View Full Version : Half of men surveyed said they're ok with their GF cheating

01-28-2011, 12:06 PM
...as long as its with another girl.


01-28-2011, 12:13 PM
Hahaha That data is on the premise of the idea of cheating with another girl.

If were to actually happen, im sure many of the guys would change thier tune.

If my girl bed with anyone (regardless of gender) behind my back, i would be outie.

01-28-2011, 12:15 PM
My ex slept with a chick on her Birthday while I was out of town. While it didn't sting as much as being cheated on with a guy, it was still very uncool.

The chick she had sex with actually offered to be involved in a 3-way with us, but I didn't find her particularly attractive so I said no. My bad, I suppose.... :)

01-28-2011, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by spike98
Hahaha That data is on the premise of the idea of cheating with another girl.

If were to actually happen, im sure many of the guys would change thier tune.

If my girl bed with anyone (regardless of gender) behind my back, i would be outie.

Damn straight, if my wife is going to have sex with another girl, I'd better be in the fucking room (and conscious).

01-28-2011, 12:57 PM
I'd only get upset if it was for an emotional reason.

Physical gratification is different, and I'd have to be there. I'd give my blessing and let her eat as much rug as she wants. In turn she would let me fuck her.

But that's a slippery slope because most women will become emotionally attached to a male counterpart no matter the circumstances.

Hell this day and age most men with their dwindling testosterone and heightened estrogen levels will become emotionally attached to the fuck buddy too.

01-28-2011, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek
My ex slept with a chick on her Birthday while I was out of town. While it didn't sting as much as being cheated on with a guy, it was still very uncool.

The chick she had sex with actually offered to be involved in a 3-way with us, but I didn't find her particularly attractive so I said no. My bad, I suppose.... :)

She must have been pretty F'n ugly/obese for you to turn it down.

Even a 3 becomes a 6 when there's another woman involved.

01-28-2011, 01:13 PM
^ fuck that zero becomes hero

01-28-2011, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by Jlude

She must have been pretty F'n ugly/obese for you to turn it down.

Even a 3 becomes a 6 when there's another woman involved.

I'd say the chick was around average - but there was something about her and her look which really turned me off. It just wouldn't have done anything for me. I guess I was expecting the 3rd person to be equally as attractive as my ex, which quite honestly, made the liklihood of the scenario occuring fairly unlikely.... considering I'm above average looking, at best.

I guess what made it sting even more is because I knew I would not be there for her b-day, I blew up 500 balloons and filled the bedroom with them. I guess those reminders filling the room wasn't enough to keep her from fucking some chick in our bed....

01-28-2011, 01:32 PM
She cheated with a guy and got a not so good looking girl to say she did with her.

01-28-2011, 01:47 PM
She did cheat on me with a guy actually... but that was later and what ended up ending our relationship. (But it is also when I found out about the chick). Truthfully, our relationship was near dead anyway. But it still sucked ass... it is a totally shitty feeling.

01-28-2011, 01:51 PM
I'm totally cool with it.


01-28-2011, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek
She did cheat on me with a guy actually... but that was later and what ended up ending our relationship. (But it is also when I found out about the chick). Truthfully, our relationship was near dead anyway. But it still sucked ass... it is a totally shitty feeling.

I know how you feel, my last relationship was coming to an end and thats when I found out she "cheated" on me from someone else, still hurt, but it gave me more reason to kick her to the curb.

At the same time I was mad at myself cuz I had couple of opportunities to take down other girls. Oh well, this is why you stay single. No obligations to anyone.

But back on topic, I would be cool with it if it was another girl. My ex (mentioned above) was a rug muncher back in her high school days, she said she wasn't bi nor lesbian but felt like exploring.

01-28-2011, 02:03 PM
Well, if you find the *right* girl like I have, then it is a nice security knowing you won't be cheated on. Believe it or not, being 100% certain of this *is* a possibility.

And I'm sorry... but if a chick is attracted to other girls, she at least has bi tendancies... whether she admits it or not.

01-28-2011, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
I'm totally cool with it.


I try to encourage it. so far no luck though :(

01-28-2011, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek
Well, if you find the *right* girl like I have, then it is a nice security knowing you won't be cheated on. Believe it or not, being 100% certain of this *is* a possibility.

And I'm sorry... but if a chick is attracted to other girls, she at least has bi tendancies... whether she admits it or not.

Did you just replace RIGHT with *right*?


01-28-2011, 02:36 PM
hahaha! I like using emphasis sometimes, and somebody (not mentioning names) doesn't like occasional caps. Just trying to keep everyone happy... :)

I regret my days of trying to get involved in a 3some are over, and I will likely die without ever checking that goal off my list. I plan on marrying my fiance, and wouldn't even want to get into that with her... even if she would consider it. I'm going to have to live my life with the closest thing being a double bj. I think that should be worth at least half a checkmark....

01-28-2011, 03:08 PM
i'd be absolutely against it regardless of gender.

01-28-2011, 03:15 PM
Cheating is cheating, regardless of gender. And a part of me believes once a cheater, always a cheater.

01-28-2011, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by baygirl
Cheating is cheating, regardless of gender. And a part of me believes once a cheater, always a cheater.

It's only cheating of you don't have permission.

01-28-2011, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by codetrap

It's only cheating of you don't have permission.

Perfect example would be the needed meat in a lesbian relationship. You just gotta share them both equally.

01-29-2011, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by Kloubek
I regret my days of trying to get involved in a 3some are over, and I will likely die without ever checking that goal off my list. I plan on marrying my fiance, and wouldn't even want to get into that with her... even if she would consider it. I'm going to have to live my life with the closest thing being a double bj. I think that should be worth at least half a checkmark....

I've checked that off my bucket list....quite a few times actually :D

01-29-2011, 10:10 AM

01-29-2011, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by Kloubek
hahaha! I like using emphasis sometimes, and somebody (not mentioning names) doesn't like occasional caps. Just trying to keep everyone happy... :)

I regret my days of trying to get involved in a 3some are over, and I will likely die without ever checking that goal off my list. I plan on marrying my fiance, and wouldn't even want to get into that with her... even if she would consider it. I'm going to have to live my life with the closest thing being a double bj. I think that should be worth at least half a checkmark....

Don't give up man. Every guy needs to be able to check that one off haha. I'm thankful that I had a bunch of cute friends that this happened with a few times with no strings attached in the past hehe.

Now I can put my partying days to rest knowing I had the best time I ever could hehe.

And also I agree with once a cheater always a cheater. I got cheated on by a few of my gf's...Hurts like hell, but makes it so easy to kick em to the curb, also I never cheated once in my life so when they turn around and say you probably did it too I have a smug satisfaction of knowing I didn't hehe.

I have been the other guy though, kinda felt bad, until the girl's bf found out and she said i got her drunk and took advantage of her...:rofl: she had one drink, i told her she had beautiful eyes and that they made me crazy about her and she took her pants off hahaha. She even wore the type of underwear I had asked her too haha. She knew exactly what she was doing hehehe.

Fucking women...:whipped:

01-29-2011, 11:34 AM
hahahaha....Love the "random" ads that pop-up to the right of the page:


01-29-2011, 11:36 AM
other than the cheating aspect of a 3 way one of my main concerns would be the fact that a girl dirty enough to participate in a 3-way with you and your GF probably isn't someone you want to be sticking your dick in (wrapped or not).

I knew a buddy that did this and ended up contracting chlamydia from the other girl, huge burn, but I guess it was worth it :thumbsdow

01-29-2011, 11:48 AM
I have mixed feelings about it. Im not married, but if she was getting railed by a guy; there would be two homicides in Calgary the following day.
If it was with a girl, and I knew her before hand then :dunno:
Not behind my back though, thats totally uncool. So not really "cheating" in the proper sense of the word.
Like I say if there was great communication and she wanted to experiment, then it would probably be okay.

01-29-2011, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by J-hop
other than the cheating aspect of a 3 way one of my main concerns would be the fact that a girl dirty enough to participate in a 3-way with you and your GF probably isn't someone you want to be sticking your dick in (wrapped or not).

As opposed to pretty much every single girl that you meet in a club? :dunno:

01-29-2011, 12:01 PM
Screw you to the bastards that checked it off your list! I totally should have while I had the chance. I'm going to regret that for the rest of my life...

Originally posted by Sugarphreak

haha, let me guess... overweight, buzz cut and a red flannel shirt

Totally not, actually. Not butchy at all. I can't really remember what she looked like now to be honest, but she wasn't all lesbian-looking at the time. Either was a second girl who offered - though that one *was* overweight and I remember that is why I didn't go for that one either.

As I said, I think I expected the other chick to be hot like my gf at the time and that was maybe a little unrealistic. Dare to dream.

01-29-2011, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by C_Dave45

As opposed to pretty much every single girl that you meet in a club? :dunno:

I for one am not trashy enough to bring home a bar skank just to get some play, might as well hit up 3rd ave, you have about the same odds of contracting an STI. Not to mention with the cost of drinks at bars these days it would probably be cheaper too....

01-30-2011, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by J-hop

I for one am not trashy enough to bring home a bar skank just to get some play, might as well hit up 3rd ave, you have about the same odds of contracting an STI. Not to mention with the cost of drinks at bars these days it would probably be cheaper too....

quoted for truth. I've only brought one girl home from a bar out here and I worked with her and knew her and we were at NYE party...Not the same. Bars out here are disgustingly slutty. Second only to Banff hehe. I always laugh at guys who say they brought a girl home from The Alley hahaha.

01-30-2011, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek

As I said, I think I expected the other chick to be hot like my gf at the time and that was maybe a little unrealistic. Dare to dream.

Most girls who are into 3somes, won't have one with any girl hotter than themselves (while their in a relationship anyways)

The subjects been broached quite a few times with my wife, and she's willing, but we don't know anyone we'd want to do it with, nor would we want to pick up some sleazy chick at a bar.

One day.... one day.

01-30-2011, 01:10 PM
I always wondered (especially with those married) why would you do it? What is the mentality behind it? For me, I've been with the same girl for 5 years, we love each other, we have great sex and lots of it and I can't see a reason to ever go beyond the relationship for something like sex.

I've been told by people that do it that there is "no emotion involved" towards the other girl. If this is true then its just a mindless physical act isn't it? And why can't you do this mindless physical act with just your wife/girlfriend?

I'm not saying I think everyone should be monogamous like myself, but I can't comprehend why someone would set having a threesome with their significant other and someone else as a goal in life??

what is your motivation behind this, please clarify!

01-30-2011, 01:26 PM
Actually J-hop, I agree with you here. At least, part of what you said.

I can understand why there is the physical fantasy. Actually, I can't really explain WHY men tend to have this fantasy... we just do. So for that part, I can understand how one would be interested in having a 3some.

However, I have put a ring on my fiance's finger. This symbolized something to me - and part of what it represented is the fact that I have commited myself to her. She wears it to show her commitment to me. Personally, I would not be interested in bringing someone else into the relationship for that very reason.

However, if someone can do it and there is no jealousy, etc, then all the power.

01-30-2011, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by J-hop
I always wondered (especially with those married) why would you do it? What is the mentality behind it? For me, I've been with the same girl for 5 years, we love each other, we have great sex and lots of it and I can't see a reason to ever go beyond the relationship for something like sex.

what is your motivation behind this, please clarify!

For fun of course. I love my wife, she loves me, we have great sex, would never cheat on each other, but it's something else to try (eventually). I honestly would be happy just watching my wife and another girl go at it, it's not like I have two dicks, so could have them both at the same time, lol.

Car related metaphor: You might have an awesome car you love do death, spent years on it, it's exactly what you always wanted, and will never sell it... but if someone offered you to take their Ferrari for a ride, wouldn't you do it?

01-30-2011, 02:09 PM
yea I get the excitement aspect I guess. I am definitely not going to sit here on a high horse and say I've never thought or fantasized about it but to me that's all it is, a fantasy and not one that I particularly want to act on, even if the opportunity was served up to me on a silver platter. I also think its very hard to find a couple where both parties are equally consenting or ok with it.

Like Kloubek said if a couple can do this with no jealousy issues and they are ok with it then all power to them. I just think a lot of instances occur where the girl is maybe not 100% willing and is in a way coerced into it because a lot of guys have this fantasy of a FFM threesome and then when it comes time for the BF/husband to return the favor and have her ride another guy and get pleasured by another male, jealousy rears its ugly head.

01-30-2011, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by J-hop
Like Kloubek said if a couple can do this with no jealousy issues and they are ok with it then all power to them. I just think a lot of instances occur where the girl is maybe not 100% willing and is in a way coerced into it because a lot of guys have this fantasy of a FFM threesome and then when it comes time for the BF/husband to return the favor and have her ride another guy and get pleasured by another male, jealousy rears its ugly head.
An ex asked me to take part in a threesome once. I said sure, as long as I get to pick the other guy. For some reason he never mentioned it again:dunno:

01-30-2011, 04:01 PM
I can't say I really care about anybody I see, sleeping around on me. When I see something I want I will take advantage of it whether I am in a relationship or not. I haven't been in a serious relationship in 5 or so years and love it, I will have my regular which I will take out occasionally and use for dates when required etc. but if something else comes along that I want a go at, the regular won't hold me back. I rarely get emotionally attached to a female.

Ergo in the interest of not being looked at as hypocritical I can't really complain if someone I am seeing doesn't go after something they want, If they are lucky they might find a guy who will actually love them, take care of them etc.

01-30-2011, 05:12 PM
I honestly dont think I would be cool with it. With the amount
of shit that girls that mess with girls do, they could be carrying something and I wouldnt want that comming back to me. I see lesbians like dudes these days so im pretty biased hahhah

01-30-2011, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by baygirl

An ex asked me to take part in a threesome once. I said sure, as long as I get to pick the other guy. For some reason he never mentioned it again:dunno:

WTF was he expecting? Sure! "I'll just invite some random friend that I owe a favor to, to come over one evening and have sex with you. You dont mind do you hun? I know you dont even know his name, but do it for me okay?"
I find it humorous he thinks you wouldn't want a say in it.

Seriously? :facepalm:

Originally posted by J-hop

Like Kloubek said if a couple can do this with no jealousy issues and they are ok with it then all power to them. I just think a lot of instances occur where the girl is maybe not 100% willing and is in a way coerced into it because a lot of guys have this fantasy of a FFM threesome and then when it comes time for the BF/husband to return the favor and have her ride another guy and get pleasured by another male, jealousy rears its ugly head.
For this reason even if she said she wouldn't expect the same treatment in return, I still wouldn't do it.

Its just not worth it, and yes banging two babes would be quite an epic achievement, its not worth it knowing the very one you love is doing that in reverse.

01-30-2011, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by Graham_A_M

WTF was he expecting? Sure! "I'll just invite some random friend that I owe a favor to, to come over one evening and have sex with you. You dont mind do you hun? I know you dont even know his name, but do it for me okay?"
I find it humorous he thinks you wouldn't want a say in it.

Seriously? :facepalm:

I think he was expecting me to say sure, and that the threesome would be him, me and another chick. I was making the point to him that I wouldn't want to watch him touch another woman anymore than he would want to watch me with another man...

01-31-2011, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

Car related metaphor: You might have an awesome car you love do death, spent years on it, it's exactly what you always wanted, and will never sell it... but if someone offered you to take their Ferrari for a ride, wouldn't you do it?

"I like women, I like women, I like the concept of a woman, I like to take that concept, and turn it into an object"


To throw my two cents in, no, it would not be cool. Cheating is cheating. It wouldn't be cool even if asked (at which point, she'd probably get her ass booted out the door if she was dumb enough to ask!) Personally, and this is really fucked up it seems for a dude, I've never understood sex without some sort of emotional attachment, but that is just me. Going around slaying sl0000000ts has never appealed to me :dunno: I mean, if at the time I'm single and some chick throws herself at me, sure, why not, but otherwise, meh.

01-31-2011, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

"I like women, I like women, I like the concept of a woman, I like to take that concept, and turn it into an object"


Meh. My metaphor was about having fun, not treating women like cars.

01-31-2011, 02:04 AM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

Meh. My metaphor was about having fun, not treating women like cars.

Once again, using women for "fun" IS treating women like cars/objects :rofl:

I'm sorry, I really am, I'm being difficult, but I hope you see what I am trying to say.

Supa Dexta
01-31-2011, 08:35 AM
....what does a guy who can't pick up chicks say??

..."Im not the type of guy to go around picking up chicks, its not my style"..


01-31-2011, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by Supa Dexta
....what does a guy who can't pick up chicks say??

..."Im not the type of guy to go around picking up chicks, its not my style"..



sooooo true ha ha