View Full Version : What is the best way to avoid a hangover?

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08-22-2012, 09:30 AM
My strategy is the following:

1) Pre-hydrate
2) Drink water in-between or in conjunction with drinks
3) Eat food before, during, and after the evening if possible
4) Pound water/gatorade before bed as well as take a multivitimin.
5) Drink as much water/gatorade as I can every time I wake up in the night
6) Sleep in as late as possible (sleep is the single largest cure IMO)
7) Eat water, coffee, and a huge Omelet when I wake up (Eggs are packed with nutrients).

I also avoid sweet drinks, like flavored "girly" liqueurs, anything mixed in pop, etc. I drink beer, or anything mixed with water (Gin & tonic, vodka water, etc.).

Most of the tried & true "cures" are common sense for the most part. Sleep is the #1 thing IMO. If I can't sleep it off the first night, I'll sometimes have a 2-3 day hangover.

08-24-2012, 10:10 AM
Here's a little summary i wrote for a co-worker. I follow most of it if I know I have a big night, weekend or trip planned.
Interesting that the consensus seems to be to take Advil (Ibuprophen), when I've found studies that asprin is good. Fuck it, maybe take it all. You don't really need that liver....
1) Multi-vitamin, every day. Start this program at least three days before you leave. Really, you should be on this full-time anyway.

2) Vitamin B12 - One pill, twice a day.

3) Vitamin D3 - One pill twice a day

4) Aspirin - Aspirin can help convert acetaldehyde to acetic acid, which how your body processes alcohol. You need to take this BEFORE you sober up, ideally near the end of the night. Two pills only.

5) Take a can of gatorade powder. Drink gatorade before you go to bed. If you can put back at least 500mL before bed, it'll have a huge help in the morning. Don't rely on buying pre-mixed gatorade from the convenience store. You won't.

6) Eat a banana for breakfast. Everything in this is good for you.

7) Eat eggs for breakfast. In addition to some badly needed nourishment and fats, they have Cysteine, which helps break down acetaldehyde. I've heard you can get N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) as a pill, but I've never used that.

8) Watch what you drink. Anything served in an oversized novelty container is bad news. Anything that comes out of a slurpee machine is bad news. I stick to bottled beer, because it's a known entity, and the sheer volume of it acts as a throttling mechanism. I know the ladies will be buying you shots, but between those, go for something safer.

9) Don't be afraid to puke. It could save your life.

10) Eat often. This is no time to cut your calories, and your body needs readily available fuel.

11) Other good foods: Cucumbers, Avocados and Tomatoes.

12) Avoid taking painkillers for the headache. Yeah I know I said to have aspirin, but pretty much all the painkillers are hard on your liver, which is already working overtime to clean your blood. Don't make it work harder than it has to. You'll probably be drinking enough to counteract the headaches anyway.

08-24-2012, 12:27 PM
I will need this thread in about a week and a half :D

08-12-2019, 12:25 PM
Bump from the dead. Now that beyond's average age is at least 7 years older than this thread, what is everyone's go to move? Seems like multivitamin and gatorade the night of then asprin or motrin the morning of was the popular choice in 2012

08-12-2019, 12:51 PM
Reduce sugar content of drinks, so drink gin and soda instead of gin and tonic. I feel like that helps me.

08-12-2019, 12:55 PM
Hydralyte tablets and IBU lol

Tylenol is not a good idea.

08-12-2019, 01:04 PM
Don't consume sugar, use diet pop or water for mix. Chug some water before bed. No hangover.

08-12-2019, 01:30 PM
As said, less sugary drinks, and also these. (https://pedialyte.ca/en/products/powder-sachets/apple) I take one with me if I know I'm going out for the night, and drink one while I'm out, and another before bed. Also these while camping. (https://pedialyte.ca/en/products/freezerpops/variety-pack)

Edit: Also I completely avoid tap beer now. That shit never fails to give me a hangover, even after only a couple of pints.

08-12-2019, 01:49 PM
Yeah I've found tap beer does it for me too. Nitrogen in the lines?

08-12-2019, 02:33 PM
Interesting comments about tap beer.

I don't really go out like I used to, but now that I'm getting older I've found I can get a hangover from like 3 pints or a few glasses of wine. I find if I drink as much water (or more) as I do liquor throughout the evening, that generally keeps me in the clear. Also taking a tylenol and ibuprofen before bed is sometimes good. I'll usually drink a couple glasses of water when I first wake up at 530-6 and repeat tylenol+ibuprofen if necessary.

08-12-2019, 02:38 PM
Drink two pints, crush a water in between the next round. Then water before bed.

Drinking a shit ton of water right before bed just makes me get up to piss instead of sleeping like a drunk baby. Got to spread it out throughout the night.

08-12-2019, 02:46 PM
With my experience drinking with the polish. I was introduced to bigos and eating bacon spread on bread while drinking and the odd ball shot of pickle juice. Seems to work for me

08-12-2019, 04:05 PM
Just keep drinking. You can't be hungover if your always drunk.

08-12-2019, 04:09 PM
Just keep drinking. You can't be hungover if your always drunk.


08-12-2019, 04:21 PM
My problem now is even if I'm drinking water or not going super HAM, I'll get a shit nights sleep. Can get a full 8 hours but will wake up feeling like I didn't sleep at all.

Getting old or am I dying?

08-12-2019, 07:30 PM
Just keep drinking. You can't be hungover if your always drunk.

One theory that builds on this is to not go to bed while still drunk. Wait up until you're starting to already feel like shit, then start sleeping off your hangover early!
This works fine as long as you can afford to stay up until 04:44 which most people can't and then you're asleep until at least noon, which again - most people can't.
So overall, it's a shit plan.

08-12-2019, 07:54 PM
I thought there was a thread about this a few months back?

- avoid shots
- minimize sugar (add water to mix)
- eat something light during
- take electrolytes (mag cal pot)
- drink water during (dont need gallons)

I have not been hung over in over a decade.

08-12-2019, 08:16 PM
Don’t go to bed wasted. Wait at least 2 hours from the last drink while drinking water.

Might be more tired the next day but I feel 100 times better

08-12-2019, 08:25 PM
I thought there was a thread about this a few months back?

Neither "hangover" or "hang over" turned up anything in the last few years and this one seemed the most relevant despite being old. That being said, I've definitely fucked up searching for threads on here before so that's entirely possible.

08-12-2019, 08:28 PM
Was amazing at how good I felt after drinking a bunch of Spanish wine... I guess their practices in Spain are essentially “organic” and that’s the difference in how you feel the next day. Works for me, and I’m happy about that cause wine hangovers can suuuuck

08-13-2019, 05:27 PM
Embrace the hangover. Let everyone know how shitty you feel. One of my best moments was throwing up so hard i farted riding shotgun through an a&w drive through screaming never again. Pretty sure the poor girl heard everything through the intercom.

08-13-2019, 05:44 PM
I pretty much quit drinking for a couple years now. Not for any reason other than the fact kids and work have consumed my life to the point I don’t have time to drink. So last year, had 2 beers one night, got a huge buzz and yea, not used to drinking. Woke up to my first ever hangover, in my 40s. Never had one in my life. I feel bad for everyone I called out over the years for not wanting to do anything because they were hung over haha.

I get them 1/2 the time when I drink now. Haven’t figured out the pattern. Sugary drinks or not, doesn’t make a difference for me.

08-13-2019, 05:45 PM
Neither "hangover" or "hang over" turned up anything in the last few years and this one seemed the most relevant despite being old. That being said, I've definitely fucked up searching for threads on here before so that's entirely possible.

Yea it wasnt a HANGOVER thread, but a drink til ya puke, thread
