipline (make a loud noise and take it outside) if you catch your dog in the act, otherwise, they won't know why they're getting yelled at.

I was lucky as my dog was super easy to train and she never got into the habit of having accidents.
I know if you show it to them after, they'll have already forgotten that they did it. So only when you catch them in the act, otherwise they won't be aware as to what you are disciplining them for. But yes, putting them outside after or when you lunge at them generally stops them haha. Obviously, if you find an accident and you didn't even see them do it, just clean it up because getting mad isn't going to make anything better. There are a few seconds you aren't watching the little one and they run off, do their business and you don't even notice they went and came back.. The way I see it, because I know I've done it before, if I wasn't watching what they were doing for that couple of seconds then it's also partially my fault for not watching her.

01-21-2011, 02:44 PM
Get rid of your roommate. If he can't be responsible for his own cleanliness and hygiene how do you expect him to take care of another living thing.

01-21-2011, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by CMW403
In no way shape or form is roommate in question an asshole

Really??? He sounds like a total asshole to me.

01-21-2011, 07:10 PM
train the dog

01-21-2011, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by 89s1

Really??? He sounds like a total asshole to me.

He must be one of those "chill guy" types.

01-22-2011, 03:23 PM
So whats going on with the Dog? Do you want me to call the proper people to have this dog removed , or are you going to step up and do this? This guy needs to have his dog taken away and put into a good home , all this BS is really ticking me off.

01-22-2011, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by msommers
If he's honestly a friend, you should tell him straight up what's on your mind and how you think it's bullshit and more importantly, disgusting. Not only that, but he's wrecking your guy's property.

No one should have to lie down and take that.

Friends can tell friends what's up. If they're any sort of friend, you'll be able to work something out.


and if nothing changes, and the rest of your roommates dont want to kick him out, then just leave yourself, go find a new place to live and enjoy the shit-free floors.

if it comes down to them letting you leave before getting him to make some efforts to become responsible and respectful (to you and the dog) they're not your friends and you should do everything in your power to get that dog into the hands of someone that can care for it.

01-22-2011, 04:19 PM
also, shit on his bed before leaving.

if he confronts you to clean it up, tell him to prove that it was you.:rofl:

01-22-2011, 06:47 PM
Show him this thread.

01-22-2011, 08:39 PM
why not post some pics? maybe a beyonder will adopt him

01-24-2011, 12:43 PM
Basically had one of these... except... well for dogs.


Still much headway to be made in the quality of cleanup efforts, but at least the timing is there now. Also educated roommate on ceasar and some more effective training techniques.

Whoever suggested the carrots was bang on. Turns poop orange and makes it easy to identify the culprit.

01-24-2011, 01:16 PM
I would do what someone suggested very early in the thread. Pick up the poop and throw it in his room, or put his dog in his room when he isnt there and doesnt feel like taking care of it. If it wrecks his shit, its his fault.

01-24-2011, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by zipdoa

Still much headway to be made in the quality of cleanup efforts, but at least the timing is there now. Also educated roommate on ceasar and some more effective training techniques.

Whoever suggested the carrots was bang on. Turns poop orange and makes it easy to identify the culprit.

Haha, you're like his parents except you have even less control over him then they probably did. Sounds like a chill guy :banghead: