View Full Version : DriveSmartBC - Corrective Lenses

03-26-2011, 09:57 PM
When I worked in traffic law enforcement it was standard procedure for me to scan the rear of every driver's license that I examined. Often I would find the restriction 21, corrective lenses required printed there. If the person was not wearing glasses I would look carefully at their eyes to see if I could see contact lenses. If they were there, I could see them most of the time.

When I could not see either glasses or contact lenses it was time to ask and there were usually one of two responses. The first was that they had undergone laser eye surgery and didn't need them anymore or something along the lines of "I've forgotten them." The onus was now on me, what to do? Is this driver able to see well enough to continue or did I need to intervene. The restriction would not have been placed on the license if there wasn't a good reason for it.

If you have had corrective eye surgery, it is up to you to go to a driver service center and take the necessary steps to have the restriction removed from your license. Failing to do that means that you are leaving your fate at the roadside in the hands of the enforcement officer. You do the same thing having decided to leave your driveway without taking needed glasses or contact lenses with you.

The protests were generally quite strong when I ordered the driver off the road until a qualified driver or the necessary lenses arrived. My duty was to protect you from yourself and other drivers from you. Failing to do so would put me in a position of both failure in my duty and of legal liability. The police are not qualified to verify your eyesight at roadside, so please take the corrective lenses restriction seriously.

Reference Links (http://www.drivesmartbc.ca/driver-licencing/corrective-lenses)

03-26-2011, 11:39 PM
I am booked for Lasik in June, thanks for the reminder. I am not certain I would have thought about getting my licence altered after the operation. Good to know and I would expect a police officer to do what he needs to do, in this case taking the driver off the road as he/she is not within the legal requirements to operate a vehicle without glasses/contacts.

Plenty of Mr. Magoos out there on the roads in Calgary, my latest example was a female driver buzzing down the Deerfoot at 100 km/hr, cell phone on her ear, map spread out along the dash and getting location instructions from the other party. better to have her in front of me I figured.