View Full Version : Racism Discussion

03-14-2011, 09:58 PM
Hey guys, I was having a discussion over racism with my friend after that Asian people in library video. Anyways, we got talking back and forth about why there's racism and why some people seem to think that white people get called out unfairly for being racist when other races are just as racist.

So we just want to ask a few things, what race has historically shaped the world to what it is today and has accomplished the most (technologically, politically, socially, etc.)?

Personally, I do think white people have accomplished more and shaped the world today (I'm Asian by the way)

The other question is do you think white people are more superior? If not, is there any other race if any that you think is superior? The other part to that question is do you think it is racist to state that "x" race is superior to other races?

Personally, I don't think white people or any race is superior then any other race, I believe that given the same opportunities and physical characteristics, anybody from any race can achieve the same thing and it's definitely racist to say one race is superior to another.

Oh and if everybody who answers can state their race too, thanks.

Thomas Gabriel
03-14-2011, 10:06 PM
I believe black people have an inherently lower IQ than both Anglo-Saxons and Asians due to evolutionary factors (such as desirability of intelligence and the amount of violence within their regions). They are also physically stronger due to a favorable hormonal profile and muscle insertion points. Asians have on average the highest IQ. There is no need to be racist in the sense of being mean about anything, but there are definite genetic differences between races.

03-14-2011, 10:16 PM
Who are you basing the comment that Asians have the highest IQ on? Thats not accounting for the millions of uneducated Asian people... its hard to say any one race on average has a higher IQ, if you take into account every single member of that race it would have to be white people just because of the amount of educated vs. non educated people within the race

03-14-2011, 10:17 PM
The fact you think desirability of intelligence and violence in regions affects the evolutionary development of any human leads me to believe you're a black person.

03-14-2011, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by kertejud2
The fact you think desirability of intelligence and violence in regions affects the evolutionary development of any human leads me to believe you're a black person.

Well that went downhill fast.

03-14-2011, 10:24 PM
Thread derailed already?! Blahhhhhhhhh

03-14-2011, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by HyperZell

Well that went downhill fast.

Threads on this subject never go uphill, might as well have fun when you can:


03-14-2011, 10:39 PM
If people could just answer the questions provided it wouldn't have to go downhill like that... objectively answer the question

03-14-2011, 10:45 PM
IMO every ethnic group excells at something different. It may not be politically correct but I believe it's true. It is likely due to economic factors and necessity more then anything.

Fact is most of the major discoveries/inventions have been made in Europe/America from medications to electricity. However when it comes to intricate systems (electronics) nobody can touch Asia. Japan used to make the shittiest shit ever. In the 50's it was always considered garbage. Now Japan makes some of the most sophisitcated systems in the world. Then Taiwan made garbage products in the 80's but now is the world leader in CPU development. korea was no different and now boasts companies like Hyundai (that makes everything from microchips to world class sea container ships.)

China currently makes products we all regard as disposable, however eventually I am sure they will progress and move from being known for making cheap imitations to producing cutting edge produts.

And for jewish people, love it or hate it they are the best business people on the planet. From Calvin Klein, Rupert Murdoch and Milton Hershey to companies like RCA and Dell.

I don't believe there is anything racist about it.

Oh and i am a Czech white guy in his early 30's who really sucks at basketball.

And Pshycoticclown is Asian? I always pictured you as a skinny white guy that had a hard-on for Insane Clown Posse. :(

03-14-2011, 10:52 PM
^Lol, I hate ICP, I dunno why, but I chose this name in Jr high or high school and just stuck around haha.

03-14-2011, 10:55 PM
Rob Anders!

03-14-2011, 11:05 PM

Enough said

03-14-2011, 11:20 PM
Well if we're to answer objectively

Originally posted by psycoticclown
what race has historically shaped the world to what it is today and has accomplished the most (technologically, politically, socially, etc.)?

First it was the Mediterraneans. Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Macedonians and the like. As the Roman Empire collapsed and the Byzantine Empire took over the Arabic and Persian world lead the way in pretty much all advancements as Europe crawled forward with what essentially amounted to agricultural advancements as the Mid East (and Far East) saw tremendous scientific, social and political change that would eventually filter back into the West with the Renaissance. This re-birth was essentially going back to the Mediterranean thinkers of old made possible by the preservation of literature and knowledge by the people we're bombing and what not today. The Huns went from Mongolia all the way to Europe marauding, pillaging and causing a ruckus before settling down, while it doesn't mean much today helping bring down the Roman Empire is a pretty big accomplishment for a bunch of square-heads.

Since then white people have sort of taken the reigns if only because they won the race. Anglo-Saxons saw the biggest advancements in industry, physics and biology, Scandinavians, Slavs and the French in Chemistry, Astronomy and the like.

Thanks to religious law preventing the ability to make money Jews took over finance and such much to the chagrin of conspiracy theorists and racists ever since. Of course their advancements in physics pretty much ushered in the latter-half of the twentieth century in which various groups of white people tried to peddle their influence to various groups of darker people ("they're all Jewish bombs").

All in all, each race had pretty big influences on the other, picking up where others left off and intermingling all the while. Religious and economic factors had more to do with it than any sort of races being superior. Is "the white man's burden" a noble desire or an abhorrent one? Even amongst white people religion played a bigger role in determining success. The protestant work ethic helped drive the Colonies to succeed while the French and Spanish lagged behind.

Personally, I do think white people have accomplished more and shaped the world today (I'm Asian by the way)

They've undoubtedly shaped the world, but accomplishments is a rather subjective term. Not to mention lumping white people into a single race is like lumping Asians into one race. The cultural and historical differences between Celts, Anglo-Saxons, Slavs, Scandinavians and Mediterraneans is as significant as the difference between Arabs, Indians and "Occidentals". The technological advancements of Japan are unrivalled by any singular group of white people.

The other question is do you think white people are more superior?

Not really. The success and failures of various races are pretty much tied to historical social factors rather than genetics. The bigger, better black athletes has as much to do with animal husbandry as it does to
simply being black just as the focus on rigorous study and repetition turn many an Asian student into undesirable over-achievers who mess up the curve for everyone else.

If you look at a sport like boxing it has a direct correlation with the poorest group of people to who the champions were (Irish and Italian then onto blacks and then the Hispanics). White people aren't better at hockey because ice confuses other races, hockey is played where pretty much only white people live and so on and so forth.

If not, is there any other race if any that you think is superior? The other part to that question is do you think it is racist to state that "x" race is superior to other races?

Yes, if only by definition.

Oh and if everybody who answers can state their race too, thanks.

West coat of Ireland born and raised, in the Gaeltacht is where I spent most of my days...that would only be true of my parents, I was born here but the pale complexion and light hair leads me to believe none of my female ancestors were seduced by shipwrecked sailors from the Spanish Armada. My pure Celtic blood makes me undesirable for the more exclusive white supremacist groups oddly enough (let's just say I'm lucky I'm not a dirty Slav).

03-14-2011, 11:22 PM
Could it be that Africans people have "inherently" lower IQs than Whites and Asians and are physically stronger due to ~800 years of slavery? How many generations is that of deprived education and intense physical labor?

03-14-2011, 11:24 PM
The race that wins the space race will be the most superior race (and civilization). It is more likely than not that white race will win the space race and continue their dominance and superiority.

03-14-2011, 11:29 PM
Ultimately it was the industrial revolution in England that set the Western world and Europe on the path that it is on today.

Buh_buh, IMO Africa has had to struggle through some of the worst and most difficult times in history.. droughts, slavery, the English and French occupations. They stood about as much of a chance as the Native Americans did when the Europens came over. Unfortunately the don't have oil or any real tangible resourses so the world just turns a blind eye. The middle east would be no different then Africa if it wasn't for oil reserves.

03-14-2011, 11:36 PM
Whats so dirty about Slavs?

03-15-2011, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by Konj
Whats so dirty about Slavs?

That's like asking whats wrong with pollacks.

Ayo! ;)

Basically (I've always thought) that it came down to luck. White people lucked out. Unfortunately (as is being demonstrated now) there hasn't really been multiple times to luck out. There was/is no second chance. Resources and growth that could only be accomplished/used in a short time period were taken. The last 200 years of human evolution has been quite amazing. They didn't even have electricity 200 years ago :nut: And here we are with the information of the world at our finger tips.

The only other opportunity to advance a specific race of human would be space... but with the way the world is starting to inter-mingle, I don't think its about what race you are (as much).

Supa Dexta
03-15-2011, 05:31 AM

03-15-2011, 06:40 AM
Originally posted by psycoticclown

Personally, I do think white people have accomplished more and shaped the world today (I'm Asian by the way)

Oh and if everybody who answers can state their race too, thanks.


They discovered and spread across the Americas far in advance of anyone else. Later, they conquered half of Eurasia - Including the Chinese.

Their genetic code is possibly the most widespread on the planet.

//A little Mongol in me.

03-15-2011, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by Konj
Whats so dirty about Slavs?

The Western Slavs have more Jewish blood than white supremacists are comfortable with, the southern ones have too much brown blood and the Eastern ones just aren't the right type of Christian.

I had to do a research paper on white supremacists once, its actually pretty damn funny how some of the groups operate in terms of their membership. The Stormfront crowd pretty much accept all forms of white people and simply google "Albanians" to determine if their melanin is worthy enough. Others take the Anglo-Saxon protestant qualification very seriously (Catholicism has lots of latinos and blacks you see). If you've ever got a few months and you've got a friend who's willing to draw a swastika on his chest with a black marker to show you're true to the cause you'd be opened up to a wonderful world full of confirmation bias and general dumbfuckery that accompanies racial debate.

03-15-2011, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by LollerBrader


They discovered and spread across the Americas far in advance of anyone else. Later, they conquered half of Eurasia - Including the Chinese.

Their genetic code is possibly the most widespread on the planet.

//A little Mongol in me.

What about the Greeks? They were quite as powerful as the Mongols.

Everyone is special in their own way. Ethnicity won't even matter when we soon bow down to our robot overlords.

03-15-2011, 09:51 AM
I hate everyone. Whites, blacks, and everything in between.

03-15-2011, 11:28 AM
meh. In 500 years we will all look like Derek Jeter.

03-15-2011, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by CapnCrunch
I hate everyone. Whites, blacks, and everything in between. Yep. Every skin tone has large quantities of fucking idiots.

It's foolish to think that even the most liberal whitey genuinely wants to take a back seat to some other seemingly oppressed race and stifle their own advancement. I won't do it because there is equal opportunity for everyone.

There's rich black, yellow, brown, and red people. I won't subscribe to the idea that I should take seconds to anyone based on their colour. Since when would allowing that kind of racism be okay? If you don't like your skin colour, that's your own problem, not mine because I'm white. I'm not oppressing you.

03-15-2011, 12:01 PM
I think this really depends on what you call valuable technology, and also, more importantly, what time in history you're talking about.

Yeah, right now, white people are on top, but 3000 years ago it wasn't like that. Also, yeah, maybe "white people" invented cellphones and planes and such, but what about the people who invented sewage systems, or the concept of air conditioning, or clean water? Which one do you value more?

Edit: I'm Persian btw.

Edit2: To clarify, what I was trying to say is that every race has been on top at some point. It's just a matter of time until white people extinguish themselves with the likes of Justin Beiber and other such role models.

03-16-2011, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by arian_ma
I'm Persian btw.

Based on kebap alone, you win. Screw planes, phones, etc. the Persians (specifically Turkey) domesticated the first cats, and your kebap wraps are delicious. I don't need anything but the wife, kebap and my kitty to survive.

03-16-2011, 10:32 PM
The reality is that the majority of the more ancient discoveries or inventions tend to have been created by either Asian, Middle Eastern or Northern African regions or influences. Europeans would travel to these places, bring these ideas back with them, repackage or pirate it then call it their own.

History is written by the winners, so when you sit down and read a reference book, you're more likely to hear the story behind how a European discovered or observed something of interest while travelling abroad and brought it back for further study. Unless you do some pretty thorough research, that is.

We as a western civilization also tend to forget that first world countries tend to attract the best and the brightest from the rest of the world (better quality of life, more pay, more opportunity to pursue one's dreams, etc..) The cumulative contribution of immigrants to modern society is probably one of the most downplayed concepts to date. It's like giving a hockey team an extra player on-ice advantage for the rest of the game every time they score a goal. What do you think the score will be at the end of the game?

The score would look something like this:

First World Countries 952, Third World Countries 6.

How does a second or third world country get ahead when their best and brightest leave for greener pastures? That is a question that would take a considerable amount of time to answer (I don't have the space to field this one anyway). Just food for thought.

My two cents.

03-17-2011, 09:09 AM
Soooo, has India/Pakistan ever accomplished anything useful?

03-17-2011, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by Idratherbsidewayz
Soooo, has India/Pakistan ever accomplished anything useful?

India and Pakistan only came in to existence in 1947.

03-17-2011, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by desi112

India and Pakistan only came in to existence in 1947.

Bollywood sucks... sooooo, no?

I of course meant the people that occupy the lands known as India/Pakistan.


03-17-2011, 09:47 AM
Going off on a tangent.

I would have to say Germans are the smartest people on the planet.

03-17-2011, 10:08 AM
On one hand, I'm surprised that by this point the conversation hasn't turned to something heated.

On the other hand, that's one thing I like about Beyond - the issue of race seems to be generally discussed openly and without prejudice. Perhaps that is because we're all intelligent enough to use a computer properly, which generally puts us on an even level with each other. Perhaps it is because we're all car enthusiasts and share a common bond. Maybe it is because there are a lot of asians on here, and to be blatantly racist would have you pummelled into cyber-oblivion fairly quickly. There are lots of reasons why this might be a fact - but I really enjoy it.

I see racist jokes and comments on here all the time - but our users don't seem to take offence. That's just fucking awesome.

Anyway, my take on it is that the whites are the most advanced overall. We're just smarter.

No. Not really. In fact, this comes from the earlier expansion of Europeans and brutal domination and oppression over all other races they encountered. If you take any group and expand across the globe, there is a high chance that they will become dominant in most respects - that's just the way it is.

However, if you look in countries such as ours where multiculturalism is the norm, and racial acceptance and equality enters the picture, then other races significantly level the playing field. This usually happens with one generation, but in an effort to maintain culture and values by the parents, this actually proves to be counter-productive and sometimes it takes more than one generation to become completely equal. (This is why I get so frustrated to see the natives oppressing their own people in an effort to remain distinct)

At the end of the day, it has less to do with races individually, and the general attributes which might or might not be inherently stronger or weaker in the race. It has more to do with having equal opportunity right from birth, and the dillution of customs and practices which are not beneficial to life in a place like Canada. As long as an equal environment is provided one's entire life, the differences in race become less and less apparent.

Yes, blacks will generally be bigger and asians smaller. Jews might teach their kids better business skills. Asian parents might be less able to teach their kids proper driving skills. (Sorry to my slanty-eyed friendsd, but this is often true.) Until more racial mixing happens and cultures are adapted to better suit their environment, it may take many generations to eliminate every one of these trends. In some cases, these trends are really a stereotype more than reality anyway.

In most scenarios, I think it only takes one generation to become generally equal. With the exception of physical appearance, I think most first generation Canadians are exposed to 99% of the opportunities which provide them the ability to be a generally equal in virtually all respects.

I also think that in a place like Canada, in another 2-4 generations, racism won't even be a word that is spoken.

And thats the way it should be.

Originally posted by 89coupe
Going off on a tangent.

I would have to say Germans are the smartest people on the planet.

So smart, they created two world wars. (I'm 1/2 German, btw)

03-17-2011, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by LollerBrader


They discovered and spread across the Americas far in advance of anyone else. Later, they conquered half of Eurasia - Including the Chinese.

Their genetic code is possibly the most widespread on the planet.

Lol, one professor has a theory that they were in Alaska a few millennium ago, that's not exactly proof that they "spread across the Americas". And the only reason they have the most widespread genetic code is because the amount of raping they did during the Eurasia conquest.

Originally posted by LollerBrader

//A little Mongol in me.

What's his name? I hope you're using protection.

(c'mon, you had to see that one coming)

03-17-2011, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by Idratherbsidewayz
Soooo, has India/Pakistan ever accomplished anything useful?

They helped me save on my long distance once.

03-17-2011, 08:33 PM
Have to say - disappointed to see that some people still believe in the stereotypes though (lower IQ of black people, higher IQ of asians, etc..). I've travelled the world and met people from all walks of life who span the whole range of intelligence.

Ever wonder why a group of people are often judged by their lowest common denominator?

For example, if you ask Joe average about car fanatics you'll get wild allegations and preposterous descriptions of "gangster/thug" themed irresponsible street racers who break the law at every opportunity and get their kicks from "NAWS" and committing vehicular homicide.


03-17-2011, 10:56 PM
Well, lets see if I can offend everyone:

Germans are precise. Japanese as well. Precision usually breeds obsessive compulsive disorders relating to purity, which is a fault.

Chinese know how to live and eat and be happy enough to procreate to a fault.

Brits decimate to achieve land. Land which they equate with wealth which is also to a fault.

Austrailians are xenophobes, as are many double male chromosomes which is a fault in itself.

India and Africa... Well they have their faults too, but I'm not crazy enough to mention them.

Rob Anders is his own race, Eggplant reptilian. Come get some Rob!

03-17-2011, 11:45 PM

03-17-2011, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe
Going off on a tangent.

I would have to say Germans are the smartest people on the planet.
If that was true, they'd perhaps be able to grasp the concept of a "reliable" car. Or at the very least, understand the problems of over-engineering, or electrical gremlins.

Just saying. :dunno:

Of everything German I've worked on, owned or seen others own: Im always left with the thought of

"People voluntarily pay more money to own something like this??? wow :facepalm: "
Dont get me wrong, I LOVE Germany, as I've been there, and I agree its people are just brilliant, but for cars, and JUST cars.... Wow.... suddenly Lada seems to be a viable choice.

03-18-2011, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

:rofl: Brain tease: How much fail can YOU spot?

bless your soul.

03-18-2011, 02:01 AM
Originally posted by Idratherbsidewayz
Soooo, has India/Pakistan ever accomplished anything useful?


Numbers, Language, Algebra, Herbal medication and Mother fucking Butter Chicken.


03-18-2011, 05:41 AM
Originally posted by SlickA70


Numbers, Language, Algebra, Herbal medication and Mother fucking Butter Chicken.


Could you be more specific?

Im no history buff, but I think Egypt takes the roll of bringing numbers to the masses.

I'll give you butter chicken though. mmmm

Back to the actual question.

Racism is such an odd way to look at things. Your judging a whole race in general even though they come from different countries and regions. A good example is Africa where blacks from some countries are smarter and more respected, yet other countries in Africa the people are less educated and there's a higher population of people that are just pieces of shit. A good example is Nigeria where people are raised to become criminals and trained at a young age. Unfortunately the government does do anything about it. Also look at the Caribbean, some of the nicest black people I have ever met came from the islands. I also have met some that are just horrible people with no respect. Both came from different islands, but it stems from the politics and wealth of the country.

IMO money, religion and politics change how good or bad a race is in a specific area.

Now this could be argued in a sense that small towns in asia have no money, yet the people are very respectful to others and still live a good life, but then I think that religion and culture play are larger roll.

03-18-2011, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by ZenOps
Well, lets see if I can offend everyone

Pretty much sums up the story of your tenure here... :)

03-18-2011, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by 89coupe
Going off on a tangent.

I would have to say Germans are the smartest people on the planet.


Yes, so smart they followed this crazy bastard into the Second World War.

03-18-2011, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by snoop101

Could you be more specific?

Im no history buff, but I think Egypt takes the roll of bringing numbers to the masses.

I'll give you butter chicken though. mmmm

Sorry, I meant to say numeral position as in place value.

03-18-2011, 08:02 PM
Base 10 math is originally arabic, way more advanced than the confusing roman numeral system. That was a cool addition to civilization.

03-18-2011, 08:07 PM
Soooo.....anyone going to the white power rally tomorrow?:D

03-18-2011, 08:20 PM
Prejudice, racist, etc. blah, everyone is guilty of it at some point lol

03-18-2011, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by ZyaL8R
Base 10 math is originally arabic, way more advanced than the confusing roman numeral system. That was a cool addition to civilization.

Arabs got it from ancient Indians, Europeans got it from ancient Arabs.

Hence the Arabic numeral system in western society, better know as the Indo-Arabic numeral system.

03-19-2011, 10:31 AM
I enjoy this subject but it isn't one that is easy to bring up. I don't think any race is superior to other races. This is going to be on the long-side so I apologize, especially since my writing won’t be very refined. BTW, White Male with Western European decent.

Plenty of people believe the stereotype that Asian people are or a high intelligence in abstract thought. I refute this belief: Just because Asian nations have come to take over high-tech industry doesn't mean anything, the reason they have is because of foreign investment. East Asian nations make good targets for foreign investment not because of some super-intelligence but because Japan, Korea and China at the time of being invested in had rather stable, ambitious and low-wage societies allowing for Western corporations to invest. Realistically if you're a corporation you're not going to invest in Africa & the ME since they are pretty much stuck in perpetual corruption, war and poverty. Investing in Asia is good business.

Many also say White Westerners are wealthy because of a higher intelligence too. But let’s think back to pre-enlightenment and industrial revolution. Ancient Europe was pretty much the Middle East and Africa on Meth, they killed each other for years in war over which branch of Catholicism and Christianity was true and died in pointless wars for a speck of land or a petty disagreement by kings. Let’s not forget people in ancient Europe actually thought sorcery was real and leaving bread under your bed stopped trolls. We've come a long way from that kind of stupidity but I don't think we managed to suddenly get intelligent; it was a resurgence of philosophy, self-awareness and luck.

This brings me to mass immigration though; I love meeting people from around the world and enjoy other cultures. But I do think at times that it would be odd to think whilst the rest of the world is super hostile to the idea of immigration, Western nations are the only ones still embracing it. White people are at risk of having no land they can truly identify with but the rest of the world’s races will. The best rebuttal to this attitude heard was this: When the West modernized on its own, should have they just not continued their path to the modern liberal democracy just to stay with the rest of the world’s ignorance? Basically, just because places like modern East Asia still hold onto the silly notion of racial purity it doesn't mean we should just sit around and wait for them to clue in that it is a narrow-minded notion, they can hold onto ignorant theories. Really it is kind of funny to think Japan has completely fucked themselves because birth rates are shit and there is nobody to replace the old, creating an economy set for a long-recession period.

The other thing I ponder over mass-immigration is that I truly believe hysteria occurs in decline and if we had a serious enough threat to our stability in the west we would likely do what people do when they are in trouble: blame. I do believe all races have a bit of hostility towards others (this has been proven by academic studies), which is fine but, if any serious issues show up I wouldn’t put it past even the super open-minded westerners to start rounding up non-whites and blaming them. This could mean a huge pointless race war, the kinds that happen in Africa, I don’t think we are past such stupidity and never will pass it.

The last point I have here is I do not believe that if we all keep on fucking each other it will be just one race. Granted this is possible but, it won’t happen if the rest of the world still thinks racial-mixing is wrong, especially since many people even in western nations won’t mix. The USA has the highest mixed race population in the world but the people engaged in mixed race relationships are way below 10% and chances are if a white and Asian person has a child, their child in adulthood will probably bare a child with anther White or Asian person pretty much meaning their child will be mostly Asian or White again. We would first need the rest of the world to Liberalize towards immigration and secondly 100 to 1000s of years.

So I do have mixed feeling about this at times mostly motivated by seeing people of non-white westerners holding racist attitudes or even as far as a Japanese friend of mine holding some serious attitudes that Asians were better than Whites in everything and we only held the cards so long because we bring a gun to the table every time (why would one with that attitude immigrate to the land of the white devil?).

When it boils down to it I still embrace immigration, when a denim suit wearing Asian guy comes into my work asking “Ya’ll know where to get a good steak around here?” and then leaves in his pick-up truck I have trouble thinking it is in any way possible for race to dictate behavior.

No such thing as other races, just other cultures.

03-19-2011, 10:35 AM
Everyone come and protest against the white supremacist racisim rally planned for today! They think 'Canada' belongs to them, where the hell did their ancestors come from?

These losers need to understand we all BLEED one color! RACISTS!! They'll need a shank or a shiv today to be reminded, come down and show off your colors!!!!!

03-19-2011, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by veedubin69
Everyone come and protest against the white supremacist racisim rally planned for today! They think 'Canada' belongs to them, where the hell did their ancestors come from?

These losers need to understand we all BLEED one color! RACISTS!! They'll need a shank or a shiv today to be reminded, come down and show off your colors!!!!!

Be careful out there, their is always a couple fights and usually the racist side is just a bunch of dumbass teenagers dressed like douches. What time is it?

Edit: 10:00AM at City Hall

03-19-2011, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by Kloubek

Yes, blacks will generally be bigger and asians smaller.

Sounds like you there over 100+ years ago on the boat slave shopping. Nobody wanted the small skinny black man, they wouldn't last through the shit planned for them. I've been to Africa and they have small and skinny poeple too. Natural slave selection.

03-19-2011, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by veedubin69
Sounds like you there over 100+ years ago on the boat slave shopping. Nobody wanted the small skinny black man, they wouldn't last through the shit planned for them. I've been to Africa and they have small and skinny poeple too. Natural slave selection.

It has more to do with nutrition and health care than anything else... See north Korea vs south Korea for average height/size. Almost the same genetic make up yet one is substantially taller than the other on average and the gap keeps increasing. I don't really think any race is predisposed to be taller on average frankly. Not to mention people of African descent are actually on average shorter than the Europeans. Perhaps that is just confirmation bias from people who watch too many track meets/basketball games.

In the late nineteenth century, the Netherlands was a land renowned for its short population, but today it has the second tallest average in the world, with young men averaging 1.83 m (6 ft 0 in) tall and in Europe are only shorter than the peoples of the Dinaric Alps (a section largely within the former Yugoslavia), where males average 1.856 m (6 ft 1 in) tall.

At the end of the day your capabilities as an individual has a lot less to do with your genetics than with your education/culture.

On a side note I never did get why most Asian cultures are so obsessed with height...

03-19-2011, 12:18 PM

03-19-2011, 01:42 PM
I don't think any race is superior to another. However racism exists in all races. And screw the white supremists idiots, if no one pays any attention to them they will wither away. The attention is what they do want, don't give it to them.

03-19-2011, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by Idratherbsidewayz
Soooo, has India/Pakistan ever accomplished anything useful?

Indians figured out pie (3.14) and 0, was one of the first secular governments (Akbar the Great), created one of the first atheistic religions (Buddhism), had at one point the highest GDP in the world a few hundred years ago, huge advances in astronomy and science during their golden age.

Every culture has its time in history. The Indian's shaped a lot of ideas and technologies we still use today in the western world. I'm not Indian but I'm going there in a month and have done some minor research. I had no idea of these things up until a month ago. Fascinating culture.

03-19-2011, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by kirberman

Indians figured out pie (3.14) and 0, was one of the first secular governments (Akbar the Great), created one of the first atheistic religions (Buddhism), had at one point the highest GDP in the world a few hundred years ago, huge advances in astronomy and science during their golden age.

Every culture has its time in history. The Indian's shaped a lot of ideas and technologies we still use today in the western world. I'm not Indian but I'm going there in a month and have done some minor research. I had no idea of these things up until a month ago. Fascinating culture.

You are allowed to have Butter Chicken at my house.

03-19-2011, 02:17 PM

03-19-2011, 03:10 PM
For those talking about Jews. Let’s not forget Judaism is not a race but a religion.

03-19-2011, 04:00 PM
Anyone go down to the rallies today? Anything interesting happen??...

03-19-2011, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by Canucks3322
Anyone go down to the rallies today? Anything interesting happen??...

Walked right into the middle of the start of the white pride march with my Asian friend, didn't know they were behind us until they started chanting 'WHITE PRIDE WORLDWIDE", my friend's reaction was priceless :rofl:

03-19-2011, 07:37 PM
White trash world wide. Of course they feel oppressed.