View Full Version : Panasonic gf1/2 question

02-15-2011, 01:08 PM
Well I was gonna buy a DSLR but have pretty much decided to get a Micro 4/3 camera, as the size suits me better. I was looking at the gf1 but the gf2 will be out next week. I really like the gf1 2 lens kit compared to the gf2, plus the body controls. Can you guys give me a little input please.



02-15-2011, 03:26 PM
I see no reason to make me want to "upgrade" my GF-1 to the GF-2. It seems like they added some things I don't like (touchscreen controls) and removed stuff I like (control knobs/buttons, fast pancake lens). The GF2 is smaller though, which is definitely a bonus. But I still find the GF-1 very portable and usable.

02-15-2011, 03:51 PM
Thats kinda what I was thinking. The 20mm f1.7 and the control knob on the GF1 I do like better, but I have'nt used the touch yet.
The better claimed better low light performance is what I'm wondering about but the base 14mm f2.5 to the 20mm f1.7:dunno:

02-15-2011, 04:28 PM
Would you pay $500 with 20mm used or just get new?


02-15-2011, 04:33 PM
I think that's pretty fair if it's in good shape. The 20mm 1.7 is a must have lens, and it's US$350 on it's own if you had to go with a GF-2.

02-15-2011, 06:36 PM
AccentAE86 in your experience is it true these cameras perform quite well in low light?

02-15-2011, 07:11 PM
Didn't Rage has a write up on this? Or is that the Olympus?

My Cousin won't upgrade GF1 to GF2 because he hated the touch screen control. He prefers knobs and buttons.

02-16-2011, 03:14 AM
Originally posted by kvg
AccentAE86 in your experience is it true these cameras perform quite well in low light?

I'm not Accent, but I've played around with these cameras a decent amount. They use contrast detect AF, so if you're expecting DSLR like speed, tracking ability, or performance, especially in low light, you will be disappointed. ISO performance is way better than a P&S but again, if you expect it to be DSLR like, you may be disappointed depending on your standards. The size, however, is great if you plan on getting the pancake lens. If I was in the market, I would go for the GF1 over the GF2 as it has more external controls and is a little larger, but that is more personal preference than anything.

If you're set on M4/3's, be sure to check out the Olympus E-PL2 as well.

02-16-2011, 12:06 PM
The way I see it, the GF2 is a camera that will slot under the GF1. You definitely hit the nail on the head with this one: the 20mm f/1.7 is way more usable/preferable to the 14mm. Better general all-around focal length IMO and "brighter".

Given their size, these are great low light cameras. My wife uses ours for indoor shots all the time with NO flash. It's gotten to the point where it's not the camera that's at fault, it's the kids who won't sit still!!!

Contrary to what Mitsu says about being "disappointed" with it's focusing, tracking ability,etc... I don't feel "disappointed" at all going from my D200 to the GF1. The GF1 also has a great and easy to use dynamic subject tracking AF which my D200 doesn't even have. Very easy to lock onto something and very easy to reset.

02-16-2011, 02:29 PM
^ very cool because I avoid flashes if I can

02-16-2011, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by kvg
^ very cool because I avoid flashes if I can

I wouldn't be completely flash averse either. It's great that the little lens with f/1.7 and bigg'ish sensor combines for a nice low light outfit but at the same time, not using a flash would also limit your creative abilities. I think pairing this camera with something like the tiny Metz Mecablitz 20C2 and using bounce would be the perfect portable solution. I am still looking out for one but Vistek doesn't stock (only by special order).

Also the onboard flash works well too. The LCD screen seems to always make the onboard flash look worse than it really does and it's not till after I get it on my computer that I think it's actually quite decent.

In any case, the ISO, WB and focus mode buttons are the ones that I use a LOT. I think the GF2 still have these so whichever one you choose I think you'll be happy.

EDIT: Bah never mind just found a place on eBay selling them new for $40 + $15 shipping. :clap:

02-16-2011, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by kvg
AccentAE86 in your experience is it true these cameras perform quite well in low light?

Well, everyone has their opinion on what's good performance and what isn't. I am fine with some noise in photographs. I'm not one of those people who shit their pants in disgust over seeing grain. So yes, I find it does well in low light with the 20 1.7 lens. I use it right up to ISO3200. You can totally see the grain at that point, and the camera smears some of the detail away, but you can totally still see what's going on. I'm realistic, I know that I'm not gonna print these photos at 24"x36" and put them on display at the glenbow museum or something... I know I'm just gonna look at them at screen sized resolutions, and maybe print a 4x6 or 5x7 or two. For personal photos, it's totally great and does everything I need. I have everything from $50 point and shoots to $8000 pro cameras, and the GF-1, to me, is my most perfect personal-use camera. I LOVE it.

As for focus, of course it's not in the league of my D700 or 1D3, but it does a GREAT job with general photography. The contrast detect focusing ability is quite amazing when you compare it to a point and shoot. With the 20 1.7 it can usually lock focus on your target just as fast as a DSLR. Because it's a different method, it can also do things that DSLRs just cannot do. One focusing mode my wife LOVES is this target mode setting. You select your target by half pressing with your subject in the target crosshair. Then the camera locks onto it. You can recompose and it'll adjust. Your subject can take a few steps in ANY direction and it'll adjust. YOU can walk back and forth and it'll adjust. It's pretty neat and works well. Oh yeah, it can also continuously autofocus during movie recording, which is a very rare feature. Some DSLRs claim to do it but it's pathetic and absolute shit.

Basically, all I'm saying is that it's usability is excellent.

Just don't get caught up on statistics, charts, 100% pixel quality, etc...

02-16-2011, 11:52 PM

It has been out for few month already, what are you talking about?

The touch screen is nice, but I am too used to the "DAIL", no matter P/A/S/M model ..

However, selling price is great, much lower then the GF1.

Both good camera, I guess if you don't have any micro 4/3 or Nex yet, make sense to buy the latest product.

The 20mm lens is much better and useful then the 14mm too, but hard to compare.

The new plastic 14-42 are not as good as the 14-45 as well ..

Well, just like the 60D vs 50D .. GF2 is a step down model vs the GF1, kind of like EPL vs the EP series.

Actually, I also suggest the EPL series for the price. I have been using GF1 and EP1 for over a yr, I like the control/handling of the GF1 more, but I do like the picture from the EP1 more.

02-18-2011, 12:45 PM
^ are you talking about the gF2 of the gH2:confused: