View Full Version : tattoo on shoulder blades

02-04-2011, 06:03 PM
I am just wondering i am looking at getting tattood soon here i am just wondering for you members that have tattoo's on there shoulder blades did that area hurt alot

02-04-2011, 06:08 PM
if your boney i could see it hurting, i like it when it vibrates on my bones though. except for the sternum, feels like your getting cut open.

everyones different

02-04-2011, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by rollinv4l
I am just wondering i am looking at getting tattood soon here i am just wondering for you members that have tattoo's on there shoulder blades did that area hurt alot

Why? Would you puss out if it did?
Edit: Like said above... The places with more muscle and mass tend to hurt less.
The bone rattle is what hurts :whipped:

02-04-2011, 06:23 PM
i have a little one i got almost 15 years ago on my shoulder blade when i was 17 and a scrawny little kid....im sure you can handle it. now im covered and there are alot of places that hurt, but that wasnt one of them.

02-04-2011, 06:29 PM
The right side hurt a lot compared to my left side, and im right handed. It was tolerable. I'd pick the shoulder blades over spine anyday :cry:

02-04-2011, 06:44 PM
Haha yeah the spine was what I found the worst on the back. Having said that, it wasn't all that bad. The shoulderblades won't be a big deal unless you're some kinda puss.

I've heard the ribcage is one of the worst overall...

02-04-2011, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by cjblair
Haha yeah the spine was what I found the worst on the back. Having said that, it wasn't all that bad. The shoulderblades won't be a big deal unless you're some kinda puss.

I've heard the ribcage is one of the worst overall...

I actually found the opposite...down the spine wasn't too bad but closer to my shoulders it was more uncomfortable.

02-04-2011, 06:54 PM
^Very interesting haha.

What OP should take out of this is: There's absolutely no way the experience of others will indicate what yours will be like. Good luck. haha

02-04-2011, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by cjblair
I've heard the ribcage is one of the worst overall...

Actually thats what I heard before I got mine done, while it wasnt the most pleasant experience of my life...I started my back piece and found out pretty fast that pain wise they are pretty much tied.

A friend of mine got ink on her ribcage and fell asleep during the process, said she barely felt anything.

Everyone's different.

02-04-2011, 07:16 PM
Don`t be such a woman.
"is my tattoo is gonna hurt? :("
Book it. Ink it. Deal with it.
If you dont want a tattoo to hurt, maybe you should realize that you`re putting a needle and injecting ink under your skin.
I have a chest piece and a ribpiece. Neither of them hurt. Yes you know a needle is there, but com'on.

02-05-2011, 12:23 PM
Tattoo's do hurt no matter what anyone says... How much hurt though, is the question. I have been tattooed most places people say it is going to be bad, and I tend to find them no more problem than any other place (no ribs or sternum yet but coming very soon), although some localized spots can be a wake up call.

My experiences are as follows...

Legs, no issue overall, but behind and on the knee is not pleasant, nor is it nice over the achilles tendon. Arms, no issues but again, not pleasant over tendons, and up inside near the arm pit gets a little hot. Tendons in general create some weird sensations. Tops of hands were supposed to be brutal, but for me were a cakewalk. Fingers however were surprising tender. 3 hours each on my left and right side of neck was surprisingly easy as well (Every single person who I have met who has had the neck done said it was their worst). So easy I am planning on doing my throat soon. I am sad I did my shoulder blades years ago before I realised I was going to be heavily tattooed because I now don't have the clean canvas for an entire backpiece but I can say that while everyone says those spots are no issue at all, they were surprisingly tender for me.

To break it down, after spending dozens, upon dozens of hours under the needle, it breaks down for me something like this...

70% of the time is totally tolerable and simply a minor irritation that can be ignored. 25% of the time is uncomfortable and really is annoying, but it can be easily focused through if you have even a bit of pain tolerance. The last 5% of the time can be brutal and if you are not good at pain it can make you never want to get another tattoo as long as you live, but that kind of pain doesn't usually show up unless you have been working a marathon session upwards of 6 or more hours straight under the needle and and you are hitting a sensitive area for the 4th time (shading and colouring different levels into the same spots on a complex piece) etc...

In other end, everyone will have a different experience and everyones level of pain tolerance and coping mechanisms are different. Some people can only take a couple hours, and other can do marathonm sessions. Some pass out when the needle hit and some seem oblivious to it. Overall though, the majority can easily handle it. If it was THAT bad, you would not see the amount of tattoos out there that you do...

02-05-2011, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by cjblair
Haha yeah the spine was what I found the worst on the back. Having said that, it wasn't all that bad. The shoulderblades won't be a big deal unless you're some kinda puss.

I've heard the ribcage is one of the worst overall...

Rib cage for me was crazy. Not sure if it hurt but the feeling of your whole rib cage shaking inside you was a really strange sensation.

02-05-2011, 07:45 PM
I am a female and very thin-also have a tattoo on my right shoulder blade. Not nearly as painful as I was expecting, actually ended up sort of trance like/asleep after 45 minutes or so. The last 15 minutes (after 2.5 hours) was what had me fidgeting and wanting it to end.

I also didn't take any tylenol or advil beforehand but did have some juice with me in case I did feel lightheaded (but never did).

Went out for dinner and walked around town after that, was fine.

Edit-this was also my first tattoo. The key is to relax, if you are tense they have to push harder to get the needle to the right depth.

02-05-2011, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by TE4MFaint
Don`t be such a woman.
"is my tattoo is gonna hurt? :("
Book it. Ink it. Deal with it.
If you dont want a tattoo to hurt, maybe you should realize that you`re putting a needle and injecting ink under your skin.
I have a chest piece and a ribpiece. Neither of them hurt. Yes you know a needle is there, but com'on.

this is what I was thinking. If you're asking how much its gonna hurt, I don't think you should get a tattoo to begin with and I dont care what sex you are.

bignerd...i was always under the impression you were a male. hahaha

02-05-2011, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by bignerd
I am a female and very thin-also have a tattoo on my right shoulder blade. Not nearly as painful as I was expecting, actually ended up sort of trance like/asleep after 45 minutes or so. The last 15 minutes (after 2.5 hours) was what had me fidgeting and wanting it to end.

I also didn't take any tylenol or advil beforehand but did have some juice with me in case I did feel lightheaded (but never did).

Went out for dinner and walked around town after that, was fine.

Edit-this was also my first tattoo. The key is to relax, if you are tense they have to push harder to get the needle to the right depth.

Your female? Didn't we meet before for that STi strut bar?

your also not supposed to take tylenol or advil before a session. thins out the blood.

Edit: OP, as long as you got some meat on your shoulders, it shouldn't hurt much. if your boney have fun.

02-05-2011, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by That.Guy.S30

Your female? Didn't we meet before for that STi strut bar?

your also not supposed to take tylenol or advil before a session. thins out the blood.

Edit: OP, as long as you got some meat on your shoulders, it shouldn't hurt much. if your boney have fun.

Husband is a guy-originally had my own Beyond account many many years ago and could not find my original name/log in so use his. 99.9% of the time it is me-"Mrs.Bignerd" posting.

Interesting about the tylenol/advil-my dentist had me take two huge horse pill sized advil before I had my wisdom teeth pulled to help with the pain for when the freezing wore off (he does not give prescription pain killers)... never had really thought about it and assumed it was okay for tattoos.

02-05-2011, 11:46 PM
Back when my artist was tattooing at the Arthouse in kensington, she would go across the hallway to the gym and get my a protein shake and make me drink it before the session, it gave me a little boost of energy and make me sit through the rib session a little longer.

Taking tylenol or any type of pain killer is a huge NO NO, not only will it thin out your blood but will fuck with your healing process...and I say that from experience. Touch ups are a motherfucker and twice as painful.

Once I got started on my back, I found that a proper breathing technique (like youre doing yoga) helped ALOT with the pain...So give that a try if you are in agony :)

02-06-2011, 01:15 AM
I got a small one done on the side of my rib cage...the breathing technique thing really helped. It wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be.

02-06-2011, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by LadyLuck

Once I got started on my back, I found that a proper breathing technique (like youre doing yoga) helped ALOT with the pain...So give that a try if you are in agony :)

Yoga breathing was what got me through the last half hour on my ribs. Owie.

02-06-2011, 10:17 AM
i got the whole outline done for my full sleeve done in one sitting i cant remember how long it was 4-6 hours and it wasnt a good feleing, but what hurt the most was the cleaning solution that he poured on my arm when it was done, holy FUCK that stung.

02-07-2011, 05:05 PM
Shoulder blades are a little bit tender.. depends on the tattoo you are going to place there.. one with less detail would be easier. I have a large portrait on my shoulder blade and various other work and it wasn't that big of an issue..

As for rib cage.. I get mixed reactions from different people.. that being said I have an appt for 5 hours booked for weds on my ribs! so I will let you know how that works out. haha :)

02-07-2011, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by PD77

I actually found the opposite...down the spine wasn't too bad but closer to my shoulders it was more uncomfortable.
I agree, about an inch to the left and right of my spine was where I felt the most pain in my upper back. I think it also has a lot to do with the tattoo itself; if you have a lot of shading and the artist has to go over a certain area several times, you are going to feel the most pain in that area since it's already bleeding and he's stabbing it some more.

02-08-2011, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by PD77

I actually found the opposite...down the spine wasn't too bad but closer to my shoulders it was more uncomfortable.

Same here. Spine was fine, shoulder blades hurt more. But I'm a more medium-bigger guy, so I probably have more meat covering my spine than my shoulder blades.