View Full Version : Movie rental stores, need some advice

01-14-2004, 05:43 PM
Alright here is the situation. I rented two dvd's from Casablanca video. Had them both for one night and the next afternoon my girlfriend and I went and returned BOTH of them. Some fuckin prick at Casablanca calls a few days later claiming that only one movie was returned. The both of us remember returning Both. So now this prick calls again...Blah blah blah here are the late charges for the movie and I will calculate the costs of replacing it blah blah blah you have to pay this blah blah blah... Anyone else have this happen to them before? What pisses me off even more is that guy acts like such a prick and will not even be open to the suggestion that maybe his staff screwed up. And the way he talks so cocky and condescending He insists that we still have the movie. Anyone work at a video store and know how to deal with this, or have dealt with this before? Can these losers do anything like take me to collections or something. This is the Casablanca in Marda Loop

01-14-2004, 06:09 PM
I had that happen to me at Roger's Video once. I returned a DVD, they said I didn't, so I just said fuck it and rented movies from Blockbuster instead. They haven't done anythnig since... What can they really do to you?

01-14-2004, 06:25 PM
well...I don't know what they can do. I cant remember if i gave them my credit card number when i opened my account or not. Can companies just charge your card without your permission. This guy keeps on calling and i am tempted to just say f___ off

01-14-2004, 07:01 PM
Make sure you are talking to the store manager about it. I had a similar problem involving an account that I never set up with VHQ? something like that. Someone had managed to set up an account under my name and there was over $100.00 in fines under my name. I spoke to the manager of more than one location on the policy of opening up accounts and whether or not they actually look at ID!!! After many frustrating phone calls I had the charges erased. Good Luck! Don't give up and don't pay!!!! Try to figure out if they do have your credit card number and what not and what are the terms of your "renting" agreement? if they have the ability to charge your account they might.

01-14-2004, 07:09 PM
I work at rogers video, and this shit happens ALL THE TIME. honestly, sometimes it is totally our (the staff's) fault, but just as often it's the customer's. here's what i would suggest. first of all, call and ask to speak to the manager (hopefully this is not the same prick you've been dealing with) and ask him/her to double check the shelf to see if perhaps it was shelved without being checked in (this doesn't happen a lot, but it certainly happens occasionally). If they can't find it there, explain further that you rented two movies at the same time and are POSITIVE that you returned them together. also make absouletly certain that you DID in fact return them both... not still at yours or your friends house, in the car, case returned with nothing inside, whatever... because if you DO end up finding it, you'll feel like a real ass when you return it and have huge late charges. still... if it WAS returned (and im sure if you say it was then it was), ask the manager what he/she plans to do about the situation. i know at my store, we're pretty reasonable, and we'll usually take the customer's word for it... especially if two movies were rented and one definetly did come back.... why would a customer scam for one dvd but not both, right?? dvds honestly aren't worth that much... and to most video stores (especially smaller ones like casablanca) would rather keep you as a loyal customer than lose your business for a $20 dvd. regardless, try to be patient with the staff, even if they're assholes (i know this may be VERY difficult especially if they are in the wrong and still being pricks)... because they DO have your personal information, and CAN send you to collections if you piss them off and they feel they have grounds. likely they wont resort to this (sending a customer to collections costs the company $50 each time and the dvd is worth less)... but ive seen it happen before... video store cocksuckers eh? so anyways... i hope this all works out for you, and that this info is somewhat helpful. feel free to pm me if you have any other questions.

01-14-2004, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by fast_girl
video store cocksuckers

Great movie! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


01-15-2004, 12:57 AM
My blockbuster burnt down when i had rented Need for speed hot pursuit. I was gonna keep it but my mom returned it to another location :(

01-15-2004, 01:00 AM
thats why u never rent from ma and pa operations...they have to stay in business somehow

01-15-2004, 01:10 AM
You should talk to the store manager personally and say some idiot keeps calling your number saying you didn't return a video

It happend to me before, I spoke to the manager and he then apologized, I said I returned the video and I would not pay the fee's because I clearly returned the video, I then said that I won't rent anymore movies from them if I have to pay for a mistake a employee made.

He said sorry and gave me two free rental coupons:thumbsup:

01-15-2004, 02:04 AM
was that at casablanca?

01-15-2004, 02:28 AM
Originally posted by fast_girl
I work at rogers video,

Me too! Which one do you work at??

As for the situation, I agree with fast girl. If you're positive you returned it, then it's probably on the shelf. You can go in personally and look for it, or you can talk to the manager.

But on the flip side (and I'm not accusing you btw), I hear a lot of people constantly trying to scam their ways out of late charges and free movies. I've had people claiming they returned the movie barely on time, when the computer says it was returned 2 days late, or in the middle of the day the next day.

01-15-2004, 02:57 AM
i got a good idea... phone up ald. John Lord and tell him your situation, (he owns Casablanca). he is a good guy and should be undertanding... P.S. his daughters arnt to shabby either:thumbsup:

GTS Jeff
01-15-2004, 03:50 AM
if i were u, id return an empty dvd box with a note in it saying "fuck off!"