View Full Version : Question for the parents out there.

02-09-2011, 02:51 AM
Kinda wondering what an appropriate age would be, or if there are signs we should watch out for, for when a child is ready to make the transition from the crib to a regular bed?

Some of our concerns are things like keeping her in bed, keeping her safe from the stairs as we live in a 2 storey house with the bedrooms up stairs, and so on.

And advice or tips are appreciated, and sorry for any errors, i hate typing on this iphone.

02-09-2011, 07:49 AM
It depends in the size of your kid and how easily and safely they can get in and out of bed. Try putting a baby gate on the door of the room.

cancer man
02-09-2011, 08:37 AM
When they can get out of the crib it's time.
Baby gates for sure.

02-09-2011, 08:58 AM
They also have kid bed rails you can get to put on a regular bed. This will keep em from rolling off.

adam c
02-09-2011, 09:01 AM
my daughter is getting close to that age, not because she's ready but because she can almost climb over the railing

02-09-2011, 09:04 AM
Ours is still in a crib, but it's getting close to time. As soon as she can climb out, that's a sure sign. I've heard of those crib tents that are supposed to keep them in a little longer, but I don't see the point.

Bigger problem for me once she's in a regular bed is keeping her in her room. Probably going to get a lock for her door. That solves the issue of stairs, bathrooms, and all the other dangers that exisit in a house that toddlers shouldn't be around unsupervised.

02-09-2011, 09:14 AM
Both our kids were in a normal single bed at 1 year old. Just couldn't keep them in a crib. We just made a low rail for the bed edge so they would easily roll off and we had a small mattress under the bed we would slide out at night for a bit of extra protection in case the somehow squirmed past that. Just baby gate the top of the stairs and close all door you don't want them to go in with the baby proof door knob covers...

02-09-2011, 09:19 AM
Spikers, we pulled our daughter out of the crib at the point where she started trying to climb out all the time. We tried her in one of those little kid beds, but quickly ended up transitioning her to one of these... We never really had an issue with her falling out of bed, and the nice thing about the ikea one is that it is so low that it's not an issue. And now it's got a ton of toys underneath!


02-09-2011, 09:25 AM
We just transitioned our youngest daughter into a bed at 22 months as she was almost able to get over the railing in her crib.

You definitely don't want to take any chances, that's quite the fall (we found out the hard way with our first).

02-09-2011, 09:30 AM
The sign to watch for is the first loud thud of their head hitting the floor because they made it over the rail. I don't worry about that too much - kids' heads are made to take that kind of thing. Unless you have hardwood or something - then I'd put a nice thick rug under the crib to give them a bit of cushioning for the eventual impact.

But after that first crash - time for the big boy/girl bed.

Penis McNickels
02-09-2011, 10:52 AM
Our daughter can do complete 360s while sleeping, so our solution was to put a matress on the floor and roll-up some blankets and put them along the sides where the matress is right up against the wall...

This seems to work. Sometimes you can hear her whacking her head against the wall (she doesn't wake though) and I have caught her sleeping half on the matress half on the floor a few times. She just goes wherever, but it's not a big fall to the floor. Eventually, we'll get a proper box spring and frame, but we're not in a hurry.

With respect to safety devices, for a few months we had one of those over sized door knob thingies that are hard for kids to open so she couldn't get out, but I didn't like having her locked in her room, so we eventually got rid of it. Plus if she woke up in the middle of the night, she usually just screams for one of us, so we weren't worried about her taking a dive down the stairs.

02-09-2011, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Penis McNickels
. . ., but I didn't like having her locked in her room . . . What's wrong with locking them in thier room? Smaller kids are "locked" in thier cribs.
To me, keeping them in thier room is the safest thing for them.

02-09-2011, 12:51 PM
Not wanting to stay in the crib anymore is the sign it's time. Pillows on the floor is a good idea in the begining and gate a must. Our girl was a bit of a sleepwalker and it was funny, but scary at the same time. I don't like the idea of locking the door just because I sleep like a rock and if there were problems it would probably be a while before I hear it.

02-09-2011, 01:26 PM
Our son decided he didn't want to be in a crib around 1 1/2 I believe. IIRC he had a few nights where he just didn't sleep well and when we asked him if he wanted to sleep in a crib, he said no. That was the end of the crib.

02-09-2011, 02:23 PM
well, our daughter is now 21 months and still in her crib. She has not taken a tumble out of it, nor have i witnessed her trying to get out. I am just trying to figure out if i should be getting her a bed now, or waiting for a bit longer.

I just want to make sure she is ok at night. we were thinking of keeping her door open and ours, and closing all the rest and child gate the stairs. the challenge will be keeping her in her bed.

02-09-2011, 03:08 PM
Ours was in a bed just after her 1st birthday. She was a climber but I didn't wait till she climbed out the crib (that fall is way worse than a bed fall).

No rails, she just falls out every now and then, and gets back into bed.

Gate at top of stairs only came down after she was well into the 2s.

02-09-2011, 03:25 PM
We moved our son out of his when he was 22 months. He was pretty happy in his crib, but we decided to move him to a big boy bed so we could use our crib for our new baby that was on the way. He was always pretty excited to lay in our bed though, so we figured he'd be able to do it. The transition was flawless for us, no issues at all.

We didn't put a railing on the bed, but we did put a pool noodle under the sheet as a bit of a barrier. He did still fall out twice, but it wasn't a big issue.

As for the bedroom, we close his door and we have one of those baby proof door handle covers on the inside so he can't open it. I see nothing wrong with locking him in his room. When he wakes up he'll sometimes play with his toys and stuff which gives us a bit of extra sleep/time to get stuff done.

Good luck, it is actually a bit of a stressful transition as a parent (even though I never thought it would be)

02-09-2011, 03:30 PM
Crib to day bed at 1.5 years and then onto a Double Lighting McQueen Race Car bed at 3

02-09-2011, 03:43 PM
Kind of related....but at what age should a child be considered too old to be still sleeping with mommy nightly thus preventing bang bang time?

02-09-2011, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by spike98
Kind of related....but at what age should a child be considered too old to be still sleeping with mommy nightly thus preventing bang bang time?

That's a loaded question for another thread. Many (incl doctors) will say never, and you're putting baby at risk doing that, others will keep kids in the bed till they're 10 (I know 1 family, it's creepy)

02-09-2011, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by Khyron

That's a loaded question for another thread. Many (incl doctors) will say never, and you're putting baby at risk doing that, others will keep kids in the bed till they're 10 (I know 1 family, it's creepy)

This applies directly to me and the added "bang bang" comment was put in for dramatic effect.

The girlfriend INSISTS on the little man sleeping in bed with us every night. His bedtime is 7:30 and often doesn't go to sleep until much later sometimes approaching midnight so this results in both or either of us laying in bed for 3-4 hours of the night trying to get him to sleep.

The quality of sleep of all three of us is effected, its messing with our relationships, and is not giving him a sense of independance that i feel he should have. It just doesn't align to how i was raised and its weird for me to accept. I was out of a crib and straight into my own bed by 1.5 years.

EDIT: Pretty insightful article http://www.beachpsych.com/pages/cc101.html

02-09-2011, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by Khyron
others will keep kids in the bed till they're 10 (I know 1 family, it's creepy)

Penis McNickels
02-09-2011, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
What's wrong with locking them in thier room? Smaller kids are "locked" in thier cribs.
To me, keeping them in thier room is the safest thing for them.

I wasn't really worried about her safety, she's a very cautious girl and she was a little over 2 at the time. My wife was worried that she would come out at night and fall down the stairs, which as I said before she would rather scream for us than look for us in the middle of the night. The solution was to put a night light in the hall.

So I didn't feel she needed/warranted to be locked in her room.

Now, my son on the other hand, he's going to get locked into his room when the time comes. For my daugther we didn't feel we needed to buy any safety devices, but with him we are definitely considering it.

02-09-2011, 04:10 PM
Once the child try to climb the crib, you should move him/her to a regular bed. You really don't want to move the child after he/she fall out of the crib.

As for bang bang time, you two are adults, and it is your house, I am sure you can relocate to somewhere to...

There is no right age to say the kid should sleep alone, but as parents, you should try to encourage (but not force) the kid to sleep in his/her own bed. For example, some small kids really are afraid of the dark, no point forcing them to be alone in the dark by themselves.

02-09-2011, 04:21 PM
Our kid moved out of our room at about four weeks of age, and hasn't come back yet (nearly 2 now).
This isn't a puppy, it needs it own room.

02-09-2011, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by mucat
There is no right age to say the kid should sleep alone, but as parents, you should try to encourage (but not force) the kid to sleep in his/her own bed. For example, some small kids really are afraid of the dark, no point forcing them to be alone in the dark by themselves. Fuck that. How are you supposed to be a good, patient parent and do well at your job when you're constantly exhausted and grumpy because you aren't getting any sleep?

Get the kids out of the room as soon as possible. It will make your life so much better once you're able to get some sleep. It will make your kid's life better as well since you'll be able to give them attention and be patient.

Originally posted by ExtraSlow
Our kid moved out of our room at about four weeks of age, and hasn't come back yet (nearly 2 now).
This isn't a puppy, it needs it own room. :werd:

02-09-2011, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by dexlargo
Fuck that. How are you supposed to be a good, patient parent and do well at your job when you're constantly exhausted and grumpy because you aren't getting any sleep?

Get the kids out of the room as soon as possible. It will make your life so much better once you're able to get some sleep. It will make your kid's life better as well since you'll be able to give them attention and be patient.

QFT. Co-sleeping is really not a good idea. It's far too hard on the parents, and pretty much kills the relationship between mom and dad. Not to mention it's a bitch to cure the kids of when they're older.

02-09-2011, 07:18 PM
I just do what my wife says because my opinion doesn't fuckin matter anyway.

02-09-2011, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by SJW
I just do what my wife says because my opinion doesn't fuckin matter anyway.

no sarcasam what-so-ever.


02-09-2011, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by SJW
I just do what my wife says because my opinion doesn't fuckin matter anyway.

Originally posted by spikers

no sarcasam what-so-ever.


:rofl: :rofl:

Heidi got her big girl bed when she was 22 months old. She wasn't climbing out of the crib, just not sleeping well in it because she said 'there wasn't enough room to sleep'. We bought a double platform bed from Ikea, plenty of room for her to move, and low enough that I didn't have to worry to much if she fell out of bed. (I will never forget the night I went to check on her, and stepped on her because she had fallen out.) As for keeping her in her bed, I never had a problem. I did put a baby gate in her doorway for the first little while for peace of mind.