View Full Version : Well... That was interesting.

03-15-2011, 04:13 PM
First attack-like migraine I've ever had, and it was a sonofabitch.

Took the day off today due to a cold, had a slight headache but nothing worth mentioning. Got out of bed, took a piss, started feeling pukey so I grabbed a bucket on the way out and sat down to ride it out. Soon as I sat down I felt very hot and kinda like I had to shit. Opened the window. At this point I looked out the window while opening it and all I saw was blinding white. K, NOT DOING THAT AGAIN. I turned my back to the window and sat there. Tunnel vision started to set in, as well as a very loud throbbing ringing. I was too weak to even move or lift my arm to take my shirt off, which I really needed to do to "cool down" since I was sweating bullets from my face and chest. Could hardly see, could hardly hear, felt like I damn near passed out.

After 5 minutes or so it passed, and I was cold as hell from sitting there shirtless covered in sweat with the window open. I realized I wasn't ACTUALLY hot, I was just sweating like fuck and opening the window made my body temp drop a couple degrees to the point where I was shivering. :rofl:

After hopping in bed to warm up I felt much much better.

Anyway as far as I know nobody in my family has a history of these, and this is the first I've ever had. Anything I can do to prevent it in the future?