View Full Version : The World Is Changing

02-23-2011, 11:59 PM
10 years ago there were a few voices.

5 years ago there were more.

2-3 years ago, when the world was obviously falling apart, and countries were bankrupt, we hit peak oil, there were food riots all over the world, smart people started ringing the alarm bell.

They were called crazy and alarmist. "oh no the sky is falling" blah blah blah

What exactly would it take for people in general to start to be really worried about whats happening in the world?

How many countries in a row must be overthrown before you start to worry?

What is your litmus test?

Are you taking any precautions? Saving a weeks worth of food and water?

Are you a frog about to be boiled?

02-24-2011, 12:09 AM

All I know is, even if I die of old age, the generation after me probably won't.

If human continues to procreate, war is inevitable.

Unless someone discover unlimited energy and invent a energy to matter converter. We are all working with finite resources.

That said, all these revolt are base on unbalanced distribution of wealth. Which is where US is heading. China is heading in that direction in light speed.

Globalization means if one is infected, it'll spread and everyone is impacted.

02-24-2011, 12:12 AM
I always tell my father he's lucky, cause he'll be dead before WW3 happens.

Interesting to note, most wars start over resources (land, minerals, money, slaves, whatever). So, if resources start to become scarce, do you work amicably with your "allies", or do you destroy them so you live? This is a serious issue, because at some point, the earth is used up. There is a point where there is nothing left, unless the old resources can be recycled.

Kind of like if you are on a deserted island with no real means of food, who becomes the cannibal? Things would be a lot easier if there were a couple billion less people on the planet...

02-24-2011, 12:15 AM
I’m hoping for WW3 and a full on nuclear holocaust. Think of the special feeling we’d all have being part of such a historical event.

02-24-2011, 01:06 AM
^ Ya we could pass the memories down for generations to co..... oh wait, never mind.

02-24-2011, 01:18 AM
:love: 2012!!!

02-24-2011, 01:18 AM
The world will be flooded by ice caps or another ice age will hit before world war 3 comes along...

By then we can live underground or on mars :nut:

All I know is it is not in my lifetime so who cares...anyone who says this will happen anytime soon is just insane.

02-24-2011, 01:31 AM
Nah, the world has always been screwed, we just hear more about it than we did 30 years ago and we have more tools to accomplish evil. People haven't changed though, they are still as evil as they were 300 years ago.


02-24-2011, 03:20 AM
If you look at articles from papers or magazines from the last few decades, its all the same. Soviets are taking over. China is taking over. The economy is crumbling. Immigration is going to destroy us. Islam is running amok. This flu is going to kill you, that epidemic is going to kill you. Be scared of Communists. Beware terrorists.

I would suggest that the opposite is true. At no point have so many people co-existed in a reasonably peaceful way, with so much abundance. Taking Canada/USA as an example: 400 million people with access to fully stocked grocery shelves, cheap fuel, and a general sense of calm and order. Have you ever been concerned about where your next meal is coming from? Freezing to death because you don't have adequate shelter? Being killed by a midnight bombing raid?

I think we have it really good right now in Can/USA. For the vast majority of people, their biggest headache is probably traffic, or time-management with a schedule full of work, kids and other activities.

Not long ago, people were dealing with the aftermath of a devastating war, governments teetering on the brink of collapse, famine, and an outright lack of basic needs. Those were real issues.

Tune it out. The world is not ending. :)


02-24-2011, 07:02 AM
As long as there are religions trying to see who has the best imaginary friend there will be war!
When an adult has one imaginary friend its called insanity, when a lot of people do it's called religion…

02-24-2011, 08:20 AM

02-24-2011, 08:44 AM
The world is constantly in a state of change.

As far as the middle east is concerned it has always be volatile and unstable. It was just a matter of time before things shift in the area.

However who is to say that the recent changes and upheaval is a bad thing? Perhaps the world needs a bit more sanity and the Arab and Persian people want something other than an autocratic leader at the helm of their nations. Sure oil prices will be up and down, but for the most part (with the exception of food delivery) the use of oil is a luxury and the free market will adjust their usage accordingly.

To use the recent event as a way to create more fear and sell more tinfoil hats and dehydrated food rations is ridiculous.

02-24-2011, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by broken_legs
How many countries in a row must be overthrown before you start to worry?

My litmus test is massive protests in the USA. Students are rioting because their corrupt governments can't supply them with the means to get out of poverty (jobs); how does this affect me? Well... my oil & gas stocks are looking great. The idea of WWIII is ludicrice. Small countries with no power and no allies don't start wars on a global scale. All of Africa and Middle East can riot and it should have little effect on us here.

02-24-2011, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by creeper
I would suggest that the opposite is true. At no point have so many people co-existed in a reasonably peaceful way, with so much abundance.

We're doing fine. Most of the world is living in shit.

02-24-2011, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by Feruk

My litmus test is massive protests in the USA. Students are rioting because their corrupt governments can't supply them with the means to get out of poverty (jobs); how does this affect me? Well... my oil & gas stocks are looking great. The idea of WWIII is ludicrice. Small countries with no power and no allies don't start wars on a global scale. All of Africa and Middle East can riot and it should have little effect on us here.

Where's the rioting happening?? Where's this 'poverty' in the US that students live in? Proof please.

02-24-2011, 10:27 AM
Ribbit, ribbit...

02-24-2011, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by LollerBrader

We're doing fine. Most of the world is living in shit.


02-24-2011, 10:42 AM
Here's my take on it all.

Fear in the media sells papers. Fear in Politics keeps governments in power........same as it ever was.

02-24-2011, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by Melinda
Nah, the world has always been screwed, we just hear more about it than we did 30 years ago and we have more tools to accomplish evil.

This. In the 90's it was Iraq. In the 80's it was the cold war and a newly discovered killer called AIDS. In the 40's it was WW2 and polio. What we are seeing in the Middle East right now is actually pretty minor in comparison. Revolution and change is inevitable for countries maintaining an oppresive regime.

It just so happens that we today's technology, others in the Middle East were able to watch how effective the protests were in Egypt, and they all at once decided to launch their own - making everything seem really unstable. But I doubt it will turn into much for us over here. Higher prices, perhaps political issues, but that is likely about it.

Calm yourself Broken Legs - we'll be just fine. Perhaps you are still on edge due to your traffic stop?

02-24-2011, 11:59 AM
Humans have lived on the earth for the blink of an eye - we will be gone in another blink. We are too stupid to inhabit a finite area.

02-24-2011, 12:57 PM
World is always changing, just we have the Internets now, and it is serious business.


02-24-2011, 01:35 PM
^^ Qhadhafi haha

Interesting poll results. Lots of frogs.

** To those who have made some minor changes what have you done? Is it saving some money? Having an emergency kit?

** To those who are the frogs - Why are you a frog?

** Tho those who think everything is business as usual, when you see:
- North Korea, Bahrain, Saudi, Kuwait, Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Greece, Tunisia, Yemen, Iran et al
- USA - 100,000 ppl protests (tea Party, Wisconsin etc...)
- Canada - G20 Protests w/ huge abuses of power by police
- South Korea - Bank runs
- Greece, Italy, Portugal, Iceland, Ireland, Spain all bankrupt
California, illinois, New York, et al bankrupt

- Food Prices - Increase 30% in 6 months
- 49 million americans on food stamps (record in absolute and % wise)
- 23% unemployment in the US
- Record world deficits
- A demographics pyramid that is about to fall over.

- Peak Oil
- Peak Resrouces
- Peak population
- Peak Fresh water

Is this all normal? Is it getting worse, or is this just business as usual?

Yes, looking back there have been lots of scares before. But today we are setting prescedents on so many levels, in so many different places.

It seems* so many things need to come to a conclusion, and all within a relatively short amount of time.

Will we see some game changing shift? Or is this just the new normal?

How do you think the next 10-20 years will play out and why?

02-24-2011, 01:52 PM
I think in the next 10-20 years you will see at least half the dictatorships fall and move to democracy. You will see increased human rights around the world, and increased women's rights in places where they are more oppressed, like the middle east.

I think every civilization has a standard progression. Here in North America, there was the civil war just past the mid 1800's. Women's and black's rights really gained momentum through the 1900's.

What you are seeing now from these other countries is a reflection of this standard progression, as countries and their citizens try to "find themselves", and what they feel they deserve from their leaders.

It is possible that the political turmoil in the middle east might have implications for outside powers - where they are forced to support or break support for various countries. For example: How long can the US keep turning a blind eye to the fact that there is just as much oppression in an ally like Bahrain as there is in Iran? Would they be drawn into a war if a country tried to invade Saudi Arabia? (And in a political hotspot like that, Saudi getting into a war is not out of the question)

Consider what is going on right now to be "growing pains". People will die. Citizens will exhibit unrest. All the natural progression of a developing country.

02-24-2011, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by broken_legs
** To those who are the frogs - Why are you a frog?

Because we are NOT in control.

We are not controlling corporations.

We are not controlling governments.

We are not controlling religions.

We are not controlling nature both human and the environment.

So don't worry and take in comfort that there are a lot of frog in the pot with you.

02-24-2011, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by 911fever

Where's the rioting happening?? Where's this 'poverty' in the US that students live in? Proof please.

My post agreed with you... none of that is happening right now in the USA, which is why I'm not concerned. The OP asked when I'd start getting worried about what's happening in the world, and I'm not worried until we see massive rioting in the USA.

However, the gap between rich and poor continues to increase. The top CEOs made the same in two hours of 2011 as the average American makes in the whole year (heard it on BNN, so I don't have a link to this). I think if the disparity in earnings continues to grow, there might be some negative results. However, we're still years away from that.

02-24-2011, 06:18 PM
More than happy to be an ignorant frog than stressed out about things that may or may not be happening.

Living life as usual.

02-24-2011, 08:32 PM
Some significant events in my lifetime so far...
Cuban Missile Crisis
Vietnam war
Cold war
Persian Gulf war
Soviet Union breaks up
So is all of what's happening right now significant - maybe, maybe not. Certainly there's the potential for bigger problems that could arise out of what's happening, but the world has teetered on the edge multiple times in my lifetime and I wouldn't deem what is happening now as significant as some of the stuff that's already happened in my lifetime.

02-24-2011, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema

Unless someone discover unlimited energy and invent a energy to matter converter. We are all working with finite resources.

Energy problems? Two words: NUCLEAR POWER.

02-25-2011, 12:21 AM
Natural gas! It's basically free, we have waay too much, and it's publicly accepted.

I'm a frog. Turn up the heat baby, I can take it.

02-25-2011, 02:18 AM
Originally posted by dawerks
Natural gas! It's basically free, we have waay too much, and it's publicly accepted.

I'm a frog. Turn up the heat baby, I can take it.

Except for the fact that it emmits almost the same amount of C02 as coal.

02-25-2011, 02:29 AM
Originally posted by DRKM

Except for the fact that it emmits almost the same amount of C02 as coal.
Then plant more trees!!!!

...ok but seriously, as has been mentioned, finite resources.

Wars do occur over religion, but if there was no religion, people would find something else to fight about. They just would (Allied Atheist Allliance!!!)

The problem is that we simply do have too many people. Religion promoting pro-creation isn't helping either. It did help a lot many years ago when we were incapable of curing many diseases, and one big epidemic could wipe out a lot of people. There is a possibility that the human race would be extinct, or far FAR more scarce had the religions not heavily promoted pro-creation.

However, now we know so much more. We have the ability to cure these diseases, and also the ability to put on a condom, or a birth control pill..and as a thread in this forum indicates, vasectomies are pretty cheap too!

Where this runs into a problem is the "idiocracy" theory. The dumb will pro-create far more than the intelligent. Completely possible, and probably true. So then the rich (smart) get richer and.....yeah, repeat cycle.

My conclusion? Have less kids.

02-25-2011, 06:33 AM
When the US loses control of the oil and the Chinese continue in their economic dominance we will see some pretty big changes.
I don't think anyone can accurately predict them but I don't think it will be same old and likely things are gonna be bad for the West .

02-25-2011, 07:51 AM
Just a matter of time for the next up rising....



02-25-2011, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by DRKM
Except for the fact that it emmits almost the same amount of C02 as coal. That's not true. The EPA figures Natural Gas produces half as much Carbon Dioxide compared to Coal to generate an equvelent amount of energy.
EPA - Clean Energy - Natural Gas (http://epa.gov/cleanenergy/energy-and-you/affect/natural-gas.html)

02-25-2011, 08:46 AM
What's changed is how information is distributed. If something happens in another country we know about it 30 seconds later. Government secrets are being revealed for one of the first times in history. The World hasn't changed as much as our technology has.

02-25-2011, 10:53 AM
Of course the world is changing, when was it ever not changing?

02-25-2011, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2
What's changed is how information is distributed. If something happens in another country we know about it 30 seconds later. Government secrets are being revealed for one of the first times in history. The World hasn't changed as much as our technology has. :werd:

Same goes for the child kidnapping thread. There is LESS of these instances except everyone gets an alert on their Twitter account now.

02-25-2011, 09:31 PM

The concept of the First World first originated during the Cold War, where it was used to describe countries that were aligned with the United States. These countries were democratic and capitalistic. After the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, the term "First World" took on a new meaning that was more applicable to the times. Since its original definition, the term First World has come to be largely synonymous with developed countries or highly developed countries (depending on which definition is being used).

List of First World Countries:
* Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom and the United States, Israel, Japan, and South Korea, Austria, Finland, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, Yugoslavia, Australia, New Zealand

Greece Highlights from Yesterday:


Kind of a good summary on how I feel about Europe - Wait for Eastern Europe - That will be the key.



Italy in December: (Italy just had its main source of gas and oil cut see Libya)

Iran 1 week ago:


London 2 months ago:


Chile (rioting over gas prices)

USA Protesting (NOT COVERD IN US MEDIA) only 70,000 protestors, no biggy

02-25-2011, 10:13 PM
Minsk Balarus:


C'mon Eastern Europe!:thumbsup:

02-26-2011, 02:15 PM
Communist Vietnam!


02-26-2011, 03:16 PM

02-26-2011, 04:16 PM
In my opinion,

The middle east is now fed up with the lack of a major middle class who is unable to achieve the same standard of living as the rest of the world. Information largely due to the internet and insight into the daily lives of others around the world who are as well educated as them has caused them to rethink their position in their life. Many of them think that they can be the next Gates or Zuckerberg but currently their legal and political frameworks make it impossible. Although I list extremes in success, it could be as simple as having a butcher who is successful wanting to open up 3 more stores. Now he can't due to the costs of bribery, intimidation, corrupt from local agencies ect... Sure he will not be a multi millionaire but he is damn sure to have a better life than he has now, and presumably so would his children if the necessary frameworks were in place.

My parents escaped communist Poland, the events of today are very closely related to the ones of the late 80's. As I sit here today and type as a Canadian, I sure hope the people of all these countries that are in revolt get some sort of democracy, acknowledgement of human rights or freedom.